#{Garnet Prince} Percival Stealsire Garnet zos Gemstone
Jeweldia’s Imperial Family:
Opal Emperor Zacharias Lockwood Opal zos Gemstone X
(No Faceclaim)
Monarch of Jeweldia & father to(almost) all of the Jeweldia Imperial Children. As a Prince, he was a Ruby Prince, magically gifted in the fire arts. As the oldest of all his siblings, he was destined to be Emperor, upon becoming the sole ruler of the empire, he shed his previous title & magical ability, becoming the ‘Opal Emperor’ in a ritual as many did before him(opal is a gemstone title only given to the Emperor). As a busy man running one of the largest empires in the world, he has very little time to give to his family, & in truth only cares of a few of his children, whom he favors.
Diamond Empress Beatrix Eleanor Diamond zos Gemstone III
(No Faceclaim)
Wife of the sole Monarch of Jeweldia, whom was married to the Emperor in a political marriage. Upon her marriage to the Emperor & his ascension to the throne, she was brought forth to be apart of a ritual held by priestess of the Goddess of Fertility & Childbirth that would allow her to bare the Imperial Family’s legendary gemstone children, also granting her the before mentioned goddess’s favored gem, the diamond. She is expected to treat all children of the Emperor the same, whether if they came from her womb or one of the Emperor’s concubines, despite this this, she, very obviously, does not treat all the imperial children the same. Beatrix shows only love & affection for her own two sons, ignoring the rest of them or even abusing them depending on which child she is dealing with.
Onyx Crown Prince Zacharias Lockwood Onyx zos Gemstone
(No Faceclaim)
Heir to the throne of Jeweldia, the firstborn & the one of three child born between the Emperor & Empress; he is also called ‘The Prince of the Blood’ for this fact. He holds a mastery over dark magic, as the gem Onyx is the chosen gem of the God of Death & the Underworld. When he ascends to the throne, he will be expected to follow in his father’s footsteps, to shred his current title & powers, to becomes the Opal Emperor & change his 3rd name to corresponded his new gem title, which would make him ‘Zacharias Lockwood Opal zos Gemstone XI’.
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Aquamarine Princess Victoria Ernia Aquamarine zos Gemstone
(Faceclaim - Erina de Rass from The Abandoned Empress)
The secondborn & first daughter, one of the three children born between the Emperor & the Empress, & their only share daughter. Holds a mastery of ice magic, as the Aquamarine is the chosen gem of the God of Winter. As the second oldest, & a ‘Princess of the Blood’, she has a strong sense of duty to her country, wishing only the best for them. Calm, elegant & graceful, she is one of the favored children for reasons that are clear.
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Ruby Princess Cassandra Raymonda Ruby zos Gemstone
(Faceclaim - Livia Prisllia from Author of my Own Destiny/I Became the Wife of the Male Lead)
The thirdborn & second daughter, born between the Emperor & one of his concubines. Holds a mastery over fire magic, as the Ruby is the chosen gem of the Goddess of Fire & Volcanos. A sassy woman, whom holds herself with grace & elegance. She plays the social games of the court with ease & knows how to work every situation into her favor. As such, she is seen as the bane of every social savvy woman’s existence.
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Garnet Prince Percival Stealsire Garnet zos Gemstone
(Faceclaim - Felix Robane from Who Made Me A Princess?)
The forthborn & second son, the first from a pair of twins consisting of himself & Rowena, they one of the child sired between the Emperor & one of his concubines. Holds a mastery over alchemy, as the garnet was the chosen gem of the Goddess of Alchemy. A joyful man, who is also a knight in the service of the Empire, as such he is not treated as a prince anymore, but still maintains his title. He wants little to do with royals & prefers the casual environment of the barracks among the knights & squires
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Bloodstone Princess Rowena Lena Bloodstone zos Gemstone
(Faceclaim Soleia Elard from Seduce the Villain’s Father)
The fifthborn & third daughter, the second from a pair of twins consisting of herself & Percvial, they one of the child sired between the Emperor & one of his concubines. Holds a mastery over blood magic, as the Bloodstone is the gem created by the God of Blood & Rituals. She is thought to be the ‘true twin’ of Casandra, as the two are alike in personality almost exactly, but Rowena is more open to violence.
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Rhodonite Princess Evelyn Francine Rhodonite zos Gemstone
(Faceclaim - Moira de Yit from The Abandoned Empress)
The sixthborn & fourth daughter, born between the Emperor & one of his concubines. She holds a mastery over acid magic, as the rhodonite is the favored gem of the God of Poisons & Pestilence. With her meltingly good looks, Evelyn is a romantic, who longs for a fairytale romance with a prince. She is always chasing after handsome royals & nobles to find that which she longs for.
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Citrine Prince Fredrick Thunderhoof Citrine zos Gemstone
(Faceclaim - Prince Ryan from Asmodian's Contract)
The seventhborn & third son, the first from a pair of twins consisting of himself & Geneviève, they one of the child sired between the Emperor & one of his concubines. He holds mastery over thunder magic, as the Citrine is the favored gem of the God of Thunder. While he views his twin sister as a disappointed to the family, he dislikes the treatment of her by much of the family & court. He is known to become easily angry, most certainly when people are talking about Geneviève, & has taken a aggressive approach to things to contrast his twin’s submissiveness.
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Topaz Princess Geneviève Eletrica Topaz zos Gemstone
(Faceclaim - Princess Demina from Asmodian's Contract)
The eighthborn & the fifth daughter, the second from a pair of twins consisting of herself & Fredrick, they one of the child sired between the Emperor & one of his concubines. She is the one child of the imperial family that holds no magical ability. Weak & fragile, she is seen as a disappointment to the family & is believed to only be good for an marriage alliance. She is nervous & skittish, & often the subject of abuse, she is the least educated of the family, taught to be submissive.
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Amber Princess Lilian Krama Amber zos Gemstone
(Faceclaim - Kagamine Rin from Gelenogy of Red, White and Black)
The ninthborn & the sixth daughter, an illegitimate royal, as the concubine that birthed her had an affair with one of the Emperor’s advisor. Both the advisor & the concubine were killed for ‘treasonous act’. Holds a mastery over swordplay & the war arts, as the Amber was the chosen gem of the God of War. Often also the subject of mistreatment by the rest of the family, Lilian has learned to fight & fend for herself, making certain members of the family hesitate to approach her for fear of her violent nature.
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Emerald Prince Anthony Bloomsfield Emerald zos Gemstone
(Faceclaim - Allendis de Verita from The Abandoned Empress)
The tenthborn & fourth son, born between the Emperor & one of his concubines. He holds a mastery over Earth & Flora magics, as the Emerald is the chosen gem of the Goddess of the Earth. A non-favored child, Anthony is a loner, preferring to spend time in the hidden part of the castle gardens where he keeps a swing, or go horseback riding away from the dirt paths of the imperial family's riding trail. He is kind, caring & adores being outside, much unlike the rest of his sibling.
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Sapphire Prince Maximus Rafferty Sapphire zos Gemstone
(Faceclaim - Ruvellis Kamaludin Shana Castina from The Abandoned Empress)
The eleventh born & fifth son, one of the three child born between the Emperor & Empress. Holds a mastery over water magics, as the Sapphire was the chosen gem of the God of the Seas. As a ‘Prince of the Blood’, he is held in a higher regard then his siblings, despite being the second youngest. As the Sapphire Prince, he considered one of the most important, as fresh & drinkable water is hard to come by in Jeweldia. These things have made Maximus very arrogant & prideful & even abusive at times towards his other, more gentle, siblings.
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Amethyst Princess Selena Angelina Amethyst zos Gemstone
(Faceclaim - Quiniela from Sword Art Online)
The twelfthborn, the seventh daughter & final child, born between the Emperor & one of his concubines. Holds a outstanding beauty & allure, as the Amethyst is the chosen gem of the Goddess of Love & Beauty. As the youngest, Selena is often one of the more pampered & beloved royals of the family. She uses her position as the youngest, as well as her outstanding beauty, to her own advantage. Luring in men & women alike to her bed, in order to get them on her side.
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liroyalty · 1 year
when your an idiot & you totally forget about your gemstone royals au, to the point you never even gave them tags 😓
victoria ernia aquamarine zos gemstone {aquamarine princess}
cassandra raymonda ruby zos gemstone {ruby princess}
percival stealsire garnet zos gemstone {garnet prince}
rowena lena bloodstone zos gemstone {bloodstone princess}
evelyn francine rhodonite zos gemstone {rhodonite princess}
fredrick thunderhoof citrine zos gemstone {citrine prince}
geneviève eletrica topaz zos gemstone {topaz princess}
lilian krama amber zos gemstone {amber princess}
anthony bloomsfield emerald zos gemstone {emerald prince}
maximus rafferty sapphire zos gemstone {sapphire prince}
selena angelina amethyst zos gemstone {amethyst princess}
『v!jeweldia the gem empire』
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Meanwhile, beans
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