#{also I'm sorry the ask is formatted like that. I promise I put enters between like everyline but it didn't come in like that??}
Sorry, missclick.
It's "beatles. Fucking. Hard."
yknow like ugh poly beatles after a show giving all they got
I'm horny im sorry
Have a nice night bee we love ya
Ringo has noticed since joining the group that the four of them will be in one of two distinct moods following a show.
The first, which is the most common, is complete and utter exhaustion. This tends to occur if they’ve had a long day of travel, or if they’ve been mobbed by a particularly large crowd outside their hotel, or if they’ve quarrelled about the set order in their dressing room beforehand.
The second, which is a lot rarer, is pure joy and excitement. This tends to occur if they’ve given a particularly good performance, or if they’ve not been mobbed at all that day, or if they’ve had a few drinks and a joint beforehand.
Luckily tonight it’s the second category.
They’ve had an unusually quiet day and it’s been one of the few days on tour they’ve actually been able to spend some relaxing time together, and Ringo just had a feeling it was going to be a good evening. The show goes incredibly well, they manage to slip out the back afterwards without anyone noticing, and they’re all quite giggly during the car ride to the hotel.
And Ringo knows what that means.
He’s come to learn that when all four of them are in a good mood after a show, very very good sex follows.
Sure enough, as soon as they all stumble through the door of their hotel suite, Ringo finds himself pressed up against the wall by Paul, who starts kissing his neck.
“So,” Paul says before licking Ringo’s jaw. “Do we all want to take a shower together first, or shall we just get right down to it?”
Ringo’s dick twitches. He doesn’t think he’ll make it to the sex if he has to have a shower with these three.
“We’ll only have to shower again afterwards,” John points out, before tackling a giggling George to the bed.
“Very good point,” Paul agrees, reaching for Ringo’s belt.
Ringo’s head thumps against the wall as Paul’s hand finds its way inside his trousers and underwear, and his heart suddenly sounds so loud in his own ears. Paul’s strokes are slow and methodical, and although Ringo can’t see John and George, he can hear George’s little sighs and moans.
Paul unbuttons Ringo’s shirt with his free hand, licking one nipple then the other, and soon Ringo is standing in an awkward pile of his clothes as he’s wanked off slowly.
“Rich,” Paul says, softly, affectionately, touching their foreheads together. “Beautiful Rich.”
Ringo just about catches a glimpse of George on all fours with John very enthusiastically eating him out from behind, before realising he’s being terribly selfish. He drops to his knees and reaches for Paul’s belt, smiling as the younger man strokes his hair.
As he sucks Paul off, Ringo can’t help but reflect on how easy this always seems to be. When he’d been with the Hurricanes, group sex had always been a bit more awkward- no one seemed to really know who to be with first or what to do.
It’s different with the Beatles though. They have their own rhythm, and they can just read each other so easily. And it’s probably the first time Ringo has actually enjoyed giving blowjobs, rather than just doing it to please someone else.
One reflection he does have though is that it’s always very predictable. Not that there’s anything bad with that- but it is always usually the same, even if in a slightly different format.
They’ll pair off during foreplay so that they all get a chance to be with each other, and then they’ll normally fuck as two couples next to each other on the bed. The pairings will change but the basic formula stays the same.
Sure enough, after sucking Paul off for a few minutes, Ringo finds himself being pulled away by John for a kiss while Paul and George pass a bottle of lube between each other on the bed.
“Look at them together,” John purrs. “Fucking beautiful, eh? They’re gonna finger each other open ready for us, Ringo. Ready for us to fuck them into the mattress.”
Ringo could never get tired of watching Paul and George do this, but again it’s nothing new.
John seems to be too excited to notice that Ringo has something on his mind though, and wraps an arm around the smaller man to pull him close. He grabs their cocks in one hand and starts to stroke them together, and grabs Ringo’s arse with the other hand.
Ringo lets himself enjoy it as he keeps his eyes on Paul and George, who are clearly putting on a bit of a show for them.
“You take George, yeah?” John says, pupils blown wide as he gazes at Paul.
Ringo would say that the vast majority of the time he ends up fucking George. And that isn’t a bad thing at all; he adores fucking George, and even though they’ve all told each other that they don’t have favourites and everyone in their relationship is equal, Ringo knows that’s not completely true.
And if he had to pick a favourite...well. He knows who it would be.
But by the time Paul and George are lying side by side on the bed, and Ringo is climbing on top of George, he can’t help but notice George is pouting.
“What’s wrong?” Ringo asks, caressing the younger man’s cheek. “Are you tired?”
George shakes his head. “I was just thinking. We always do this.”
Great minds think alike.
“Eh?” John raises an eyebrow as Paul wraps his legs around his waist. “You mean have sex? Aye, we do that quite a lot.”
“No,” George says with a slight scowl. “I mean we always just end up pairing off like this. And it’s great, don’t get me wrong, but...I dunno. It would be nice if all four of us could have sex together. So we’re like a proper foursome instead of two couples having sex next to each other.”
And that’s when Ringo has an idea.
“There is something we could try,” Ringo says with a grin. “It’s something I did a few times with the Hurricanes.”
The others certainly look intrigued, and Ringo takes a minute to think through how he might choreograph this. If they pull it off, he’s sure it will be something really special.
“Okay,” Ringo says, trying to feign confidence. “John- keep going. Keep Paul on his back and fuck him like that, but keep your back straight. Don’t lean over Paul.”
John does so, entering Paul slowly, and George looks a little sceptical, clearly trying to work out where Ringo is going with this.
Ringo allows John to fuck Paul for just a few minutes before telling them both to hold still.
“Okay. Now, Georgie, you climb on top of Paul. Ride him.”
George raises an eyebrow. “With John still...?”
George looks a little hesitant as he straddles Paul, glancing over his shoulder at John behind him.
“It’s alright,” Ringo says encouragingly. “You know what to do, Georgie.”
George fumbles with Paul’s cock, trying to line it up with his entrance, but he’s clearly nervous with all eyes on him.
“Here,” Ringo says softly. “I’ll hold this.” He takes hold of Paul’s erection with one hand. “And this.” He takes George’s hand with the other. “And all you have to do is sit.”
George smiles gratefully as he slowly impales himself, and Ringo can’t help but think the three of them look so beautiful together. Joined as one, as close as can possibly be.
“What about you though?” George asks. “You can’t be left out.”
“I won’t be,” Ringo promises, kneeling on the bed next to Paul. “Not if you give me a helping hand.”
He guides George’s hand to his own cock.
“So we just move?” John asks, sounding impatient.
“Yep,” Ringo chuckles. “Pretty much.”
It’s a little clumsy at first. John and George are moving at slightly different paces, although Paul doesn’t seem to mind, and George isn’t focussing enough to give Ringo a decent handjob.
But Ringo tells John to slow down a little and George to try and ride Paul a little faster, and they’re soon finding their rhythm, and George is stroking Ringo much more confidently.
The bed is creaking and shaking as they fuck, and it’s quite possibly the hottest sex they’ve ever had. It’s also the most intimate; it’s the first time they’ve all really been part of a sex act together at the same time.
Paul is the first to come; unsurprising since he’s got a dick inside him and George’s tight heat engulfing his own cock. John follows not soon after, and then George covers Ringo’s lips with his own and they’re coming together; waves of pleasure rolling through them.
Afterwards they untangle themselves and collapse in a heap on the bed, sweaty and exhausted.
“Ringo,” John says breathlessly. “You’re a fucking genius.”
Ringo beams as the others shower him with kisses.
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monster-bait · 4 years
Hi, do you have any tips for someone starting out who would like to make money off my own writing. I think I may use patreon, and self publish, I Mainly write Poto Leroux and would like to take request for original fiction, but I have a very small following and am put off sharing my work because I'm afraid not many people will see/read it. Sorry for the really long ask but if you have any tips and/or advise that would be greatly appreciated.
Oh wow, I don’t know where you guys got it into your heads that I’m any good at making money, lol!
Soooo...first off, I’m far from a publishing professional and I’ve only had my own Patreon up and running since September, so I’m a questionable authority at best. 
I can only speak to my own experience and schedule, and time tends to be my most limited commodity, so I put a lot of thought into considering what I was and was not willing to commit to my Patrons each month, and for how many patrons I was willing/able to make that commitment. My patrons are guaranteed to receive one (1) exclusive story between 5-10k words a month, in addition to exclusive viewership of my multi-chapter work. Since that’s not an insignificant time commitment, in addition to commissions, side projects, and real life responsibilities, ensuring I had an audience first was a priority, because it’s *not* a time commitment I’m willing to make for 3 people. (Even though I’d be supremely grateful to @thelampades and two others regardless. 😜)
Since you’re specifically asking about monetizing, I’ll be blunt: if you don’t put the work in to build a readership, you’re not going to see much financial return. Now, that’s absolutely not an indictment of your work. That’s simply the nature of commerce and marketing: people won’t buy what they don’t know exists. This is especially true for what they’re willing to pay for, particularity when fanfic is free. If transformative fanwork is what you’re writing, then you already know the market is crowded. 
I would ask yourself why you’re unwilling to share your work now, when you also want to make money from it. (I don’t mean give everything away for free, but presumably there’s going to be considerable overlap with the audience with whom you’re currently not sharing and the audience you eventually want to buy your work.)
If you search my #writing woes tag, I’ve answered questions previously on how to build and sustain a following, and that would be my advice, if it’s advice you’re seeking.
As far as self publishing goes...people self-publish for myriad reasons—because they have a pet passion that’s under-represented, because they’re trying to launch an authoring career, because they simply want to own a book on their shelf with their name on it, etc, so your experience will depend on your motivations. @jamiepage19 has self published an absolutely lovely bit of poto fiction, so she would be a good resource to whom you could reach out! 
If you’re seeking to self-publish to make money, be prepared to spend money. Everything costs money. Covers, formatting, editing, advertising. But! Again, it depends on your expectations for “making money”. 
If you’re interested in selling a dozen copies to family and friends, KDP is completely free. If you are bringing your own audience to the table, it might mitigate some of the advertising need. You can edit your own work, you can make your own cover from free-use stock images, and your investment is minimal. 
If you’re looking to enter the realm of author as a career, it isn’t. The average spend for a self-published author is about $2k/book, including edits, cover, ISBN numbers if you’re selling anywhere other than KDP, and ad campaigns. 
I will say, if it’s fanwork you'd be publishing, because its so niche you’d have an easier time finding readership than authors of broad categories like murder mysteries or fantasy romance (OMG, I’m going to sell 3 books, what is wrong with meeeeeeeeeeee 😭) *Ahem.* People who read niche fiction tend to browse the whole list of offerings, so there’s that. But again...with writers like, say, Michelle Rodriguez out there, a known quantity with multiple POTO works and followers, the main thing separating someone from buying your book is going to be the unknown factor.
Bottom line: you’ve got to put yourself out there. It’s never easy to share something you’ve created, because it’s personal and it hurts to have it be overlooked or ignored or criticized, but that’s the nature of the beast. *Especially* if you want to monetize it. People should keep their opinions to themselves and move along with fanfic; if it’s something they’ve paid for? They have the right to pick it apart and review it and that means growing a relatively thick skin as a creator.
If you want to write original fiction, start doing it. Create a Writeblr side-blog to share, if you want to move away from the fandom aspect. If you’re asking me how to start writing original work, you just need to take a breath and do it. I left the poto fandom and fanwork in general about 2 years ago and I’ve never looked back or felt the need to, so don’t feel like you’re locked in place. There IS life after fandom, I promise.
(I could honestly write a small book about planning and executing a launch, because that’s actually what I did in my day job and it really grinds my gears the way people can be so utterly clueless in assuming they can flip on a light switch and the whole world will know about it...there are entire departments dedicated to product launches in every retailer in the world, so if/when you get to that point, feel free to ask questions!)
My advice is to start sharing! Not sharing because you’re worried about your writing being overlooked and then jumping to monetizing seems like a sure-fire way to become discouraged over a lukewarm reception. (Patreon has its own pitfalls to be prepared for even without the question of ‘will people find me’ looming over it.) Build a readership, even if it’s a small one. Small and loyal is just as important as large and transient. Keep your readership. Work on making you writing the best it can be. And good luck! Please don’t be afraid to hit me up again...I’d love a progress report, and I always reblog work I’m tagged in on my Bookshelf page.
Check out my #writing woes tag for more typo-riddled writing advice-type posts on navigating Tumblr as a creator and building an engaged audience!
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