#{The Moscow Coven}
kinomiya · 11 months
@syfien #4 on your prompt list.
I… don’t know what the fuck happened here???
I’m going to go…. now
Takao kneeled over Boris, firmly pressing a wad of gauze against his neck, rolling his eyes and grabbing onto his shoulder with his free hand to keep him still as he attempted to recoil. Sometimes this arranged partnership had him feeling more like a babysitter than a comrade.  The older man inhaled deeply, eliciting a hissing sound as Takao continued to apply pressure against the oozing neck wound. 
“Sorry, I need to stop the bleeding… does it really hurt that much?” Takao inquired as he watched blood seep through the thick cotton sheet. 
“Of course it fucking hurts, what kind of stupid as shit question is that?” Boris ground out, as his lips curled into a sneer.
“I just thought it couldn’t hurt that much, since you constantly offered yourself up as an hors d'oeuvres to that vampire,” Takao replied nonchalantly, sure to press his fingers into the bloody gauze harder to convey his annoyance.
“As flattering as it is to hear you consider me a snack, Kinomiya, I wasn’t offering myself up,” Boris lied smoothly, grabbing onto Takao’s forearm and shoving his hand away, revealing the cotton gauze that remained adhered to his neck by the coagulating blood underneath. Takao sighed in defeat, holding his hands up in the air in surrender, he’d come to learn by now to pick his battles with Boris.
Takao collapsed beside the tussled man, allowing his head to fall back against the chain link fence that rattled loudly in the sleeping town. This was the second time in a fortnight he’d found Boris stumbling around a dreary abandoned park in the middle of the night covered in his own blood. And he was starting to think the other man was keeping a couple secrets from his comrades.
“Yuriy is going to kill you if he finds out,” Takao stated matter-of-factly, looking up at the hazy full moon that hung low in the sky.
“Yuriy is never going to find out,” Boris hissed out, causing Takao to glance over before he continued: “even if you did tell him, he’d never believe an outsider like you.”
“You’re playing a dangerous game, Kuznetsov… one you’re bound to lose,” was all Takao replied as he held Boris’ gaze. In Takao’s opinion, it wouldn’t be long before Boris sustained a lethal bite… or worse.
“Wouldn’t be the first, won't be the last,” Boris spoke with an ambivalence that unsettled Takao. Back home, there was no worse fate than becoming a monster, he and all his teammates would do everything in their power to prevent a vampire from obtaining even one drop of their blood. They had been taught their entire lives that killing a loved one who had been corrupted was an act of mercy. 
But when Takao had been shipped off to Moscow to help with what he’d been told was a small infestation, he hadn’t expected to be received by a group of ragtag misfits with few morals and nearly no sense of survival. The icing on top was that as it turned out, that small infestation that was objectively not small, and instead was a large coven that had been propagated by a particularly sadistic ancient vampire… Garland, he went by in this lifetime.  
Truthfully, Takao could have handled it himself by now. However, without fail, every plan he had come up with to corner the creature and put an end to it had been anticipated by the vampire. It had reached a point that Takao had begun to suspect one of the men had become a zealot. 
And now that zealot was currently looking him in the eyes, his face void of emotion. Making damn sure to remind Takao he was always going to be an outsider, and if he ever uttered a single word of this to the other three men that he’d be branded a liar and sent away in an instant.
It was a staggering level of betrayal to behold, and for what?
“What is your end goal here?” Takao asked, as he shifted his gaze away from Boris and back to the black sky.
Boris snorted as he pulled a beaten up cardboard box from his coat pocket, retrieving a cigarette from it and placing it between his lips. Takao saw the flicker of a small flame and the smoke rise from his mouth in his periphery.
“There you go again with that shit, you always think people are scheming, you hunters are too fucking paranoid,” he said, taking a long drag of the cigarette, holding the smoke in his lungs before exhaling with a chuckle: “It’s the thrill of it, that’s all.” 
“You find it thrilling, you’re risking your life because it gets you off?” Takao spoke through clenched teeth, as he closed his eyes and slammed his head back against the chain linked fence again in frustration.
“Pretty much,” Boris said, bringing the cigarette to his lips again.
Takao felt sick. He wanted out of this place before he had to witness what would happen when Garland decided to utilize Boris’ thrill seeking to kill and betray the only people he considered family, driving him into an endless spiral of madness and bloodshed.
So Takao slowly rose to his feet, with gritted teeth and a cold stare, the full moon reflecting on the cold steel blade in his hand.
And he decided this was merciful.
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girlactionfigure · 1 year
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In May of 1964, the #Palestine Liberation Organization (NOTE: it’s the “Palestine” Liberation Organization – meaning “from the River to the Sea” – not the “#Palestinian” Liberation Organization) was created as a new means of fighting #Israel.
Suddenly – three years before the ’67 Six Day War, and for the first time in history – instead of Israel only fighting #Arab regular armies – such as those in #Jordan (which occupied the “#WestBank”) and #Egypt (which occupied “#Gaza”) – Israel also had to fight a #terrorist group calling itself a national liberation movement for “Palestine.”
According to Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa (below), who was a Romanian Two-Star General in the Securitate (the secret police of the socialist republic of Romania) and who was the highest-ranking #Soviet defector to the U.S. (he defected in July 1978), the #PLO was entirely the brainchild of the notorious Soviet spy agency – the #KGB.
According to Lt. Gen. Pacepa, the KBG contrived the PLO the same way it did other “national liberation movements,” such as the Bolivian National Liberation Army, to create instability and expand the Soviet sphere of influence.
Lt. Gen. Pacepa also revealed the KGB, not any “Palestinian Arabs,” drafted the original Palestine National Charter and that the KGB then handpicked the 422 Arabs who would be members of the “PLO Council” to “rubber stamp” the KGB’s Charter and adopt it as its mission statement. Similarly, the KGB drafted both the Palestine National Covenant and Palestinian Constitution.
Thereafter, the PLO adopted the KBG-drafted charter, which – at Article 24 – included the organization’s purpose.
Article 24 specifically makes the demand for PLO control over all lands under Israeli control as of 1964, and it specifically excludes those lands already under Arab control – the “West Bank” and Gaza.
If you didn’t catch the importance of that, please go back and re-read that sentence.
Specifically, Article 24 states:
“This Organization does not exercise any territorial sovereignty over the west Bank in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, on the Gaza Strip or in the Himmah Area. Its activities will be on the national popular level in the liberational, organizational, political, and financial fields.”
In other words, Arabs have been saying the “occupation” began in 1948 since, well, 1948; but for some reason (“Westsplaining” – see 
 and her book The War of Return), Western governments & media continue to say the Palestinians only want the West Bank and Gaza and that those are the only two areas to which they’ve ever referred when complaining about “occupation.”
Just stop re-interpreting and re-wording to make Arab words fit your sensibilities, to put your own spin on it so it sounds the way you want it to sound, and simply LISTEN to what the Palestinians have said repeatedly decade after decade.
Lt. Gen. Pacepa also recalled speaking with the Chairman of the KGB at the time, Yuri Andropov, about the PLO’s formation, and Andropov told him:
“We need[] to instill a #Nazi-style hatred for the #Jews throughout the #Islamic world, and to turn this weapon of the emotions into a terrorist bloodbath against Israel.”
The goal was to use the Islamic world as the KGB’s puppets by instilling this Nazi-style hatred for Jews into the culture to then use the weapon of emotions that would result to turn them into terrorist groups working to destabilize and ultimately doom both Israel and the U.S.
According to Lt. Gen. Pacepa, about seven months later (in December 1964), the KGB hand-picked #YasserArafat to be the “Palestinian Arab” in charge of the KGB’s campaign of #disinformation (#dezinformatsiya in #Russian) in the Islamic world.
The KGB personally trained #Arafat in the #SovietUnion at “its Balashikha special-ops school east of #Moscow” and decided to “groom him as the future PLO leader.”
To make Arafat credible as a leader of the PLO, Lt. Gen. Pacepa revealed that the KGB invented a background story for him that would claim Arafat was born in #Jerusalem – the KGB even created false documents (such as a fake birth certificate for Arafat “proving” he was born in Jerusalem).
In reality, Arafat was both born and raised in Cairo, Egypt – as his real birth certificate was later revealed to show unequivocally.
As part of its training of Arafat, Lt. Gen. Pacepa revealed the “KGB also selected a ‘personal hero’ for him [Arafat] – the Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini.”
In fact, the PLO, via the KGB, recruited two former #Nazi instructors – Erich Altern, a leader of the #Gestapo’s Jewish affairs section & Willy Berner, an SS officer who worked in the Mauthausen Extermination Camp. Another former Nazi, Johann Schuller, also supplied arms to the related terrorist organization that ultimately merged with the PLO, #Fatah.
After the major humiliation the Soviets felt after Israel’s lightning victory over Soviet-backed & Soviet-armed Arab states in the Six Day War, the KGB turned-up the pressure on the Jewish State via more disinformation campaigns & more guerrilla/terrorist tactics via its KGB-created “Palestinian freedom fighters” instead of relying solely on regular Arab armies to destroy Israel.
So, on Dec 11, 1967, the KBG founded another terror group: the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (#PFLP).
From the very start, the PFLP openly stated it was guided by Marxism and Leninism.
The PFLP’s first leaders were Wadi’ Haddad and George Habash. Habash openly and repeatedly stated he viewed the “liberation of Palestine” as an integral part of the world #Communist Revolution.
The PFLP’s charter laid out its six main ideologies: (1) Communist Revolution is the People’s War; (2) Communist “national liberation movements” must use “guerrilla war” tactics to achieve their goals; (3) Revolutionary Warfare must be based on Communist Revolutionary Theory; (4) Wars of “Liberation” are “Class Wars” that are guided by Communist ideology; (5) the PFLP’s “main field” of Communist Revolution would play out in and for “Palestine”; and (6) this “Palestinian” Communist Revolution included both “West Jordan” (i.e., Israel) and “East Jordan” (i.e., present-day Jordan).
The PFLP, guided by the KGB, also publicly declared its methods to achieve its goals.
The PFLP would: (1) carry-out and advocate for armed #insurrection; (2) perpetrate media-oriented attacks against Israel; (3) use airplane hijackings as a means of achieving international attention for the Communist and Palestinian “cause”; and (4) use any means necessary to bring the “Palestinian cause” to the public’s attention.
Plane hijackings, in fact, quickly became one of the primary means of KGB-backed Palestinian terror after the Six Day War.
In 1969 alone, the PLO hijacked 82 planes. 82!!! In one year (later, after his defection to the United States, when Lt. Gen. Pacepa revealed the KGB was responsible for directing and funding PLO terrorism, including airplane hijackings, both Muammar #Gaddafi and Yasser Arafat offered $1 million each for anyone who assassinated Pacepa).
Lt. Gen. Pacepa also revealed that 1969 was the year in which the KGB “asked Arafat to declare war on American ‘imperial-#Zionism’ … it appealed to him [Arafat] so much, Arafat later claimed to have invented the imperial-#Zionist battle cry. But in fact, ‘imperial-Zionism’ was a Moscow invention, a modern adaptation of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and long a favorite tool of #Russian intelligence to foment ethnic hatred … The KGB always regarded #antisemitism plus anti-imperialism as a rich source of anti-Americanism.”
At the same time, the KGB also launched Operation SIG (Sionistskiye Gosudarstva), which was a disinformation campaign designed to sow worldwide disapproval for the US and Israel as #racist, #imperialist, and #colonialist.
Operation SIG eventually included a global clandestine disinformation campaign against Israel that involved a combination of both propaganda and direct military support to any terrorist group that would declare itself the enemy of Israel.
As further revealed by Lt. Gen. Pacepa, part of Operation SIG included the KGB’s recruiting of thousands of doctors, engineers, technicians, professors and even dance instructors, who were all told to portray the U.S. as an arrogant & haughty Jewish fiefdom that was being financed by Jewish money, run by Jewish politicians, and whose goal was to subordinate the Islamic world.
As for his personal role in Operation SIG, Lt. Gen. Pacepa revealed the Romanians were tasked with infiltrating #Libya, #Iran, #Lebanon, and #Syria—all countries where Romania was contributing to infrastructure—with agents who were trained in antisemitic dezinformatsiya and terrorism.
Lt. Gen. Pacepa further explained that the intelligence service to which he belonged, known as the D.I.E., received an Arabic-language translation of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, along with “documentary” material “proving that the United States was a Zionist country whose aim was to transform the Islamic world into a Jewish fiefdom.”
Lt. Gen. Pacepa also advised that the science of “dezinformatsiya” is a complex, long-term, and patient non-violent attack on a civilization as a whole.
As Lt. Gen. Pacepa put it, “As that very clever master of deception Yuri Andropov once told me, if a good piece of disinformation is repeated over and over, after a while it will take on a life of its own and will—all by itself—generate a horde of unwitting but passionate advocates.”
Operation SIG’s disinformation campaign ran from approximately 1967 to 1988; and it built and weaponized narratives based on made-up or twisted facts. It distorted history. It employed classic propaganda tools such as deception, guilt by association, and repetition to inculcate the key messages. It also shamelessly played on people’s sentiments, and it used both Soviet Jews and #Muslims as instruments of its #propaganda.
Specifically, the disinformation propaganda portion of Operation SIG attempted to (and too-often succeeded in) inflaming and spreading anti-Israeli sentiments by relying on old antisemitic tropes and inventing new ones.
The overall goal of the disinformation campaign of Operation SIG was to reframe the modern miracle of Israel – the first successful #decolonization campaign in history – as actually being the prime example in the world of an oppressive, imperialist state that was built unjustly and at the expense of the “native population.”
In this way, Operation SIG created an alliance that included Pan-Arabists, Pan-Islamists, and Naziism by focusing on what they all had in common: their hatred for Jews, for Israel, and for #democracy.
According to former #CIA Director R. James Woolsey, Lt. Gen. Pacepa helped reveal to the Americans the KGB’s tactics against Israel and the U.S., which included carefully planted false stories about prominent leaders while seeking to convince the public at large that their reported falsehoods were true (both of which, Woolsey noted, the KGB successfully carried out time and time again).
As Lt. Gen. Pacepa later wrote, “By 1972, Andropov’s disinformation machinery was working around the clock to persuade the Islamic world that Israel and the United States intended to transform the rest of the world into a Zionist fiefdom.”
Lt. Gen. Pacepa also wrote that Andropov told him the goal was to “whip up their illiterate, oppressed mobs to a fever pitch. Terrorism and violence against Israel and America would flow naturally from the Muslims’ antisemitic fervor.”
In fact, Lt. Gen. Pacepa remained so concerned by Russian disinformation campaigns that he repeatedly warned they had become “the Bubonic Plague of our contemporary life.”
Finally, as part of his warning to the Western world, Lt. Gen. Pacepa expanded on the dangers of Russian disinformation by writing: 
(1) #Lenin used disinformation to bring communism to life; 
(2) Hitler used disinformation to “rationalize” the Holocaust; 
(3) #Khrushchev used disinformation against the pope to “widen the gap” between #Christians and Jews; and
(4) Andropov used disinformation to “turn the Islamic world against the United States and ignite[] the international terrorism that threat[ens] us today.”
Captain Allen
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orthodoxydaily · 5 months
Saints&Reading: Thursday, May 2, 2024
Holy and Great Thursday
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Saint Matrona’s life began not in the bustling streets of Moscow but three hundred kilometers south, in the heart of the Tula province. Here, on the eastern edge of the legendary Kulikovo Field, where the Russian army defeated the Mongol-Tatars in 1380, on the right bank of the River Mokraya lies the quaint village of Sebino. It whispers of even older times, echoing the “Sebinskii Les,” a primeval forest that once belonged to a noble Tatar named Sebin Bibik, according to local lore. The Bibikov family, it is said, traces its lineage back to him. Sebino embraces a beautiful Church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, with a chapel dedicated to the revered Prince Alexander Nevsky.
he Assumption Church has a rich history marked by significant events. During World War II, the village faced destruction at the hands of the Nazi Germans. Today, the exact location of the house where the revered Mother Matrona spent her early years remains unknown. According to local elders, Matrona’s parents, Dmitry and Natalia Nikonov, resided near the church at the heart of the village. A monument now stands at the presumed site of her family home. In 2002, a second chapel was consecrated at the Dormition Church in honor of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow.
Matronushka, as she was lovingly called, was a late child. She was born in 1885 and was a late child in a humble peasant family already blessed with three children: Maria, Mikhail, and Ivan. Initially considering placing the unborn child in Prince Golitsyn’s orphanage in a neighbouring village, Natalia had a dream one night. A white bird with a human face and closed eyes landed on her right hand. Interpreting this as a divine sign, Natalia, a God-fearing woman, kept the child when she was born blind.
The mother’s love for her “unfortunate child” only grew when she noticed a cross-shaped protrusion on the infant’s chest, believed to be an uncreated protective cross. During the child’s baptism by Priest Vasily Troitsky, who named her Matrona in honor of the ascetic Matrona of Constantinople from the 5th century, another sign of the girl’s divine election occurred: a pillar of light mist rose over the font, accompanied by a fragrant scent, leaving everyone present in awe. The astonished priest remarked, “I have baptised many children, but this is the first time I see such a thing; this baby will be holy.”....Continue Reading
Source: St Elizabeth convent
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Hieromartyr Paphnutius of Jerusalem was a bishop. He underwent many sufferings from the pagans and, was tortured by fire wild beasts, and finally, was beheaded by the sword.
Some suggest that the hieromartyr Paphnutius was an Egyptian bishop and suffered together with many other Egyptians, exiled to the Palestinian mines during the persecution by Diocletian (284-305).
The myrrh-streaming relics of the hieromartyr were glorified by miracles. The Canon in his honor was composed during the Iconoclast period (before 842). In the final Ode is a petition for the hieromartyr to put an end to the heresy disrupting the Church.
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23 For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you: that the Lord Jesus on the same night in which He was betrayed took bread; 24 and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, "Take, eat; this is My body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me." 25 In the same manner, He also took the cup after supper, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me." 26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death till He comes. 27 Therefore, whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. 28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 29 For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. 30 For this reason, many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep. 31 For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. 32 But when we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world.
JOHN 13:1-11
1 Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour had come that He should depart from this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end. 2 And supper being ended, the devil having already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray Him, 3 Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from God and was going to God, 4 rose from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself. 5 After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded. 6 Then He came to Simon Peter. And Peter said to Him, "Lord, are You washing my feet?" 7 Jesus answered and said to him, "What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this." 8 Peter said to Him, "You shall never wash my feet!" Jesus answered him, "If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me." 9 Simon Peter said to Him, "Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head!" 10 Jesus said to him, "He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean; and you are clean, but not all of you." 11 For He knew who would betray Him; therefore He said, "You are not all clean."
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stillunusual · 2 years
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So many lies in so few words.... The Russian government's various Twitter accounts are among the biggest liars on social media, and some of the biggest lies they re-tell almost every year relate to the Soviet Union's invasion of Poland in 1939. This really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.... In February 2022, when Russia invaded Ukraine, the Kremlin's propagandists denied that Russia was doing anything of the kind while the invasion was actually happening, so lying about an invasion that took place a few decades ago must be a piece of cake in comparison. In Russia, it's a legal requirement to refer to the war against Ukraine as a "Special Military Operation" so maybe we should refer to Stalin dividing up Poland with Hitler in 1939 as a "Special Nazi Collaboration Operation". It's amazing to think that Russian citizens have been arrested, charged and convicted for telling the truth about both these events. The above tweets were posted on 17th September 2021.... According to the first tweet, the USSR somehow "entered" Poland without actually invading - which is a crazy thing to say, given that two Red Army groups (consisting of 25 rifle divisions, 16 cavalry divisions and 12 tank brigades with a total of half a million men) stormed into Poland's sovereign territory in the early hours of 17th September 1939 in a simultaneous offensive that was launched along the entire length of Poland's border with the USSR, aiming to occupy the eastern half of the country. This was achieved after 19 days of fighting between the Red Army and the outnumbered and outgunned Polish army (which had already been fighting against the German invaders since 1st September). That sounds like an invasion to me.... It's also worth mentioning that the Soviets were breaking the following treaties and agreements when they invaded Poland: 1. The Peace Treaty between Poland, Russia and the Ukraine signed in Riga on 18th March 1921, in which the eastern frontier of Poland was defined. 2. The Protocol between Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Rumania and the USSR regarding renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy, signed in Moscow on 9th February 1929. 3. The Non-Aggression Treaty between Poland and the USSR signed in Moscow on 25th July 1932. 4. The Convention for the Definition of Aggression signed in London on 3rd July 1933, signed by Estonia, Latvia, Rumania, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan and the USSR. 5. The Protocol signed in Moscow on 5th May 1934 between Poland and the USSR, extending until 31st December 1945, the Non-Aggression Treaty of July 25th 1932. 6. The agreement resulting from the notes exchanged in Moscow on 10th September 1934 between the Polish government and the Soviet government, in connection with the entry of the USSR into the League of Nations. This agreement emphasised that the relations between the countries would, in every respect, continue on the basis of all existing agreements between them, including the Treaty of Non-Aggression and the Convention for the Definition of Aggression. 7. The Covenant of the League of Nations, to which the USSR acceded on 17th September 1934. 8. The joint Communique issued in Moscow on 26th November 1938, by the Polish and Soviet governments, which confirmed that relations between them were, and would continue to be, based on all the existing agreements, including the Non-Aggression Treaty dated 25th July 1932, and extended on 5th May 1934. TL;DR - Russia is lying as usual. The next claim in the first tweet is that the Polish territory which the Soviet Union invaded and occupied in 1939 didn't really belong to Poland and had only been part of Poland since 1920. But this is also a lie. Back in the real world, much of what is now western Ukraine has been periodically incorporated into the Polish state ever since the beginning of the 11th century, at the time of the Kievan Rus. And the lands of present day Belarus and Ukraine were part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania when it was united with Poland towards the end of the 14th century. The entire territory of modern Belarus and most of Ukraine remained as part of the Polish-Lithuanian state until the end of the 18th century. Eastern Ukraine was ceded to Russia in the second half of the 17th century and Russia subsequently stole most of the territory of the Polish-Lithuanian state at the end of the 18th century when it conspired with Prussia and Austria to wipe Poland off the map (just like Hitler and Stalin did 150 years later). As well as most of the lands of present day Poland, Russia acquired all of what is now Belarus and more of Ukraine. The area of western Ukraine that was re-claimed by Poland after the First World War became part of Austria and was therefore never in Russia. Today's Russian propagandists like to claim that Belarus, Ukraine and Russia have always been one nation, but the reality is that although all three had common origins in the Kievan Rus, they subsequently underwent hundreds of years of separate development before Belarus and Ukraine were incorporated into the Russian empire and subjected to prolonged periods of forced Russification. At the time of the Kievan Rus it's also the case that Kiev was dominant over Moscow and not vice versa.... Uprisings against Russian rule during the 19th century - notably in 1830 and 1863 - were supported by all parts of the former Polish-Lithuanian state and were savagely repressed by Russia. In Belarus, a particularly brutal campaign of Russification was carried out after the second of these uprisings by the Governor General of Vilna, Mikhail Muravyov-Vilensky. One of the executed leaders of the uprising was a Belarusian called Kastuś Kalinoŭski, who is still regarded as a national hero by many Belarusians today. During the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Belarusian volunteers fighting on the Ukrainian side formed a battalion that was named in his honour, which later became a regiment. In 1917, following the February revolution, the provisional government acknowledged the right of self-determination for the non-Russian nationalities in the Tsarist empire. When the Bolsheviks took over they renounced all Russia's territorial claims to Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, most of Belarus, and Ukraine - and ceded these lands to Germany in the 1918 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, when most of the territories in question were under German occupation. They were not, by any stretch of the imagination, part of Russia or the USSR at this point - just as there is nothing chiselled in stone to state that whoever rules in Moscow also gets to rule over Belarus and Ukraine. As things turned out, a newly independent Poland and the newly formed Soviet state ended up dividing Belarus and Ukraine between them. The Treaty of Riga, which was signed in 1921 after the Polish-Soviet war, defined Poland's eastern border about half way between where the Polish-Russian border had been prior to the partitions of Poland and where it is today. Poland basically managed to reclaim some of what it had previously lost. The Soviets once again renounced their claims to all territory to the west of the new border, but nevertheless they invaded and occupied it two decades later in 1939. TL;DR - Russia is lying as usual. The first tweet also falsely claims that Poland was already defeated when the Soviet Union invaded and that the Polish government had already fled the country, despite the fact that Poland was far from defeated and the Polish government had not yet crossed the border into Romania. In any case, these lies ignore the rather pertinent fact that the invasion had already been pre-arranged with the Nazis, during and after the signing of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact of 23rd August 1939, which had defined the "spheres of influence" agreed by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, ie the territories that each of the signatories could invade without having to worry about retaliation from the other..... How do we know this? After the Second World War, the diplomatic communications between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union that had been stored in the archives of the German Foreign Office were translated into English and published in a book called "Nazi-Soviet Relations 1939-41". The complete collection can now be found online HERE. The records of the correspondence and meetings that took place between August and October 1939 clearly demonstrate how the two tyrannies planned and executed their mutual invasion of Poland. Documents like these are not only fascinating from a historical perspective, but also valuable in that they contradict some of the lies of the Kremlin's post-war propagandists (past and present) and their attempts to rewrite history by downplaying or denying the fact that the Nazis and Soviets were in bed together from August 1939 to June 1941. The archives clearly demonstrate how the Soviets cooperated, coordinated and collaborated with their Nazi allies over and over again during this period. It's true that there was a gap of 16 days between the German invasion (1st September 1939) and the Soviet invasion (17th September 1939), but there were several reasons for the delay, for example: 1. The Soviet leader, Joseph Stalin, was still preoccupied with his undeclared war against Japan, which was only concluded on 15th September. 2. He also wanted to see if the British and French would fulfill their treaty obligations to Poland and attack Germany's undefended western frontier. French mobilisation had begun on 2nd September and their offensive should have started no later than the 17th. 3. It took time to mobilise the Red Army. 4. There were a few minor disagreements between the Soviets and the Nazis. 5. Stalin also had to invent an excuse - ie the propaganda that would justify the invasion of a peaceful neighbour by the world's only communist state, in alliance with a fascist state. This is what actually happened in roughly chronological order.... Following the German invasion of Poland the Nazi foreign minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, sent a telegram to the German Ambassador in Moscow which included the following request: "We definitely expect to have beaten the Polish Army decisively in a few weeks. We would then keep the area that was established as German sphere of interest at Moscow under military occupation. We would naturally, however, for military reasons, also have to proceed further against such Polish military forces as are at that time located in the Polish area belonging to the Russian sphere of interest. Please discuss this at once with Molotov and see if the Soviet Union does not consider it desirable for Russian forces to move at the proper time against Polish forces in the Russian sphere of interest and, for their part, to occupy this territory. In our estimation this would be not only a relief for us, but also, in the sense of the Moscow agreements, in the Soviet interest as well. In this connection please determine whether we may discuss this matter with the officers who have just arrived here and what the Soviet Government intends their position to be". The Soviet foreign minister, Vyacheslav Molotov, responded with a telegram to the German ambassador on 5th September, which stated that: "....we agree with you that at a suitable time it will be absolutely necessary for us to start concrete action". Soviet mobilisation began on 6th September.  On 9th September, Molotov sent a telegram to Ribbentrop, to inform him that Soviet military intervention "....would take place within the next few days". On 10th September, the Soviet press was full of "in depth analysis" of the situation in Poland, stressing that German victory was imminent. The Soviet ambassador left Poland on 11th September. The next day the Soviet press launched a strident propaganda campaign of fake news about the treatment of the Belarusian and Ukrainian minorities in Poland (which was remarkably similar to the propaganda campaign of fake news the German press had launched about the treatment of the ethnic Germans living in Poland to justify the Nazi invasion), along with claims that the Polish army was scarcely fighting at all. And - of course - as the Polish state was disintegrating, it was imperative for the Red Army to prepare to rush to the aid of their Belarusian and Ukrainian "brothers" (this campaign also had more than a few things in common with the Kremlin’s campaign to justify Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine, in which it claimed to be defending "oppressed" ethnic Russians).... On 14th September Molotov explained to the Germans that although the Red Army was ready to invade Poland, in order to justify the invasion politically: "....it was of the greatest importance not to take action until the governmental centre of Poland, the city of Warsaw, had fallen". Molotov therefore asked to be informed as soon as possible when the Germans expected to capture Warsaw. Polish government officials had begun to leave the capital on 7th September to escape the city's imminent encirclement by the German forces, which was complete by 16th September. The government initially relocated to Nałęczów, 85 miles south-east of Warsaw, then to Krzemieniec - under continual attack by the German airforce. They had to keep moving to avoid being captured by the advancing Germans, and followed retreating Polish forces who were forming a bridgehead in south-eastern Poland in the forlorn hope that the promised French advance by 17th September would actually take place. Here, with their back to two friendly nations, Romania and Hungary, the Polish army intended to make a last ditch stand - and if overwhelmed, to cross the border into Romania and make their way to the west to continue the fight from there. The government relocated to Zaleszczyki near the Romanian border on 14th September. When the town was bombed by the Luftwaffe, they relocated to nearby Kuty (the Polish GHQ was now also nearby in Kolomyja), while some of the various foreign ambassadors and their staff crossed the border into Romania. Ribbentrop sent Molotov a message on 15th September which stated that: "The destruction of the Polish Army is rapidly approaching its conclusion, as appears from the review of the military situation of September 14 which has already been communicated to you. We count on the occupation of Warsaw in the next few days". This was premature (Warsaw actually held out until 27th September), but inspired an immediate response from Molotov. According to the German Ambassador in Moscow, Molotov told him that: "....military intervention by the Soviet Union was imminent - perhaps even tomorrow or the day after. Stalin was at present in consultation with the military leaders and he would this very night, in the presence of Molotov, give me the day and hour of the Soviet advance". The USSR then put its invasion plans into action without delay. In the early hours of 17th September a telegram from the German ambassador to the German Foreign Office confirmed the news that the Nazis had been eagerly anticipating: "Stalin received me at 2 o'clock at night in the presence of Molotov and Voroshilov and declared that the Red Army would cross the Soviet border this morning at 6 o'clock along the whole line from Polozk to Kamenetz-Podolsk. In order to avoid incidents, Stalin urgently requested that we see to it that German planes as of today do not fly east of the Bialystok-Brest-Litovsk-Lemberg Line. Soviet planes would begin today to bomb the district east of Lemberg. I promised to do my best with regard to informing the German Air Force but asked in view of the little time left that Soviet planes not approach the above-mentioned line too closely today. The Soviet commission will arrive in Bialystok tomorrow or day after tomorrow at the latest. Stalin read me a note that is to be handed to the Polish Ambassador tonight, to be sent in copy to all the missions in the course of the day and then published. The note contains a justification for the Soviet action. The draft read to me contained three points unacceptable to us. In answer to my objections, Stalin with the utmost readiness so altered the text that the note now seems satisfactory for us". The Nazi and Soviet allies were also squabbling over the wording of a joint declaration to justify the USSR's invasion of Poland. Stalin wanted to use the already prepared excuse that they were going to "protect" the Belarusians and Ukrainians threatened by the German advance, which didn't please the Germans. Even more farcical was the attempt to give the aforementioned note signed by Molotov to the Polish ambassador in Moscow at 3AM on 17th September. The Polish ambassador was first summoned by deputy foreign minister Potemkin but refused to accept the note on behalf of his government. When he returned to his office he found a messenger waiting at the door who attempted to hand him the note, but once again he refused to accept it. The note tried to justify the Soviet invasion on the grounds that the Polish government and Poland itself had ceased to exist, and thus so had all the non-aggression treaties between the two countries. This claim was entirely false - and in any case, the note had been prepared several days before. Stalin kept his word to the Germans about when the Soviet invasion would begin - 6AM - and at the appointed time, Soviet troops invaded Poland. Fortunately for them, there weren't many troops defending Poland's eastern border. The Polish army's south-eastern bridgehead was also rapidly destroyed by the combined pressure of the German and Soviet armies, although nearly 100,000 soldiers did escape before Soviet forces prevented any further troops from crossing into Romania. Many more were captured and deported to the east, including 15,000 officers who were murdered by the NKVD a few months later in what became known as the Katyn Massacre. Nevertheless, the Soviet invasion did face some resistance from Poland's Border Guard Corps, and units of the Polish army continued to fight against both invaders until 6th October 1939. For example, the Soviets captured Grodno on 21st September after two days of combat in which the Soviet army lost several dozen tanks and several hundred soldiers. In retaliation, the Soviets committed mass murders of the Polish population and prisoners of war (something that will also seem depressingly familiar to anyone who followed the news during Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022). Meanwhile, the Polish government held a cabinet meeting at 4PM on 17th September, in full knowledge that Soviet forces were rapidly advancing towards them. It was concluded that they should leave for Romania, and from there go on to France. Most of Poland's highest government officials managed to cross the border on the night of 17th-18th September. Marshall Rydz-Śmigły and his GHQ staff crossed the border the next day. No orders for a general surrender of the Polish army were ever given and no general surrender ever took place. The remnants of the Polish army that managed to avoid capture immediately commenced an underground war against both occupiers. The joint declaration by the USSR and Germany was issued on 18th September. And funnily enough it did not mention the Belarusians or Ukrainians - just more lies about Poland ceasing to exist and so on.... Unfortunately for the Polish government, the Romanians, under extreme pressure from the German government, interned all the most senior Polish leaders. But this did not mean that the Polish state ceased to exist. Using Article 24 of the Polish Constitution of April 1935, Polish President Mościcki, who was interned on 18th September - transferred his presidential powers to Władysław Rackiewicz in Paris as soon as he was able - on 29th September - and Władysław Sikorski, who had avoided internment and succeeded in reaching France, was appointed Prime Minister the next day (he had already taken command of all Polish forces that had succeeded in reaching France, on 25th September). Poland had a fully functioning government again within days, and the lasting significance of Romania's internment of Poland's pre-war leadership was that the new government consisted almost entirely of members of the pre-war opposition. A Friendship and Border treaty was signed by Germany and the USSR on 28th September 1939, along with a secret protocol establishing the border between the two countries. Three additional protocols were added to the agreement, the third of which stated that: "Both parties will tolerate no Polish agitation in their territories which affects the territories of the other party. They will suppress in their territories all beginnings of such agitation and inform each other concerning suitable measures for this purpose". The signing of the treaty was accompanied by an announcement stating that both parties wanted an end to the war between Germany, Britain and France - and that if Britain and France refused to stop the war, "....the Governments of Germany and of the USSR shall engage in mutual consultations with regard to necessary measures". According to Molotov: "....it is not only absurd, it is criminal to wage a war to 'smash Hitlerism' under the false slogan of a war for democracy". At a session of the Supreme Soviet on 31st October, he bragged about the USSR's military partnership with Germany: "....it was proved enough for Poland to be dealt one swift blow, first by the German army and then by the Red Army, to wipe out all remains of this monstrous bastard offspring of the Versailles Treaty".
However, Molotov was wrong (as well as being dumb enough to trust the Nazis). Little did he know that a few decades later it would be the Soviet Union that ceased to exist, and that Poland would play a prominent role in its downfall.... TL;DR - Russia is lying as usual. The second tweet repeats the lie about the Polish state ceasing to exist and also makes the ludicrous claim that the USSR cared so much about the Belarusians and Ukrainians living in eastern Poland that it had to rush to their rescue and protect them. As described above, "protecting" the Belarusians and Ukrainians is how the backstabbing invasion of Poland was presented to the Soviet public by Stalin's propaganda machine. But here's the thing - Stalin couldn't give a fuck about the welfare of the Belarusians and Ukrainians. Otherwise he wouldn't have spent the previous few years subjecting the USSR's Belarusian and Ukrainian populations to dekulakisation, forced collectivisation and the Yezhovshchina (purges), brutally suppressing their culture as well as their religious and community life, and sending lots of them to the gulags. There's also the small matter of how millions of Ukrainians on the Soviet side of the border somehow managed to starve to death despite living in the breadbasket of Europe. The people of Soviet Belarus and Ukraine lived in a state of poverty and backwardness compared to the Belarusians and Ukrainians who lived in Poland and this difference in living standards was something that Soviet soldiers couldn't fail to notice after crossing the Polish border (which also helps to explain why they spent so much of their time stealing anything that was removable). There are many accounts of how the invaders reacted to the realisation that the people they'd been sent to "protect" were more prosperous, but this one is as good as any: ...."as we moved ahead we saw that [Polish] people were much better off, both in military life and in everyday life", says Georgy Dragunov, who was astonished to witness the disparity in wealth between the communist Soviet Union and the capitalist Poland. "We saw beautifully furnished houses - even peasant houses. [Even] their poorest people were better off than our people - their furniture was polished. Only later did we start to furnish our apartments with similar sorts of furniture. Each Polish peasant [in eastern Poland] had no less than two horses and every household had three or four cows and a lot of poultry. This was so unexpected for us because of the propaganda - which was [now] wasted on us because we could see electricity in the peasants' houses whereas in Soviet Belarus we didn't have electricity".... (quoted in "World War 2 Behind Closed Doors" by Laurence Rees, first edition, 2008, p25). What Stalin actually cared about was the fact that on the Polish side of the border there were Belarusians and Ukrainians who were beyond his control. It made perfect sense from his perspective to strike a deal with the Nazis to carve up Poland between them (sweet revenge for defeat in the Polish-Soviet war 20 years earlier) and the added bonus was that it enabled him to incorporate all Belarusians and Ukrainians into the USSR, thus making it easier to keep in check any moves towards a genuinely free and independent Belarus or Ukraine. And as already mentioned above, when the Nazi and Soviet allies issued their joint declaration about the invasion and occupation of Poland, it didn't include a single word about the Belarusians or Ukrainians. TL;DR - Russia is lying as usual. In the year of thirty nine Hitler and Stalin had a dine "You take East - West be mine?" Stalin nodded: "sounds mighty fine!" They signed a deal (as allies do) And then they started World War 2 But friends will come and friends will go As Stalin later came to know.... 😊
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drusillatitova · 2 years
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( megan fox, cis woman, she/her ) — Look who it is! If you take a look at our database, you’ll find that DRUSILLA IVANOVNA TITOVA is a 182 (33) year old PHLEBOTAMIST that’s been in Chicago for TWO YEARS. According to the file, they’re a mutant on LEVEL 3 with the power of VAMPIRE PHYSIOLOGY. That must be why they’re OPULENT and ALOOF. If you ask me, they remind me of mirrors covered with white sheets, blood trickling down a pale throat, the feeling of being stalked like prey. They are affiliated with THE DAMNED. 
FULL NAME: drusilla ivanovna titova NICKNAMES: dru (pronounced drew) GENDER: female BIRTHDATE: january 17th SPECIES: mutant AFFILIATION: the damned
ALIGNMENT: chaotic evil ZODIAC: capricorn MBTI: istj POSITIVE TRAITS: loyal, ambitious, honest, diligent NEGATIVE TRAITS: impatient, brutal, serious, superiority 
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drusilla is a direct descendant of vlad the impaler. she was hatched from a slimy, green, vampire egg (van helsing style) laid by one of dracula’s many brides in 1841. 
raised in an underground vampire lair in russia. the older vampires brought food down for the babies to feed from. they weren’t allowed to go up to the surface until they had their bloodlust under control. 
left to her own devices most of the time. with not much else to do, she bullied the runts of the vampire litters. she was queen bee of the vampire children.
she reached full, physical maturity at eight years old. she has the body of a woman in her early 30′s. 
after ten years with her original coven, drusilla left moscow to travel to omsk. she tore through the city and the population quickly decreased. she was left bored, bloated, and still not satisfied.
spent years as a loner, travelling from city to city and causing carnage. her mother stepped in after a couple of years and warned drusilla that if she didn’t stop, she’d have to be terminated for drawing too much attention from humans. 
with the threat of murder hanging in the air, drusilla left russia and travelled to italy and rome. not that she behaved much better there. the rumour going around about the creature who massacred popes was not just a rumour... she had a particular craving for the sanctimonious blood of the roman catholic church. 
drusilla formed her own coven while out in italy. they called her ‘the countess’. she gained quite a large following and her word was their law. she even invited humans in, promising the gift of eternal life if they betrayed their fellow humans and brought them to the lair. 
she never kept her word, obviously. they all ended up as meals for the coven. again, the population began to dwindle and she had to move on before her mother carried out her threat. 
the coven travelled with her from country to country. germany, france, finland, ireland, scotland, england; anywhere in europe, really. the coven only grew larger and stronger, now filled with vampires from all over the world. 
in 1901, the coven went overseas to america. it ended up being the biggest mistake that drusilla could’ve made. vampire hunters were out in heavy force over there. no matter how many times the coven moved, they were found and chased out. many vampires were lost to stakes and silver bullets in the process.
vampires are vengeful creatures, so they of course tried to avenge their dead. it only worsened the problem, leading to more deaths until they were driven underground. they could no longer live in the public eye. they only left at night in their shapeshifting forms to feed. 
they lived that way until 1916 when they caught a boat filled with soldiers heading to european soil. the war was quite beneficial for vampires. plenty of casualties to feed on, able to easily blend into the carnage and chaos. 
moved back to moscow after the first war. stayed there and merged with her original coven until 1963. by that point, drusilla was incredibly bored. she fled her coven in the middle of the day and headed back to america. it’d be easy to go unnoticed if she was alone. 
she’s been living the usa ever since. every few years, she moves cities and changes her job due to never ageing. she doesn’t want to raise suspicion. there are plenty of other mutants who are out and proud these days, but she prefers to stay true to her roots and never stay in one place too long. hunters still exist, and she can’t forget her losses over the years.
present day; 
drusilla is now living in chicago and works as a phlebotomist. she has easy access to any kind of blood bags she needs, and it’s a job she doesn’t mind doing. she has her thirst under control enough to not pounce on every bleeding human or mutant she meets.
unfortunately, she joined the damned. she has nothing better to do, so why not? she deeply regrets it after meeting the other members. not that she’ll admit it, dru also misses having a coven. this is the closest she can get to being a part of one again. 
she still doesn’t take much care when it comes to feeding. she often rips through prison yards because they’re people nobody is going to really miss or care about. she’ll also go on a binging spree through neighbourhoods whenever she pleases. it’s easy to gain access to any place when your shapeshifting form is mist.
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powers & abilities; 
retractable fangs
superhuman strength, speed, stamina, agility, durability & senses
wall scaling like a spoider
hypnosis/compulsion (vampire diaries tease)
irresistible beauty (easy to be drawn in by her)
shapeshifting into mist
regenerative healing
true vampire face (very ugly. do not recommend angering her enough to see it)
blood bonding (teehee!!!)
animal control (she controls crows to spy on people/see through their eyes)
weaknesses & limitations;
silver in any form touching her skin
vervain (she can’t hypnotise/compel/drink your blood if you hold or wear it)
religious iconography
dead people blood (it would make her sick and weak)
iron/wooden stakes
exsanguination (this can occur if she stays in a place she was not invited into for too long. she’d lose her blood through her pores and die)
no reflection
dismembering her
holy water
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s-------i-------g · 23 days
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REAL WEB LEGENDS: Carter's Quest Act 1 | Pato Box | Hollow Knight | Chants of Senaar | Hollow Knight | Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered
Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched: A History of Folk Horror | Borderlands |Hardcore Henry | Battle Royale | Alien: Romulus | Alien Covenant | The Crow (2024)
2814 by 2 8 1 4 | Lost Fragments by 2 8 1 4 | Music for Airport Lounges by The Black Dog | ironie / Rotation Plasty by grau& and KUNTARI | Black Shirt Attracts More Feather by KUNTARI | Larynx by KUNTARI | Devolving Trust by Svarte Greiner | Hiding Place #3 by The Gasman | Sleeping Unique by Regular Citizen| New Brutalism by Rainer Veil | Arium by D'Arcangelo | Knive by Svarte Greiner | Patsy Hangdog by Regular Citizen | Vanity by Rainer Veil | Somewhere in Time by D'Arcangelo| Man Bird Dress by Svarte Greiner | Kappe by Svarte Greiner | Untitled Tour CDr by Svarte Greiner | Twin (a re-interpretation of Deaf Center's Owl Splinters) by Svarte Greiner | Black Tie by Svarte Greiner | Moss Garden by Svarte Greiner | Apart by Svarte Greiner | Struck EP by Reiner Veil | Big Bang Energy by Volruptus and Jensen Interceptor | Hessdalen by Volruptus | Thermaic Rise by Jensen Interceptor | Volruptus by Volruptus | Homeblast EP by Volruptus | Alien Agenda by Volruptus | Pyrolatry by Volruptus | First Contact by Volruptus | Moxie by Volruptus| bassssalìna yeee by Volruptus | Symptoms by Jensen Interceptor | Body Work - EP by Jensen Interceptor | 014 Crack by Jensen Interceptor | Auto Express - EP by Jensen Interceptor| M by Jensen Interceptor | Memorial Park Tapes, Vol. 1 by Jensen Interceptor | Carter's Green Factory by Jensen Interceptor | Zone 32: Midnite by Jensen Interceptor | 6th Element by Jensen Interceptor and Assembler Code | Vapour Waves by Assembler Code and Jensen Interceptor | Hyper Reality EP by Jensen Interceptor and Assembler Code | Kinematics by Jensen Interceptor and Assembler Code | Mother by Jensen Interceptor | The Ultimate Wave Riding Vehicle by Jensen Interceptor | SAFE by Axefield, JEANS, and Jensen Interceptor | Activated EP by Jensen Interceptor | Propaganda Moscow: Code Three by Sync 24 and Jensen Interceptor | Plus by Jensen Interceptor and CSMNT61 | Interception by Jensen Interceptor | Dance Trax, Vol. 19 by Jensen Interceptor and Assembler Code | Random Patterns EP by Assembler Code and Jensen Interceptor | Hydro Systems by Jensen Interceptor | Rotorwerks EP by Assembler Code and Jensen Interceptor | Strings of Fear by Jensen Interceptor | Master Control Program EP by Jensen Interceptor | Free Your Mind by DeFeKT and Jensen Interceptor | Free Your Body by DeFeKT and Jensen Interceptor | Horror Haus by Odd Oswald and Stephan Barnem | Bioluminescence by Assembler Code and Jensen | That We Can Play by Games | L.E.F. by Ferry Corsten | Twice in a Blue Moon by Ferry Corsten | Aphty Khéa EP by Aphty Khéa | Rampokan by Raja Kirik| Phantasmagoria of Jathilan by Raja Kirik | Universal Language by Jazztronik | SET FREE by Jazztronik| numero uno by Jazztronik| 七色 by Jazztronik | Nu Balance by Jazztronik | Cannibal Rock by Jazztronik | en:Code by Jazztronik
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musemash · 3 months
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BRANDON THE DARK BANISHES UNWOKE MALARKEY – rant by the Canuck Crank / playlist by the Lone Antifa
The SUPREME COUP COVEN hereby doth verily proclaim the interim rule of DUKE BRANDON THE DARK, as Steward of the Divided States Of MORONIKA. As his first Official Act, Regent Brandon doth verily decree that all dastardly purveyors of UNWOKE IDEOLOGICAL MALARKEYISM shall be immediately exiled from these shores forthwith, never to return.
The Malarkeyist Embargo shall verily be lifted only after the coronation of KING TRUMPERY OF COVFEFE – popularly known as the CHOSEN ONE, the DEMENTIA DON, the ORANGE JESUS, Day One DICTATOR, World's Bigly Yugest STABLE GENIUS, High Priest Of MARALARDO, Tamer Of Battery-Powered SHARKS, Emperor Of NAMBIA, President of the HANNIBAL LECTER Fan Club, Guru of GASLIGHTING, Olympic level TOILET FLUSHER, and Champion SLEEPFARTER.
REPENTANT DEMOCRATS who volunteer for lobotomies and rehabilitation will verily be relocated to Moscow, with the blessing of CZAR VLADIMIR. They will verily be qualified to transform and perfect their grifting expertise as students at the prestigious KOLOSSAL KOLLEGE OF KOMPROMAT (KKK) – under the tutelage of Steve BANNON, Mohammed bin SALMAN, Lauren BOEBERT, Kim JONG-UN, Matt GAETZ, Tucker CARLSON, Mitch McCONNELL, Victor ORBAN, Stephen MILLER, and Marjorie Taylor GREENE.
When he descends the platinum escalator at last, to claim the GOLDEN SHOWER THRONE in 2025, our rightful ruler and DEAREST LEADER will verily establish ANTIWOKE DIALECTICAL MAGALARKEY in its place of honor as the guiding manifesto of this sacred GOD-BREATHED NATION. Until that great and glorious DAY OF THE LORD'S WRATH, all citizens are sternly admonished to Remember Remember, the FIFTH OF ROEVEMBER. So let it be WRITTEN, so let it be DONE!
SUPREME COUP COURT MAGA ROGUES GALLERY In honor of America's saddest ever birthday, MFF presents a slide show of 45 images – paying tribute to the stunning impact, staggering criminality, and lingering foul stench of the 45th IMPOTUS. Click here: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=887700823373349&set=pcb.887702216706543 THE ORANGE SKULL’S BIGLY YUGE VENDETTA https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/82625540293/the-orange-skulls-bigly-yuge-vendetta-by-the THE UNQUOTABLE TRUMP GOES ROGUE https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/631721452658425856/the-unquotable-trump-goes-rogue-part-1-multi ALRIGHT MR. DEMILLE, I’M READY FOR MY PERP WALK! https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/713382295673929728/trumped-by-justice-part-1-alright-mr-demille AMERICA’S WORST SEX PEST FINALLY MEETS HIS MATCH https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/718184769630994432/trumped-by-justice-part-2-americas-worst-sex TRUMP PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY NOW OPEN TO PUBLIC https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/720157024444383232/trumped-by-justice-part-3-trump-presidential USA’S TOP CAREER CRIMINAL ELECTED MAYOR OF GITMO https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/725534124084953088/trumped-by-justice-4-usas-top-career-criminal DON VETO RIDING HIS GOLDEN ESCALATOR TO OBLIVION https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/730286574529626112/trumped-by-justice-5-don-veto-riding-his-golden THE DAY THE ORANGE GASLIGHT EXPLODED https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/738815435038916608/the-day-the-orange-gaslight-exploded-by-the-lone CIVIL WAR JUST AIN’T WHAT IT USED TO BE https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/652682070929326081/trumpery-swan-song-act-3-civil-war-just-aint DA GANG DAT COULDN’T COUP STRAIGHT https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/639339651499474944/photo-gallery-the-coup-before-christmas-meets ANTIFA ARTS THERAPY FOR USA’S DAY OF RECKONING https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/672616628600635392/antifa-arts-therapy-for-usas-day-of-reckoning RUDE AWAKENINGS FOR AMERICA’S FAVORITE GRIFTER https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/705684336822894592/gallery-1-still-champion-2-the-essence-of CLEAR & PRESENT DANGER: A POTUS ABSENT WITHOUT LAW https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/657180468385546240/resistance-tribute-part-1-clear-present-danger THE TOXIC DANCING TROLL THAT HAUNTED AMERICA https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/688829628127805440/the-toxic-dancing-troll-that-haunted-america-by DON VETO’S LUNACY HOLDING AMERICA HOSTAGE https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/665917596709912576/trumpery-swan-song-appendix-don-vetos-lunacy CRUEL REQUIEMS FOR THE BIGLIEST SORE LOSER https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/663916506082623488/resistance-tribute-part-5-cruel-requiems-for-the WHEN THE ARTS DO JUSTICE TO RESISTANCE https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/659380468858355712/resistance-tribute-part-2-when-the-arts-do MEMORIAL TRIBUTE TO THE PARASITE IN CHIEF https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/654857478407897088/trumpery-swan-song-act-5-memorial-tribute-to-the SACRIFICIAL RITE OF DA BIGLY STABLE GENIUS https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/653860772025417728/trumpery-swan-song-act-4-sacrificial-rite-of-da CAPTAIN AMERICA’S PREMATURE BURIAL https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/651868087388372992/trumpery-swan-song-act-2-captain-americas SAVAGE EPITAPHS FOR THE RELIGIOUS WRONG https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/153445482915/savage-epitaphs-for-the-religious-wrong-by-the THE LAST CRUSADE OF UNCLE SAM’S ACTIONEERS https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/177613773630/the-last-crusade-of-uncle-sams-actioneers-as-we USA DEFIANCE & SURVIVAL MANIFESTO https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/178087639820/usa-defiance-survival-manifesto-part-one-by FUNERAL PYRE OF THE MAGAMERICAN MESSIAH https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/650853914324992000/trumpery-swan-song-act-1-funeral-pyre-of-the THE HERO’S JOURNEY OF THE CHOSEN BERN https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/655761574616793088/1-baby-yodabern-2-artiste-bestows-a-blessing-3
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brookstonalmanac · 9 months
Events 1.3 (after 1960)
1961 – Cold War: After a series of economic retaliations against one another, the United States severs diplomatic relations with Cuba. 1961 – The SL-1 nuclear reactor, near Idaho Falls, Idaho, is destroyed by a steam explosion in the only reactor incident in the United States to cause immediate fatalities. 1961 – A protest by agricultural workers in Baixa de Cassanje, Portuguese Angola, turns into a revolt, opening the Angolan War of Independence, the first of the Portuguese Colonial Wars. 1961 – Aero Flight 311 crashes into the forest in Kvevlax, Finland, killing 25 people. 1962 – Pope John XXIII excommunicates Fidel Castro. 1976 – The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, comes into force. 1977 – Apple Computer is incorporated. 1987 – Varig Flight 797 crashes near Akouré in the Ivory Coast, resulting in 50 deaths. 1990 – United States invasion of Panama: Manuel Noriega, former leader of Panama, surrenders to American forces. 1992 – CommutAir Flight 4821 crashes on approach to Adirondack Regional Airport, in Saranac Lake, New York, killing two people. 1993 – In Moscow, Russia, George H. W. Bush and Boris Yeltsin sign the second Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START). 1994 – Baikal Airlines Flight 130 crashes near Mamoney, Irkutsk, Russia, resulting in 125 deaths. 1999 – The Mars Polar Lander is launched by NASA. 2002 – Israeli–Palestinian conflict: Israeli forces seize the Palestinian freighter Karine A in the Red Sea, finding 50 tons of weapons. 2004 – Flash Airlines Flight 604 crashes into the Red Sea, resulting in 148 deaths, making it one of the deadliest aviation accidents in Egyptian history. 2009 – The first block of the blockchain of the decentralized payment system Bitcoin, called the Genesis block, is established by the creator of the system, Satoshi Nakamoto. 2015 – Boko Haram militants destroy the entire town of Baga in north-east Nigeria, starting the Baga massacre and killing as many as 2,000 people. 2016 – In response to the execution of Nimr al-Nimr, Iran ends its diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia. 2018 – For the first time in history, all five major storm surge gates in the Netherlands are closed simultaneously in the wake of a storm. 2019 – Chang'e 4 makes the first soft landing on the far side of the Moon, deploying the Yutu-2 lunar rover. 2020 – Iranian General Qasem Soleimani is killed by an American airstrike near Baghdad International Airport, igniting global concerns of a potential armed conflict. 2023 – Singapore's Jurong Bird Park permanently closes.
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the-goth-catte · 1 year
Scandroid - Neo-Tokyo (Dance w/ The Dead Remix) Reaper - The Devil is Female KMFDM vs Skold - Bloodsport Pixelgrip - ALPHAPUSSY SITD - God's Blessing Faderhead - When the Freaks Come Out Anne Clark - Sleeper in Metropolis (Spacemees 1927 Remix) Ghost - Year Zero (Saint Remix) Beastie Boys - Intergalactic (Dunisco Remix) Daft Punk - Harder Better Faster Stronger (Nemix Remix) Accessory - Ruff Fuxxx Rankka - Satisfaction Goldfrapp vs Funky Town Suicide Commando - Hellraiser (Agonoize Remix) Apoptygma Berzerk - Starsign (hard_code remix) Covenant vs Boney M - Daddy Dead Stars SPOCK - Never Trust a Klingon (Verfluchte Remix) God Module - Round & Round NamNamBulu - Deception Metallica v Sisters of Mercy v NIN - Reflection of Puppets Echo & The Bunnymen - Lips Like Sugar (Soulson25 Remix) VNV Nation - Beloved Apoptymga Berzerk vs Blutengel Skold - Error 404 Christian Death vs Creux Lies - Spiritual Cramp Sisters of Mercy vs Billy Idol - Temple of Love/Rebel Yell Wumpscut - Wreath of Barbs (Unheilig Remix) 3TEETH - Pumped Up Kicks The Anix - Cry Little Sister Papa Roach - Last Resort (Fury Weekend Remix) Aeon Rings - Pale Blue Android Lust - Warlock Depeche Mode - It's No Good (Dominatrix Remix) Siouxsie & The Banshees vs RevCo - Happy House of Horny KMFDM vs Front 242 - Professional Headhunter And One - Technoman Age of Love - Age of Love (Dominatrix Remix) Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart (vs TEE) Prince - When Doves Cry (Extended Freestyle) William Control - The Monster New Order v Depeche Mode v Daft Punk - Better Blue Master People Daybehavior - A Train to Moscow De/Vision - Bipolar (Intuition's Alive Remix) Wumpscut - Soylent Green (Extended) Dance or Die - Dance or Die (Solitary Experiments Remix) Covenant - Lightbringer Type O Negative - My Girlfriend's Girlfriend (Fear the Priest Remix) Absurd Minds - Master Builder Bow Wow - I Want Candy (Razed in Black Mix) VNV Nation vs Daft Punk - When Will We Get Lucky in the Future? KMFDM - Liquor Fish & Cigarettes Oscillian - In the Company of Robots Ace of Base - All That She Wants (Self Help & Tanner Rework) Dead When I Found Her - Magic Dance Blutengel - Save Our Souls Night Club - Vampires Ministry - Everyday is Halloween (Razed in Black Remix)
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Biopreparat - Chapter 20 - Epilogue
The coup instigated by the State Committee on the State of Emergency in the Soviet Union on August 1991 failed. Mikhail Gorbachev have been brought back to power. Her daughter Irina, kidnapped by the KGB on behalf of Mother Miranda, have been saved from her evil cult. She came back to the Soviet Union with her daughter, Evelina. Final chapter of the main story of Biopreparat. After escaping Mother Miranda’s coven, a literal Hell on Earth, Irina and her daughter are well and sound. But is it a happy ending? Not quite.
BTW, I’ve just finished RE4 Remake. A fantastic game. Turns out Saddler’s plan for mankind bears many similarities with this Miranda’s fic. That’s cheap, Saddler! Do not copy your classmate during advanced evil mastermind classes, or you’ll be sent  to Principal Wesker!
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Mikhail Gorbachev, returning to Moscow from Crimea after the coup, 21st August 1991
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Festivalgoers during the '91 Monster of Rock Concert in Moscow. The entrance was free for all and it has a pretty good lineup : Pantera, Metallica and AC/DC. 😎
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museinfusion · 4 years
The Vampires
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Stefan Grande; Vampire, Advisor, Fashion Designer [Fandomless, Harry Potter]
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Antonio Abbandonato; Vampire, Guard [Fandomless, Harry Potter]
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Demyan Volkov; Vampire, Coven Leader [Fandomless]
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Dagrun Arnesdatter; Vampire, Coven Leader [Fandomless]
Relevant Muses
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Valente Lansacosta; Vampire, Coven Leader
The leader of the Venetian coven. Stefan is Valente’s right hand, closest friend and oftimes lover. He and Demyan were close friends in their youth but time has strained their relationship to a tense alliance.
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Estella Sinclair; Vampire, Coven Leader
Valente’s third wife and Stefan’s best friend. Estella has a lot of power and responsibility having taken her place leading the Venetian coven with Valente, however Stefan makes very sure that she regularly lets loose and gets into a little trouble. She bonded with Antonio when she was first turned and there is some tension between the two, though Antonio would never dare make a move.
Basilio and Benedetto Lansacosta
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Valente Lansacosta’s younger brothers. Twins with a nasty streak a mile wide and a grudge against their older brother due to their father’s preference for Valente that led to their leaving the Venetian coven for Rome instead.
Marino Grande
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The leader of the Neapolitan Coven, Marino is - in Valente’s words - the only person who can out-Stefan Stefan. There are reasons Stefan is eighth in line and Marino has fathered all seven of them - plus one more after Stefan.
Celestina Nicchi
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Celestina is Stefan’s dearly beloved mamma and one of few people who he will behave himself for, - though she is something of a wild spirit herself and definitely where Stefan got his adventurous side from, having travelled the world both before and after settling in Naples with Marino and raising Stefan. She and Stefan frequently meet up on their travels to catch up and exchange stories.
Narciso Grande
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At only 16, Narciso is the newest addition to the line of Grande heirs and is right in the middle of his teenage rebellious phase. He has no real problems at home but insisted on leaving anyway, but didn’t last too long on his own and has ended up taking residence with the Venetian coven.
Amato Grande
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As the eldest of Marino’s children, Amato is first in line to take over the coven of Naples and so spends much of his time by his father’s side, learning by example how to rule properly and fairly. He has much of Marino’s natural charm and wit, but is far more reserved and down-to-earth. In fact, he doesn’t quite realise how charming he is, and will often come off as flirting without intending to.
Leo Sapienti
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Leo Sapienti is the oldest resident of the catacombs, having died there long before the coven took up residency. The first son of a nobleman, he was groomed for most of his life to take over the title, only to be tricked by a jealous younger brother - he was led into the catacombs as part of a supposed “game” only to be locked in, left alone until starvation took him. He is, in short, a poltergeist and whilst spending his time alone in a rage, he has somewhat calmed down since he found company in the vampires, his anger settling into something of a mischievous streak instead.
Anastasiy “Anya” Ilyich Naumov
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Anya and met Stefan when he was passing through Russia on his travels and the two clicked immediately, despite being something of opposites. Anastasiy was wary when Stefan revealed his vampirism, but decided he was worth the risk, and the two had a home together for almost a decade before Stefan was discovered by the locals. The two fled in different directions, intending to meet up later, but Anastasy never showed. Stefan assumes he is dead, when in actuality he was inducted into the Moscow coven - intending to simply turn and follow Stefan to Venice. After centuries under Demyan’s abusive rule, he has developed Selective Mutism.
Cesarina and Giulia Abbandonato
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Antonio’s wife and daughter that he was forced to leave behind when he was turned. He secretly went back and turned Giulia, but as this broke the rules of the coven he had to give her up for execution. He believes them both dead, but Valente took pity on the innocent child and instead sent her to Naples, where she still resides under Marino’s care.
Cédric LaRoque
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Cédric LaRoque was the son of a naval captain and wanted nothing more than to be like his father. At only 17, he was just starting out his service aboard his father’s ship, when they were attacked by pirates. Cédric was taken prisoner and unwillingly began a new life as a criminal. He saw no way out until the crew made the mistake of attacking a ship with three particular passengers who would put up more than enough of a fight.
Injured in the crossfire, Cédric begged for his life and Stefan was given permission to turn him - on the condition that he would care for the boy. Two such sudden changes of pace had an effect on Cédric and to this day he is an anxious individual, but over the centuries has adjusted to life in the shadows. He lost an eye to the hunter, Friedhelm, after approximately a century.
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Anacletus is considered the eldest vampire in existence. He is one of the children of the creator Elijah’s own fledglings and heralded by many as a power that cannot be rivalled. By some good fortune, he has avoided the eventual descent into madness that many of the elders of their kind succumb to and served as coven leader to the globe’s largest coven in Egypt until the age of Enlightenment. As covens spread and territory wars began invoking among their kind, Anaclectus constructed a council of all coven leaders to harness some form of control over the growing numbers and mediate the powers that each possessed. Many warring covens will be pulled before him if they threaten to expose their kind to humanity and discussions will be held to try and resolve the issue. Additionally, if any issues come to light that may threaten their kind on a mass scale, he will summon the leaders for talks on how to address it.
Zhen Demyanovich
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Zhen was admired by Demyan in the early 16th Century for his unique skills as a prized torturer who accompanied a visiting Chinese dignitary. After observing an especially horrific display performed by the man, Demyan decided to recruit him as one of his own coven. Both possessing the sadistic pleasures of watching another desperately try to clutch to their last breath of life, they soon became close. Zhen performs duties similar to that of an advisor, ensuring Demyan remains informed about important issues and people, whilst also acting as head of the little entourage their leader surrounds himself with. He is highly intelligent and charming, a perfect rival to Stefan who explicitly illustrates his hatred for him.
Nikolai Demyanovich Volkov
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Demyan’s son and future ruler of the Moscow coven, Demyan was born a human and kept away from the coven by his mother until Demyan’s eventual death. There was an issue of who would take over the coven after him and Nikolai’s mother brought him forward as a candidate and after some time he was accepted into the role, being turned Anacletus. Many were wary of letting Demyan’s son rule, expecting a carbon copy of the tyrant, but - whilst he did apparently inherit his father’s flare for the lavish and extravagant - Nikolai turned out to be a good, fair ruler, putting an end to Demyan’s cruel habits such as torturing humans and keeping them as edible pets, as well as re-establishing a group of advisors.
Friedhelm Ruth
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An unusual and highly unexpected member of the Neapolitan coven - Friedhelm was originally a vampire hunter and had made a good career for himself, working for over a decade throughout Germany, Italy and his home country of Switzerland. His career came to a sudden end when a mission of his turned sour. He manage to injure and nearly captured Cédric - a fledgling of Stefan’s - but was himself caught and hauled off to Naples to be kept an eye on.
At first he held nothing but distaste for his new lodgings and made several unsuccessful escape attempts before resigning himself to his imprisonment. Marino made many attempts to talk to him, to explain that vampires only did what they had to in order to survive - most of the time, anyway. It took over a decade and much stubbornness on both sides, but a friendship gradually formed, and in turn a relationship and, eventually, Friedhelm agreed to let Marino turn him and become a member of the coven.
Since then many a rumour has spread between hunters of what could have happened for one of their kind to join their sworn enemies, and this has resulted in Marino’s favour - most hunters now give Naples a wide berth, for fear that they might meet the same fate.
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One of the elders of the Venetian coven, “Nonno” - whose real name has somehow been lost to time - stands out in more ways that one. Firstly, he doesn’t feed as often as he should, resulting in a shrivelled appearance much of the time (though he surprises many by being rather handsome when he does finally get around to hunting) and secondly, by being much more approachable than any of the other elders.
In life, Nonno was a kind, clever, genuine man, meeting and befriending Valente’s father, Vittorio in Rome and, upon discovering his dark secret, simply shrugged, placing their friendship first. Eventually he began to age and die and was offered a place in the coven and accepted, becoming a part of the council, eventually introducing Vittori to his eventual wife, Elisabetta.
He is one of few people Valente trusted Estella with in her early fledgling years, and he quickly gained her trust too as an uncle or grandfather figure, somebody who had no ulterior motives towards her. He does have a cheeky side and, when he can be bothered to feed, is actually something of a playboy, happy to let Estella’s handmaidens flock around him.
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covenlegacy · 2 years
Hello, Coven. Can I ask how the guys feel about Russia and the Russians now (in the current political situation)? I know that in some old interviews they said that they liked the country, in particular Namjoon liked Moscow, and Taehyung wrote that he loves Russia very much and wants to learn the language someday. Or is it all over, love has passed, tomatoes have withered (or maybe they don't care at all)lol? PS : sorry if the question seems silly
Кажется тут кто то из России. 👀❤❤
In general, yes, love has passed. The aggressor country, and all that. They are afraid that we will unite with North Korea. Like, you know, why not conquer them as well? This is, yes, very logical…
But here the feeling is more like that we are "crazy" (or the top of the government) and we don't need logic. Very interesting…
Namjoon generally thinks that we were blinded by the thirst for territory and money.
Taehyung, in principle, hardly thinks about it, he still likes Russia, I think he feels some kind of belonging / community. He either tries not to think about it or, as is typical of the king of pentacles, he has already combed the entire Internet about this news and knows the opinion of all parties.
Yoongi thinks that we do whatever we want without thinking at all. "It would be better to go to work." Most likely, he is sure that someone is crazy here. Hosok thinks we have something like that right now… Total poverty, Death, poverty. And this is our common decision to go there. We have created a headache for ourselves.
Jin thinks about the same thing. The aggressor country dug their own grave because they could not live peacefully with their neighbors.
Jimin basically doesn't give a shit about all this, he's still fascinated by Russia. But assumes that the entrance is now closed there?
Reread what all the seniors think, negative thoughts it will be Jeongguk.
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bandstolookup · 3 years
freddie gibbs
hop along
annie mac
sean buckley
the dryes
robbie jude
broken social scene
blind guardian
Courtney love
children of bodom
misery falls
as I lay dying
no body count
maleviolent creation
tori Amos
the growlers
at the gates
Royal blood
stone sour
Chris Cornell
I prevail
backyard babies
beneath the massacre
black crown initiate
bleed from within
blood incantation
body count
black cross
dark fortress
dark funeral
dark tranquility
dead lord
death alley
deez nuts
demons & wizards
deserted fear
dr living dead!
dream evil
entombed a.d.
eskimo callboy
ether coven
four seconds ago
frozen soul
gemini syndrome
grave pleasures
hank von hell
heaven shall burn
hideous divinity
iced earth
imperial triumphant
jeff loomis
jon schaffer's purgatory
lacuna coil
like a storm
lorna shore
mad sin
malevolent creation
man with a mission
mass worship
new years day
night demon
oceans of slumber
omnium gatherum
orphaned land
painted wives
radio moscow
red death
savage messiah
sick of it all
skeletal remains
spirit adrfit
stitched up heart
street dogs
svart crown
swallow the sun
the alligator wine
the haunted
the lurking fear
the offering
the picturebooks
triumph of death
warrel dane
angel dust
awaken the empire
barren earth
black temple
blessed by a broken heart
celtic frost
ceremonial oath
darkest hour
dead soul
death wolf
demolition hammer
despised icon
devil sold his soul
earth crisis
ghosts of the sun
eyes of eden
fear my thoughts
flowing tears
fu manchu
girl on fire
god forbid
grand supreme blood court
hang the bastard
heart of a coward
high on fire
i am heresy
in this moment
insidious disease
into eternity
the flood
ion dissonance
jag panzer
death won't hold
dread engine
karyn crisis' gospel of the witches
denzel curry
goody grace
father john misty
chase atlantic
nothing more
dying fetus
tom's story
body count
zeal & ardor
power trip
the contortionist
lunatic soul
ne obliviscartis
the word alive
code orange
tye Trujillo
stone temple pilots
the Dillinger escape plan
10 years
frenzal rhomb
gone is gone
Royal thunder
bell witch
fredo santana
black anvil
black widow
black witchery
the xcerts
black tongue
the faim
petrol girls
joan Jett and the blackhearts
trophy eyes
bicep live
meat loaf
royal republic
Scott sapp
Whitney Houston
black marble
la dispute
Roseanne Barr
lord belial
the quill
eleventh hour
arch enemy
solitude aeturnus
rock star supernova
lou reed
l.a. guns
pride & glory
slash's snakepit
Alice in chains
the cult
another animal
ugly kid joe
against all will
puddle of mudd
shadow child
Mick Jagger
joss stone
Damian Marley
brides of destruction
tinted windows
the cardigans
type o negative
tenacious d
ond tro
paal nilssen-love's brazil funk improv
Rob halford
Maria brink
lizzy hale
women of Rock
yuto miyazawa
Aidan fisher
brian lindsay
dead cross
machine head
ben harper & the innocent criminals
ray lamontagne
george clinton & parliament funkadelic
snarky puppy
kasey chambers
st. paul & the broken bones
nahko and medicine for the people
tommy emanuel
colin hay
arlo guthrie
keb' mo'
tex perkins
richard clapton
russell morris
kurt vile & the violators
vintage trouble
the black sorrows
the california honeydrops
trevor hall
i'm with her
larkin poe
irish mythen
elephant sessions
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tracelessrp · 3 years
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Hometown: Moscow, Russia. Current Residence: New Orleans, Louisiana, United States Special Abilities: Before becoming a vampire she was very good at self-defense fight, very flexible [almost made to olympics in gymnastics] and she got even better now she’s a vampire, she can hypnosing people with her eyes or , extremely strong and probably there are some powers she still figuring out, since she's a newly turn vampire.
Character Background: 
 Sasha was an only child to the Vasiliev's, her mother passed away on the day she was born. Her family wasn't an ordinary family they were witches. Since young age, she was recruited to become a spy when she grow up. It was an organization (coven) that even her father participated when he was young. She excelled in everything, either physical activities or studies wise, always being the top one. She knew about the supernatural world, although some species she hasn't had a pleasure to meet before.       
She has a law degree, in which was part of her disguise as 'human citizen'. One day, her handler send her a mission for her to do. That was a complicated task, as she loves some challenge she accepted it. She bought a law firm, to be closer to get closer of target, and went to the location set (Traceless), this is when things went upside down. When Sasha was shooting her victim had ally, when she thought they were alone. She did murder her victim and the ally. She was losing so much blood when somebody appeared and saved her from the death she couldn't see who exactly was this person because she passed out. When she woke up she felt an unfamiliar hunger for blood and went killing some humans to feed her hunger. She got angry that she lost all her powers as witch, and became a vampire. Now she is trying figuring her life as vampire.
(ooc: Cat, 28, she/her, -3gmt )
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orthodoxydaily · 4 years
Icon, Saint& Reading: Tue., Oct. 13, 2020
Oct 1st_Julian calendar
The Protection of the MostHoly Mother of God
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     The Protection (Pokrov) of the MostHoly Mother of God: "The Virgin today doth stand forth within the Church, and with the choirs of the Saints invisibly for us doth pray to God: angels with hierarchs make reverence, and apostles with prophets sing forth: for us the Birthgiver of God prayeth the Praeternal God" – this miraculous appearance of the Mother of God occurred in the mid-X Century at Constantinople, in the Blakhernae church where there was preserved the Robe of the Mother of God, Her Head-Veil (mathoria) and part of the Belt-Sash, transferred from Palestine in the V Century. On Sunday, 1 October, during the time of the all-night vigil, when the church was overflowing with those at prayer, the Fool-for-Christ Saint Andrew (Comm. 2 October) at the fourth hour of the night lifted up his eyes towards the heavens, and beheld coming through the air our MostHoly Lady Mother of God resplendent with an Heavenly light and surrounded by an assembly of the Saints. The holy Baptist of the Lord John and the holy Apostle John the Theologian accompanied the Queen of Heaven. On bended knee the MostHoly Virgin began with tears to pray for Christians and for a long time was at prayer. Then, coming nigh the Prestol'-Throne, She continued Her prayer, which having completed She then took from Her head the veil and spread it over the people praying in church, protecting them from enemies both visible and invisible. The MostHoly Lady Mother of God was resplendent with Heavenly glory, and the protecting veil in Her hands gleamed "more than the rays of the sun". Saint Andrew gazed atrembling at the miraculous vision and he asked of his disciple Blessed Epiphanios standing alongside him: "Dost thou see, brother, the Queen and Lady, praying for all the world?" Epiphanios answered: "I do see, holy father, and I be in awe". The Ever-Blessed Mother of God implored of the Lord Jesus Christ to accept the prayers of all the people, calling on His MostHoly Name and hastening in recourse to Her intercession. "O Heavenly King, – sayeth in prayer the Immaculate Queen standing aethereally amidst the Angels, – accept every person, that prayeth unto Thee and calleth on My Name for help, let them not go empty away unheard from before My Visage". Saints Andrew and Epiphanios, granted to behold the Mother of God at prayer, "for a long time did gaze at the protecting veil spread over the people and the lightning like flashes in glory to the Lord; as long as the MostHoly Mother of God was there, so likewise was the protecting veil visible; but with Her departure it likewise became invisible, and though having taken it with Her, She left behind the grace of having been there". At the Blakhernae church was preserved the memory of the miraculous appearance of the Mother of God. In the XIV Century, the Russian pilgrim and clerk Aleksandr saw within the church an icon of the MostHoly Mother of God praying for the world, and written such, as depicting Saint Andrew in contemplation of Her. But the Greek Church does not know this feast. [trans. note: i.e. does not historically celebrate this feast. Our Russian source is here reticent concerning the historical circumstances occasioning the necessary protective intercession of the Mother of God, and it reflects a great irony, that for the Russians rather than for the Greeks this should be an important feast, since it celebrates the Divine destruction by a storm of a large pagan-Russian fleet under Askold and Dir which threatened Constantinople itself, sometime in the years 864-867, or per the Russian historian Vasiliev on 18 June 860. The Russian Primary Chronicle of Saint Nestor notes this miraculous deliverance following the all-night vigil and the dipping of the garment of the Mother of God into the waters of the sea at the Blakhernae church, but without mention of Saints Andrew and Epiphanios and their vision of the Mother of God at prayer. These latter elements, and the beginnings of the celebrating of the feast of Pokrov, seem to postdate Saint Nestor and the Chronicle. A further historical complication might be noted under the 2 October entry for Saint Andrew – that of his demise in the year 936. Either this year of death might not be quite reliable, or that he survived into quite extreme old age after the vision of his youth, or that his vision involved some historically later pagan-Russian raid which met with the same fate. The below suggestion likewise that the Saint Andrew of the vision was a Slav (or a Skyth per other sources, such as S. V. Bulgakov) – is a nice touch, but not necessarily chauvinism: the extent of historical South Slavic penetration and re-population into Greece is the stuff of scholarly disputes].      In the Prologue, a Russian book of the XII Century, is contained a description about the establishing of the special feastday in honour of this event: "For lo, when we heard, – we realised, how wondorus and merciful was the vision and moreover an expectation and intercession on our behalf, without celebration... and it transpired, that Thy holy Pokrov-Protection should not remain without festal-celebration, O Ever-Blessed One!". Wherefore in the festal celebration of the Divine-services to the Pokrov-Protection of the Mother of God, the Russian Church intones: " With the choirs of the Angels, O Sovereign Lady, with the venerable and glorious prophets, with the First-Ranked Apostles and with the PriestMartyrs and Sainted-hierarchs pray Thou for us sinners, glorifying the feast of Thine Protection in the Russian Land". And moreover, it would seem that Saint Andrew, contemplating the miraculous vision, was a Slav, taken captive and at Constantinople given over into slavery to the local inhabitant named Theognost.      Churches in honour of the Pokrov-Protection of the Mother of God appeared in Russia in the XII Century. Widely known on its architectural merit is the temple of the Pokrov at Nerla, which was built in the year 1165 by holy Prince Andrei Bogoliubsky. Through the efforts of this holy prince was also established in the Russian Church the feast itself, the Pokrov-Protection of the Mother of God, in about the year 1164. At Novgorod in the XII Century there existed a monastery of the Pokrov of the MostHoly Mother of God (the so-called Zverinsk monastery); at Moscow also under tsar Ivan the Terrible was built the cathedral of the Pokrov of the Mother of God at the church of the Holy Trinity (known as the church of Saint Basil the Great).      On the feast of the Pokrov-Protection of the MostHoly Mother of God we implore the defense and assist of the Queen of Heaven: "Remember us in Thine prayers, O Lady Virgin Mother of God, that we perish not by the increase of our sins, protect us from every evil and from grievous woes; for on Thee do we hope, and venerating the feast of Thine Pokrov, Thee do we magnify".
© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.
ICON:  The Gerbovetsk  
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 The Gerbovetsk Icon of the MostHoly Mother of God was acknowledge as wonderworking in the year 1859, but even before this it was especially revered by believers of Kishinev diocese. According to tradition, this image was brought to the Gerbovetsk monastery in the year 1790
.© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.
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Hebrews 9:1-7 
1Then indeed, even the first covenant had ordinances of divine service and the earthly sanctuary. 2 For a tabernacle was prepared: the first part, in which was the lampstand, the table, and the showbread, which is called the sanctuary; 3 and behind the second veil, the part of the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of All, 4 which had the golden censer and the ark of the covenant overlaid on all sides with gold, in which were the golden pot that had the manna, Aaron's rod that budded, and the tablets of the covenant; 5 and above it were the cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy seat. Of these things we cannot now speak in detail. 6 Now when these things had been thus prepared, the priests always went into the first part of the tabernacle, performing the services.7 But into the second part the high priest went alone once a year, not without blood, which he offered for himself and for the people's sins committed in ignorance.
Luke 10:38-42; 11:27-28 
38 Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house. 39 And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus' feet and heard His word. 40 But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me." 41 And Jesus answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. 42 But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her. 27 And it happened, as He spoke these things, that a certain woman from the crowd raised her voice and said to Him, "Blessed is the womb that bore You, and the breasts which nursed You!" 28But He said, "More than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!"
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alexsmitposts · 4 years
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Why didn't eve give birth to Cain in Paradise Everyone knows the phrase that God addressed to the first people on earth. "Be fruitful and multiply," he said to Adam and eve (Gen 1:28) when they were still in Paradise. However, during the entire stay of the first woman in Paradise, she did not give birth to a single child. How did this happen?
It is believed that the firstborn of Adam and eve was the future killer of his brother Cain. Saint Philaret argued that the first appearance of Cain can be explained by the fact that by that time his parents had not yet had time to repent and repent of their sin. After all, at the time of the birth of the eldest son, the first people were already expelled by God from Paradise.
Nevertheless, eve was so pleased with the child that she exclaimed, "I have Acquired a man from the Lord" (Gen 4: 1). She even called the boy " acquisition." After all, the name "Cain" is translated from the Hebrew. If eve actually found happiness in the person of her son, why did she not follow God's call to "be Fruitful and multiply" (Gen 1:28) earlier, when she was still living with Adam in a better place, that is, before her expulsion from Paradise?
The Scripture says that the Creator ordered the first people to inhabit the earth. "Multiply," said the Lord (Gen 1: 28). Saint Basil the Great argued that this call of God can be explained by the fact that his "creation was directed at many people", and not only at the first couple. Thus, it turns out that the Lord really wanted Adam and eve to produce new people.
In fact, it is difficult to imagine that Adam and eve disobeyed the Lord even before the appearance of the serpent-tempter and did not fulfill God's Covenant about reproduction. Otherwise, it probably would have been mentioned in the Bible. As a result, it can be assumed that eve was already carrying a child under her heart when the Lord drove her and Adam out of the garden of Eden. A similar version was voiced by the Professor of the Moscow theological Academy, father Andrey Kuraev, in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta (No. 6172).
But what about the fact that the words about the emergence of a close relationship between the first man and the first woman in the Scripture come immediately after the mention of exile: "Adam knew eve his wife, and she conceived" (Gen. 4: 1)? Many interpreters believe that this sentence should be understood in the past tense, that is, "the knowledge of eve" preceded the departure of people from Paradise. This was also told by Andrey Kuraev on the pages of the newspaper "Rossiyskaya Gazeta".
However, none of the religious texts indicate the exact number of days, months, or years that Adam and eve lived in Paradise. This is due to the fact that time in Paradise did not exist in principle. It is time that humanity owes the presence of death, which all the animals and plants created by God at first even suspected. Thus Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) wrote: "The plants were not subject to corruption or disease; and corruption, and disease, and the very tares appeared after the change of the earth after the fall of man." Ignatius was echoed by Theophan the recluse: "... being created incorruptible, because of the sins of men it became perishable, for we also became perishable from the incorruptible.
" it Turns out that it is not possible to determine the exact period of Adam and eve's stay in Paradise. However, if we assume that the first people followed God's Covenant to procreate and conceived a child before the exile, then eve did not give birth to a son in Paradise only because she left with Adam after a few weeks. It turns out that the first people lived in Paradise for a very short time, at least less than 9 months.
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