musecheerios · 1 year
This wasn't normally her scene...Going to a martial arts tournament was something that caught her attention on a whim. She chose to sit in the front row, it seeming to be the least crowded. She didn't know what more to expect than fights. But when she saw him...
"Whoa.." He's pretty darn cute...she tucked her hair behind her ear, and she could be caught staring without meaning to.
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cxffeeshxp · 1 month
@dragvnsovl || x
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" Your Gyatt, girl. Like GYATT damn. " That surely hadn't helped with the other's confusion at all.
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stardstschlar · 6 days
@dragvnsovl asked: ✦ //For Tater, mayhaps when she wears a short-sleeved shirt around him for the first time
Meme thing here.
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Jotaro was very familiar with scars - his own body littered with many from the battles he's had in his life. Ranging from standard fist fights to the stand battles he's faced. But with Tater, he has yet to see any such marking, until now. His features schooled into its unreadable expression, but his eyes had shown wonder yet concern. She wore a short sleeves shirt for the first time, not that he was complaining because Jotaro himself hardly ever showed his arms.
"Where'd that come from?" The Joestar questioned softly, motioning towards the one scar that popped out to him. From the looks of it the scar hadn't seemed very deep, but then it was already healed at this point so he wasn't sure. His curiosity was getting to him.
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dragonballmultiverse · 2 months
To @dragvnsovl continued from here [X]
"Wow really?!"
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She figured he would be pretty big because of his stature, but not that big!
"I'd probably have to..hug it like a tree to get you off!"
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regulus-regent · 5 months
Continued from [ x ] @dragvnsovl
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Vegeta had been in the middle of cleaning up dishes as he sensed the approaching sayan behind him. Still it didn't warrant the prince to acknowledge him, he figured the other was going to reach for the fridge or grab a quick snack from the pantry. However, his concentration was abruptly broken when he felt two strong arms enveloping his waist in a hug, causing him to flinch instinctively. With a sharp exhale, he huffed in annoyance, but continued with his task, his tail lightly smacking Goku's leg as a warning for invading his personal space.
"Is there a reason you're interrupting me, or are you just looking for attention?"
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grctia · 22 days
@dragvnsovl continued from this.
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His upbringing had to have been rough. Mai wasn't all that certain if every single Saiyan had the same upbringing or not, perhaps she could ask at some point. His words pulled her from her thoughts as violet pools looked to the dark haired man, taking in his crossed arms and glowering expression. Mai supposed there was a fair point in that assumption. She'd had her fair share of people trying to take advantage of her kindness, but still chose to show said kindness.
All thanks to a friend. "I suppose having a backbone should help in keeping those who want to suck out the positive at bay."
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divinityunleashed · 2 months
@dragvnsovl ( X <- Continued from here! )
"It makes you feel useful, hmm?"
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"You're an interesting one. Playing second fiddle to the best in the hopes of being spared. Quite admirable, I respect that."
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long-haired-hottie · 8 days
@dragvnsovl from X
Dija looked up from the mirror and smiled gruesomely around the copious amount of tissues and blood streaming down his face. It dripped down off his chin into the sink below, some dribbling down his neck and catching on the collar of his shirt. A public bathroom was not the best place to be taking care of sudden nosebleeds but walking around bloody wasn't acceptable to humans. They tended to worry and scream at the sight of ample amounts of red on a person.
"Yeah man! I'll be fine. This is pretty normal for me this time of year."
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abridgedvampire · 18 days
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@dragvnsovl goes for a walk -> X
"Most of those myths are exactly that. Myths. Garbage. Made up."
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"And don't get me started on Twilight. That shit is not accurate at all."
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"Though you are more brave than the others. You haven't tried to kill me or run away from me so either you have a death wish or you're more intrigued than you let on."
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@dragvnsovl continued from x
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...! He showed himself, his head emerging from behind the tree. He took one step away from it, his tail wagging more.
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girlsfightingarena · 3 months
@dragvnsovl continued from here (X)
Oh damn, he wasn't supposed to notice! Then again, Bardock's Saiyan instincts were sharp. It was..attractive.
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"I-it's possible.."
Saiyans didn't stutter! Easier said than done when you weren't falling in love..
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musecheerios · 7 months
“Mating Season” //Your turn! Either Tater to Goku or Piccolo!
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He was just going to rub one out all himself, but seeing this girl that he met recently, it was..awkward, to say the least. He couldn't even get his hand on his shaft, his face flushed from both the heat and slight embarrassment.
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risingsouls · 6 months
@dragvnsovl replied: Tater VC: “Who?” //She def didn’t even see him. She was too distracted by the actual muscle
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" The short, green one with four eyes? Well...I'd be careful not to offend him. He's actually the strongest member, you know. You insult him? Well...I've heard some real nasty stories about people who get on his bad side. So I wouldn't be too loud about not noticing him~ "
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stardstschlar · 8 days
@dragvnsovl // this
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He hadn't expected to feel a tug on his arm, but when he had Jotaro had allowed himself to be pulled a couple feet back. A random stranger pulling him back to stop the Joestar from getting into a fight? It wasn't the first, wasn't the second and certainly would not be the last, either. Brows furrowing the raven haired male looked back to the commotion beforehand then looked back at the woman beside him and eventually tugged his arm away, "Should worry about yourself, y'know."
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dragonballmultiverse · 2 months
@dragvnsovl {X}
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"I did it because I felt like it!!"
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regulus-regent · 6 months
Continued from [ x ] @dragvnsovl
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The sudden vibration in his pocket caught Vegeta's attention, reaching for his phone he open the message.
[ sms : kakarot 🤡 ] Oh ha, ha. Real fucking mature Kakarot, you're lucky i'm not there to smack you.
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