#{Beshrew that heart that makes my heart to groan for that deep wound it gives my friend and me}
lifeinpoetry · 1 year
How to bless, how give in return, when the favor is not an object but an unexpected place in the heart? When our beloved are only tamed by things that rot them?
— Caroline Randall Williams, "{Beshrew that heart that makes my heart to groan for that deep wound it gives my friend and me}," Lucy Negro, Redux
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p-isforpoetry · 2 years
Sonnet 133 by William Shakespeare (read by Tomiwa Edun)
Beshrew that heart that makes my heart to groan For that deep wound it gives my friend and me! Is't not enough to torture me alone, But slave to slavery my sweet'st friend must be?
Me from myself thy cruel eye hath taken, And my next self thou harder hast engrossed: Of him, myself, and thee I am forsaken; A torment thrice three-fold thus to be crossed.
Prison my heart in thy steel bosom's ward, But then my friend's heart let my poor heart bail; Whoe'er keeps me, let my heart be his guard; Thou canst not then use rigour in my jail:
And yet thou wilt; for I, being pent in thee, Perforce am thine, and all that is in me.
Source: thesonnets.tv
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barzidovigeei · 5 years
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Of partnership and perjury. Sonnet CXXXIII Beshrew that heart that makes my heart to groan For that deep wound it gives my friend and me! Is't not enough to torture me alone, But slave to slavery my sweet'st friend must be? Me from myself thy cruel eye hath taken, And my next self thou harder hast engrossed: Of him, myself, and thee I am forsaken; A torment thrice three-fold thus to be crossed. Prison my heart in thy steel bosom's ward, But then my friend's heart let my poor heart bail; Whoe'er keeps me, let my heart be his guard; Thou canst not then use rigour in my jail:    And yet thou wilt; for I, being pent in thee,    Perforce am thine, and all that is in me. https://www.instagram.com/p/B5LNu66FHI_/?igshid=1xr8keh53aq6a
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”Beshrew that heart that makes my heart to groan
For that deep wound it gives my friend and me.
Is’t not enough to torture me alone,
But slave to slavery my sweet’st friend must be ?
Me from myself thy cruel eye hath taken,
And my next self thou harder hast engrossed.
Of him, myself, and thee, I am forsaken ;
A torment thrice threefold thus to be crossed.
Prison my heart in thy steel bosom’s ward,
But then my friend’s heart let my poor heart bail ;
Whoe’er keeps me, let my heart be his guard ;
Thou canst not then use rigor in my jail.
And yet thou wilt, for I, being pent in thee,
Perforce am thine, and all that is in me”
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