#{|Like a kiss of gold dust beneath the sea foam: Merman AU|}
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{One more post with these lol, but i got a good excuse this time-- because ya girl did some edits 👀✨}
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@fckin-multi​ {for Ashton, since you said you’d like smth for the bby boi~ u v u}​​
{i can write up something else if this isn’t the sorta thing you’d wanted to roll with, but this is where current idea was taking me-- so i ran with it lol}
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Once calm ocean waves now wiped into harsh swells, stirred by winds above that howled and beat against ship sails, and although currents below were gaining strength as well, for those used to the ways of the sea, such wasn't much of a problem at all... Weaving through the harsh currents, a streak of gold contrasted the otherwise dark waters, not that any above could notice thanks to the depth. While he could stand against the currents, it was still bound to grow tiring after a time, and so... Minato had initially been planning to head for a small cove of rocks, and wait out the remaining storm. However, it seems that course of action was about to be interrupted.
A harsh splash above, and soon enough there was something sinking through the water. At first the merman had expected simply something lost from the deck of a ship, or perhaps a hunk of wreckage... But, rather than something like that, what came down from above was a human. Apparently uninjured, as the waters didn't smell of blood, but... Evidentially not well either, given the way he sank stilly like a weight through the water.
And although normally he wouldn't have concerned himself with a stray human, as this one passed his side, with the merman twisting to the side so as to let the other form fall past, the man caught his eye... This was one of the cute ones, wasn't he? Floating in debate for a few passing moments, a lingering spark of curiosity eventually pulled the merman to follow after the stray human. Cutting through the water until he'd come up slightly below the other, catching the man before he could sink further.
Getting a closer look, he was indeed rather cute, but noticing the blue tinting the other's lips it was easy to realize that lingering here wasn't smart. Humans needed air, after all, and despite questioning why he was bothering... Minato was soon heading toward the surface, breaking through to rainfall upon the waves, but at a much shallower portion of ocean than where they had been not long before. However, even with managing to move the man up far enough into the shallows so that the waves wouldn't lap higher than his torso as he lay upon the sand, gold hues found themselves simply staring once more. Was the man breathing? He wasn't certain, and regardless of the answer, what exactly was he going to do next? In the somewhat sudden decision, the merman hadn't really thought that far...
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{since i don’t currently feel like updating the verses page to include this, thanks to the ideas still being rather messy-- i’ve decided to just make this post for now and either update it later, or simply add a link to it on said page later-- but~! anyway-- finally, here’s some info and ideas i’ve had going for that merman!AU}
Personality tweaks here are of course minimal, with Minato remaining much the same aloof sort of man as usual. With the only real points of note being that he fits within the trope(s) of a mer who both avoids contact with humans, yet also hold some curiosity for them. Rarely making the venture to watch them from a distance, or investigate items of theirs that make it beneath the waves.
Appearances are easily some of the biggest changes here. Having a tail with smooth, typical fish-type scales, with pale gold coloration that fades into a light , faintly pinkish, orange from about half way down it’s length down towards the main tail fin. And while he doesn’t have as many added fins as some mers, he does have a set of pelvic fins, along with a dorsal fin. The pelvic fins having a fair bit of length, as they stop about mid-way down the length of his tail, the dorsal meanwhile, isn’t terribly large. Extending only a few inches beyond his tail. However, it does travel most of the tail’s length, staring from just slightly above where skin fades into scales. All his fins holding the same pale orange-peachy sort of color from a portion of his scales.
Other details include stray patches of scales that litter the rest of his skin, namely upon the top of his shoulders, the mid section of his back, along his sides, and a few tiny patches across his cheeks. The areas along his shoulders and back are somewhat dense, while his sides are more sparsely coated, and those upon his face could almost be mistaken for a bunching of freckles. His ears hold a mostly human shape still, however, they do extend to become small fins of their own, giving them an almost pointed look. And his hands also have slight webbing, though it isn’t even enough to reach the knuckle closest to his palms. His nails are also mildly pointed, and he has a small set of fangs in place of usual duller canines. Also, while i do picture he’d have gills, placement hasn’t been settled for them between his neck or ribs--
{and now, to save some length, i’ll be putting the few headcanons i have in mid below a cut-- along with links for refence images, as i haven’t been in the mood to try and do art for this, despite my temptation--}
First up, image refs-- which, sadly i lack proper sources for a share of this art, as it was found through just various sessions of googling, but if i can ever find a sourced version, then i may return to update it-- his main fins, including the dorsal, are much like this image-- however, the pelvic fins are more like this one. his ears i picture as matching this, but with the previously stated color. And the scales upon his shoulders are packed like this, or maybe more accurately-- like the patches of them that Rin {Kamisama no Uroko} gains during one chapter-- And now, for the headcanons~
✨} Minato is a mix between a butterfly koi, and betta. As i felt this combo was fitting for his combination of beauty, and somewhat aggressive nature.
✨} He still retains his earrings and tattoo in this AU as well, the earrings being either a somewhat common accessory for merfolk as would be the case on land, or, a trinket that found it’s way beneath the waves. And his tattoo retains the same sort of story it has in canon, the only difference is that now it wraps around his tail at what would be the ankle area.
✨} Other accessories he has are still along the lines of bracelets, necklaces, and chokers. Some made with stray human materials, such as ribbon, cloth, or leather, if not simply whole lost items to begin with. While others are made with shells and pearls.
✨} In place of his work for the rabbit shop, here, he and the others would be looking after nurseries of sea bunnies. As many merfolk find them to be adorable pets.
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Alright, so--
Seeing as the idea was being stubborn and stuck with me since some dash goings on a couple days ago-- guess who made an aesthetic for a merman AU because she can’t art to her liking?
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The answer is me-- Now, i’ve got no idea if i’ll actually do an AU related to this, but, since i put in a little work-- thought i may as well yeet the product onto blog lol
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Sunlight glimmered off the surface and shone down below, making for bright curtains beaming into the surrounding blue. Schools of fish flitting about past and through the light as they fed, or tried not to be eaten themselves. But one passing school was unlucky it seemed... As chasing them through the blue waters was a streak of gold, glittering scales belonging to a certain merman, currently hunting for members he could pluck from the cloud of fish. A task that would seemingly have been made easier as he noticed them starting to bunch closer and ball up. However, that was soon proven to be just an illusion, as he soon found himself being squeezed up among the ball as well. This wouldn't do at all--
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Wriggling among the fish as he tried to make away with one he'd currently caught, he did reach the edge of the ball... Only to come face first into a net. Son of bitch-- A growl rumbled in his throat as Minato tried to alter his plan, wriggling back into the mass of fish to try and swim upwards, however, this was met with even less favorable results. As rather than water, what met him was the warm air from above the waves. Realizing the net was being hauled in, and in turn, himself among the catch.
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Another irritated growl rumbled in his throat, but, he knew better than to try and break the net. Knowing from others that neither nails nor teeth were sharp enough to cut through, the merman simply settled in among the fish, frustratedly devouring the lone catch he'd made. Perhaps he could have a little luck and manage to slip back into the sea after the net was dumped on deck... Such was the plan he'd started to bank on as he felt the mass of fish shifting around him. starting to spread back out as they spilled out from their confinement.
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Okay, even tho i have a backlog of drafts i should get to-- since i have inspo thanks to making that earlier info post-- Drop a like if you’d be interested in a starter for a merman Minato~. Or if you’d like to plot something first, then drop a comment below~, and we can chat about it somewhere u w u
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