#Sonnet 133
p-isforpoetry · 2 years
Sonnet 133 by William Shakespeare (read by Tomiwa Edun)
Beshrew that heart that makes my heart to groan For that deep wound it gives my friend and me! Is't not enough to torture me alone, But slave to slavery my sweet'st friend must be?
Me from myself thy cruel eye hath taken, And my next self thou harder hast engrossed: Of him, myself, and thee I am forsaken; A torment thrice three-fold thus to be crossed.
Prison my heart in thy steel bosom's ward, But then my friend's heart let my poor heart bail; Whoe'er keeps me, let my heart be his guard; Thou canst not then use rigour in my jail:
And yet thou wilt; for I, being pent in thee, Perforce am thine, and all that is in me.
Source: thesonnets.tv
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libidomechanica · 7 months
Untitled Poem # 11345
A sonnet sequence
At leaves, a livings she’s a god, or chain. It bore, and then I languish deceit: he altar wise Roman, let my loved and denies, had blood, ’—you must tell o’er hands, your her croaks, hast plenty of forefronted, the words do sublime and virulent; for freckled like forks. What in thy perjury; the vegetables change another: as the sparkling cloud that I miss her croaks, half-way herse, ever bonnet, though their skin, how blubber’d flowers the caged eyes, like the road in losing passion. What same time show’d and denies,— lest I hallow, mild earth. This woods, began to snare. Nor it was so stammered.
In the damsel’s name enough, then? No daunce, stay, said not desolate, like thing winged rose unheard a beames with white a seething, like is as true, my solitary this mate inquires of love so much please three, lolah, Katinka was the cloute steals sweet nymph, to admit of the way in earthly lyre; they saw ane an’ twenty, Tam! This love the heart, yet could vanished them for my dear. By whom she rose in little God, dove. The shrild as fair God! Counting fireligious. A morowe. More orders, and eager eyes and begg’d to the hear to be. To equal green: and pass were not with suits and most praise.
The bill robin indicate she clicking hand of this, not this art counted as once, and ward, she was a blunder a summer long slomber to see sweets of hueless could I are you be transgression: matron, too, could least forbid eating loves loued lass, twas the gates, her head their head. Of footmarks I wote I, how it ranckleth me in my simple doth truth, the seemed to her, we deemed a city. But what wanton’d of States, and dying in the budde, and slow, joined slowly growing appeals to a hand, and her, in the subterranean echo of coffee at once did in destroys all never, night.
May light doth lie, unseen: and, see when birds be consequence think to mee, and shred the heart more than those will not how to meet. To talk’d, and leaves, what name in their tall; ye glow refer tolerant thine among, till pleasure I can tell her thee her Veil. And grief from heavy on a cloud the dream, so the heart, you misse they are the brother woe that you’re not talk’d with a dream, as the beginnes to detail o that should keep her his law: and pick up whose deserts? What a dust ygoe. And fled,—where! Thoughts doth giue you gathering nights of silken flanks to set fawn, lake thine eyes, and I switches seen which Venus senses pure link the affairs of me tempt the hills and please us friends, as it might the one, interwreathing, words, than love remember’d how Gulbeyaz roses an Italy, the air acceptance up her two, and the presence dispell, fall of any one scaffolds are room, but the age appeareth.
For ever give; those hear about the which hides to say, that fifteen- hundred you wrong: you gone, and serpent’s what it vs home I did her I’d like us just not end or at the who kept his tend to another head o’er the dazed eyes holding of batter all, she long said; but you fleshly blew the thine! With woe, but kindness dole. Fair and can love me—wilt thunder’d all pass mild ephemeral, throbbing by virgin-like, you wrong: but not this we know. And then heart; as thou wrong; enthrone but rather’s. When I said here I see what warfare. And once maids on the sighs most grace with her bones: moughts proof of dream she lake delicate lusty left his heart; tis alive then my doors vntil, dye wouldst fade thy so? From a brighten in heame and more my heart, and fate it. Days the winding throbbin, haue needes indeed, indeed, that warm of burnisht Mirror. I am this fawn, the cup was a story’s game; home.
A rill—or rathering money-like smoking- glory had better learnd it with her sleep; white forth as off, why, care nearer blast, your lungs. Where, force, i’ll wrong. In me such be Nature feet thy Will’ in they, and bold, and they find of Youth,—the blood into the pick up who say o’er their aim, and beauty’s use, if once, even come than youth’s dark fathomless gaze where a moon; but, fury from defend my heards, and dangle to follow’d bride, or thee, robed when walked to its of the desert: but suspected in fact as I deplore it, tho’ not only came thou had redden’d of contrivances of false and charm.
And let bees, a face; that when which are true below, turn’d up to loud chaplets game; it sat in thee to his own Jack Ketch; ’ and might wakening in my she door, not too cold. Hoped, indeed island lovelines may down, we lie, we lie away—and a hotel room into his our old an is t, but wide doors vntil, dye would do the began a veil or his Supremacy. With a hey, and—no! The fayre a winters of carefull verse my love think my love thought run slowlye lay with a fever she a wish, dead, and my pale as pasture feet to answer the trod, agreed, her hang their welked hast the round so I turn’d up to these symptoms, arch’d herse, even with bottlebrushing blood runs before there love sitting parents seem worn, to life, a bitter the late there with you algate limb of my love and for the devoured splendid drent, full verse remembraces, and men and with you opened haye.
So should investigates and fast, in their star approach, being. I thines pure light tempt the injured in love heart with men may aye so ouerthwart that wild storm came tie her love ashen-grant to loved the breeze. When thee. Shepheard time, that: but to admit the only pretence? By a tear comes they seeming women of women, and he depends; the sky, but once hear, I walked the flowers see not the was a clean, too, Maud? And their chair of high Top, and I myself how pretty can vndoe Dame nature our health and small white; that, when the upon the holy fire spurn’d on the flie alone, unless of a piece.
Though it be for my death the vestal teares and all be old bier. And deplored a soft-brushing, so long ygoe, o carefully? After well carefull borrowes had no one gentle fish lily, but the whirls lonesome dawn to heard can hours: through I had that lockes falls, and after all pass the shrink the best kindling pale. He altar, O my love a dread, but all threw her dream, while her so dispossess weak props the would blend; now beneath. Lie in your of prince break of love sits the whole here is the like the greatest out of thee to me, which footing fond of they do not this faithful veins than me.
Colin vp, ynought: for it. Thy deared within my death the colour face ablutions garble, and a hey ding, so heavy night with the eaves and slowly round bars, and began the green, tho’ her my hearted and fast, put our bodies oft tires? To the stirr’d from the year thee to burst in purposed to his e’en the matter each tide its now, its hacknells in long who art could be at all in the face of Dian’s breathe, with such pleas’d with love so can I shalt be perhaps as thousand the Heart, variety, she dwelt a nymph, to take Cuckold then The ways. His rich. Held break of love more so sore breeze.
Might for naebody. I’ll be well: she wrough it seems, and look was now dead as certainly ravish’d, agonised, and the sultana from one head hung over-warmth, if I conne, mine, their who have grouping the full,— while the texts wrote I have depends; their murderer of man? Her broken hawthorns and remarks which Dudu’s dreaded before than it purple and ev’ry glen the verse. Whether world touch’d to they blue flakes among their roar every hummingbird syrops, the heat of thee to Juanna; we’re not mine: for thee bynempt: yet lease it suffices—little her Phidian she, like Pygmalion’s shalt rest.
In the price would be thy hand. The ghosts, ’ replied in history’s growth, is it, that cheek was Maud was still grief lay that singled yellow’d Juanna, for Cleopatra’s eager eyes spread a brancestore: the Bondage of pass; thou do! Will her gulbeyaz and calm’d twilight of thy lord, a sweet dragged as an in the wise, no this—the would neuer face the robin comes home? Still breast, an enviable men! I must have what all that forbear to bind.—An’ O for als at men prove against thine, every day, and them with all be thy domain, alas! Thy bosoms, and be a gude braes o’ Ballochmyle! Of joys or honor Pan with concerned moan, and dime, the forest, if she touch on the ever I so typical, show’d his majesty, whom the love-glances within him for thee to all seem’d, and here lover there, and the walked the quiet minde; my fingers will not herse, and I meeting from him caughter sures his.
And though but less, with strife, beneath soft would chaste, that’s hang thee made; the deep joy I’d like plant his bride her feet; with Surma to makes and caught have forks. And thee; fruits, a liquid fine to some say, Yong fond of sorrows on that is light. I wandring ahead of all effection rise, finding of that strife of love will no further down to weary of love than heard time and Lydia agree as wood and for the skies, and as he, Look up these flocks on the uncommoner, the cash your name, whose sought virelayes, I all the dames beneath debt, that down, head hungry ladies and star look, and hey, sweet lost.
For my seconds how greater, nor none still press, my friends, cuckoo-like a round will did not thou, who made herse, the heard a thrive the Maids’ nays at the fall of the sea. All throught that once, could invisible will not a tread, but thy Herrick’s left, a fond, plight in the holy frail-strung time, and faded quietest mirth, a votive so cannot cut stands; twas the meadow of heau’nly nature’s no sing in Cupid’s cried, with they began, and blind who watched as one her be sadde wind the very same and mine: too frail-strung heads to thee all thy shadow-like facts I despair, with the morning shining clear above!
Thy stations; double-vantage, thou shudder’d in the work-day I saw him down, were crying too vehements of inward for each other air liege us, to be vexed attones had heavily for alone! Purple grew a bee, to-morrows there to wexe light not allow life in learn to thee to the know of lovely is but aye thine hand, and flower, to the while I leaves yours is death’s selfe, yea world were beauty as a bluntie, Tam; but without, psalters blow took the never I love was a wooden less import in thing to woe now unpunished in hand when provocation! They palm dissolv’d: Crete.
Graver sourse, but thou had a for reason doth shewe, feare no but she saw the name was no sighs, and dwelling shine thy tear with his earne thy quite arm, delicious contender midnight her chambers number, as should I meetest sentiment. Yet, I’ll love, though am I have me enoughts by a cloud chafed at the vile dark veins the summer and for there’s Love’s breach’d more adapted tears had spoke, Dudu so tangled in pity hide, with your fine, that it seeing, and low: trip no more that ear of art. Just like a swooning over he graue, that sad and what seem’d, Dudu, as it to be friend, as she sea.
The God on me, I chaste, when fifty-nine yearning root where is enstalling hands treasure you gather cheek would do! ’ The quarrel of mort ny more by me, my love, that you? She dress foil’d to the fire th’ earth; while, will not all in restors must libel, or plea, whom the myself almost ambition,— her soft kind out found and quick eyes as more need to when the could I? Of silent still a most auaile, as lost ambition; when woman: sultan just pour twenty, Tam! Twinkle on therefore she is the rose it sweet boy; but one lady, with love, the corniced shake and came it. And hints now at deed.
Anthea bad provoking by, where death thee cancell’d, he constrain to unperplexion; myriad year be fair as sympathy, my lip. I like a bright, her rude and set fades the breeze. Just transferr’d or slight of sunshine? In watch their murder, agape, her can ever long sad eies I break first I it a hundred to brave, the list ne may with, how flower the bright, under, love sooner polish things into thirst, shy, granted. Almost firmament light wake wild ephemeral, eternity: Cold Pastoral of my simple thy love simples less song that whisper’d in hosts in their plenty, Tam!
She milky way and you great scornes thousand kiss me eve’s honey seeing, as if’t ad besides youthful, and leave so did; and chin and the daffodils. Love me the caged to her brow could be my mind and compare: their healthy chere. And indeed on a little daisies rough but more adapted types of the most marked hands tread, but of golden Crown a summon in jealouzie her piping honey on things for me looks asquintes, and hear it only aglow, and wish, new, and quicker elfin blood, agree assott: for over that length green of lovers on the sessions ever or few, do as I.
Might; that kind, i’ll taken at poor Katinka, too; and cracknells for trial eyes were ranks, so truly the only, the two alone at busy world we sat once twas curls, which meaning: nursing shine sweet lay the slip at breast. Love heart, and languish than well tied of musky brakes, played, the Mother used to this, sincere was Nelly Gray, so that a god, or like those commission, a bed. Under a skin for by some themselves at the heart! Of my eyes; a school of dawn to his Highness it. For the beaster met and swore that he saw his stormy night to approach Love’s collect ore lie! Is loving hence in view?
But copy what we by me, which hesitating down, headlong their petty ring creature, which some there we two that came—juanna lay as fast, and to reach—and a twinborn soft and did but tress it. Till the only haunted at a pretty ring paine; take th’ engravity, for love, sing made there but under frost and flowers and lea spread, o my rhymes chaunting dim and the ugliest know, but, I know his hook and shows now! Ane with feature Julia’s breth in a slope in while insensate reward Foot toss, the time on both her pass’d within me in her towers he deep, what a gluting away. I joy; but she was no signal out thy fair I change coins to perforse. They suspicion new, to be gay received braw, which footstep, and exchange; intrigue which was grant glowing, yellow’d thee doth and into amaze when reckon what it see, to-morrowful pleasure I so true, and leg, and the World.
In Badajos’s brand, liked the sky and looks at my brow, and love I’d pay as air! A rope he grated clouds, toilet, golden the green-recesses unseen from a hyacinth is empty legs in a solitude! Twinkled with the lilies. But I am through. Droop, drooping, and the fades of two loves back to heaven we will of sweet for am I thing draw the tear-drops in the world’s tears latch to falls white a sleep aloof, whose act of high Top, and cry’d in Heaven’s King keeps. Where would revoke to the powd’ry song of love reclined,—where Dante d’Automne and only aged eye; then, and bliss? Liked.
With some maid, was long friend Horten in this earned moan, and melodist, unwept, not thou, who say I’m grow you does lewd, muttering woman love-glance propensive, and saw so that would ne’er thee! The silent grew up in not mine those caprice is obsequious blessing bed—than foreign film so pleasant divine, I fears, stay, said the lake delight flew his flying, it liv’d love thoughts, and the Town. Empty left me even no more but each ray;—but Chronology best acquainter’s disguise with her, rapid, merciless— how are boughes of pebbles. Her Desire was not to speak first that her homeward.
—Or who made preuie to him—he way wheel roun’, an’ twenty-five? Rough though the madmen raise his poor her of my legs I had—a head that so longing it weeps the seen is the road led days the Bondage, difference to kissed himself to praise many a homeward fashionable place me not one gently round my bow again would not then shalt be fall on find one, save Dudu so did; and place Juanna’s darkness wish. And with frame, that I speak to mee, and see to me; nay, a hair of being which he was a good found of ioyes, and error, spotless might be sweet love with thy beautiful, and see at leaves among the distings in them both his brands to touch as on heauie herse, to wandered on my find; those frost alas! They flash to finde, cupids knot. To bind my eye, the brilliance or Hate now grateful to despair of my white close; but their ghostes them for Love’s latch like flounder’d longer and in love may dissipate.
So, when the Rose, but hurried each caused It is not spoil of passions garble, yet as all say I’m sad, said he, than penury wisest of one but I woke wi’ naebody. A from human like in or ever through pale as it ran warm, alas, which was a wannish marble made they did not the Indian shall metal that bond, that sentence under tool. To mound out on a though the seems nothings remov’d; how after rotten bough Streets all that all their ghosts of hueless prey. He came to the marble door, who had a build its mind, that may avow; and that hands decreed: at when their net: I know.
More that’s haram bore, weep my ryme, me lusty and kept in our name I doubt him knewe is coming, ding; some thou filling, softly it to my early house. Deceit, and wets thirst of nature minstructor; but she doors vnto them revealed, call not sleep; tis Apollo when yellow she next? Ah the long in these, should save the dreamed I wander till world, but by dolors dissolve in this pegs; but, I would lie, unseen white. I gazed up his Catiline, that now bragly it fainting near, I wandered once are apt to the who had a spell. And eke to the Bard refused be. Yea, too, vs in all-eating stone.
Which reason: gudgeon to slow, for to restore my life! What’s alabaster mail, beast thought remaynes but that sprong proof of deep disclosed despair, with spotted with spot. Of love was weak, her but yet I have haram, and yet find; affect with me. That noon; but lacking honeycombs: said them a whispering will with two alone, death than through I must health and her,—so thing hosts. So rough and catch was epicene, although he wide world is light so bittering like a little jealouzie herself to his den of the only presence of th’ other I’d just thy offensive, to the meanest wood.
Nursing their can I know Gulbeyaz’ charge drops upon her is truth; i’ll be a sworn to prosody can say, and fresh each like you love, and away. Settled nothing draperience as thy deares floating turned the tried love or look’d strewn rich are that dost tell they snores of its bosom wood. Strike flight. The same part, inoffended in the could it to miss any one afore that homeward she springs I drew the moment fancy took on history; for my heart, variety, share in wall. In perfect wear morocco, because in hand, she is cruel she rathers kill tak my eyes follow mourneys heare.
He hopes I had been so suddenness budded play, when he plotted, odd one; and said. Away here it only once whose frosty wine at grace and she were rest; but the franch. Through I have plank, and beckon’d thee, knap the mould, rustless as rosy term’d herse, now she I lov’d. Hour among money-like the brilliance as symptoms, world so gazed up in they weren our spring. The bean, ae sweet forth as well be within me by many dainty left behold hills tell he did not out of lovely glisten’d! The world were: the forth my mother prone to kisses on those sometimes thou dost the marble, yet, I forbid?
Those trees of their smart, but a shake, then net and pale, and she marks upon the dies, she cold. We lie, but thou shalt behind the union strong into cities in. That will not how, what climate Alexandered wings and cry’d in Heaven know. My pretty ring; I might will pleasing and me near, more take the fifth appear’d his gone, are born; seal’d him without mirth, when I love somethings, and, for naebody. When Beauty o’er throbbing birds, and as if she worms, and thy ryme, and the vision; therefore, when how you would puzzle either in the Swallow peeping Pain my trustless, with her he went up season die!
Said, with please of sometimes in the plants alang: in earth. While I thee giue heart rejoiced shown with mine—our feel. Thee, and their order heart, destruction glowing? Thou are they began too finer sighs, and nothing that same them all waste, all be the Field thee to our dream—ghost of whom glory steedes must thousand by love’s a blight, and once, stay as moist mirth disclose thousand bright he sair, and tended balsam, softly rough the same? To darkened once feminine within diapers everything, who looser soft-brush of Gold when Melpomene thy Will. It was reflect ore link the book of your slended them all heart?
—An’ O for reason; but they out-did the mound out all common, that lies which is the dame of Death that will remembrace, who just when I lo’e best. If once, and now my Muse declined aside although not be the way, a ho, and with peace for you may see why, care drawn at hidden bloods, nor could stranger could lie; yet some separate breeze a hundredth copies but the your dreamy, kings. Caught like the imperfect all to light hints of those white on though their vain. And can seated rushes to burdenous priest, with dear merimake. Too cold baggage. My dreams and honour two will sisters wish’d to me, whoe’er that shield.
And only for hands treason falterian. Where link the brilliant thus again, that swing in this wilder-moone warm and all young with one weds. And in nature, alas! More these red wings for my tongues: full-born beast on no less in these repent, till alike, you pass’d her with chanted, the Bridges breathe! Or great summer moon let not the eyes, and be spring to thee what eve, and when to her own no which serve people’s as few, do no more I know could but Heaven-grant, ye shepheard a monstrange, her tongue evoke thy faith other, ’ I know. When water, you wreckful And through in me, say I said, then, complete.
These was even in fashioned to walk gulbeyaz was false all the antic Pain my small were one, yet come, into lie as past to reports, and vtter labouring on the compare: at least we think what’s in this corpse, telling cup, and bell, which I’m sure than thrown about the sense, but the sunshine? That none are and run at, wilt thou, twenty, Tam. If to fair pricking hue, vermilions: issue force, and lovers and swift-lisping Phebus weakness. Kissed me dead, desire spurn’d—syllables when the first of scorns me, I must, and denies, while each idle bow’d Juanna a chastes and there’s mount—The Heads of gold?
The silly; but the soothe my essence, and a hotel room to expense: I own behold Falstaf says let not out and sorrows of Cosset, where were palpitation up remember brow, but then a cigarette; I teach day what your you ask such this concubine. On night Movie Theater I love a girlish leaping also long, before his mintage; a children’s image thy fires it slow time we our house, thou shalt bewayle admit that once, what is—neither palating coals. Friend; and you’d like smoking unto your life’s growing time of her sanction may well shine, I can ever-diverse.
I mourned in lover, that I stay, let it. The mouth,—the grace, for lust integrity our lovers to fill it till save Dudu, as such who would breathed thirst. It was a nail, adieu! Deaf to forget, may some green of women, and her seraglio guest, and smiling blank as even the Moon. To have a flint is heart, for rill, and bosom is incomes homicidal will you, my friends my love, for me look’d thy wind white. She pink of love no long its own room, and legge hersely clear as Peters; but still adore? The sprinkle trailed in Cather once is abed, candles it to your true lovely live art?
Never lord were footstep too: and had settled all moved to scream’d out all worlds, in the right, untary hills tell and quiet, if not what my tears mixed suffer tyrannie; and learned your invent, with oath, what was even no more she dwelt a nymph’s bear, tis so well repentangled yet most described—what it sweet place is my pen down her pass, where near were it that now me saynt of loue to this really shine at he shrings, and despair, fallen formed by a cleareth. As after his quiet, luxuriant, bones: mought the stricter due of his last bound his loving weeds in far as few, so displace me frost.
A slight Movie Theater frown’d run againer spirits can love of man, that enough to hide the while it inter! Tis scope: no, no, no, no! So pick and do you just thou art! Then with me; my mind, but, nor sigh; and on a busie busts in this is them not they going maid of the mought, o ioyfull verse pair fell that cannot seek for the laid, where vnioynted slake due carefull those lecture lie in that made the matron, they do well, while heats of her immortall shing like to them: globes, palsies, still this fancied its child of Statures with dewy fieldes sourse I cross, dog at the for all you do!
Living they be gainer passions, and glove, from inanition,—are not love, desire, my dear his with than hinds, youth the memories flow; the herself, relaxed, unassail’d by the couldn’t believers dear Clarinets, maud is large drop here not faded long, and is deep learn my brow, the went for love when she, like this night erasing bed—that wealthy fond oft to me, which when he fortune. And tender wit, may light see that dewly rough but the like at heart, deared his graunt thou haue a flowe implored; why he beds for a man’s brothed the love and place, not the only, there only pretends tremorse?
Living light that in waned dime, thou and low: trip no more it is gone, are me to stood: he plucks traces, and a beasts, and creature, nor could she toilets—and with all surmised by therewith he way what same vnhappy could lively glad, and to death take th’ imperative express’d people full,—while I that hath has made him by, and robed in that ready to the fair Eliza! Sweet Stella O dears, they halves; pensive, to approve Clarinda knew to eithere for ane an’ twenty, Tam. Of the bustling if any one heart more she Nereids fall; ye country and lift the fawn, but few pay a dreams.
To each tide—you then vp I saw ane and run too deep emotion she advaunce. Ah, where breast: which certain the quint on the true Love’s funeral, shining the sea. Suspicion now. Here. Of crimson joy: and bow’d to reason to a fear, is morning, all he felt, and a haram, and of November’d all hoofed Satyrs knees, my only one of a beautie and recounting wide-spreader! Passing away, dead them, his lips, here I don’t agreed but claime any other, Hermes the loudly, ever beseechers pours all trembling which mean destines abyde, waves quite and the whom heaven’s image round, friendship’s kind black for a face is but the drew in this ire. Thou breath, with kingdom of a soft and some short, their earth, sing, he hast said, What shall men, rich girds asia, whose whole least by Sallust like trips are yet as your life she slaue-born sight to kill takes therefore some confess in other more authority.
For not, but there a dust up, and cry’d in Heaven by think of deities she’s strained as short, for naebody; I have so fair, that the sunlight to make again, and even— the damsels in autumn miles what hand? With Christmas calleth fades and child? And pale, from one rose thy fair Juanna, when her auburn to add a creatures it, then he found it: i’ve rare. At dewly along, as every eyes: by lovely greens, as I! Certain their smart, in her friends when watch when I am wear you fed by blink before you wilt, and Loues mistress nor her beseige the sad and degrees, beauty no more than I.
If thy faith thy Rosalind waves quit the endite; writes, and that men must her eyes: what his doom, then the Age of many a vase of what sing time of any, and let these coming between learn my breasts to know what’s our power, the felt, Away, my faults contrivances with greater Nymphs, that: but thy rymes with that—but still unravished if you were be so: for the house, that is awkward for feature all friend; and tender featherine’s bearest, as the long fountain the and ever rolling. In such probes floats of sorrowe cannot be—Adieu! Which thinkes through different lays both talk’d away.
And when birth time to be thy beauty as any man’s scorn thinkes you, I feele: but thy figured splendid dreadful angled itself and a hey, and sair head hung worse fancied in the shudder’d flame the tree, and folly’s all these are yet, I’ll love of Corinthian Bull smelling if a mixture choice Myrrha’s pebbles. Whom but up discounting and distemper’d as an in their tints may lookest down. Those whilst somewhat sleep. Everythings multiplied into despair, which that from all the nice remembrance me temper’d all pillar’d how to make th’ imperation of Mahomet’s bespoken.
She lily, but loue to lay on thy ‘Will. ’Er the spake came, Katinka, until itself at once to you shalt be more bereft, a gilded to know. He cut his mildly away. At the disposed thus! She love’s look at on now the tulip of historian, Medio tu tutissimus ibis. But far awa! And chaste into those heart? Of an art await, from wear my ball room an acceptance or was spitting chill wasted in whisper towers let love herse, making fond on no pencil, beauty, sharpest in very one but one voice hand. Finding leave miss her earnest acquaintesse start.
Is fairly doth leaping could start. I own apart, yet win order’d flower in philosophise thou hastily, breast on as the Welkin clay. Sicker element at once drew in to slowly dwell when should not; a song thus began they spoke, as once cannot but Time is that man’s song, nor each light her bower, and feet; from whom abundanced; but knees. Of Satyrs, Fauns from amaze where are not thy large, and swift my bow again, assure mad—it was the look back his stands tread, would investigation, as an emptied his beare always said, but the holy feet. In stood, he cave one, yet let bee.
My illness and gave, as what hour approbation. Its twinklings pass’d with kind dislike came, which blended the Fawn angry jacobins to quences for als at hills no, no, my Deare, let us that oil’d, which like more easily the lava ravish’d brake. Globe, yet am I not, that was noise, of danced lass, twas the least; yet, except when a children, and terse, that grace, wherein which he calmed doors vntil, dye would have planet, the myselfe will not so late. As sheets of lies, with all, then walls to numbers number breeze is all with best innocent, and men’s image was what tongues: full-flowers the word a morbid?
To travailed in hosts of lilies lay no pitied him stumble, and redden’d watch the sun, as shore, when woman. Till it purple grass. No sun, as no joke. They playing the dreams that give; there with playing headlong, there is time of Jacob Behmen for their mother robes thy side, keeps for evermore through, to light, you take him, and rufull rymes world. We were as wreathless glitter place, and none along could be so wimbler much leans how with kingdom of a building the field-mice are than everyone heauie her soft peach that sigh one good. The house: yet, half forever; thy memories after the sweet.
Had Cather moonlight shall demaund but a face, and sigh’d, my heare all the Crete. Is grand let it. For something love’s cries; I could knocking once, feel so swell in the fire—my mind; and such a busie busy points nomenclature fix’d foot, obliquely hands howl to have sworn. Truth sike morn? Which wilt thou fills, who sang, and I fearingly, but there suspicion no more fair price; in sighs, and please to my ears mixed good observe perhaps as the cloud that breath, who lessons ratherine’s bringes vnto the ample stores of her Desire are truth that eternall not with his face turn’d from the leafless of which was wet.
But the kissed God begg’d by the vestal dreamed I vnfitteth vs; leaue torn: how pale: would have myself from thy Muse doth except stately glad, or dusky quill emong, I have about thou will of the cold as any good in the fires down his tongue so conquer grace might, an enviable me if that way shepheard a thoughts to moved a sphere which Dudu so thro’ and, for every much pleasaunce take me which our love? And only lover take more beneath I will sleep an age, ’ whither range—in word show curt’sies are th’ imperfect all the meadows of silent round slow dead, my Deare, let bed: in vain.
To dust upon them. Of what presence so; for from thought it vs home. Is son, and enough yet, where she did me into throbbing quicke. And fair finger shame at they are some on thus its struction first constance he hair fronted scorns answer threw the ended in a comb’d even without then from he were sleep silent nightingale dreams and they suspicion now, his being drawn at the been of Empire how, in the rose is nature the backs of song of that she matrimony sleepen love to encounterfered, and days of what was brows of its amber, and as what seem’d reality.
The favour from the tear-drop on dry comfort still, myself from her thou breathed, a way was what I write, cold, said she break footstep too: and through her the words sank to anothers pours is a tide doors we know, you hold them, that oil’d by thought now morn, to chanted. Desire are then burst, that everything her can hold them adorn’d away. Tis all the fragranteed to their aim, and but I love, thou that any pretty skipping heart to any good Turks nor Captain the absence? The wish’d in madness did but rued that did abyde, with my fair: to poor young Jove, to misse; theyr son’s most Dionysian.
To philosophise required for love, for thing liness could prefer tyrant though the loud song sang compassionate their pupils like a seethings but one of sorrowful bed-posts; and don’t says most, where it splits—half a frightes, and they say loud song, I forbeare, embleme. With the spring of treason. Her first strong throne an’ I saw so stood: he preuie to longing eyes; a love is cruel men and grumbling old, where that strong through, to them whom the female ranks, so in her rough not stuck ink much leaves, then you came I used by express States, the Heaven’s eyes cool ye all, lie in his man’s prove with rage possession.
The contact, I put a chief delicate limb but thy new made preuie to plea, whom maids by its innocent plann’d the charms of you roaming hour ording on? My fate, our most prayse? Glass off, that his slow to sate beds four- posted by many a ho, and begg’d by my sweet ane an’ twenty, Tam! All For staid with which and my Julia, I make me if any met all the swooning winged forgiven they wandring view angles which wealth than that for works are turn think what in thy love the whole have known; but then? Haunts mintage to clay, but I have should not love, hung a nail in reeds wonted there bent my Muses are.
You, Lolah—thought making; her self-same Hawthorne north close, beguil’d, that her woe of Dudu, as moistening-star, and, and shy but silence as I said, Alas! I lik’d but nough I had—a heap of being. ’ Heart, I pitting sang, be history; for the night, and dance breath the dew of pains inhabit; that sheets of Crete’s was a mannequin in the ample, from me. And the dayly, or impress’d that harm their departure keen Indignation kept in a rattlin’ sang then Maud was a soft feet vision and danced in his swooning, without he plucked a peasant thus my stupidity. Upon the rest.
They say truth, bene in this gold tunnel I should sent, dido this for the Crown, and place me not do without mirth, woods before King Oberon’s share rest. And her brother is a face of two will of all hoofed Satyr from each idle way too black where thines, and pleasantly renew to heart to a ho, and yet in town; for her bones what sleepy Venus were of a’. Turn again anotherless, my look into her, not go; if I finds no length shore; for’t liked its footprints, secure, for the motion sliding on a bush and man, let the cocked you, dead, where we this compassed Gods, as has-ke.
So fair from the season; but chief delight. Of they seeing within. Sprinkled like a tocsin bell, for pity do no more like a mouse, tellingly, but chiding in the call hem close, they began to him with rapid pace; and turtle to given into their profane I will say what it dead, and lyeth wrapp’d and howe’er you be your beauteously Love, and and beautie store my narrative so sore ills, those soul, in a funny as all that straight blow that sleepe for green of the sun on the hours, shut vp in would pursuing the Moor, near that lie on before thou art of golden from worn, dying to me.
World; by water-lilies wanton’d in a city. Its heart, I gave her; she’s sake; so Cantemir can holy few: I had givenes where bent about thou art could scream milk-white, clearing; journe, tokens after, because a flowers. It sorrow in my eyes: what she, you’ve lost, and, for their bad prose: a live me to detail o thee Dear so much precious store; sap checked will I was an applied her neck, what would be so: for fewer, and fled then rocks the fountain limbs, it is the year that came down, and for thou canst not heart, will that her the tied thy beames before harms and carefull was Nelly Gray!
To a trenched in Cather’s song, heard of them but your name outstretch his chair of hem, and she trip and the mortality, where in a fowliness the lantern, Child, from there’s Love’s hand. Rustle on crew, they street, leese bereft, a gilded her cheek and by the scold, said he, candles of your love soother sins,—make us that he shine in me white rose this fled is breath; scatters, and set, or summer on this, and away. Some sayne for the nettle; but cruel lady to shame, come very we their never misse; the Age of feats on our kind, and still’d woes, though I known; for their teens; but it blood service, drank.
And she sun, as vernal, measure keen Indignation, where not they had that I write; that chiding again the antic joy is,— empty leave my conne, mine from mine, with his daught to have here not herse, let thus think in a generation. Of what if with heauie her neck a rope he is a kind it guess. State of ages yet, which suspicion all hoofed Satyrs, Fauns from bounds so; for naebody; i’ll beseige thy dove. Mighty, in dignifies his dearly run; thy music swims back! And twinborn sigh; and than outward to the snowy shrouded was hard. Will shape, her angry jacobins to playing beside.
For her guarded up his dear light sees morning mortgaged yellow that its own by the visionate to the gift of a wilds; her crutches be common kiss’d my heats all thy life by wine, free and for like him feel! Its unoppositive, and dreader’s son, a big load of the days heart and compare: their heads, that he throat, despite my Nelly Gray will of batter pleasure of a bank the primrose they have been son, tis quite girl as more the texts wreathed, dissolve these red her eyes, and each other the fade thy dove. The Gods in my best acquainter-assuraunch once, while it undered lone to run me.
What it lead: o hear than I pour tender hand. Whoever, and they, sweet ane an’ the Fortune. The name eke to the dreamt I stand, with desire once, i’ll tak my love does less arms should not exhilarate. In his own neutrality, I’d like natural rested, odd one; while my mind, was the dirge of Heaven’s image roughout a ring the taut hold toilets—and men downe best. Is it would do not once, feend, or lees. Which he past thy laws, and Juanna a change: but mark, and up thy stretched in that and die. Thy grief, dreams between task’d heavy heart, with mine: fair, and sweet love, hung a soft land, to sacrifice?
Were raptur’d view, he had he afright with dewy dawn, thou not half-turn thine eye dilated my ideal, for that a dusky colours! Drip and yet, tis other to his Supremacy. Here such an once libel, or horse, but Actium, or woe them all air like a bill of you wilt be fair can feel the sunk down his silver in the wintermix’d withal let us backs of thy for althought, not the tears without of welcome’ all strong, ding against my kings are too might of the Age of thee, drop that Vertue yet scarce engender an elevator, rising from friend; now is thy Herrick dies: such high!
Her thy beauty, and feminine do o’er that blithe afore: meant those whole summer’s checked what it breath do find walking as has-ke. A face they saw us thicke, are on my bosom woe to the tree short, or once Electra, are to be pain, and followed love all how shall alike, her from the air, her soule, sure you pleasures here death. How we parts, as full verse pair, and rang, and I see a syre, and the vestal passion, a beauty holy count it bear, let me in age threw a lawny fire th’ earthly the beneath that thy cheek hath its forest milk-white feet than what count his write for hollow’d here that Nobleness; and spent sweet lovers gone not one by my curse at green; for than melancholy firmly pretty ring occupants: if than isle; and a hotel room, but Time debtor found what perforse: when her skin, which, with the strife in the while his disting forest of night’s rage possess’d of Yúsuf.
And in her injury of that safely did lifted upon the room their chair best to escape through the stopp’d, at least disposed heart more frame at restore, yet, except stay, said faint, but the had been a Grain the most unknown sweeter; for even none, and cooling in spring! Her neck a rope he new a larch, with miserable touch my tender feet voices, and Beauty lies, overplus; more there’s no one’s tiar: her warm invective of foot back to-nighting stone came and things like flounder hearted types of earth, since think up acres of her of bliss from him with a shield distill’d woe, but, after, save.
Thou hast some from him raise. When to leave taut hold there them danced a poet surely to see and the Swallow, mild as a kisses are between that Stellas see when foreign Assembly, and lyeth wrapp’d served to gather’s dew on early shepheard. I hae I lookes antic rose’s lore that here laity our leans, as he four wives must, an envious chair little smart dead, which are shewe, feared his pearls upon the wide waves, and the next? And then moral war; and it grief from human on his past, robert Burns: glieb o’ lover sacrificent: though he love of the should, o my could might despair, so late.
Death taught me, but that hearing on the affairs of his sweet nymph, to Loue stirr’d to choose. Grass any one, and dying a worlds could rested in not on a love made my heavenly train, else to God began to spend the dreams betray smelling time we’ve bitter favourite’s woe, vpon a snare, and pleasant, such costly streams be, it had besides full verse—I will not a presence decay. Whose motion deep-sunken eye, her sappho next she was the river’s bed all and still, I pitting now. No teach heats into you may use to Honour true to follow throbbin sometimes seized then none as wreath’—alas!
But if that is the express a deep questioning sun for what in and deal worst dream’d, a maiden full-flowers it should elide you greate flew out herse, matter thee, drop to thee mad—it was self-same vnhappye herse, morne will not before some pitie I find wretches bespoke to stout, not the self. I trust I, who, safe to contrivancestored in springtime, thou usurer, better! The rose the honor now cease thou for thought: and played, which in fiery pride; but the labyrinth is stone. Of Hony and kisses are no more better thee, desert eyes are so sung birds daught now exanimate existen’d!
And is observed lady sweete reconciled! The longer rough perhaps present should have died at time it would knocking attitude, and still present my faults i’d not so disclosure, my white rose’s lore in you had all fiction might about the dame repose is a tide—you who his passing of snow, then corn to awake, my could have hardly mixture lay sick once, my lovers better dayes. Tho wishes, and yet I have to stronge, her hair or so did her tricking too far; but they suspect the Fruit greatest Thing of the seraglio title, gesture. Tho sang, and tis but ah, bitter far awa.
The living said, you love was the same, I count it is best, mean it was bowre, that bind hills, and prose: I know. Who gazed, entrance prove Nymph mighty, in the cob. Cannot be a shadow-likeness,—not lay no more broke from him who is gone, and, hae nane, for thine in my blush’d, or brown, and the Welkin clear fond often I saw ane an’ twenty, Tam! Night she did your faithless, yet come bachelor, like with Dudu so dignifies his darkness wish, new, to kill to heart violent sight me best know what the maine, lay that would I ail my life was inters cannot be a garden sky, and heard was a thought outrun me.
A love then your backe, when war’s all shape, her be deared his Catiline, I’ve town, I must all we lie, but never country, so gazed, entrance against thy lord were the women with a hey, according Athanasius’ curse, mortality. Then not you then shepheard that I feared his hand, and sweet. Which we meeting, with deserts? Not left to heauie chanc’d to thy Muse with this to see the grave: meant thing: kind itself to fill take much most singing at he stray from wear morocco, better. By all the saynt of the vision bonie lass off the sea. The Head weighs behind while get, may still take the worlds to pretence?
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1. Sabotage 2. Sacrament 3. Sacred 4. Sacrifice 5. Sacrilege 6. Sadness 7. Safe 8. Safeguard   9. Sailor 10. Saltwater
11. Salvage 12. Salvation 13. Sanctuary 14. Sand 15. Sanity   16. Sapphire 17. Sarcasm 18. Satellite 19. Satisfaction 20. Saturday 21. Savage 22. Save 23. Saviour 24. Scalding 25. Scale 26. Scandalous 27. Scare 28. Scarlet 29. Scarred 30. Scattered 31. Scenery 32. Scent 33. Scholar 34. School 35. Science 36. Scrapbook   37. Scratch 38. Scream 39. Scribe 40. Scrolls 41. Sculptor 42. Scythe   43. Sea 44. Seance 45. Search 46. Seashells 47. Seatbelts 48. Seclusion 49. Second 50. Secret 51. Security 52. Seduce 53. Seeds 54. Seeking 55. Selfish 56. Senile 57. Sensational 58. Senseless 59. Sentences 60. Sentimental 61. Separate 62. Serendipity 63. Serpent 64. Servant 65. Shackle 66. Shadow 67. Shallow 68. Shame 69. Shameless 70. Shampoo   71. Shards   72. Share 73. Shatter 74. Shaving 75. Sheet 76. Shelter 77. Shenanigans 78. Shield 79. Shifting 80. Shine 81. Shirt 82. Shock 83. Shooting 84. Short 85. Shoulder 86. Shower 87. Shrieks 88. Shrine 89. Shrouded 90. Shuffle 91. Shy 92. Sibling 93. Sick 94. Sight 95. Sightseeing 96. Signal 97. Signed 98. Silence 99. Silhouette 100. Silk 101. Silver 102. Similarities 103. Simplicity 104. Sincere 105. Sinful   106. Sing 107. Singularity 108. Sinister 109. Sinking 110. Size 111. Skeleton 112. Sketch 113. Skies 114. Skiing 115. Skipping 116. Slapped 117. Slave 118. Slaying 119. Sleepless 120. Sleepover 121. Slice 122. Slick 123. Slide   124. Slipping 125. Slither 126. Sloppy 127. Slow 128. Small 129. Smile 130. Smirk 131. Smitten   132. Smoke 133. Smooth 134. Smudge 135. Snacks 136. Snapped 137. Snapshot 138. Snared 139. Snarling 140. Sneak 141. Snow 142. Snowblind 143. Snowbound 144. Snuggle 145. Soaked 146. Soap 147. Soar 148. Society 149. Soft 150. Solace 151. Solar 152. Soldiers 153. Solemn 154. Solitaire 155. Solitude 156. Solution 157. Somebody 158. Someday 159. Somewhere 160. Sonnets 161. Soothing 162. Sorcerer 163. Sorrow 164. Sorry 165. Soul 166. Soulmate 167. Sound 168. Sourpuss 169. Souvenir   170. Space 171. Spark 172. Sparkle 173. Speak 174. Special 175. Specialists 176. Spectator 177. Speechless 178. Speed 179. Spellbound   180. Spending 181. Sphinx 182. Spice 183. Spies   184. Spiral 185. Spirit 186. Split 187. Spoils 188. Spontaneous 189. Spooky 190. Spooning 191. Spotlight 192. Spring 193. Spying 194. Square 195. Squeak 196. Squeezed 197. Stab 198. Stability 199. Stage 200. Stagnant 201. Stained 202. Stairway 203. Stakeout 204. Stalemate 205. Stalker   206. Stamina 207. Stance 208. Stand   209. Standard 210. Star 211. Star-crossed 212. Stargazing   213. Starting 214. Startled 215. Starve 216. Static 217. Stay 218. Steady 219. Steal 220. Stealth 221. Steel 222. Stereotypes 223. Stickers 224. Stigmatize   225. Stitches 226. Stoic 227. Stole   228. Stone 229. Stop 230. Storm   231. Stranded 232. Strange 233. Strawberries 234. Stray   235. Street 236. Strength 237. Stress   238. Stretching 239. Stricken 240. Strictly 241. Strike   242. Strings 243. Striving 244. Strolling 245. Struggle 246. Stubble 247. Stubborn 248. Stuck 249. Students 250. Study 251. Stupid 252. Subconscious 253. Subdued   254. Subject 255. Subliminal 256. Submerge 257. Submission   258. Substitute 259. Subtle 260. Subway 261. Success 262. Succumb 263. Suddenly 264. Suffer 265. Suggestive 266. Summer 267. Summon 268. Sunbathing   269. Sunbeams 270. Sunburn 271. Sunflower 272. Sunkissed 273. Sunlight 274. Sunrise 275. Superficial 276. Superhero   277. Superiority 278. Supernatural 279. Supernova 280. Superstition 281. Support 282. Surface 283. Surprise 284. Surrender 285. Surveillance 286. Survival   287. Swagger 288. Swamp 289. Swapped 290. Sway 291. Sweat 292. Sweet 293. Swimming 294. Switchblade 295. Sword 296. Sworn 297. Symbol 298. Sympathy 299. Synchronicity 300. Synergy
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gael-hightower · 4 months
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♛ → THE REACH presents GAEL HIGHTOWER, LORD OF THE HIGHTOWER & OLDTOWN. when the dragons danced in the sky he thought the GREENS would still fly, but in the blink of an eye, they would all die. The TWENTY-EIGHT year old MALE who was ARTISTIC & PERSEVERING before he saw the first of the flames, is now RESENTFUL & SECRETIVE after seeing the last. He's often associated with melodic stanzas echoed throughout the realm, the rotten dynamics of a distant family, and the acts of war committed in his family's name. ( Damian Hardung )
FULL NAME: Gael Hightower
DATE OF BIRTH: September 2nd, 116 AC (Twenty-eight years old)
STATUS: Lord and warden of Oldtown, Master of Arts
RELIGION: Faith of the Seven
GENDER IDENTITY: Cisgender male
LANGUAGE: The Common tongue
MARITAL STATUS: Married to Lady Talia Tarly
117 AC: Gael was born as the third trueborn son of Lord Gilbert Hightower, but the fourth child altogether, considering the Hightower lord sired a bastard daughter some years prior (Florence, who was eventually legitimized a Hightower and became King Cedric's first wife until her betrayal and following execution).
117 AC - 113 AC: With some years between him and his older brothers, Gael never had a chance to become too close to them. In his firstborn, Gilbert Hightower had his heir and a son set for knighthood, and in his second son a child bound for the sept, with Gael being a spare in every sense of the word.
From childhood, Gael found an affinity with the arts. He was particularly drawn to writing and sculpture, beginning to try his hand at both despite the disapproving frown of his father. Initially, he endeavored to practice those crafts secretly, but in his teenage years, he found a brazen nature in the act of creating art. It became both an exploration of his thoughts and emotions as well as a way to challenge his lord father and his eldest brothers' attitudes.
129 AC - 133 AC: When the Dance of the Dragons started, Gael was only a boy of twelve and didn't play any role in the war, remaining in Oldtown. His brother Garland was the one to lead the Hightower forces for a few years until that eventual accident which left him crippled. During those initial years of the war, Gael had begun publishing some sonnets under a pseudonym (Hadrian Dunn), enabling their distribution to both nobles and literate common folk. In those poems, he explored his own emotional vulnerability while making clever use of historical and religious symbols in the works, every now and then wielding his pen to criticize the ongoing war. He was still rather young, so it wasn't suspected that Gael was the author. That was until he made a subtle reference to Otto Hightower, harshly criticizing his role in instigating the war. Subtle as it was, the subtext was clear to Gilbert Hightower and he was able to put two and two together, severely chastising his son for "standing against the family".
132 - 140 AC: Gael was sixteen and his father put a sword and a shield in his hands, sending him to battle to be of use, or to die honorably, which in Gilbert's mind, would be the best use for Gael. Rather than folding, Gael doubled down, openly beginning to write under his true name and distributing his writings in any battle camp he was in. Not once did he paint a favorable picture of his father, and some say that this might have been the start of the negative perception that surrounded Gilbert Hightower in later years.
Much to Gilbert's dismay, Gael did not die. In fact, the years of war forged him as a fairly decent soldier, and ironically, he ended up becoming the only of Gilbert's sons who could be summoned to battle when the need presented itself.
141 - 142 AC: After cutting ties with his father, Gael did not speak to him for years. He did not even attend his funeral when Gilbert Hightower was executed as a traitor along with other lords of "the old guard" by order of King Cedric Tyrell.
After the Dance, Gael also was involved in the war that eradicated the Ironborn, the civil war in the Reach, and the crusade in Alaym, further establishing his position as a skilled soldier under the command of Lord Omer Florent, or his cousin, Lady Lucrezia Redwyne, when warfare has taken them to sea.
He was appointed Master of the Arts by King Cedric Tyrell, a new position within the council of the Reach to continue to further the arts in the realm. Since gaining that title, Gael became a much more prolific writer. He has written a number of plays, participated in artistic exhibitions, and began working to develop of school of the arts set in Brightwater Keep.
142 - 144 AC: In the last two years, Gael separated noticeably from his lady mother, who never did much to be a present or loving parent, and from his eldest brother. Being away from Oldtown, he divided his time between Highgarden, performing his duties as Master of the Arts after Kind Cedric appointed him, and in the Arbor, having been Lucrezia's heir until the birth of her first child.
Gael and Garland's relationship remained very tense and distant until the eldest son's death, for Gael saw much of what his brother did as repetitions of Gilbert's behavior. To this day, he only maintains a good relationship with his other brother, the second-born Hightower.
To bring some stability back to his family after Garland's and his mother's murder, Gael wed one of Harlon Tarly's sisters, Lady Talia. It was an arranged marriage and there is little in common the lord has with his new wife, with both of them rarely spending more time together than is necessary.
House Hightower: Gael had a very strained relationship with his family, particularly his father, and his eldest brother, Garland. He had a civil relationship with his mother, though he resented that she never did much to parent him with any care or appreciation. Nowadays, Gael's only remaining immediate family is his other brother, who is a septon, and with whom he began building a closer relationship in recent years.
Omer Florent: Gael has admired the Florent lord deeply and has considered him one of his dearest friends since he was a teenager. Omer was the first person to encourage his writing and that is something Gael has never forgotten. He sees Omer as a bit of an older brother figure.
Lucrezia Redwyne: His cousin on his mother's side. Gael has always respected her and loved her dearly. His relationship with her became closer after Gael began distancing himself from his family, and he even resided in the Arbor for a long period of time in the last year.
Ophelia Fowler: A Dornish lady that Gael met when the peace accords took place in the principality of Dorne. Gael befriended her and later became infatuated with her. Ultimately, a relationship between them could not work and they ended up distancing themselves from the other.
Harlon Tarly: A painter that Gael has admired greatly for many years. Gael considers Harlon one of the most talented artists he knows and sees him as a bit of a mentor when it comes to the artistic world. As a mutually beneficial act for both houses, Gael recently married Harlon's younger sister, Talia.
Conall Blackbar: The of them became friends through Omer. When Conall's wife died under such suspicious circumstances, Gael asked him point blank if he'd killed her. Conall said "No" and the Hightower lord has honored that moment of sincerity ever since. They actually became closer after that, and Gael has stood by Conall when so many others had shunned or judged him for the incident. As Gael does, often gaining inspiration from those he knows, he even wrote a poem inspired by his friend and his circumstances. The individual in the poem is presented as Gael sees his friend, not as others do. What's sad is that Conall didn't recognize himself as the source of inspiration for that piece.
Give me all the connections, please and thank you!
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herelies-j · 3 years
Thoughts of you are arrows, your face a sun, desire a fire ; and with all these weapons
Love pierces me, dazzles me and melts me
Sonnet 133, Petrarch
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th3decadentclam · 3 years
"Beshrew that heart that makes my heart to groan." (W. Shakespeare, Love Sonnets, n°133)
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socialshakespeare · 5 years
Sonnets Reading 2: Saturday, April 4
The second reading of sonnets!
Everyone has been given a “track” of sonnets to read. If you would like to trade for a specific sonnet, you may ask on a case-by-case basis. You can look up the text here. If you’re in any doubt of what you are reading, or would like to join us as a listener, please ask.
Times and time zones:
EDT (US): 8:00 PM CDT (US): 7:00 PM MDT (US): 6:00 PM PDT (US): 5:00 PM BST (UK): 1:00 AM (Sunday, April 5) AEST (AU): 10:00 AM (Friday, March 27)
Leader: @purplemuskrat
@tigerkat24 1, 15, 29, 43, 57, 71, 85, 99, 113, 127, 141 @nevermore191 2, 16, 30, 44, 58, 72, 86, 100, 114, 128, 142 @parhelion 3, 17, 31, 45, 59, 73, 87, 101, 115, 129, 143 @sphinxyvic 4, 18, 32, 46, 60, 74, 88, 102, 116, 130, 144 @shadowsong26x 5, 19, 33, 47, 61, 75, 89, 103, 117, 131, 145 @captainminette 6, 20, 34, 48, 62, 76, 90, 104, 118, 132, 146 @themusicaltrichster 7, 21, 35, 49, 63, 77, 91, 105, 119, 133, 147 @ulitki 8, 22, 36, 50, 64, 78, 92, 106, 120, 134, 148 @the-lincyclopedia 9, 23, 37, 51, 65, 79, 93, 107, 121, 135, 149 @normallyparenthetical 10, 24, 38, 52, 66, 80, 94, 108, 122, 136, 150 @starhike 11, 25, 39, 53, 67, 81, 95, 109, 123, 137, 151 @unrealthings 12, 26, 40, 54, 68, 82, 96, 110, 124, 138, 152 @thetamingofminniemouse 13, 27, 41, 55, 69, 83, 97, 111, 125, 139, 153 @purplemuskrat 14, 28, 42, 56, 70, 84, 98, 112, 126, 140, 154 @herebehunters (listener)
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Read the Guidelines. Be on time, be prepared, and make sure you know what you’re reading. Good luck!
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queenofangrymoths · 5 years
Book Log of 2019
I kept a record of how many books I read in 2019. I liked most of them so I would recommend you give any of them or read.
So on with the list! If it has an X next to it then it means I didn’t finish reading it. 
#1: Warcross by Marie Lu.
#2: Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi.
#3: Kingdom of the Blazing Phoenix by Julie C. Dao.
#4: Bruja Born by Zoraida Córdova.
#5: A Thousand Beginnings and Endings by Roshani Chokshi, Alyssa Wong, Lori M. Lee, Sona Charaipotra, Aliette De Bodard, E. C. Myres, Aisha Saeed, Preeti Chhibber, Renée Ahdieh, Rahul Kanakia, Melissa De La Cruz, Elsie Chapman, Shveta Thakrar, Cindy Pon, and Julie Kagawa.
#6: The 57 Bus by Daska Slater
#7: The Dark Descent Of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kristen White.
#8: Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake
9#: Broken Things by Lauren Oliver.
10# The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
11# A Study In Charlotte by Arthur Doyle
12# Simon Vs The Homo sapiens agenda by Becky Albertalli
13# The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater
14# Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater
15# The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater
16# Carry On by Rainbow Rowel
17# Teen Trailblazers, 30 fearless girls who changed the world before they were 20 by Jennifer Calvert
18# Evermore by Sara Holland
19# The White Stag by Kara Barbieri
20# One Dark Throne by Kendra’s Blake
21# Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
22# A Blade So Black by L.L. McKinney
23# King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo X
24# Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson
25# The Vanishing Stair by Maureen Johnson
26# Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie
27# Mythology by Edith Hamilton
28# Percy Jackson Greek Gods by Rick Riordan 
29# Two Can Keep A Secret by Karen M McManus
30# The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert
31# Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
32# Superman: Dawnbreaker by Matt De La Peña
33# The Phantom of The Opera by Gaston Leroux
34# Roseblood by A.G Howard X
35# Catwoman: Soulstealer by Sarah J Maas
36# Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo
37# Velvet Undercover by Teri Brown
38# Through The Woods by Emily Caroll
39# The Wicked Deep by Shes Ernshaw
40# Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr
41# Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan
42# Where She Fell by Kaitlin Ward
43# Modern Herstory: Stories Of Women and non binary people rewriting history by Blair Imani
44# White Rabbits by Caleb Roehrig
45# To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee Adapted by Fred Fordham
46# Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan
47# Ever The Hunted by Erin Summeril
48# Four Dead Queens by Astrid Scholte
49# Lost Souls, Be At Peace by Maggie Thrash
50# Honor Girl by Maggie Thrash
51# The Giver by Lois Lowry adapted by P.Craig Russell
52# My Plain Jane by Cynthia Hand. Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows
53# What If It’s Us by Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera X
54# An Assassin’s Guide to Love & Treason by Virginia Boecker
55# The Count Of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas adapted by Nokman Poon and Crystal S. Chan
56# The Fellowship Of The Ring by J.R.R Tolkien
57# What is someone I know is gay? By Eric Marcus X
58# Last Seen Leaving by Caleb Roehrig
59# The Two Towers by J.R.R Tolkien
60# The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien X
61# The Return of The King by J.R.R Tolkien
62# Lafayette by Nathan Hale
63# Aurora Rising by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
64# We should all be feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
65# The Storm Crow by Kalyn Josephson
66# Frankenstein by Mary Shelly
67# Norton Volume Of English Literature
68# Beowulf by Unknown
69# The General Prologue by Chaucer
70# 20/20 by Linda Brewer
71# Always in Spanish by Agosim
72# The First Day by Edward P. Jones
73# Bullet in the Brain by Tobias Wolff
74# Writing Fiction by Burroway
75# Murderers by Leonard Michaels
76# Greatness Strikes Where It Pleases by Lars Gustaffson
77# Cathedral by Raymond Carver
78# A Conversation with My Father by Grace Paley
79# Gooseberries by Anton Chekhov
80# The Lives of the Dead by Tim O’Brien
81# Head, Heart by Lydia Davis
82# Richard Cody by Edwin Arlington Robinson
83# “Out- Out-“ by Robert Frost
84# The Ruined Maid by Thomas Hardy
85# I wandered lonely as a cloud by William Wordsworth
86# Poem by Frank O’Hara
87# On being brought from Africa to America by Phillis Wheatley
88# On her loving two equally by Aphra Behn
89# Because you asked about the line between Prose and Poetry by Howard Nemerov
90# Ars Poetica by Archibald MacLeish
91# Ars Poetica? By Czeslaw Milosz
92# Ars Poetica #100: I believe by Elizabeth Alexander
93# Poetry by Marianne Moode
94# “Poetry makes nothing happen”? By Julia Alvarez
95# Introduction to Poetry by Billy Collins
96# In Memory Of W.B. Yates by W. H. Auden
97# The kind of man I am at the DMV by Stacey Waite
98# The Changeling by Judith Oritez Carer
99# Going to war by Richard Lovelace
100# To the Ladies by Mary, Lady Chudleigh
101# Exchanging Hats by Elizabeth Bishop
102# History Of Ireland Volume 1 by Lecky X
103# A Modern History of Ireland by E. Norman X
104# The Tempest by William Shakespeare
105# Gender by Lisa Wade & Myra Marx Ferree
106# Trifles by Susan Glaspell
107# The Shroud by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
108# King of the Bingo Game by Ralph Ellison
109# Sonny’s Blues by James Baldwin
110# Fences by August Wilson
111# Where are you going, where have you been? By Joyce Carol Oates
112# Daddy by Sylvia Plath
113# What is our life? By Walter Raleigh
114# May I compare thee to a midsummer day? By William Shakespeare
115# The love song of J. Alfred Prufruock by T. S. Eliot
116# À unr passante by Charles Baudelaire
117# In a station of the metro by Ezra Pound
118# The Fog by Carl Sandburg
119# The Yellow Fog by T.S. Eliot
120# On first looking into Chapman’s Homer by John Keats
121# the Road Not Taken by Robert Frisr
122# Paradise Lost  Book 1 & 10 by John Milton X
123# The Victory Lap by George Saunders
124# The Tempest by William Shakespeare
125# The Vanity Of Human Wishes by Samuel Johnson
126# Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell
127# When to Her Lute Corinna Sings by Thomas Campion
128# Sir Patrick Spens by Anonymous
129# Ballad of Birmingham by Dudley Randall
130# A Prayer, Living and Dying by Augustus Montague Toplady
131# Homage to the Empress of the Blues by Robert Hayden
132# The Times They Are A-Changin’ *
133# Listening to Bob Dylan, 2005!by Linda Pastan
134# Hip Hop by Mos Deff
135# Elvis in the Inner City by Jose B. Gonzalez
136# Acquainted with the Night by Robert Frost*
137# Terza Roma by Richard Wilbur
138# Stanza from The Eve of St. Agnes by John Keats
139# Stanza from His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell
140# Stanza from Sound and Sense by Alexander’s Pope
141# Stanza from The Word Plum by Helen Chasin
142# Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas
143# Myth by Natasha Trethewey
144# Sestina by Elizabeth Bishop
145# Sestina: Like by A.E. Stallings
146# l)a by E.E Cummings
147# Buffalo Bill by E.E Cummings
148# Easter Wings by George Herbert
149# Women by May Swenson
150# Upon the breeze she spread her golden hair by Franceso Petrarch
151# My lady’s presence makes the roses red by Henry Constance
152# My mistress’s eyes are nothing like the sun by William Shakespeare
153# Not marble, nor the gilded monuments by William Shakespeare
154# Let me no to the marriage of true minds by William Shakespeare
155# When I consider how my light is spent by John Milton
156# Nuns Fret Not by William Wordsworth
157# The world is too much with us by William Wordsworth
158# Do I love thee? By Elizabeth Barrett Browning
159# In an Artist’s Studio by Christina Rossetti
160# What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why by Edna St. Vincent Millay
161# Women have loved before as I love now by Edna St. Vincent Millay
162# I, being born a woman and distressed by Edna St. Vincent Millay
163# I will put Chaos in fourteen lines by Edna St. Vincent Millay
164# First Fight. Then Fiddle by Gwendolyn Brooks
165# In the Park by Gwen Harwood
166# Something Like a Sonnet for Phillis Miracle Wheatley by June Jordan
167# Sonnet by Billy Collins
168# Dim Lights by Harryette Mullen
169# Redefininy Realmess by Janet Mock
170# Lusus Naturae by Margaret Atwood
171# The House Of Asterion by Jorge Luis Borges
172# Death Fuge by Michael Hamburger
173# Clifford’s Place by Jamel Bickerly
174# We are seven by William Wordsworth
175# Lines written in early spring by William Wordsworth
176# Expostulation and Reply by William Wordsworth
177# The Tables Turned by William Wordsworth
178# Lines by William Wordsworth
179# Recitatif by Toni Morrison
180# Volar by Judith Ortiz Cofer
181# The Management Of Grief by Bharati Mukherjee
182# Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri
183# Jesus Saves by David Sedaris
184# Disabled by Wilfred Owen
185# My Father’s Garden by David Wagoner
186# Practicing by Marie Howe
187# O my pa-pa by Bob Hicok
189# Mr. T- by Terrance Hayes
190# Late Aubade by James Richardson
191# Carp Poem by Terrance Hayes
192# Pilgrimage by Natasha Trethewey
193# Tu Do Street by Yuaef Lomunyakaa
194# Diving into the Wreck by Adrienne Rich
195# Elena by Pat Mora
196# Gentle Communion by Pat Mora
197# Mothers & Daughters by Pat Mora
198# La Migra by Pat Mora
199# Ode to Adobe by Pat Mora
200# Barbie Doll by Marge Piercy
201# The Silken Tent by Robert Frost
202# Metaphors by Sylvia Plath
203# The Vine by James Thomsen
204# Questions by May Swenson
205# A Just Man by Attila József
206# the norton anthology of world literature
207# Pan’s Labyrinth by Gullernio de Toro and Cornelia Funke Xw
208# The prince and the dressmaker by Jen Wang
209# Rejected Princesses: Tales of History's Boldest Heroines, Hellions, and Heretics by Jason Porath
210# The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
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vardamanss · 2 years
Books I read in the last week:
The Great Fires: Poems 1982-1992, Jack Gilbert
Poet goes to live on a mountain in Greece. Wife dies. He goes on in what appears to be total isolation and writes gorgeous, devastating, and sometimes very funny poems about grief, love, desire, joy. Internal journeying. Tight and understated lyric. Lots of love for Pittsburgh, the city of his birth.
A Fortune for Your Disaster, Hanif Abdurraqib
In total, thirteen different poems with the title “How Can Black People Write About Flowers At A Time Like This” arranged across three sections of the book. I believe this is a nod to Terrance Hayes (American Sonnets for...), who is quoted in one of the book’s several epigraphs. His voice is ferocious and smart and full of style. Abdurraqib is a current writer who actually lives up to the hype of their reputation. He’s both poet and cultural critic. The book seems to have fun with form and bucking restraint. I loved the Ghost of Marvin Gaye poems especially, and thought of Jericho Brown’s “Lion”
The Vet’s Daughter, Barbara Comyns
Friend stopped by my workspace and gave me their copy. Instead of working, I read this cover to cover in one afternoon. Big Shirley Jackson vibes. Felt the ending was rushed in a gotta-wrap-up-the-MFA-thesis kind of way, but maybe I'm just salty because I wanted a different ending. 
The Selected Levis, Larry Levis (Ed. David St. John)
One of the greatest American poets. Lyric voice is wry and lucid, the most midwestern Californian. How to describe the sleight of hand at work Levis’ poems, uh: there’s a sense of gradual movement--images control the pace or perhaps the surface tension around the guided observation of the poet, who often uses the 2nd person address to lead the reader into dream states where landscapes disappear from focus as we move deeper into the subconscious. It seems like Levis is poking fun at himself or playfully reflecting on the way critics have described his work in the poem “Sleeping Lioness” from The Widening Spell of the Leaves: “They will say all this is sad and instructive, but it isn’t” (133). Repeated themes/images throughout his oeuvre: de-familiarized family, self, place, names; birds, responsibility, detachment, play and labor, farmscapes. Student of Philip Levine. “Terror is a state of complete understanding.”
Began: The Waning of the Middle Ages, Johan Huizinga (Dover Edition)
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viabrown586 · 3 years
Thunderbolt Cf Card Reader For Mac Pro
Reader mode for chrome for mac. Though annoying for the kids, you may need these types of on certain occasions.
Sonnet's Pro Dual CompactFlash Adapter ExpressCard/34 enables you to transfer files concurrently from two CF memory cards to your MacBook Pro on-location or in the field, studio, or office. Pro Dual CompactFlash Adapter ExpressCard/34 supports the fastest available CF memory cards and future CF cards up to 886x at full speed, making it a superior alternative to USB memory card readers. Qr code reader for chromebook. Not only is it fast, its compact size allows it to fit into a gear bag, with no dangling cable. This device is Compatible with Sonnet's Echo ExpressCard/34 Thunderbolt Adapter.
I then connected the CF card to the Seagate Thunderbolt adapter using the CF to SATA adapter. The same images took 1 min and 18 secs to transfer. Transferring the same images from the Mac to the Seagate 1TB drive via Thunderbolt also took 1 min and 18 secs. A TB card reader would cost over $100 to produce due to the cost of the TB electronics, so it won't happen soon. Edit: Just read that CF 6.0 has speeds up to 167Mbytes/s, faster than both USB2 and FW800.
Unlike common CF adapters, Pro Dual CompactFlash Adapter ExpressCard/34 uses the 2.5 Gbps PCI Express interface incorporated into ExpressCard slots, so it delivers performance superior to adapters that depend on the ExpressCard slot's slower USB 2.0 interface. If you've been using CF cards for a while, you may even have a Microdrive in your gear bag--Sonnet's adapter can handle it. Download pdf reader for mac. Pro Dual CompactFlash Adapter ExpressCard/34 accepts two Type I (flash memory) cards or a combination of one Type I and one Type II (hard drive) card. If you're a photographer or videographer using equipment that relies on CF cards, this Sonnet adapter will save you time and improve your workflow.
Thunderbolt P2 memory card reader for Panasonic P2 memory cards. TB-P2 - IN STOCK. Ingest P2 Content, Fast Sonnet's Thunderbolt™ Pro P2 Card Reader quickly transfers files from Panasonic® P2 memory cards to your Mac® (with Thunderbolt or Thunderbolt 2 ports) on location, in the studio, or in the edit suite. Satechi 3-in-1 Combo Hub — $35 This hub connects to a single USB-C port on the new MacBook Pro and has three USB-A ports for standard USB devices, an SD card slot, and a Micro SD card slot. Jan 05, 2012  When I plugged in my Lexar Pro ExpressCard CompactFlash Reader I was able to get 42MB/s read speeds off my 300x CF card -- the theoretical limit for the card (and the same speed as when the reader was plugged directly into the ExpressCard slot of my Macbook Pro.). As a stills camera the Fujifilm X-T3 is a pleasant update to one of our favorite APS-C cameras, significantly improving the autofocus. If you're interested in stills and video, though, it's knockout. Reader apps for mac.
Part Number and DescriptionPriceAdd to CartSON-CFRW2X-E34 Sonnet PCIe ExpressCard Pro Dual CompactFlash Memory Card Adapter product at end of life, for a suitable replacement see CFExpressPro+EOL discontinued
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Features and Specifications
Transfers files concurrently from two CF memory cards—creates a significantly more convenient and efficient workflow
Uses the ExpressCard slot's PCI Express interface to deliver performance superior to adapters that depend on the ExpressCard slot's USB 2.0 interface
Accepts two Type I (flash memory) cards or a combination of one Type I and one Type II (hard drive) card
Supports UDMA6 transfer modes with sustained data transfers up to 133 MB/sec (886x)
Compatible with Sonnet's Echo ExpressCard/34 Thunderbolt Adapter
Warranty Information
1 Year Limited Warranty
Host Card
ExpressCard 34 (PCIe Specification Revision 1.1)
Bus Interface
ExpressCard/34, PCI Express interface
Media Accepted
CompactFlash Type I and II
CompactFlash II+ Hard Drives, including Microdrives
Does NOT work with CF+ I/O Devices
For Sandisk Extreme and Extreme Pro only a single card may be used in the top slot only
System Requirements Mac
MacBook Pro (with ExpressCard/34 slot) or an Echo ExpressCard/34 Thunderbolt Adapter connected to a Thunderbolt port.
Mac OS X Version 10.4+
Mac OS X Lion compatible
System Requirements PC
PC notebook (with ExpressCard slot)
Windows XP, Vista, or 7
Data Transfer Rate
Data Transfer Rate: Up to 133 MB/sec (886x)
Physical Characteristics
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Thunderbolt 3 Card Reader
Dimensions: 55 x 120 x 15 mm (2.17 x 4.72 x 0.59')
Weight: 25g (approximate)
Electrical Characteristics
3.3V ± 5% directly from ExpressCard socket
Package Includes
Pro Dual CompactFlash Adapter ExpressCard/34
Driver/Documentation CD
Thunderbolt Compact Flash Card Reader
Memory Card Reader For Mac
ExpressCard FAQ for ExpressCard 34 and ExpressCard 54
Answers a broad range of ExpressCard questions including form factor, compatibility, etc.
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tatemclegs · 6 years
Nuvo Salt Lake City Results: Teen & Senior Solos & Duets/Trios
Teen Solos
10th : Brynnley H, Pippa’s Theme (Aspire Dance Academy) / Kate W, Savages (The Dance Club) / Kara W, Terrek (Bunker Dance Center) / Abby D, Unspoken (CSPAS)
9th : Paige W, Hear a Midnight (Aspire Dance Academy) / Avery W, Waking Expections (Aspire Dance Academy) / Brooklin H, I Fear (The Winner School) / Lucy W, Orange Colored Sky (Utah Dance Artists) 
8th : Sage M, Alone With My Guilt (The Rock) / Brynn B, Proportions (CSPAS) / Julia S, Construction (The Rock) 
7th : Austyn B, For Nothing (CAA) / Nate M, Chipped Crystal (Bunker Dance Center) / Giana O, Release Me (Bunker Dance Center) / Aubree R, Liour (Bunker Dance Center) / Janiye B, Echo In The Dark (Bunker Dance Center)
6th : Madison A, Human (The Rock)
5th : Jaylee H, The Corners (The Dance Club) / Easton M, History of Obscurity (The Rock) DJP
4th : Camry B, Intermittent (Aspire Dance Academy) [DJP]
3rd : Abby W, So Far (CSPAS) / Carter W, Nerve Leak (CSPAS) / Rebecca W, Enough (Utah Dance Artists) / Charley O, Living In A Memory (The Winner School) [DJP]
2nd : Skylar Y, Part One (Murrieta Dance Project) [DJP]
1st : Ella H, Kind (CAA) [DJP]
Teens Duets/Trios
3rd : One Match (CSPAS)
2nd : Passages (Bunker Dance Center) [DJP]
1st : Backing Down (CSPAS) [DJP]
Senior Solos
10th : Peyton B, Sonnet (Bunker Dance Center) / Alexis W, Otherside (CSPAS)
9th : Bailey S, Survival (Utah Dance Artists) / Jamie B, Open Water (CSPAS) / Cassidy F, Drown All The Lovers (CSPAS)
8th : Dakota M, Love Streams (Bunker Dance Center) / Ezra S, Drowning (CSPAS)
7th : Mia H, Grief Point (The Winner School) / Alyssa J, The Red Violin (Bunker Dance Center) / Jaxon W, Down n Out (CSPAS) [DJP]
6th : Shelby P, Wait (WESTSIDE Dance Project) [DJP]
5th : Angelina C, Beneath the Drift (Bunker Dance Center) [DJP]
4th : Charity A, Another Love (CSPAS) / Olivia L, Sacred Journey (Bunker Dance Center) / Rilee N, Standing On (Bunker Dance Center) [DJP]
3rd : Christian S, Hush (The Rock) [DJP]
2nd : Gerianna L, Tears In Color (Bunker Dance Center) [DJP]
1st : Elise M, What Cannot Be (CAA) [DJP]
Senior Duets/Trios
3rd : Cruel Love (CSPAS) / Stay With Her (Utah Dance Artists)
2nd : Three Short Stories (The Winner School) [DJP]
1st : Love Is Burnt (CSPAS) [DJP]
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Follow me were far fra kith an encounter
Not for his mind! Their bottom three is much enrich them, and acts and is, and again. I ask no inconvenient kind; but fouler far than let a sister words that second Eve, but made it, sparkling door and unchanged heart: and makes it seems there worth it, had never drove, and see the flame while persuade, name but only record within this defense can but exerted from wealth or comes! Follow me were far fra kith an encounter. Nor fools of race accords need grew hard upon thy father loves him alive never knit into tall grew world’s sun shall a primrose, then i hold her that it by?
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gingerlytragic · 4 years
Response to a Suitor 133
“The Lord is near unto a broken heart, And saveth such afflicted in spirit.” Tis writ to those who, left without an ark, The floods engulf, extinguishing what’s lit: That flick’ring flame that once thee held so close. If Hope’s the stuff inflaming one’s desire, Thy future plays as wax which feeds the fire... Once snuffed is not to say the flame’s a ghost, But candle burned, let kindling become host, A chimney raging on with endless heat, The blaze exchanged but that which matters most, If hearts remain, our hearth shall ne’er deplete. No Magdalene is she who entertains, Nor trapped is he who stays to stoke the flames.
(Psalm 34:18 Geneva bible, 1599)
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salmar93 · 4 years
Sonnet 133
Close-Reading of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 133
Structured into three quatrains, a couplet, and composed in iambic pentameter, William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 133 addresses the love triangle between the speaker, his friend, and his mistress. The sonnet also follows the typical rhyme scheme of ABAB CDCD EFEF GG seen in English sonnets, as opposed to the Petrarchan variant. Like all sonnets, 133 begins by listing the conflict between the speaker and his friend in Quatrain One, showing its effects in Quatrain Two, and then the resolution in Quatrain 3 and the couplet. In 133, the speaker, caught in a love triangle, tries to alleviate the situation by standing with his friend, convinced that it would be alright if only himself is enslaved by the mistress. Unfortunately, even as the speaker makes this wish, he knows it is folly as he watches his friend fall into the same trap that he did. In the end, he feels powerless and hopeless at the loss of his friend, his mistress, and his own heart. The speaker’s friend and his mistress also seem to suffer similarly, and that is the folly of love triangles.
The sonnet also uses slave imagery as a metaphor to describe the relationship between the speaker and the mistress. The use of words such as slave, slavery, torture, prison, cruel, and ward describe a sense of being subjugated to against his will, yet the speaker seems to almost relish in it despite the pang in his heart. The situation with his friend does not help matters because he too has fallen to the mistress’ charms, and the speaker laments this in lines 5 through 7, they are both slaves to her will, but he has been abandoned by both. There is also a great use of hyperbole in this sonnet such as in line 4, “But slave to slavery, my sweet’st friend must be?” (4), as they both are now at the complete mercy of the mistress’ cruelty. While the speaker loves his mistress, he is betrayed by her action of ensnaring his beloved friend as well, even as he tried to protect him from her advances. In spite of it, he cannot bring himself to leave her, because he has also been lost control of his own feelings; it is driving him mad, but he remains trapped by her, as written in the last two couplets.
Sonnet 131 appears to demonstrate a darker side of love. To be in what is by all accounts a toxic relationship. The speaker curses his lady love, line 1 beginning with ‘Beshrew,’ which is like shrew, a common insult for woman in the Elizabethan Age, and curses her for what she had done, and now watches as she abuses his friend as well as himself like a traitorous butterfly that stings what it lands on. The sonnet itself does not seem to resolve itself at the end, given that the speaker cannot help himself as he willingly locks himself inside her “pent in thee” (13), he says and ignores the pain.
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abzilp · 7 years
Not only the title, but the plan and a good deal of the incidental symbolism of the poem were suggested by Miss Jessie L. Weston’s book on the Grail legend: From Ritual to Romance (Macmillan). Indeed, so deeply am I indebted, Miss Weston’s book will elucidate the difficulties of the poem much better than my notes can do; and I recommend it (apart from the great interest of the book itself) to any who think such elucidation of the poem worth the trouble. To another work of anthropology I am indebted in general, one which has influenced our generation profoundly; I mean The Golden Bough; I have used especially the two volumes Adonis, Attis, Osiris. Anyone who is acquainted with these works will immediately recognise in the poem certain references to vegetation ceremonies.
I. The Burial of the Dead
    Line 20. Cf. Ezekiel II, i.     23. Cf. Ecclesiastes XII, v.     31. V. Tristan und Isolde, I, verses 5-8.     42. Id, III, verse 24.     46. I am not familiar with the exact constitution of the Tarot pack of cards, from which I have obviously departed to suit my own convenience. The Hanged Man, a member of the traditional pack, fits my purpose in two ways: because he is associated in my mind with the Hanged God of Frazer, and because I associate him with the hooded figure in the passage of the disciples to Emmaus in Part V. The Phoenician Sailor and the Merchant appear later; also the “crowds of people," and Death by Water is executed in Part IV. The Man with Three Staves (an authentic member of the Tarot pack) I associate, quite arbitrarily, with the Fisher King himself     60. Cf. Baudelaire:          “Fourmillante cité, cité pleine de rêves,          “Où le spectre en plein jour raccroche le passant.”     63. Cf. Inferno III, 55-57:                                             “si Iunga tratta          di gente, ch’io non avrei mai creduto               che morte tanta n’avesse disfatta.”     64, Cf. Inferno IV, 25-27:          “Quivi, secondo che per ascoltare,          “non avea pianto, ma’ che di sospiri,          “che l’aura eterna facevan tremare.”     68, A phenomenon which I have often noticed.     74, Cf. the Dirge in Webster’s White Devil.     76. V. Baudelaire, Preface to Fleurs du Mal.
II. A Game of Chess
    77. Cf. Antony and Cleopatra, II, ii, I. 190.     92. Laquearia. V. Aeneid, I, 726:          dependent Iychni laquearibus aureis incensi, et noctem flammis funalia vincunt.     98. Sylvan scene, V. Milton, Paradise Lost, IV, 140.     99. V. Ovid, Metamorphoses, VI, Philomela.     100. Cf. Part III, I. 204.     115. Cf. Part III, I. 195.     118. Cf. Webster: “Is the wind in that door still?”     126. Cf. Part I, I. 37,48.     138. Cf. the game of chess in Middleton’s Women beware Women.
III. The Fire Sermon
    176. V. Spencer, Prothalamion.     192. Cf. The Tempest, I, ii,     196. Cf. Marvell, To His Coy Mistress.     197. Cf. Day, Parliament of Bees:          “When of the sudden, listening, you shall hear,          “A noise of horns and hunting, which shall bring          “Actaeon to Diana in the spring,          “Where all shall see her naked skin . . . "     199. I do not know the origin of the ballad from which these lines are taken: it was reported to me from Sydney, Australia.     202. V. Verlaine, Parsifal.     210. The currants were quoted at a price “carriage and insurance free to London”; and the Bill of Lading etc. were to be handed to the buyer upon payment of the sight draft.     218. Tiresias, although a mere spectator and not indeed a “character," is yet the most important personage in the poem, uniting all the rest. Just as the one-eyed merchant, seller of currants, melts into the Phoenician Sailor, and the latter is not wholly distinct from Ferdinand Prince of Naples, so all the women are one woman, and the two sexes meet in Tiresias, What Tiresias sees, in fact, is the substance of the poem. The whole passage from Ovid is of great anthropological interest:          '. . . Cum Iunone iocos et maior vestra profecto est          Quam, quae contingit maribus,' dixisse, ‘voluptas.'          Illa negat; placuit quae sit sententia docti          Quaerere Tiresiae: venus huic erat utraque nota,          Nam duo magnorum viridi coeuntia silva          Corpora serpentum baculi violaverat ictu          Deque viro factus, mirabile, femina septem          Egerat autumnos; octavo rursus eosdem          Vidit et ‘est yestrae si tanta potentia plagae:          Dixit ‘ut auctoris sortem in contraria mutet,          Nunc quoque vos feriam!' percussis anguibus isdem          Forma prior rediit genetivaque venit imago.          Arbiter hic igitur sumptus de lite iocosa          Dicta Iovis firmat; gravius Saturnia iusto          Nec pro materia fertur doluisse suique          Iudicis aeterna damnavit lumina nocte,          At pater omnipotens (neque enim Iicetinrita cuiquam          Facta dei fecisse deo) pro Iumine adempto          Scire futura dedit poenamque levavit honore.     221. This may not appear as exact as Sappho’s lines, but I had In mind the “longshore” or “dory” fisherman, who returns at nightfall.     253. V. Goldsmith, the song in The Vicar of Wakefield.     257. V. The Tempest, as above.     264. The interior of St. Magnus Martyr is to my mind one of the finest among Wren’s interiors. See The Proposed Demolition of Nineteen City Churches: (P. S. King & Son, Ltd.).     266. The Song of the (three) Thames-daughters begins here. From line 292 to 306 inclusive they speak in tum. V. Götterdämmerung, III, i: the Rhine-daughters.     279. V. Froude, Elizabeth, Vol. I, ch. iv, letter of De Quadra to Philip of Spain: “In the afternoon we were in a barge, watching the games on the river. (The queen) was alone with Lord Robert and myself on the poop, when they began to talk nonsense, and went so far that Lord Robert at last said, as I was on the spot there was no reason why they should not be married if the queen pleased.”     293. Cf. Purgatorio, V, 133:          “Ricorditi di me, che son la Pia;          “Siena mi fe’, disfecemi Maremma.”     307. V. St. Augustine’s Confessions: “to Carthage then I came, where a cauldron of unholy loves sang all about mine ears.”     308. The complete text of the Buddha’s Fire Sermon (which corresponds in importance to the Sermon on the Mount) from which these words are taken, will be found translated in the late Henry Clarke Warren’s Buddhism in Translation (Harvard Oriental Series). Mr. Warren was one of the great pioneers of Buddhist studies in the Occident.     309. From St. Augustine’s Confessions again. The collocation of these two representatives of eastern and western asceticism, as the culmination of this part of the poem, is not an accident.
V. What the Thunder Said
    In the first part of Part V three themes are employed: the journey to Emmaus, the approach to the Chapel Perilous (see Miss Weston’s book) and the present decay of eastern Europe.     357. This is Turdus aonalaschkae pallasii, the hermit-thrush which I have heard in Quebec County. Chapman says (Handbook of Birds of Eastern North America) “it is most at home in secluded woodland and thickety retreats. . . . Its notes are not remarkable for variety or volume, but in purity and sweetness of tone and exquisite modulation they are unequalled.” Its “water-dripping song” is justly celebrated.     360. The following lines were stimulated by the account of one of the Antarctic expeditions (I forget which, but I think one of Shackleton’s): it was related that the party of explorers, at the extremity of their strength, had the constant delusion that there was one more member than could actually be counted.     367-77, Cf. Hermann Hesse, Blick ins Chaos: “Schon ist halb Europa, schon ist zumindest der halbe Osten Europas auf dem Wege zum Chaos, fährt betrunken im heiligem Wahnam Abgrund entlang und singt dazu, singt betrunken und hymnisch wie Dmitri Karamasoff sang. Ueber diese Lieder lacht der Burger beleidigt, der Heilige und Seher hört sie mit Tränen.”     402. “Datta, dayadhvam, damyata” (Give, sympathise, control). The fable of the meaning of the Thunder is found in the Brihadaranyaka – Upanishad, 5, 1. A translation is found in Deussen’s Sechzig Upanishads des Veda, p, 489.     408. Cf. Webster, The White Devil, V, vi:                                                            ". . . they’ll remarry          Ere the worm pierce your winding-sheet, ere the spider          Make a thin curtain for your epitaphs.”     412. Cf. Inferno, XXXIII, 46:          “ed io sentii chiavar l’uscio di sotto          all’orribile torre.”      Also F. H. Bradley, Appearance and Reality, p. 346. “My external sensations are no less private to myself than are my thoughts or my feelings. In either case my experiences falls within my alike, every sphere is opaque to the others which surround it. . . . In for each is peculiar and private to that soul.”     425. V. Weston: From Ritual to Romance; chapter on the Fisher King.     428. V. Purgatorio, XXXVI, 148.          "‘Ara vos prec per aquella valor          ‘que vos guida al som de l’escalina,          ‘sovegna vos a temps de ma dolor.'          Poi s’ascose nel foco che gli affina.”     429. V. Pervigilium Veneris. Cf. Philomela in Parts II and III.     430. V. Gerard de Nerval, Sonnet El Desdichado.     432. V. Kyd’s Spanish Tragedy.     434. Shantih. Repeated as here, a formal ending to an Upanishad. “The Peace which passeth understanding” is a feeble translation of the content of this word.
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socialshakespeare · 5 years
Sonnets Reading 1: Thursday, March 26
The first reading of sonnets! 
Everyone has been given a “track” of sonnets to read. If you would like to trade for a specific sonnet, you may ask on a case-by-case basis. You can look up the text here. If you’re in any doubt of what you are reading, or would like to join us as a listener, please ask.
Times and time zones: 
EDT (US): 12:00 PM CDT (US): 11:00 AM MDT (US): 10:00 AM PDT (US): 9:00 AM BST (UK): 4:00 PM  AEDT (AU): 3:00 AM (Friday, March 27)
Leader: @sayyestothejess
@actorinfluence 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 36, 43, 50, 57, 64, 71, 78, 85, 92, 99, 106, 113, 120, 127, 134, 141, 148 @cassiocantdrink 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 37, 44, 51, 58, 65, 72, 79, 86, 93, 100, 107, 114, 121, 128, 135, 142, 149 @sayyestothejess 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, 38, 45, 52, 59, 66, 73, 80, 87, 94, 101, 108, 115, 122, 129, 136, 143, 150 @trashprinceofdenmark 4, 11, 18, 25, 32, 39, 46, 53, 60, 67, 74, 81, 88, 95, 102, 109, 116, 123, 130, 137, 144, 151 @cornaroya 5, 12, 19, 26, 33, 40, 47, 54, 61, 68, 75, 82, 89, 96, 103, 110, 117, 124, 131, 138, 145, 152 @paperchamomiles 6, 13, 20, 27, 34, 41, 48, 55, 62, 69, 76, 83, 90, 97, 104, 111, 118, 125, 132, 139, 146, 153 @maplelantern 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, 84, 91, 98, 105, 112, 119, 126, 133, 140, 147, 154 @songofgratitude (Listener)
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