#{we are back in business the queue is set up my migraine is gone}
iruludavare · 2 months
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"Why did the coffee file a police report?"
"It was mugged!"
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elentiyawhitethorn · 3 years
Sneaking Around | Chapter Nine
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All of the next week passed without any problems. Aelin prided herself on being responsible, especially in the workplace, causing her not to summon Rowan to her office and lock the door. Damned responsibility.
It was now officially one week from Christmas. Work was out until after the holiday. This was Aelin’s favorite time of the year. Now some of the office gang was gathering at the bar at the end of Friday to celebrate this exciting fact. Lots of other employees had had the same idea, and Ansel was very busy. Lorcan was also excluded (that’s what he gets for working at a gym). Elide, Gavriel, and Manon were working late. Lysandra and Aedion had gone to get drinks and failed to return. Shocker.
Vaughan had just gone to the bathroom, and at this moment, Fenrys and Connall, the bastards, made an announcement. “Rowan,” said Fen, “we have a surprise for you.”
Connall continued, “You haven’t been in a relationship for, like, years.” Aelin, the only other person at the table right now, snickered at this. That is, until she tried to figure out where this was going.
Fenrys spoke again. “And so, we have arranged a date for you.”
Rowan, quite understandably, looked utterly shocked and quite a bit horrified. “Um, no.”
Connall winced. “Now, hear us out. Of course you’re angry. But. She’s hot.”
“Very hot,” added Fenrys.
Rowan scowled. “I don’t need your help getting a girlfriend, thank you. Stay out of my love life.”
“But dude,” Fenrys pleaded. “She’s a family friend, and she’s totally looking forward to her date with my lovely coworker. That’s you, by the way.”
Rowan didn’t even bother looking sorry. “I am not going on an arranged date. I can’t fathom why you would tell this woman I’m just going on a date with her. Did you seriously expect me to agree to this?”
“Okay, see,” Fenrys was pleading now. “You totally owe me-”
“For what?” Rowan intervened.
Ignoring him, Fenrys continued. “And she would be really upset if I didn’t pull through. You know, she’s not going to be in town for long. You could just put up with one date, maybe screw her, and you’ll never have to see her again.” Men. Aelin needed new friends.
Rowan sighed. He was pointedly not looking in her direction. “I suppose I feel a little bad now, but I am not going on a date with her.” Aelin could tell from his tone he didn’t feel bad at all.
Connall scowled. “Dude, what, do you have a secret girl or something?”
Rowan almost imperceptibly stiffened and didn’t answer the question. Aelin had frozen as well. Connall’s glare deepened. “Yeah, right. Don’t pretend you’re getting laid just because you don’t want to go on this date. Doesn’t work on me.”
Connall’s stupidity relieved Aelin (he wasn’t the brightest), but she lost all relaxation when she glanced over at Fenrys. He was staring at her as Connall continued to pressure Rowan into agreeing to the date.
Aelin raised her eyebrows in a What? gesture.
Fenrys just stared, until a smirk began to spread across his face. Hell no.
At the sign of Aelin’s panic, his grin grew. Fuck. She gave a slight shake of the head and prayed Fenrys had more compassion than Vaughan would in this situation. Or Lorcan. Or Lysandra. Yes, she definitely needed new friends.
Just as Aelin started thanking the gods for Fenrys’ kindness when he looked away and seemed to drop that revelation, he said, “I seem to recall winning a bet last week, Rowan. Your payment was, if I recall correctly, one favor of my choice.”
Rowan froze once again. Aelin tried not to sigh. “What the hell did you bet on?” asked Aelin in her most amused, but also I-totally-don’t-really-care voice. Fenrys seemed to have figured out what was going on with them, but Connall probably wouldn’t connect the question to anything important.
Rowan did sigh. “I don’t remember. We make so many bets.” Idiot men.
Connall sneered. “It looks like you have to go on the date. And be pleasant; she doesn’t deserve to be scowled at all night just because you’re grumpy.” Aelin, despite herself, snorted at this.
Rowan casually glanced at her and she gave a small shrug. He still hesitated. “I will go on the damned date if I really must, but are you sure you don’t want to spare me? Please, dudes?” Okay, maybe Aelin should be annoyed or jealous or whatever it is normal people feel in situations like this, but she could only bring herself to find it hilarious. She couldn’t help the chuckle that slipped out of her as Rowan continued begging.
Rowan turned and glared at Aelin, then put his gaze back on the twins. “What’s her name?” he asked the boys.
And that is how Rowan got roped into a date that was not with his sort-of girlfriend. Aelin laughed again.
“So,” said Fenrys, who insisted on walking Aelin to her apartment hours later. Neither were in any state to drive, she and Fen lived near each other, and Rowan didn’t want to risk being spotted with her on the way out. “You’re fucking Whitethorn,” he stated.
Aelin snorted. “Yep.”
Fenrys grinned at her. “I have a few questions. Like how long? And why?”
Aelin giggled. She’d certainly had a lot to drink. “We’re dating. Well sort of. I mean, we’ve gone on dates. And we’re in like. Like in love except it’s like, not love.”
Fenrys chuckled. “You’ve both seemed happier recently. Although we all knew you had some secret lover.”
Aelin giggled again. Beer really did wonders for her. “You’re not nice, though. You didn’t have to make him go on that date when you found out.”
Fenrys seemed quite a bit more sober than her. “I couldn’t help myself. Payback for not telling me.”
Aelin rolled her eyes, almost getting disoriented enough at this to run into the nearby streetlight. Fenrys grabbed her before she could bash her nose in.
“Did you get me all drunk so I’d spill the beans?” Aelin asked.
Fenrys chuckled. “Darling, you got drunk all by yourself.”
Aelin sighed. “Yeah, I guess so.”
Fenrys smiled fondly at her.
Fenrys had dropped Aelin off at her apartment and headed to his own. The rest of the walk hadn’t consisted of much questioning, which surprised Aelin at first, but when she thought about it, Fenrys always had his motives.
She was now sitting at the counter the next morning, battling the effects of last night’s drinks; namely, a migraine.
Her phone rang. Aelin picked it up to see Rowan’s name on the caller ID.
“Yeah?” she answered quietly. Ansel was still asleep.
“I wanted to ask you if you’re sure you’re okay with the date. I didn’t have a chance to talk about it last night.”
Just hearing Rowan’s voice made her happy. She didn’t care if the subject of their conversation was some “very hot” woman he was going to have dinner with.
“I’ll admit, it’s pretty weird. If she’s just going to be here for a little bit, though, it’s fine if you get roped into it.”
She could almost feel Rowan’s scowl through the phone. “Um, no, not fine. Not anywhere close to fine.”
Laughing quietly, Aelin said, “You have to admit it’s kind of funny.” When Rowan did not seemed inclined to admit anything of the sort, Aelin continued. “And you had that coming. Who the hell bets favors? You out of cash?” He didn’t respond to this either. “Oh, Fenrys figured it out, by the way. We are damned awful at keeping secrets.”
Rowan sighed. “I can’t argue with that. What did he say?”
“Well, I was rather drunk at the time, but I seem to recall he wasn’t totally horrified or whatever. I doubt he’ll tell. There were surprisingly few questions.”
“Fenrys will be the death of us, I can assure you of that. So, anyways, from Connall I have gleaned that Remelle is hot, sexy, and totally cool. He’s probably exaggerating, but either way, you needn’t feel jealous.”
Aelin laughed. “I wasn’t planning on it. I trust you. If you do cheat on me, though, I’ll kill you.”
Rowan snorted. “I believe it. I won’t, though. Well, technically, is the date in itself cheating?”
“Gods, who cares? Don’t kiss the lady, come back and fuck me. As simple as that.”
Rowan chuckled. “Your wish is my command, Majesty.”
“Dweeb,” Aelin muttered.
They planned to meet tomorrow after Rowan’s date. He was to be polite, leave, and come back to his apartment where Aelin would be waiting. He called her overprotective for wanting to check on him immediately afterwards, to which Aelin just replied he had better WiFi.
Soon after hanging up, Ansel came out of her bedroom. “Calling your lover boy?”
Aelin glanced at the ceiling. “Lord save me. Yes, that was Rowan. I suppose I should fill you in.”
Ansel said after a moment, “Um, I think that’s your queue to say something, not just stand there looking mopey. Oh no, he didn’t dump you, did he?”
A snort from Aelin. “People don’t dump me, A. I’m too irresistible.” She sighed. “Rowan is going on a date.”
“Um, what, with someone else? Wait, but you two were so good together! The slimy bastard. Didn’t he realize you were supposed to be exclusive?”
“We’ve never actually discussed that. No, he’s going on a date the twins set up for him.” Aelin recounted the evening. Ansel was laughing so hard she could barely breathe by the end of it.
“Aw, honey, he’s a gentleman. You don’t need to be worried about him cheating on you.”
“What happened to slimy bastard? And I’m not worried, by the way. I laughed too when this happened. It’s just kind of weird. And Fenrys is lucky I was stone-cold drunk last night or I would have pummeled him.”
Ansel giggled. “I want to high-five him. This is great.”
Aelin had been so confident at first, but even though she didn’t feel any more doubtful, she still felt... nervous? No, jealous. Aelin was actually starting to feel jealous of some lady Rowan was probably wasn’t even going to like that much. Hopefully.
At least this Remelle woman sounded nice. Nothing could go wrong there...
Aelin sat on Rowan’s couch. It was the next day, about time for Rowan to get back. She was partway through a bag of chips when the door opened.
She turned her head to see Rowan in the doorway. But he wasn’t alone. There was a very pretty woman standing next to him, clutching his arm and giving him a seductive smile.
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