#{{for ooc reasons it's because i wanted to keep her development while making her indie}}
areyounxsty · 7 years
{{i find it kind of hilarious that @dracoarticuli talks about night vale being this Dangerous Place to Avoid Under All Circumstances and people not remembering ever having lived their because like
that’s. literally a significant part of skylar’s backstory}}
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morethanaprincess-a · 5 years
6, 7 & 22
Mun’s Asks: RP Edition
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I’m going to answer 22 first as it’ll be the longest. Also, a disclaimer:
The question asks for five blogs I recommend to my followers. While I tried to choose five muns based on a variety of criteria, I want it to be clear that if I’m writing with you and you are not listed here, it doesn’t mean I don’t recommend you. Honestly, I could probably answer this question plenty more times with new blogs each time. The better answer to this question is to comb through my blog and see who I’m writing with, as I recommend them if we’re writing or have written threads together.
However, I tried to choose blogs/muns that really do inspire me, contribute great work and/or rph to the community, and aren’t only Danganronpa blogs. Additionally, I tried to choose blogs who have posted IC content in the past two weeks.
22. If you could recommend at least five blogs to your followers, who would they be?
Okay, here we go! Five blogs and/or muns that you should be following:
@the-taboo-king - Literally no surprise if you’ve been following me for awhile. I will always be a fan of blogs that put so much thought, time, and effort into taking a canon character and truly developing that character into their own. There’s an excellent balance between main/canon verses, AUs, aesthetics, and crack over here and if you need some writing inspiration? Just read any of their threads. Literally, any of them. Each one of my Sonia and Gundham threads pushes me to be a better writer, to develop my Sonia further from ‘safe’ canon tropes and I’m always grateful for that. These threads are just a joy to write and I’d say that if you have a Danganronpa character or verse and you’re not writing with this Gundham, you’re severely missing out.
I liked Sondam before I joined the DR RPC. Now? It’s probably my favorite DR ship for Sonia. 
@gungambled / @thawedfrost / @spiritusvendid - Because these are all the same mun, they’re all listed here. All of Kitty’s blogs deserve to be in the spotlight! Admittedly, I’m currently only writing with her Celestia at this time (Sonia and Celestia - future BFFs in the making!), but she gives each one of her muses such a unique voice and insight. Her dialogue is excellent and you really get the sense of who each one of her muses is, whether you’re familiar with the source material or not. Kitty’s also so fun to talk to OOC (possibly because we have some of the same hobbies and enjoy making crack plots about our muses)! It’s a treat when she shares mun photos, as she’s a fantastic makeup artist and cosplayer (And I always support fellow cosplayers and roleplayers, two big time-consuming hobbies!). 
@spurnedadulthood - I talk about Livi a lot over here. There’s good reason for that: Livi’s Kensuke Hibiki comes from a game and anime that aren’t too popular over here on tumblr, but with a ton of verses available, Kensuke can come pester your muse almost anywhere. And while his personality takes some getting used to (he’s. a. GREMLIN.), Livi writes him with such sincerity and devotion to his source material that, for the most part, you just have to laugh and shake your head with every response. Also? I’d never heard of the Caligula franchise before writing with Livi. It took about three RP turns for me to fire up Crunchyroll and watch the entire anime to better understand Kensuke and the Caligula verse (I’m not the greatest at those types of games, so the anime was much easier for me to digest!). It’s very rare that I’m inspired to seek out a muse’s source material if I’m unfamiliar with them, but I can attribute that to Livi’s characterizations and writing skills. I’m pretty sure Livi has more than one blog, too? An OC, I think? Anyway, if Livi’s writing a muse, follow that blog.
@trinitytalents - I admit, I am a bit picky when it comes to OC blogs. However, I really like what 7th has done with the variety of Danganronpa OCs that make up the killing game Project Trinity. With a variety of muses to choose from, 7th has made sure each one has a distinct personality, history, talent, and more, and all of them will fit right in with your Danganronpa muse or verse! I’m a bit partial to Satomi and Atsuko myself, but there’s an Ultimate Stylist Sonia needs to meet. In short, 7th brings their original creations to life so well with respect to the franchise that has inspired them and is just a fantastic example of a multi-muse OC blog. I just wish there was more art of all of the Project Trinity students!
@sadisticbloodlxst - For those who are familiar with the Diabolik Lovers franchise, you’ll know that a lot of the subjects in the games and shows are not for the faint of heart. However, this blog handles all of them with such eloquence while writing for every member of the Sakamaki and Mukami families! That’s a lot of muses with a lot of different personalities, histories, and perhaps most importantly in DL, reasons why they’re just not very nice vampires. Each character is so distinct, with writing full of emotion even when the muse themselves is determined to stay stone-faced. They’re taking a small break right now, but when they return, it’s a blog you should be reaching out to if you’re a fan of Diabolik Lovers (or dark plots, angst, nsfw, etc) at all, even just to read the various threads going on with plenty of other muses. Yes, I’m nosy and enjoy reading what all of their muses are up to! I can’t wait to keep developing Sonia’s storyline with Ruki and eventually, maybe, having her meet more of the cast.
6. What are your thoughts on the current roleplay trends on here right now?
I’m not sure what counts as a current roleplay trend, so to speak, but I’ll give this a shot:
- Google doc rules are a good thing, especially to access on mobile. I should do one myself. A lot of times I’ll get followed and I’ve only got my phone or tablet to check out a blog, and a google docs linked in mobile helps me decide much more quickly if I want to follow someone.
- Blogs and promos that focus so much on aesthetics that you cannot read the posts on their blog or you cannot find the rules/muses/info easily on the theme irk me. I’m much less likely to have the patience to move my cursor around your blog trying to find the smallest possible icon to hover over for ‘rules’ than if you have a sidebar icon that just says, plainly, ‘rules.’  My reasoning of following a blog always comes down to: do our rules/values/interests match and can I work with this mun’s writing? No matter how pretty the blog is, if I can’t work with your IC content, I’m probably not going to follow.
- Patience with replies needs to be understood more by the RPC in general. Just because memes and threads are posted doesn’t mean every mun can get to them quickly. It’s fine to ask someone after a week or so (Vacation and other hiatus reasons aside), but before that? Patience. Interact with more muns, post promos, drabble, create moodboards or song lists, or even find more muses to write. Don’t worry, people will eventually respond.
- I wish group blog promos and indie blog promos had different tags. Even in the fandom-specific promo tags. It’s irritating to try and get a promo in the appropriate tags only to have it buried by group blog promos, often mass-spammed with content that isn’t even promo content.
7. What is the one trend you miss the most that’s no longer popular or seen as much as it was before?
I’m not sure if it was just not a trend or just not as further developed, but I miss the RP days of Livejournal and Greatestjournal. A lot less weird formatting and focus on coordinating blog icons in every post. I think for OCs, icons definitely help. But for canon characters that, presumably, the person you’re writing with is familiar with, it’s tiresome to add. Especially if you’re on the tumblr app.
In general, I just miss more of the focus being on writing: developing skills, brainstorming, etc, instead of aesthetics. Whether it’s the blog style or mass-sharing aesthetic posts, I just wish it was more evenly distributed with written IC content in some places.
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headstrongblake-a · 7 years
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Babes! what even is this!? how are there 450 of you following me? first off, THANK YOU. when i created octavia back in july of the last year i never imagined i would ever make it to almost a year of writing her. i was just having fun for the time being, writing a character i had fallen in love with. it never even crossed my mind that so many of you would enjoy my take on her. now, i can’t imagine not being on this blog. i’ve made so many memories & strong friendships that i’ll carry with me always. i just really wanted to thank you all for being so amazing and kind & it’s a pleasure seeing you all on the dash. each day your guy’s writing inspires me in so many ways. my octavia would be nothing without you guys!
Alright, so here’s some love for the ones who’ve stuck by me for almost a full year, for the people i admire every single day, for the ones i love & the friendships i’ve made, and for all the lovelies i watch from afar. i’ll try to not keep repeating myself but basically loves, you’re all amazing and i love every single one of you.
@foxofthe100 // @louisofthe100 // @ginaofthe100 - brittany my dear, i honestly do not know where octavia and i would be without you and your babes. writing with you and creating different worlds is always one of my favourites. we can literally talk for hours building new threads and head canons together. i think you along with heather, are one of the people who has at least 10 threads going with my little o. not only has writing with you strengthened my own writing, you’ve become truly one of my best friends. skyping with you and sending letters, and just getting to have you in my life is something i’ll always be grateful for. i love you britt.
@faultedleader // @unordiinary - oh no, heather it’s you. and i’m about to get pretty mushy here. i will forever be thankful that you sent in that ‘you’re not a monster/you’re a monster’ meme over nine months ago because from there we’ve only grown. i can’t even control octavia, whenever she sees a new idea her immediate thought is to message you so we can do the thing. i love sending you heartbreaking gif sets & that fact that most of this season we both spoiled each other before the episode so that we could handle getting through it! i love all the threads we come up with and the many different ways we’ve managed to break the blake siblings. i love the friendship we’ve developed & i never want to fall out of touch with you! you’re so incredible heather & i’m not sure what i would do without you. thank you heather!
@soldiiermade - karli, i don’t know where to begin. since day one i’ve been mesmerized with your writing. be it your threads, ask meme responses or your metas i always have to read every last word. i love the two worlds we’ve created for the blake siblings because they always feel like they have this beautifully realistic way about them. they’re complex & i feel like we can never run out of headcanons for these two. your friendship is one i will always treasure with me & i appreciate you so much. anytime i’m writing with you i can feel my writing constantly being challenged & strengthened and it’s such a great pleasure to be able to do it. i love how much you care about bellamy and that you refused to sugarcoat all the traits that people sometimes seem to villainize him for. your portrayal of bellamy is so raw and true & i still can’t believe i get to write alongside with you. ps - when we’re both not so busy with rl, we need to create more worlds!
@trikrulinkon - k, by now i’m sure i don't even have to tell you how attached i am to your writing. i mean just today you were telling me to stop giving you special treatment. ;) i think it’s pretty obvious that i enjoy having you around!! i don’t know how it is, but the second you reply to something all of a sudden my muse for that particular verse always skyrockets! octavia is always demanding i reply to yours right away. but one of the things i also love about writing with you, is that even if it takes me a million years to reply to something, i never feel guilty or bad because we’ve literally been writing within the two same verses since the summer! neither of them have died & they’ve only grown larger and more complicated. i mean, i guess you’re pretty awesome to, always giving me real advice, not sugarcoating things & it’s a bonus that you always give me laughing fits. you’re pretty fucking special & you’re not allowed to go anywhere. :)
@crimiinalchemiist // @valleyborn - danny my love, everything we write together is pure gold. i just love everything we do together and i enjoy all we’ve put our babes through!!! you’re a great friend, one of the kindest i’ve ever met and my life would be a little more dull without you in it. talking with you & writing with you is always a great time and you are truly the jasper to my octavia. no one else could compare to the bond we’ve built between them. i love you with all my heart danny and i appreciate everything you’ve ever done for me & appreciate your beautiful soul in my life.
@shxcklash // @nctyourplaything - emily you are the light of my life. gosh, i don’t know where octavia would be without you and harper. the bond we’ve created between our two babes is one i will never forget and one i hope we will always continue to write. your harper is so important to me and octavia!! mandy, oh goodness, this chick is insane! and i love her to pieces. you couldn’t pay me enough money to believe that you’re not actually channeling mandy while writing her character because i have NEVER seen someone so SPOT on with their portrayal before. it’s incredible. emily your friendship means the world to me & you’re one of my best friends! i love you dear!
@brckenmartyr //@echokcmazgeda // @auroraxblake - mama katie, goodness we don’t write together all the time anymore, probably my fault and we should change that, but there’s never a day where i don’t think of you or smile as I scroll through your tumblr, twitter, or instagram. there’s a reason you’re called mama katie, and i just have so much love for you. sending letters & cards back and forth with you will always be something i treasure ( really i do, they’re all in a special box ) and you’ve been there for me more times than i can count. i love you with all my heart and i’m so glad that writing octavia brought me to you. i don’t know what i would do without you.
@madegrounder // @mademurderer - kate my love, my babe, my original twin. ugh what can i even say except that i just love you so much!! you were the first octavia i ever wrote with & if i remember correctly the first bellamy i ever wrote a modern with and boy oh boy have we come a ways since then. we don’t write together as much as i’d like, my fault again because life is insanely hectic, but when we do write together i’m constantly left in tears & awe of how incredible you are. you’re always breaking my heart & putting it back together within minutes and i appreciate you so much. timezones are stupid so also tend to miss each other but you’ll always be insanely important to me. i want a thousand things with you <3
@hoperisen // @stupiidsheep // @hisprometheus // @mythosraised - tot, my hubbie, if you had asked me 10 months ago if i would be talking to you/writing with you or friends with you, i would have probably laughed in your face. because the second i saw your blogs i turned into a pile of mush just mesmerized by your writing. i was crazy intimidated by you but look at us now! i absolutely adore writing with you & still can’t believe you ever got me to write with ilian ( it was a semi hard sell at first to be honest ). your ilian is the only one i can write with because you just capture all your characters so beautifully. not only is your writing amazing, YOU are one hell of a person. your attitude and outlook on life has me constantly wishing i was just like you! i admire you so much.
@amongthcwreck - liz, i admire you so much! like insane amounts to be honest. every morning ( because you seem to be on when i’m sleeping/just waking up ) i always scroll through all your threads because i’m in love with the many different worlds you throw bellamy into! you always ring true to his character no matter where he is, and i just respect the hell outta you! i want a million things with you & definitely would love to get to know you more ooc!!! please keep rocking bellamy because you’re such a light on my dash every day!!
@portectorisms - below you is the reason i started indie, but you my friend, are the reason i chose octavia. i must have spent a good six months sending you ask memes and just sitting there in awe of how brilliant your writing is, i knew you were a person i had to write with. i’ve always had a love for the 100 but reading your blog constantly is what really pulled me into want to write octavia blake and for that, i will forever be thankful and love you for. even tho i’m slower than slow, writing you is one of the greatest highlights. i always feel my writing challenged with you.
@spctlessminds // @packgenius - emily, you’re the only reason i have the chance to do this. without you, i probably would NEVER have joined indie. i would still be spiraling in circles trying to find a creative outlet after the group had died down. all the things i’ve learned in indie, all the bonds i’ve forged, and the friendships & memories i’ve made, are all because of you my dear. i love you & i appreciate your friendship so much. i know since being on octavia, my muse for anything else has fallen to the side a little but lately i’m trying to find a balance. so soon i’ll get it right! emily, thank you so much for being by my side the last.. goodness, 3.5 - 4 years?? you mean the world to me.
@shestried - J, babe i love you so much. every time i chat with you, snap with you, or write with you i’m having the time of my life. yes, even in those times where you’re literally ripping my heart out of my chest and stomping on it. i love writing with you and the different scenarios we constantly come up with. i love that like you said, we can go days or weeks without talking but when we do it feels like no time has passed at all. i think that’s a sign of a really good friendship? or something like that. i love you darling & i appreciate having you in my life!
@anditsxsorrows / @accidentprcne / @imnobodysson / @onyafevayuj / @lcvedher / @weaknessisdeath / @wanderdestined // @basiicphysics / @everyturnanycost / @redempticnarc / @robinhoodmaia / @idsurvive / @earthkeepcr / @darkestbeforedxwn / @floathim / @gatekeepcr / @kalipsou / @bxmbsxaway / @bornbutterfly / @indiebryan / @linkkon / @commandsdeath / @hxdaleksakomtrigedakru / @childcharlotte / @othcrsidex
THOSE I ADMIRE/STALK FROM AFAR aka we should do things;
@toysoldicr / @leyosgona / @kingroun / @madefighter / @ncncriminalway / @shewhofights / @icymenace / @haihefaroun / @eldcstson / @iintcntiions / @hedaiisms
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ratherbewild-a · 7 years
     positivity meme. i love u tbh. and @starsforged for sending the same thing.
♥ What’s the absolute best experience you’ve had in RP?
     honestly i’ve been in rp for so long that this one is so hard. i would say maybe the first year or so of being in indie. i’d nearly quit rp altogether, i was struggling to churn out even a couple sentences and hadn’t roleplayed at all in months, and then ?? i joined indie all uncertain and intimidated by the drastic change in style from group rps, not sure if it was gonna get my mojo back, and i was like i’ll just rp w/ ilse until i find my footing, but i was immediately surrounded by such a solid, talented group of people. i had so many plots, i was writing so much, writing multi paras with an ease i’d never had before, and it was... so magical and so special and so important to me after struggling for as long as i did.
♦ What’s your favorite thing about RP, generally?
     getting to explore my muses and getting to help my friends explore their muses. just. all those layers and all that development it’s just !!!! the best.
♚ Have you ever made any lasting friends through RP?
     yes!! i’ve known @aardently , @msngs , and another bff of mine since 2013!! and while i may not still be super close w/ even older rp friends, there are several that i’m still mutuals with on social media and we do still talk a couple times a year.
⚜ Have you ever met anyone from RP in real life?
    yep!! i actually ended up in a long-term relationship w/ someone i met through rp lmao so like... duh --- but also i spent a week with @msngs last year!! my all time fav clubbing partner. never 4get. miss u.
✮ Do you think you’ve improved as a writer through roleplaying?
     y e s. because of roleplay, i’ve been writing somewhat consistently for the past eight years. from age and practice alone, improving was inevitable tbh. 
☄ Has roleplay positively affected your life in some ways?
     several ways! it gave me a safe space to explore my sexuality thru my muses when i was a scared lil kid tryin to figure shit out. it gave me friends when i was Sick and lost my IRL social life when i had to go into homeschooling and basically spent two years in bed. it still gives me friends tbh b/c i only rly have those see-once-every-few-months kinda friends irl and i’d be lonely af w/o rp folk. as said above, it’s wildly improved my writing, and encouraged me to stay creative when i probably wouldn’t’ve on my own. and i’m sure there’s more. i luv rp.
☯ Tell us all about your favorite muse you’ve ever written and why they meant so much to you.
     to no one’s surprise, it’s my boy sam. i just... relate to him on such a ridiculous, unexpected level, in both the smallest and biggest of ways, and he’s been a part of me for so long now that it’s just like... of course he’s my number one. where everyone else saw a comedy i saw a tragedy, and i just... wanna wrap my sad, hopeful, goofy boy up in a blanket and keep him safe. 
☼ Have you learned any new skills from being involved in RP (coding, editing, making GIFs, etc)?
     i was editing long before i started editing things for roleplay, but i’ve definitely gotten a lot better since, and started doing a lot more. i did, however, learn to code for roleplay, so thanks rp! also learned how to be professional, how to deal with hordes of people, and how to talk openly about shit going on ooc from being an admin and running a rph; i’d say that counts tbh. 
☀ Have you ever joined a new fandom that you only discovered through RP?
     i don’t do fandoms anymore but lmao. i literally started watching the magicians b/c of you and ilse. watched one day at a time and cruel intentions b/c of ilse. was motivated to watch the oa sooner than i would’ve on my own b/c you IM’d me about oa!sam. && there’s a shit ton of other shows (supernatural, even) that like... i didn’t necessarily ‘discover’ through rp or start watching for rp reasons, but i started watching because someone i met through rp was a fan and got me interested.
♨ What unlikely, ‘only possible in RP’ ships have you enjoyed writing with your muses?
     i’ve done every ship under the sun in the years i’ve been playing sam lmao, but... the crossover ships are the Obvious Answer. exploring how two muses from entirely different worlds would work together, and throwing them in aus just to make it possible for them to even meet, it’s... so good. 
❀ What is your favorite thing about your current fandom or RP community?
     again, i don’t do fandoms, and i don’t get like... actively involved in specific rp communities, but i’ve?? got a nice lil group of friends here and i love that!! it’s been a minute since i’ve had something like that and i just... luv the luv.
✉ Say something nice about someone you follow!
     @starsforged is my Newest Friend so i’m gonna talk abt her!! she’s. so unbelievably sweet && creative && enthusiastic. it’s rare that i meet people that i can like... immediately have relaxed, comfortable conversation with. there’s usually that stiff small-talk beginning or that period where you both try too hard to avoid the stiff small-talk beginning, but when i started talking to em, it was just... so natural and easy, and we clicked so fast, and it was beautiful. and she’s so talented!!! both at writing and her freaky psychic p/nterest abilities. bless her tbh. she’s gr8.
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