fateopposed · 2 years
“You make me sick.”
There’s a darkness in Shouta’s eyes that some would say is unbefitting of a hero. His words are low and laced with hatred, and as he glares at Shigaraki, he can feel an anger like nothing he’s ever felt before bubbling under the surface of his skin. This man, this villain, is the very embodiment of everything that Shouta hates - everything he became a Hero to stop.
But even so... Shouta makes no move to attack him. He can’t.
Even his Quirk is inactive. His hands are clenched by his sides, almost shaking from the sheer frustration he feels, but he knows that no matter how hard he tries, there’s nothing he can do. He’s thought it through what feels like a hundred times, and hasn’t found an answer; a way out of this situation he’s found himself in.
But like hell he’s going down without a fight.
“So? What are you planning to do with me? Shigaraki.”
@harbringerofdecay ( starter! )
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@harbringerofdecay liked my bnha levi starter call ( and got a rude asshole thief in return ):
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All men are not created equal. This was the cruel truth of their world, one had to settle with, in order to survive. Quirks were the real curse of their society, forcing them to adjust to a new order of things, one humanity wasn't prepared to face. When heroes are needed, that is when civilization has reached its lowest point and Levi confirmed his beliefs every single day. Every day, as he'd fight for his own survival.
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His eyes had been following the boy for a while now. Nobody approached him, even if many would glance with worry at him. As long as there were heroes around, it shouldn't be their business. How convenient, to rely on somebody else, right ? Fake was their concern, as fake was the peace they believed in. It was when the child disappeared from the crowd, heading into an abandoned alley, that the man made his presence known.
Kneeling right in front of him, his eyes searched for any visible injuries. “ Oi, brat. ” He couldn't tell what had happened to him, but from the look on his face, he could assume nobody would be looking for him. He could recognize the eyes of someone having lost everything. “ You look like shit. ” Too bad for the kid, having to settle with somebody like him, for the time being. “ Now, why don't you stand up. A bath is what you need the most right now, ” he said, extending his hand towards him.
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mirrcrmcve-a · 2 years
Slightly Plotted Starter for @harbringerofdecay​​ 
The attack on USJ went...disastrously was the kindest word Elias could put to it. For something that had apparently been heavily planned, it was quite clear that the so called Symbol of Fear had put all his reliance into the Nomu. And absolutely none in finding suitable henchmen for the job.
Given how All for One had coddled the boy, he wasn’t that surprised.
Prometheus had to wait for things to settle down for a moment- while the other teachers pulled Eraserhead, Thirteen, and the students out of the USJ while he assured them he was fine. Minor injuries that could be taken care of at a later time considering the more severe injuries others received. Even when trying to jump in to keep Eraser from getting killed, he was lucky enough to have kept his injuries minor.
When the cost was clear he had sent a message on his phone, stepping into the warp gate that brought him into the run down bar seconds later. Right in the middle of Shigaraki being lectured for his failure. The man was on the ground- bleeding out from four different gunshot wounds. Twitching pathetically, writhing with contempt. The sight made Elias’ eye twitch.
He could agree that Shigaraki performed disastrously. But could the lecture not wait until after his wounds had been treated?
There was a silent, expectant nod from Kurogiri. A first aid kit had already been prepared. Still he could not work like this. Not with the man before him so agitated.
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“All for One, Doctor, while I respect and agree that Shigaraki must learn from his failure today, he is currently bleeding out. Quite profusely. In fact he’s lucky Snipe purposefully didn’t target any arteries or vitals.” he cut in, stepping forward towards the TV projecting the Demon Lord’s voice.
“I need to clean and stitch his wounds. I cannot do so when he’s in such an agitated state because of his loss, and your lecturing. We’ll call you back.”
Protests fell on deaf ears as he reached behind the TV, snagging the cord and just unplugging it completely. He was going to be in trouble for that, but it was better than witnessing the other male being admonished when he was severely injured. He makes his way back to Shigaraki, looking down at him for a moment before bending down,
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“Shigaraki. I am going to lift you up and move you to a booth so that I may begin removing the bullet fragments and cleaning your wounds. Hold still, this will cause some pain.”
He doesn’t wait for a response, already slipping one arm under the bleeding male’s back and one under his legs to lift him from the floor.
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black-watchs-cowboy · 2 years
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Calmly Evil
You chose your path fully aware of what it entails. you're the suave villain, unflappable, smooth as silk. you're capable of cruelty without breaking your facade, and live with the consequences without hesitation. when you die, you're surprised. through all of your planning and posturing, you had forgotten that you too were mortal. but even as life slips through your fingers, you manage that smile. that same smile.
tagged by ; @harbringerofdecay​
tagging ; @dcay @scorchedscion @moraligned​ @night-divining​
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shatteredxglass · 2 years
What Type of Villain Are You?
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chaotically evil
you do what you want, when you want, and without regard for the law. you keep yourself out of jail by keeping everyone around you off-balance. no one knows what you want, truly, or what you plan to do with all this power you've accumulated. your crimes range from "harmless" pranks to murder. anything for a good laugh, huh? you refuse to let anyone kill you, so you plan out your own disappearance. its a great spectacle - tickets are $10 dollars per person. some people speculate that you've died, but most know the truth. they all saw you escape through the back door.
Tagged by: @darksideofthemultiverse​
Tagging: @stockpiledjustice​/ @harbringerofdecay​ and whoever else would like to do this <3
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crypticdeku · 2 years
accidentally evil --
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you didn't mean to. it was honestly an accident, but who would believe you? you need to watch your back now, because everyone is after you. why wouldn't they be? for all they know, you did it on purpose. when you die, it's from finally being caught by the wrong people. you die afraid, and still running. unbeknownst to you, you are swiftly avenged. your unnecessary death does not go unpunished.
tagged by ; snagged from @harbringerofdecay​
tagging -- anyone that wants to!!
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fateopposed · 2 years
“...Shigaraki Tomura.”
Everything has changed, now. All for One was defeated. Shigaraki and the League - Kurogiri included - are now on their own in a way that they never have been before. And to be honest... Kurogiri is worried about Shigaraki. Not just because he no longer has Sensei to guide his plans, and to step in and give them second chances when the League fails, but also... because Shigaraki has just lost someone who held great importance in his life.
Sensei and Shigaraki Tomura have been together for a long time - as long as Kurogiri can remember. If that’s the case, then... Kurogiri can’t help but wonder- how does Shigaraki feel, right now?
He doesn’t want to ask that question, though. He suspects the response he gets won’t be what he’s looking for. So instead...
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“What are you going to do now?”
@harbringerofdecay​ ( starter for shigaraki! )
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classic and versatile, roses communicate many different things and express a myriad of emotions. roses know how to stand out yet still appear timeless, much like you. you have a quiet and traditional exterior, but inside, you are passionate, romantic, and deeply sensitive. in touch with your own emotions, you can sometimes seem standoffish or prickly, but your thorns are there to help shield you from outside harm. i want to write poems about you.
tagged: @slayersaided ( thank you so much! )
tagging: @withsorrowandregret @ofsavior @domina-noctisim @lovepurposed @collidingxworlds @damnedreams @spezialistin @kakubaku @harbringerofdecay @wisteriawishes @ofstowaways @katebaikiru
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