mortuaest · 3 months
Weird, this place was a little weird. But the dragon wasn't really going to complain either way. Something about this place also seemed familiar. As if her own Master told her about some place similar. All because of someone that she spoke to once.
Maybe she would see him there? Last time she knew there was a man named Jiraya who her Master brought to her to talk to her about her kind once. Maybe this place is where he's from?
Either way, her portals tended to bring her to random places. Might as well enjoy it. Especially considering the fact that she wasn't in her true form.
Letting her eyes drift as she walked. A soft, yet content smile was on her dark red painted lips as she took in the sights around the town. Maybe getting weird stares once in a great while because of her Lolita.
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entangledmuses · 1 year
Peter was walking through the local community college mainly to get out of the rain and stopped when he saw some pictures hanging in the college’s art gallery having recognized the area of the forest most of the pictures had. He came in closer and inspected a few hanging on the wall and felt his stomach drop, shit that was him.. that was his wolf form what the fuck?! He glanced around wondering if he could grab these and run. ( for Sarah :3 )
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Sarah was excited about setting up the art show. She worked at the community college teaching photography, and had promised them that she would sort out a art show for them, to help raise a little money. So here she was, setting up, and as promised to her students, even put up some of her own photos.
She noticed the male looking at the pictures and walked over to him.
"Sorry the show actually isn't for a few hours, so not everything is up. You're more than welcome to come back then, we'll have some food and drink available then too." She said, smiling softly at him.
"Unusual right? We don't often have wolves in these parts. I was in awe when I saw him."
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meep9898 · 3 years
Okay but Sarah with librarian butt though
Bountiful Bookworm Bumps Bookshelves Because of her Blubbery Booty
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beckysbasura-blog · 6 years
text 📲 sarah ⇄ tristan
SARAH: Tell your brother I'm gonna be late.
SARAH: No but dude, wake the fuck up cause if you tell him instead of me, murder is way less likely.
SARAH: No wait, tell him I've been murdered, then when he's sad give him the real news.
SARAH: If he's not fucking devastated about my murder, tell him I quit.
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wanderland-dreamers · 11 years
She seems that she hardly ever is. OOC: aw that sucks, hate that class.
Yeah, tell me about it. What are you up to?- Sarah
ooc: Me too, but at leas it's almost over after my test tomorrow. What's up with you?
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mortuaest · 6 months
This section of the USA, at least to the humanoid wandering around these parts. Was oh so slightly weird. It seemed as if not everyone lived in the same kind of housing?
Sarah wouldn't complain of course, since she left as if her own Master has told her about this. And to not be shocked that humans lived completely and utterly different than how they did. From what the dragon remembered?
Not every single human wanted to live in the type of housing that they did.
But, Sarah was in this town for some reason. She knew that one of her Master's contacts informed her about something odd going on here in the eighties. It wasn't interesting then of course, but now?
The pestering of them investigating it in order to see if it was worth while or not would only stop if someone went to see if it was worth the time of the Demon that she served. Either by finding items that could replace others or body parts.
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mortuaest · 3 months
"........Excuse me, don't know if you're looking or...."
The dragon didnt want to assume that they were lost. Sometimes beings just liked wandering even though they knew where they were. To learn the area more.
"I don't want to assume you're lost...."
At least they were on the sidewalk side of the building. Her Master's vacation home was a danger zone.
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mortuaest · 2 months
Cue a slow, but deep sigh from the dragon as her eyes spotted a being on the street. In front of the gate of her Master's vacation home. Half of the time the being couldnt tell if anyone was lost. Especially when theyre just.....Existing.
"You good?"
She finally called out. Hoping that she didn't have to deal with some sort of punk.
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mortuaest · 2 months
"...Well then."
Was muttered under her breath. She wasn't expecting a being who was giving off the scent and aura of a demon. Especially in front of her master's home. Especially being in front of her master's home. Most demons avoided this building.
She didn't want to assume the other was lost. Maybe, for once, they weren't and maybe wanted to try to get onto the other side of the fence.
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mortuaest · 9 months
"......You good?"
Her tone of voice seemed fine and happy sure. But it was a tad slower than usual, as if she was confused on if the other was alright or not.
Sarah was getting used to other beings not being in front of the being's place of living. At least not in the evening, and not after a month or two of not having other beings appear.
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mortuaest · 3 months
Slowing down, the dragon didn't know really what to say or ask. Usually she would be asking the other if she was lost or not but. The smell coming off of her was something that made her not really want to.
She smelled as if she was someone who was important but at the same time. A smell that was kind of rotting. But not rotting at the same time. Was she a vampire? Or someone who was human but not at the same time?
Either way, she still needed to get to her Master's vacation home, and wanted to take a nap after her afternoon tea. She did get some new tea leaves she wanted to really try. And she wanted to share with her own master.
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mortuaest · 1 month
"I like your eye make up~"
Hopefully the other didn't find it weird that she was giving him a compliment. She was randomly dropped here by one of her portals. Letting it choose a random destination for her to land on. The dragon in her human guise didn't know she jumped planes.
She just figured she was in some random Asian village.
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mortuaest · 2 months
@rage-trigger continued from II X
"Just the two familiars going outside, like the two of us were going to do."
Sanako said dully. The two wolves tended to be over excited about having changes to go outside. To be their normal height. They never got to go outside when Sarah and Sanako were home,
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mortuaest · 6 months
-pokes out head from behind a wall-
Sarah instantly turns her head to stare directly at the little Man in Red.
"What? You like beings taller than you or something?"
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mortuaest · 7 months
"We don't want what you're selling."
The dragon, once she slowed down to a stop near the gate, and the person in front of it? Stated simply. Her tone wasn't harsh at all. The being didn't mean any harm, or show any sort of harshness. It seemed as if she was just....
More tired of random beings once in a while trying to get onto the property of her Master's vacation home. It meant one more mess to clean up, and to explain the explosions or electrical cackle to the city.
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mortuaest · 1 year
      “Are you lost?”     Hopefully the being who she was calling out to?   Didn’t find her asking if he was lost offensive.  She was just hoping they would move from the gate.  So she could go onto her Master’s property.     “Or are you good?”
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