#{{prometheus dared to steal fire from gods;; to lift mankind from sorrow;; ic}}
mirrcrmcve-a · 2 years
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@evilendures​ sent:  "I see the new generation of villains do not disappoint! What do you call yourself?" (Kosuke) (Post-Tartarus breakout) || INBOX CALL
“Isn’t there a saying or something about newer generations out classing the old?” 
He doesn’t mean it to come off as short tempered as it sounds. Prometheus is still, admittedly feeling exhausted from recent events. It makes it difficult to want to entertain new company, even those once affiliated with All for One. Granted, seeing your best friend nearly die only to have his body taken over, fighting a full scale war with the heroes, hearing another of your friends died...yeah that tended to not put someone in the best of moods.
Still he takes a breath, pushes a smile on his face. Better to pretend nothing is wrong, after all.
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“Apologies, I’m a bit tired given recent events. I go by Prometheus,” he hums. “And what might I call you, sir?”
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mirrcrmcve-a · 2 years
Slightly Plotted Starter for @harbringerofdecay​​ 
The attack on USJ went...disastrously was the kindest word Elias could put to it. For something that had apparently been heavily planned, it was quite clear that the so called Symbol of Fear had put all his reliance into the Nomu. And absolutely none in finding suitable henchmen for the job.
Given how All for One had coddled the boy, he wasn’t that surprised.
Prometheus had to wait for things to settle down for a moment- while the other teachers pulled Eraserhead, Thirteen, and the students out of the USJ while he assured them he was fine. Minor injuries that could be taken care of at a later time considering the more severe injuries others received. Even when trying to jump in to keep Eraser from getting killed, he was lucky enough to have kept his injuries minor.
When the cost was clear he had sent a message on his phone, stepping into the warp gate that brought him into the run down bar seconds later. Right in the middle of Shigaraki being lectured for his failure. The man was on the ground- bleeding out from four different gunshot wounds. Twitching pathetically, writhing with contempt. The sight made Elias’ eye twitch.
He could agree that Shigaraki performed disastrously. But could the lecture not wait until after his wounds had been treated?
There was a silent, expectant nod from Kurogiri. A first aid kit had already been prepared. Still he could not work like this. Not with the man before him so agitated.
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“All for One, Doctor, while I respect and agree that Shigaraki must learn from his failure today, he is currently bleeding out. Quite profusely. In fact he’s lucky Snipe purposefully didn’t target any arteries or vitals.” he cut in, stepping forward towards the TV projecting the Demon Lord’s voice.
“I need to clean and stitch his wounds. I cannot do so when he’s in such an agitated state because of his loss, and your lecturing. We’ll call you back.”
Protests fell on deaf ears as he reached behind the TV, snagging the cord and just unplugging it completely. He was going to be in trouble for that, but it was better than witnessing the other male being admonished when he was severely injured. He makes his way back to Shigaraki, looking down at him for a moment before bending down,
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“Shigaraki. I am going to lift you up and move you to a booth so that I may begin removing the bullet fragments and cleaning your wounds. Hold still, this will cause some pain.”
He doesn’t wait for a response, already slipping one arm under the bleeding male’s back and one under his legs to lift him from the floor.
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mirrcrmcve-a · 2 years
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@tellnxlies​ sent:  "Stop right there!" || INBOX CALL
He can’t help the bark of a laugh that leaves his mouth. Feet hitting the concrete, whip in hand. Slate blue eyes scanning, waiting for the perfect moment to throw the whip and yank himself up and well out of the detective’s reach. Admittedly- he wasn’t expecting the man to be out and about today. 
He also wasn’t expecting to get chased- by all accounts, this was an off day for Prometheus. Either way, this was where his day was going now.
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“Yeah! Like I’m going to fucking stop cause you told me to! Keep up detective!” He snorts. It was unfortunate, that this was one of the few times he had chosen to leave Minim at home. Otherwise he would have long outrun the officer.
Oh well.
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mirrcrmcve-a · 2 years
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