#| guest muse | shale
wardogxicarus · 5 months
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"Awwww, yeah! Scaled tests for an engine upgrade went well!"
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Sighs of Fire (Loki x Female!OC)
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Chapter 6 - An Unwelcome Greeting
Summary: Life on the other side of a black hole is a very different place for Loki and Astrid. It seems they are now some unwelcome guests in someone elses home.
Warnings: Physical Violence
Words: 2,352
Prologue, Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Vast expanses of space opened up before Astrid as she blinked her eyes open tentatively. She was perched on an outcrop of shale-like rock that flaked when she touched it. She pushed herself up onto her hands, legs weighed to the floor. The stars were exceptionally bright, much closer than she was used to.
Shielding her eyes she managed to lift her head to look around, she saw nothing but rock and a black expanse of sky. Then to her right she heard a soft grunting sound, turning she saw Loki lying on his back trying to push himself up. She watched as his clearly aching body fought against the heavy weight of his armour. With a shuffle of his shoulders his body was encased in a green glow and his armour softly transformed into a green shirt and black pants.
Astrid managed to heave herself onto all fours and drag herself closer to him, the sharp parts of the ground digging into her knees beneath her clothes. Her simple dress shirt was filthy and her trousers were scuffed and shredded into rips.
“Are you hurt?” she whispered, not sure if it was okay to raise her voice above that. Frantically he turned towards her, eyes wide. His face relaxed softly when he saw it was her who spoke.
He shook his head and pushed himself into a seated position as she approached him and knelt in front of him, “Where are we?”
“I’m fine by the way”
He rolled her eyes at her retort, “Where are we?” he repeated.
Astrid managed to get herself to her feet first and held out a hand to him, “I’m not sure; either way I don’t think it’s good”
“Well figure it out!” he demanded hauling himself up with her support but brushing her off swiftly.
“With all due respect your Highness it is your fault we’re here” she scoffed. He did not say anything in return but eyed her unenthusiastically out of the corners of squinted eyes.
The silence around them both was unnerving; the wind blew high and rushed clouds of rock dust into the air. Ahead of them loomed a large ship, black and ominous on the horizon, it was threateningly close sitting just over an outcrop of rock at the edge of what Astrid presumed was the planet they had landed on.
“At least we know we’re not alone” Astrid mused.
“Like you said, I don’t think that’s a good thing”, Loki pointed to a smaller ship that was unboarding from the main vessel. It glided at speed towards them both and Astrid took a heavy sidestep behind Loki.
He glanced over his shoulder disapprovingly and she shrugged, “What? You’re the fighter not me!”
The ship made a loud whooshing sound as it docks on a ridge ahead of them; Loki felt small hands paw at his back. As he looked to his side her eyes weren’t even on him they were wide and fixed on our new guests.
Several creatures emerged, dressed in dark clothing from the ship itself, they almost moved in a formation and Astrid cowered when she realised a number of them held large weapons.
“Welcome” the leader of the formation spoke loud, voice calling out to them and Astrid clutched Lokis shirt harder. His face was noseless and his head was a mismatch of holes and scars.
His companions were one large being holding an axe like weapon that amounted to probably twice Astrid’s size, a large figure with almost elven features and burning red eyes and finally there was a tall, elegant woman with horns and black markings that covered her face.
“Who are you?” Loki spoke, shoulders pulled back and fists clenched by his sides.
“My name is Ebony Maw” he replied, his voice high and untrustably sweet. He began to point between each of those stood around him.
“Proxima Midnight”, the tall woman with dark markings stepped forward.
“Cull Obsidian” the large axe-wielding creature grunted and huffed.
“And finally Corvus Glaive” he stood forward, a long vicious looking spear clasped in his hand.
“We…” Ebony Maw gestured to his companions, “… are the Black Order. Children of Thanos”
Loki retorted with a simple, “Never heard of him” and Astrid wanted to punch him between the shoulder blades.
“Oh but you will” Ebony Maw replied, then the rest of the Black Order gathered around them with weapons pointed, “Come with us please”
Something sharp was prodded into Astrids back and she startled, stepping forward. Now they were both being moved towards the smaller ship.
Lokis face remained calm as they were moved and situated into separate seats on board the dark, rather empty vessel. Astrid chewed at the inside of her cheek, hands worrying over themselves.
“Be calm child” Ebony Maw whispered, leaning a little too close for her liking. She didn’t even look up but kept her eyes fixed on the ground unclutching her hands from each other.
They were unloaded off the ship and guided by the point of brutal weapons down several long corridors.
Guided around a few more corridors they were then taken into a large throne room. The seat was gigantic as it sat high on a pedestal and it made Astrids stomach lurch with fear, whatever sat upon that was no man.
“Welcome…” a raspy booming voice began “… to Sanctuary”
A giant loomed into view, his skin a bright purple and marked with carvings. A Titan.
Fear tickled itself through Astrid’s body starting from her toes, she sidestepped closer to Loki but a weapon was prodded into her back followed by a threatening growl from a source she dare not locate.
“And I’m guessing you must be…” Loki began, the statement tinged with a little too much threat for Astrids comfort.
“I am Thanos”
Loki smirked, “How enlightening”
Thanos bowed his head, a simple response full of misdirection, “And you are?”
“Loki, Prince of Asgard and rightful King of Joentheim… some may refer to me as the God of Mischief but I-“
“Stop talking!”
Loki stuttered at the booming voice and his mouth gently closed around his next words. Astrid trembled as the titan turned to her.
“How about you?”
Astrid swallowed heavily, “M-my name is Astrid”
A wide smile was his response, “No title?”
“Not yet, I am engaged to the heir to the Asgardian throne… Thor Odinson” she stated, trying to level her voice against her nerves. Hands shaking by her sides she watched as Thanos viewed her carefully, eyes brushing over what felt like every inch of her body as he grunted an affirmative reply.
Loki coughed, breaking the awkward silence, “As a Prince of Asgard…”
Thanos turned his gaze from Astrid as Loki spoke, eyes squinting as if zeroing in his sight “Something tells me you and I are not the sort people understand”
“Rarely…it’s more about their fear” Loki quipped, brushing off the interruption.
“Clever” Thanos noted to himself. He paced a little in front of them, eyes twitching and searching as he thought.
He sat back in his throne, legs spread and impossibly broad shoulders leant against the cushioned backrest.
“I have a feeling you will be… useful” Thanos grinned, leaning forward with a steely glare. Then he pointed from one of the creatures stood by his side towards Astrid, “The quiet girl on the other hand less so”
Astrid grabbed Lokis arm but he did not respond. She tugged at him but she was grabbed, dragged to be brought forth before Thanos, “Wait… please!”
Her knees twinged with the heaviness of her being dropped at his feet, she scrambles but is gathered up in a hand that covers half her body. He needs only a few fingers to wrap themselves around her neck before she can already feel the air leaving her, “Please!” she croaked, wild terrified eyes finding Loki, “Please don’t do this!”
Astrid wrestled with his impossibly tight grip, as she strained and thrashed he barely moved a muscle. She could feel her lungs constricting, sending shoots of pain throughout her torso, she gasped and choked as his fingers tightened.
“Any protestations?”
“Oh please” Loki smirked and gestured for Thanos to continue, “I find her vastly irritating”
Thanos tightened his grip on her neck, the squeezing cutting off all air and blood to her brain. As she gasped and clawed at his hand she could feel her eyes rolling and her vision blurring. Any effort to rasp out words fell silent; she had no room to beg for her own life.
A loud, flustered voice sounded out above her despite sounds. Astrid’s eyes pushed themselves to focus on Loki who was stepping forward with his arms outstretched; only Astrid could hear the quiet and satisfied chuckle that resounded in the beasts chest.
“Despite my irritancies… she is useful to me. If you require me for a task then I shall need her alive”
Thanos nodded, “Very well”
The grip didn’t lessen and Loki looked panicked, he straightened his shoulders and dropped all emotion from his face like Astrid had seen him do so many times before, “You should make haste to listen to a King”
“You are not royalty here” Thanos reminded him, smiling in an unnervingly calm manner.
Thanos stepped forward and dumped her at Lokis feet, she scrambled till she was touching his boot – like a grounding point to remind her she was still here. Air hacked its way in and out of her lungs, the muscles of her neck pounded. Loki reached down, much her Astrids surprise he linked an arm around her waist and dragged up onto her feet.
“Then you should be careful with how you speak to a God” Loki spat, one arm still around her waist holding her steady.
Thanos chuckled, “We’ll see about that. You survive for as long as you are useful to me”
“I shall think about it, what if I refuse?”
“Then I suggest you make yourselves at home, perhaps you shall change your mind” Thanos gestured to a few of those that accompanied him. Arms and hands were all over Astrid and Loki in seconds, both of them being hauled from the room with heels skating the ground.
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2017 Reading List
My 2017 reading list is twice as long as 2016’s! I hope to build on that momentum for 2018, turning from one book to the next and reading as much as I can. This is the second year my niece and I chose books to read together, and I’d like that to continue as well. As my nephew grows in his love of reading, I hope we can find books to share, too.
Travis Barker “Can I Say: Living Large, Cheating Death, and Drums, Drums, Drums”
Morrissey “Autobiography”
Jessie Burton “The Muse”
Alan Cumming “Not My Father’s Son: A Memoir”
Amy Tan “The Joy Luck Club”
Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston and James D. Houston “Farewell to Manzanar”
Joan Didion “Salvador”
Leah Remini “Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology”
James Andrew Miller and Tom Shales “Live from New York: The Complete, Uncensored History of Saturday Night Live as Told by Its Stars, Writers and Guests”
Steve Jones “Lonely Boy: Tales from a Sex Pistol”
Lynn Povich “The Good Girls Revolt: How the Women of Newsweek Sued Their Bosses and Changed the Workplace”
Rob Sheffield “Dreaming The Beatles: The Love Story of One Band and the Whole World”
W. Kamau Bell “The Awkward Thoughts of W. Kamau Bell: Tales of a 6’4”, African American, Heterosexual, Cisgender, Left-Leaning, Asthmatic, Black and Proud Blerd, Mama’s Boy, Dad and Stand-Up Comedian”
David Sedaris “Theft by Finding: Diaries 1977–2002”
L.M. Montgomery “Anne of Green Gables”
Eddie Izzard “Believe Me: A Memoir of Love, Death and Jazz Chickens”
Nick Offerman “Gumption: Relighting the Torch of Freedom with America’s Gutsiest Troublemakers”
Debbie Reynolds “Make ‘Em Laugh”
Alyssa Mastromonaco “Who Thought This Was a Good Idea? And Other Questions You Should Have Answers to When You Work in the White House”
Scott Simon “Unforgettable: A Son, A Mother and the Lessons of a Lifetime”
Scott Simon “My Cubs: A Love Story”
Tony Bennett “Just Getting Started”
Joan Didion “South and West”
Madeleine L’Engle “A Wrinkle in Time”
Dan Rather “What Unites Us: Reflections on Patriotism”
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wardogxicarus · 1 year
Fury Fed | Goodbye, Dragonfly
Tension sat deep in her shoulders as tremors periodically rippled through them. Shaky gasps rattled in her chest and throat while her eyes stung hard. No tears fell, though- she had none left to release. Yet still her crying and grief continued on. How could a single moment unravel her life? How could it rip away everything she was trying to build to escape and make a better life for herself? 
Her love had been waning slowly for years. A feeling that was eroded away bit by bit every time she was scolded for “boyish” interests and ignoring her “familial duties”. That wasn’t a life she desired. She wanted to reach out to the stars and cling to the atmosphere. She wanted to chase that dream with a loving partner that supported her efforts. She wanted to pursue her interests in university and use it as her platform to launch. 
And in a moment it was all gone. Her partner locked out, her enrollment pulled, her account eliminated, her means of normal escape torn away. All she was left with was the clothes on her back and the third story room she was locked away in like some dark fairy tale maiden. No agency, no power, no control. No future. 
Denial passed by almost instantly, bargaining failed, depression was gripping her hard. 
Gloria gasped for air again and lifted her head from her arms and stared hollowly out the window and into the night. It looked so peaceful out there, but she knew it was a farse. There was no peace in this town. She was about to cast her gaze back down when a new vision flashed across her eyes. A splash of iridescence in the light of a lamp. 
The dragonfly landed in the sill, a single pane of glass separating her from the creature. It made her freeze in awe. The wings were beautiful and colorful, its body calm and unbothered by the dangerous of the outside world. It cleaned itself before turning its head as if to regard her. And then it flew. 
Gloria was still, reddened eyes wide. Something so small and fragile appearing was free and confident. If an insect could find that, why couldn’t she? 
Depression immediately waned, washed away by a tidal wave of fury. No, she was not going to live her life in a cage! In an instant, she was on her feet and opening the window. The drop was long, but she could climb down most of it if she was careful. So she did. Bare footed and clad in just a hoodie and shorts, the 19-year-old carefully scaled the walls. She was a mere story away when her footing gave way, though. Before she knew it, she struck the ground and felt a searing pain shoot through her shoulder. The hand of her good arm flew up to cover her mouth and stifle a scream and she lay on the mulch breathing heavily. 
Minutes passed before the hurt became tolerable enough to move. Battered, mulch tangled in her locks, and scraped up, she carefully rose and took off. No one had noticed her absence yet, and hopefully they wouldn’t until it was too late. 
Her feet carried her for who knew how far, but she ended up in a scarcely populated park. Years of free running to burn youthful energy made her skilled in traversing all sorts of environments, but that was with shoes on. The flesh of her feet were red and starting to bleed, the pain making it hard to take another stride, but still she pressed. She had to keep going to get away and make a plan. 
Her gaze was cast backwards to see if she was being tailed. In doing so she rounded a bend on the pathway and collided with something firm, covered in fabric, and warm. The sudden change in stimulus made her yelp and stagger back. 
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wardogxicarus · 1 year
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"If it weren't for the fact this does require some previous Titan experience, I'd say you were passing the buck." A hand came up to pat the back of Pierce's shoulder once before taking up the megaphone. "I'll take it from here. Just... be ready to haul ass if the need arises."
Her attention then went to the mountainous creature before them. "Hey, Bru." The megaphone rang with an unusual subtone, barely audible to humans yet clear as day for anyone with Titan blood. "What're the odds you can lay down? Let's settle before we figure out next steps, okay?"
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wardogxicarus · 11 months
"Even Oron is joining in on the screaming!"
"Why the fuck am I having to take a parental tone with you?!"
".... okay."
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wardogxicarus · 11 months
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"The fuck is with all the screaming?"
"Shale, don't you start too."
Cue Shale sputtering out a breath. "But I wanted to see if I could Titan scream."
"You will summon five different kinds of headaches if you do."
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wardogxicarus · 1 year
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"Look at this gorgeous creature!" Oh, how she wished she could jump the museum's barrier and caress the sides of the jet. "The paint job, the thoughtful placement of air intakes and sensor systems, the sheer POWER of those engines! I know present day jets outclass this baby, but there is nothing like a classic like this one!"
Her hands reached out to make a grabbing gesture at the display. "Oh, honey, I'm glad you're here instead of some scrap heap!"
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wardogxicarus · 1 year
“Welding claws, welding claws~ Gettin’ the job done with welding claws~”
“Spider-Man theme? Really?”
“It’s fun!” Shale grinned as she continued her work.
“Well, don’t stay up too long, okay?”
One hour later… the welding, and a few bonus welds, were complete. Shaking her hand out to cool her claws, the hybrid captain moved to stand.
Well… sometimes she forgot how tall she was in this state. And sometimes she was reminded of that by smacking her head. This one was a hard ringer, though, and left her on the ground staring at the ceiling and questioning what just happened. And why she was seeing stars.
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wardogxicarus · 5 months
"Uh huh." He doesn't believe her for one second, but the point in arguing about work mandated breaks is neither here nor there. He got her motivated and will take the wins where he can get them.
He will also be the most brotherly shit when she's finally suited up and ready to go, staring blankly at her before quickly proclaiming, "Last one out is a fiji mermaid."
And then he bolts for the nearest exit.
"Wait, what?!" Her wings fluttered in surprise before Shale broke into a sprint to catch up with Jaden. Curse those long legs of his- he got far too good of a head start!
Boots thundered down the hall, occasionally squeaking as she drifted around a corner in a far-too-practiced sharp turn. She was fast, but being encumbered by her wings left her at an agonizingly close trail behind her closest friend. But then a window flashed by and she skidded to a halt. Wait! Another route!
The Captain backtracked a few doors and took another hall, seeking out the supply hangar that was down her new path. It was far closer than the transit hangar. Now it was only a matter of seeing her pace to the closer exit could beat Jaden's stride.
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wardogxicarus · 5 months
"As intended." Jaden nodded and grinned oh so smugly. Then, after making an about-face turn on his heel, he pulled his wings back to clear the view ahead and began marching off towards the hanger. "Let's go. We're burning daylight."
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Shale blinked hard when light flooded back. As he began strolling, she squirmed a little in his hold. "I walkkk." The protest came out like more of a whine than she expected, prompting the engineer to clear her throat.
"I should get my wings, then. They're in my workshop."
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wardogxicarus · 5 months
Jaden comes quickly and quietly, like a ghost in the night, creeping with far more stealth than a man of his size has any right to wield. His target is in sight though and locked onto. Shale made a mistake turning her back to him...
He scoops her up in a big, crushing hold, then hoists her off her feet as the wings of Daedalus unit close around them, sealing her in a tomb of metal feathers. Behind and above her, Jaden's voice rumbles, "Wanna go for a ride?"
Jaden was lucky- so so lucky- that it was only a stack of papers that were sent flying when Shale was scooped up. She might have been more irate if it was her tools that got air mailed. Besides, it was shock that gripped her the most as a yelp left her.
"Jaden!!" Her eyes quickly adjusted to the lower light as she was enshrouded by the wings and she tried to tilt her head to look back at him. "I'm sure, but damn- you nearly gave me a heart attack!"
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wardogxicarus · 10 months
Beep Beep, Jaden's marching up with an important question on his mind: "Silas. Shale. Am I bird-coded?"
Silas finished his sip of coffee and stared the Captain dead in the eye. “Yes.”
Shale squeaked out a little chuckle. “Ah… maybe a little? But only with the perching!”
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wardogxicarus · 1 year
"My Office... now." That was all that was muttered before he hung up. Oh she was in biiiiiiiiiiig trouble.
Minutes ticked by after the call ended. No follow up message was sent, no acknowledgement that she would follow his order. Did she abandon her home? Hardly.
The soft sound of the window being pushed open from the outside alerted all present to her unconventional choice of entry. Utility boots clumped onto the floor shortly before the window was shut again. Only then did Achim experience the feeling of a petite form leaning against the back of his chair.
In her hands she fiddled with her grease pencil, staring down at it from under her hood. "Hey."
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wardogxicarus · 6 months
Pierce sticks his hand out at waist height towards Shale, offering a subtle low-five for her cleverness in Judas handling.
Subtle high fiving commences~
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wardogxicarus · 7 months
Why are her hackles up? She doesn’t even have hackles.
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