#{open to chatting about friendships ect hit me up on discord}
espritdecorpo · 2 years
copy and paste into a new post.
ultimately just depends! sometimes i can reply like within the same days sometimes it takes a little longer to come up with something that i think is a) fitting and b) actionable (so the other person has something to write about!). i'll never cold drop a thread tho so if its taking me a second to get something im probably working on it or got busy with irl! i work full-time for local government so my days can get hectic 😭
im pretty flexible but i usually prefer mutli-para because i feel like i have more room to explain/describe things outside of dialogue (and i always write grumpy characters so sometimes they don't explain the fun stuff necessarily word for word)
sometimes! like everything it just depends; i usually like plotting something out a little more before hand but yeah just depends
oh its always open, feel free to send me stuff!
usually i follow people that i can see our characters interacting. that's kind of the baseline i guess!
Crew / Employment ?: I really want Cross to get connected with a crew of confidants or a repeat employer! I love love the idea of Cross being like the Silvio Dante to someone's Tony Soprano or the Riker to someone's Picard LOL. Or Sevika to someone's Silco -- you get it. Especially since she's kind of hit the reset button after leaving Militech and there's a lot of directions she could go character wise!
Old Rivals/Friends: I know it's not everyone's favorite but I love this trope. I think it'd be super cool for Cross to bump into like idk an Arasaka agent they used to cross paths with or a NUSA vet who also was involved in the Unification War.
Longer-term Worldbuildy Plots: I guess this goes with no.1 but I think the idea of multiple characters being involved in some sort of in-universe 'group' forming ( like a gang, task force, ect ) is super cool. Especially when its heavy on the worldbuilding (history, organization, ect) of the group!
Let Cross Have Friends 2022: She's definitely super closed off (largely due to past events + chromed up) and a little egotistical but eventually i'd love to write her establishing some more casual friendships! (once she warms up to someone)
My messages/inbox/discord (jamie#3904) are always open to chat and plot! I love hearing about and brainstorming ideas of our character's interacting and what trajectory their relationship (friends, enemies, rivals, business partners, employer/employee) can take! and i love heraing about everyone's characters and their ideas they have for them :D
tagged by: @prvtocol, @korctyshka ( thank y'all! ) tagging: everyone, all of you
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chaoswithinthestars · 4 years
Location: Marbrooke Timeline: Leading up to the Harvest Starter: Open
This chilly weather and snow dotted grasses are distracting. Khaos wanders around the beach, looking for anything shiny. Pretty stones that reflected the light just right against gray rocks. It's reminiscent of the sky, and once more, they swallow down the feeling looking up creates. They hadn't realized their time here would be forced longer than they desired. So be it. The more they wandered such a place, the more disorder which would eventually follow.
Plus, this was everyone's home. Far from the quiet of space and the social calling couldn't be too terrible to endure. They frowned. Perhaps it would be a little bothersome having to be reminded of everyone's 'importance.' What mattered of titles? What mattered of their existence? 
Boring. This would be terribly boring.
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Something finally caught their eye, and they crouched down to wipe the white specks from the surface of the item. They carefully examined the stone, which had a line of bright blue through it.
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forgiven-whimsy · 5 years
Birthday Story time!
Tuesday was my 37th birthday, was mostly just a day, kids were being their usual end of summer kid selves, we had cake, sang happy birthday, and I put littlest bug to bed. Husband was being snippy, and it was obvious something was bothering him, but he had gone out of his was to be extra sweet, ordered me some new slippers, and even made me a hair appointment cause he know I hate calling and making appointments, so pretty decent low key birthday, just the way I like it.
A quick aside, Sunday was raid night, we're on Eden 2 savage progression, we're hitting the enrage, so we're close, but I had an off night, my uptime was in the shitter. I play white mage, I reached out to my co healer and have some solid strategies to improve and I was excited to implement them on Wednesday, which was second raid night, we only raid 2 nights a week.
Back to the story, after putting littlest bug to bed, and husband tucking the two older bugs to bed we head down to watch some wrestling and hang out with husband. He apologizes to me for being short tempered and off, and then proceeds to tell me why....and man....here we go.
So we raid with a bunch of friends we've known since game launch, we've been playing with these folks on and off for roughly 6 years, not always on the same raid teams, but we know each other and consider each other friends. Back when husband and me came back from our hiatus 2 weeks before Shadowbringers (we were gone almost the entirety of Stormblood, so about 2 years, I stopped raiding after final coil, cause I had just had a baby, and couldn't commit to raid times....cause baby, so the last time I seriously raided was about 4.5 ish years ago) a bunch of them got really excited and wanted to know if we were able and wanted to raid again. Husband and me jumped at the chance. We had 6/8 people ready to go and so raid lead starts recruiting the last two dps we'll need. He was adamant throughout this that this was a casual raid with friends, no pressure, 2 nights a week is hardly competitive progression, and that me and husband being rusty in our roles was no problem. I even spoke to him privately, explaining it's literally been years, and that I can be slow to learn, but I'll give it my all and that once I get a mechanic...I get it, but so long as they can be patient with me, and accept those things, I'll put the work in to improve.
Back to Tuesday night, husband let's me know that I've been cut from the team. Raid lead not only went to my husband instead of me to cut me, he never discussed the issues he was having with me, never gave me a chance to improve, even after me and my co healer had come up with some strategies and advice for me to use. He cuts me without any consultation from any of the team, he tells my husband he doesn't think I can hack it in the tier in general, and that he would be replacing me. Husband got the discord message at around 9am and gave him the entire day to reconsider and make a better call. He goes on to contact the rest of the team to see what they know about this, no one has heard boo, also, no one has any issues with me or our rate of progression, they noticed I'd had an off night on Sunday, but we all have off nights, and didn't think anything of it. Husband goes back to raid lead, reminding him of the expectations of the raid group as a whole and how he was going back on his word, how he was prioritizing a game over actual friendship, how it was unfair to cut me without giving me a chance to improve, and that it goes without saying if I get cut, he's leaving, Husband waited until 8pm to tell me. So there goes a tank and a healer.
News gets out, and our dancer, who was one of our new recruits, and the only other woman on the team, decides no thanks, turns out me and husband were her favorite people on the team and she writes to me letting me know how much she cares about me and how welcome I made her feel, and how the decision is garbage, and that girls stick together.( her voice through the guys off, she stated her pronouns I immediately switched to her preferred pronouns and carried on like nothing and the rest of the team fell in line.) So a most welcome ride or die! 
So keep in mind we still haven't filled our 8th position, and raid lead now needs to fill not 2 but 4 spots. My co healer, the one person in the entire team who husband and I are closest to, the one who really pushed for us to come back to the game is feeling shitty and pissed in equal measure. He's getting in raid leaders face, calling him out on the bs, going to bat for me. Second tank and dragoon are also pissed, they don't care about the rate of progression, they both just wanted to play with friends and do some raiding, especially now that raid lead is changing his tune, suggesting two more raid nights, talking better parses upping everyone's game, ect ect...so we end Tuesday there. Raid leader has yet to contact me directly btw, he hasn't said a goddamn word to me about cutting me directly.
Wednesday morning, after a shitty sleep, and littlest bug waking multiple times has me and husband cranky, but I'm going to a theater festival with my mom to go see Othello, something I've been looking forward to for months I refuse to let this fuckery ruin my mood. The sad disappointment has turned to angry indignation, and I'm determined to be petty by continuing to play, in raid leads fc, that he invited me to, I am determined not to run away and cry and hide like I normally would, I am determined to be a duck and let this roll off my back in the most passive aggressive way possible...since you know, he still hasn’t technically cut me, CAUSE HE HASN’T TALKED TO ME! 
I have the best day yesterday, the production of Othello was one of the best I've ever seen, we had a fantastic lunch, got to connect with my mom who I'm really close with. Get the kids to bed, and husband, who is as petty as me suggests we log in at raid time with our dancer friend and run maps and other content. We get on I have an ingame mail, it's from raid lead, he's apologizing, not for cutting me, not for being a coward and not speaking to me directly, not for refusing to give me a chance to improve, no no, he's apologizing for doing it on my birthday. He sent me a flying bed mount, it's currently on the market board for 10.5 million gil, I did not reply to the letter. We find tank 2 and co healer in discord, so we hop on to shoot the shit, and chat, cause we're all buddies. Second tank asks us if we we're still interested in raiding, with the same team.....minus raid leader. Husband, dancer and me are like, hell fucking yes we are!!
And that's the story of how my old raid leader kicked himself out of his own raid team.
We refer to the flying bed as the hush money bed, the rest of the team is upset they also didn’t get a flying bed for the upheaval the wanker caused. Dude is throwing a pity party threatening to quit the game....no one cares. It’s been almost 6 years of him pulling shit like this, people are done with his bull shit.
SO if any of you play a dps class on Aether and are looking for a ridiculous, fun and easy going raid team to join who have zero tolerance when it comes to drama, we have two spots open, knowledge of your class is a bonus, but a good attitude and willingness to learn and improve is more important. We run Sundays and Wednesdays from 8-11 est. A caster and physical dps are preferred but we're willing to try a myriad of dps. Our current comp is: pld/drk, sch/whm, drg/dnc. shoot me a message here, or hit me up on Shiloh Mitka on Midgarsormr in game. 
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