#| muse | cigyun
fillespreferees · 2 years
I tried to put together my thoughts about Cigyun so I can write her.  I can’t promise it’s coherent at all but softsmile here
Early life thots
Grew up in the spirit forest duh
But like I don't think it was as you cannot ever leave ever as it was with Dee 
Like maybe she goes into town sometimes to get supplies 
She's a weird forest girl who hangs out with birds and little creatures though 
Running away with Victor
I wouldn't be surprised if the lopt cult has something to do with luring her out of the forest. Like they know about her clearly and it's to their benefit that she dips
She's free spirited, lonely, bored, etc
I think he's charming at first. Sweeps her off her feet kind of thing. She falls hard and fast and ignores any red flags but he probably is hiding them too. 
Maybe they even get to be happy for a lil wouldn't that be nice I want that for her very badly
So she runs away
Or maybe like she runs away first because she's you know a hormonal and rebellious teenager
Naive forest girl on her own is a terrible idea
So maybe Victor finds and rescues a beautiful mysterious girl like his son does in the future 
Life with Victor
It's a big fucking change going from forest hobo to duchess of Velthomer but she's so lovely she seems suited to it
When Arvis is born he becomes her whole entire world
She can't leave for multiple reasons (I don't think she has any idea how to even get home, husband is a powerful man, etc) but Arvis is what's keeping her heart there
Azelle's mom is her best bestie and they're like super tight and it's very important to me
Spoils the fuck outta Arvis!
But like there's a very obvious sadness that's always in her eyes just a melancholy air about her
She tries to hide it around Arvis but he's a smart kid I can't imagine he wouldn't pick up on it even at such a young age :(
There's part of her that likes being bougie too I think for sure
Running away from Victor
Prince Kurth is actually nice to her! Like really legitimately nice! Of course she likes him!
I want them to start out as friends
They don't rush into it probably because she's afraid of Vicky 
But like eventually shit happens
And by shit I mean Deirdre 
That one speculation that they work together to murder Victor is so spicy and I love it but like it's also fun if he's just a selfish jerk ya know
She finds out she's pregante and oh fuck that's bad she knows why she can't have kids she's gotta get bad to the forest fuck
Maybe Kurth helps her flee? She'd need money and shit
Or maybe she can't bring herself to face him and tell him the truth about her stinky blood so she sneaks away from him
She gets back to the forest and is like I'm sorry I fucked up help me birth this kid
Dies in childbirth because she's so fucking depressed and stressed 
I want deirdre's circlet to have been a gift to cigyun from Kurth I think that's cute
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knighteclipsed · 7 months
meta 02. valter’s steeds
Preface: This document is from March of last year with some additions added on in the months that followed. I would’ve just placed this in headcanons raw, but the length of the document I’m adapting alongside the extra notes struck me more as a dashboard post in the making. Thus:
F – Horse (Courser) Name Origin: German Mythology; a divine female being. “well-respected and dignified woman” A quiet horse who doesn’t say much; Valter’s steed prior to exile. While timid at first, she was trained to be fearless and is now a silent horse instead. Was passed to Selena (and possibly renamed) after Valter was exiled.
I am fascinated by the promotional comic having Glen and Valter riding horses during the invasion of Renais—because both of them are wyvern riders (or, if we’re concerned with semantics: Glen is a dragon rider, but that’s whatever). And of course, within the game, whenever they travel long distances, they use their flying mounts, but I can see the practicality of also having a horse—just to provide options, you know? Thus, I do have a horse for Valter pre- and post-exile.
There would also be a wyvern here, but I’m placing her in the following section, since… well, I don’t know if anyone could reasonably use her (as opposed to one being able to reassign a very normal horse, if that makes sense). Valter wasn’t very attached to Idis anyway.
Before Death
M - Horse (Courser) Name Origin: Old Norse; Hermóðr (but I can’t reasonably expect people to write that every time), aka Hermod the Swift. “messenger of the gods” One of the fastest warhorses Grado had to offer. When seeking a method alternative to the skies, this was the horse Valter turned to for travel. A bit feisty, sure, but otherwise a good partner in battle.
(In reference to the promotional comic, this would be the horse Valter was riding, by the way.) Funnily enough, this is the only guy I have written down for Valter, so feminism win, I suppose?
F – Wyvern (War Steed) Name Origin: Old Norse; a deity in Norse mythology. “(woman) friend of victory” Valter's preferred wyvern of the post-exile era. A particularly ferocious animal that would gladly eat the corpses of his enemies. Lost to him upon his “death” in the Jehanna Desert.
I’ve actually mentioned Sigyn in prose before (including his interview, fun fact)! Though often, I do not believe it was explicitly stated that she was an old mount of his. Regardless, her temperament comes from those particular lines in Ephraim Route, Chapter 10 where it’s implied that if any of his subordinates piss him off, they’re going in the chomper!
Also, I will admit I didn’t know FE already had a Cigyun when I named her, but this is very funny to me. Hello Deirdre of Valter Doesn’t Like You fame, did you know his old wyvern shares your mom’s name (sort of)?
TOA (including the Future)
F – Pegasus (War Steed) Name Origin: Norse Mythology; wife of Odin. “beloved” Valter's first pegasus and mount of the TOA Era. Given to him upon his training to be a pegasus knight, she's mostly ignorant to his hostility to others. Not fondly looked upon for her perceived stupidity, but still respected as a mount nonetheless.
Frigg was actually the reason I made the source doc to begin with! She was named around the time of last year’s BOEL since I have an endearment to muns naming their muse’s steeds, but she was his mount during Keras Kai Elephas as well! Since Valter prefers wyverns to pegasi in general, I thought it’d be funny if, alongside not having a wyvern for class access reasons, he also had a mount that was so not like him. So we have Frigg! I like her very much; she is very beloved.
F – Wyvern (War Steed) Name Origin: Norse Mythology; a goddess associated with oaths and agreements. “pledge” or “beloved” Valter's personal wyvern post-death. Similar to Sigyn, she's a ferocious creature, but she's a tad more tame than her predecessor. Sometimes hunts on her own, which can baffle the Moonstone on occasion.
Vár doesn’t exist yet! But I named her in advance since I was already naming everything else—whenever Valter admits Frigg’s name in an IC interaction, then he’ll start acquiring the final two axe points necessary to unlock a wyvern of his own. (And yes, I am soft-locking him from this.) Help a Valter today by talking to him about mounts!
And that’s the full list! It’s been a long while since I made it and I didn’t actually include the name origin section so I had to find that manually to answer the other half of the prompt haha.
OOC, I chose them for a few reasons: there is Fire Emblem’s tendency towards mythologies as name sources (hence all the Norse ones; just look at the FEH OCs), and then there is my tendency towards names with meanings (and my HC that Valter is nicer to animals than actual real people haha). IC, Valter isn’t going to choose a name that he thinks is stupid (so like, no joke names unfortunately), but names with soft meanings? Not off the table, my friends.
Anyways, to close: there is an alternate timeline where I left the spelling of Hermódr’s name as Hermóðr. The pronunciation doesn’t change, but I visit that world sometimes and dwell on what could’ve been.
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f-ortuity · 5 years
{ ooc. Cigyun watching from heaven as Arvis continues to accidentally fuck up the entire continent of Jugdral in the name of his good intentions:
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I’m sorry }
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spiritforestdweller · 5 years
Meta: How Deirdre Became a Healer
I feel like I’ve contradicted myself a bit with this muse’s background, so here’s what will hopefully be The Canon for This Blog TM. 
Deirdre’s grandmother had gained a positive reputation for her healing abilities long before Cigyun wait what is fandom calling her mother now ah well returned to the forest expecting a child. Reluctance to leave her toddler foster granddaughter alone in the forest led her to bring Deirdre along on her ventures. At first Deirdre would amuse herself with a toy, but she soon grew into a child who wanted to be just like her grandmother. Her grandmother, knowing that Deirdre had inherited Loptyr blood, was reluctant to expose her further to the outside world, so kept her busy fetching towels and the like,doing her best to wave off the rumors about the child. Yet Deirdre continued to admire her grandmother’s abilities, so she gave in when Deirdre was eleven and let her start to serve as her aide.
After her grandmother’s death, Deirdre took to, um, “liberating” food that she was unable to find in the forest (i.e. chicken eggs). One night, she snuck off to collect some food, only to find a rancher lying in wait. Deirdre, given the fact that Jugdral probably works on 19th-century France thievery laws at best, understandably panicked. The rancher said that they would not turn her over to the authorities, however, if she helped them deliver a calf. 
Deirdre succeeded, but she soon had a mixed reputation as a healer in general and as a midwife in particular. While she was skilled at what she did, she seemed to bring misfortune to those she helped. But her abilities eventually led her to helping a brave prince of Verdane who was willing to take a risk to heal a lingering shoulder injury, and to earn the loyalty of a guard with rheumatism. And the rest, as seen in the bio, is the plot of FE4.
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valflame · 7 years
name of your muse: ARVIS — As with many other characters in Genealogy of the Holy War, Arvis's name takes its origins from Norse mythology. Alviss was a Dwarven sage whose name means "All Wise". Arvis is derived from the old German Arvin, and means "people's friend". This could refer to Arvis's popularity as the Emperor of Grannvale. That’s all cut straight from the wiki by the way s-smh
one picture you like best of your muse’s fc:
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two headcanons you have for your muse that you never told anyone:    
i. Arvis is anaemic. Julius is said to have always been a sickly child in Thracia 776; my headcanon is that it’s because of his Major Loptyr blood, and that it’s just a family trait bound to the Lopts. Thanks to only having Minor Loptyr blood Arvis was never as sick as his son, but he fell ill frequently growing up owing to the fact that he was a small child suddenly thrust into a very physically and emotionally taxing public position that involves a lot of constant moving around and long hours spent working. He’s no stranger to dizzy spells and stubborn headaches.
ii. Speaking of being put in a very big position at a very small age, it was always a fight in his earlier years as duke to get the sort of respect his title demands from his political peers because... Who would respect a seven year old politician smh, so he did everything he could to emphasise his power. That involves caring a lot about appearances. If there is ever an excuse to dress up extravagantly he’ll take it, he’s the sort of person that has to get up an hour and a half earlier than he’d normally have to so he could do himself up properly before an event.
three things your muse likes doing in their free time:
i. Reading. The guy always has a book either in his hands or on his person, normally more than one at a time, and more often than not they aren’t always tomes. He’s got a secret fondness for thrilling adventure stories that take the reader on a journey to faraway lands; he travelled often as a child, but it was always for business, and he was always too busy to ever actually see or do much other than talk politics and arrange inter-duchy trade agreements. Tutors and archmage teachers came to him in Velthomer to educate him from home so he could keep working, so he didn’t go off to any far-flung academies or anything. Getting to sit in a carriage and read about some ancient hero figure going off on conquests throughout Silesse and Thracia was about as much fun excitement as he got growing up.
ii. Spending time with Cigyun, or Azel, or Deirdre, or Julius and Julia when they were younger, depending on what point in his life we’re talking. Spending time with family in general. Family has always been something immensely important to him; he’d gladly make an actual, real attempt at clearing a bit of his schedule to make time for some sort of recreational activity with any member of his immediate family other than his father because Victor is Literally The Worst Human Being, but he’s cold and aloof so nobody ever wants to approach him and he isn’t the type to want to ask for it himself, so it doesn’t happen as often as he’d like it to.
iii. Getting together with General Aida to discuss military tactics and spending, which would be insufferably boring if it weren’t for the fact that they only ever spend about fifteen percent of their ‘meetings’ getting all the actual work out of the way before it just devolves into hanging out and chatting. His schedule is punishingly tight and he doesn’t typically have any time to to do anything but work, but Aida’s his general, his right hand man and his confidant, and also happens to be his best and probably only real friend, so he can spend as much time with her as he likes because they’re work friends.
seven people that your muse loves / likes:
king azmur
two things your muse regrets:
i. A list of all the things Arvis doesn’t regret would be so much easier to make. In gen 1 there’s probably acting against Azmur’s wishes and killing a man he ( rightfully ) thought to be innocent in order to help his personal goals along, not out of regret for the actual murder but out of regret for betraying the king’s trust. It doesn’t even stem from a strong sense of nationalism so much as it does something much more personal; the courts were cruel to him as a child duke, but Prince Kurth always supported him from the shadows ( and he’d already liked Kurth for being someone that his mother enjoyed the company of ) and the king went and eventually appointed him as his right hand man and as commander of the royal guard, and they spent plenty of time together. At the beginning of the game Arvis is taking care of him after he’d fallen ill. Azmur is someone that’d always been kind to him, and he feels very fondly toward him. Even if Azmur never found out in the end, crossing that line was one that hurt.
ii. In gen two it’s literally everything. He’d done terrible, awful things to get to where he was, but he’d justified it in his head because he’d gotten the position, the power, the wife, the children and all the glory that came with it all, and the people of his empire loved him as a just and kind ruler and he’d created his utopia free of corruption and oppression ( after, you know, getting it through corruption ) and life was better than it’d ever been for him... For about ten years, and then all his crimes caught up to him and smacked him hard in the face because a wicked priest got his son possessed by his angry vengeful god, and he got to sit back and watch while his son killed his wife and his daughter was warped away to who knew where so he couldn’t kill her too and he took the peaceful empire he’d gotten his hands so bloody to make and turned it into a terrifying tyrannical nightmare where the people lived in fear and children were rounded up and slaughtered as blood offerings and everything went very bad very quickly and it was all done under Arvis’ name because he’d been turned into a puppet emperor by Julius and Manfroy and the best time of his life turns into the worst time of his life real hecking fast. If it had to be narrowed down to one specific thing it’d be him regretting ever speaking to Manfroy to begin with, but it really is everything that’d led up to reaching the point that he’d gotten to.
TAGGED BY: @holysight, because you all know that mimi owns my blog and runs my life, this has already been established, TAGGING: @pxgtails @binarycolours @rebursting @murdermage @lightbranded @naglfcr @draakin @incoronat and YOU, I’d tag more specific people but it’s Effort dfghjk
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fillespreferees · 2 years
Growing up in the Spirit Forest Village had never been simple but, as Cigyun grew into adulthood, it became impossible.  With only her caretakers for company, she’s grown restless.  The air began to suffocate and the treeline began to close in until there was only one thing she could think to do to remedy her situation and, on the night of her eighteenth birthday, Cigyun ran away.
She knew the risks.  She’d been told her whole life about the curse of her blood.  She knew what would be done to her if her Loptyrian heritage was discovered.  But she could be careful!  She could keep it hidden!  And truly, she had been willing to risk it all for a taste of the freedom denied to her by the circumstances of her birth.
It was still an impulsive choice.  A moment of teenage rebellion without planning.  And now Cigyun finds herself cold, hungry, lost, and alone.  It is not the glamorous and exciting life she had imagined for herself.  She is free to see the world and live as she pleases but she had not considered what she would need to take care of herself.
After days of travel, she happens upon a tavern and inn.  It’s clearly been established to give travelers a place to rest off the main road.  As night rolls in, the skies open up and rain begins to pour down.  She cannot imagine spending another night out under the open sky in weather like this and her belly does grumble loudly.  Drawn by the lights inside and the smell of cooking food, Cigyun ventures inside.
She avoids eye contact as she enters and pretends she does not notice the way men stare as she approaches the innkeeper at the bar.  “Please sir, I only have a few gold pieces but I can cook and clean.  I just need a place to stay tonight.  It doesn’t even have to be a bed!”
A stranger leans in with a wicked grin and takes hold of her by the arm.  “No worries love.  Keep your gold and come share a bed with me!  I’ll keep you warm all night long.”
“Th-that is kind,” she stammers as she tenses, “but I can’t.  Please.  L-let me go!”
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f-ortuity · 5 years
A kiss for mom? A kiss for mom.
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      From the second she left the forest, Cigyun always knew the gods would find a way to punish her.
     Her gaze teeters along lifelessness– vacant and murky, like sort seen in the lakes she spent her younger years around, with every bit of depth seemingly lost to layers upon layers of filth. They at the ceiling but at nothing in particular as she lays atop the bed in her chambers, hands idly resting on her stomach. It is befitting of a duchess, to lounge around in such a manner, but Cigyun was never born to be connected to a title like that, and it was not as though she had made this decision on her own. No– after a sharp sound, and the second tears started to fall, despite her panicked denial of the latter truly happening, the woman was ordered to make her leave. To lock herself away until some sense makes it way back into her.
     To Cigyun, it is understandable. Victor has never liked seeing her cry, and has always thought it to be upon the worst– and ugliest, she reminds herself– of sights. The moment it happens, the young mother knows there is even less of a chance that he will listen, but she cannot help it. Lately, everything has been too much– to see her husband, the love of her life, wooing other women and taking them back to his chambers, and yet find herself being disallowed from so much as speaking politely to another man. Being taken for granted, and not having her own distress over the situation understood– silenced by words or worse. It has been too long, and now, Cigyun finds herself without the will to fight back, even a little.     She has grown tired.
      She has grown tired of the arguing. Tired of being yelled at; tired of being ordered to explain herself, only for her words to quickly be drowned out by his own uncorroborated anger. Tired of–
     Before such a train of thought could finish itself, the mother feels a kiss being pressed to her forehead. For a moment, she freezes– for a moment, dull eyes almost spark to life–, until she finds the will to slightly move her head, and look at the one who stands beside her. He must have slipped in while she was lost in thought, Cigyun remarks to herself. After all, Arvis has always had a strange knack for knowing when she is upset. The corners of pale lips twitch, as if trying to form a smile, but without the energy to do so right at this moment, but the heaviness plaguing her heart does lift a little. He is a sweet child, always wishing to lift her mood when their roles should never be switched around in that way– a boy should not have to comfort his own mother. Another of her shortcomings, the duchess supposes, but that list has been growing ever so long as of late. Grey eyes are quick to water again, and her head rolls back up so she might stare at the ceiling once more, and keep herself together.     A tear or so falls regardless.
               “…I’m so sorry,”
     ‘You should not have to see me like this,’ are the words the mother desperately wishes to add on, yet she finds her voice too deflated and frail to push out anything more than that. Besides, in a brief moment of thought, Cigyun realises that it would also be far too cruel to say to a child Arvis’ age– too heavy; too upsetting. He did not come here to see his mother wallow in her sorrow, feeling sorry for herself– silently contemplating if she has made the right choices, or what the Gods, or Victor, might do next. That same empty gaze moves once more, resting on her son’s own, but much more lively, eyes. She loves him, dearly– in truth, Cigyun would wager that he is the only real reason, other than paralysing fear, as to why she has not tried to run away from it all. Yet it is hard to the energy to do more than force a smile onto sickeningly pale features, even though the mother wants to do nothing more than hold her child close and tell him not to worry.     That she is fine, despite the red blotches under her eyes; despite the tears that unconsciously continue to fall; despite the mark that so slowly shifts from a an angry red to a deeper, darker purple.
               “You need not worry about me so. I… I will be fine. Please, Arvis…”
     At the expense of her words, the woman finally moves, hands digging into the duvet and arms trembling from the force as she attempts to push herself into a position on her side. By no means is Cigyun anything heavier than a feather– albeit, not necessarily in a good way–, and yet, it feels as though all the weight in the world resides on her shoulders and an indescribable force tries to push the mother down. It feels like than eternity, to get herself into such a simple position, and yet, even when she reach forwards to pull her son into some sort of embrace, the furthest quivering hands make it to is his cheeks, where they gently rest.
               “…Seeing you so worried saddens me.”
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f-ortuity · 5 years
{One-liner Starter Call}
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{ ooc. Please like this post, and I’ll write up a one-liner for your muse-
Make sure you specify who you want though, otherwise it’s going to be Cigyun, and who you want the starter for (if applicable).
There’s no cap at the moment, but if I get too many... so like over 10... I might start being selective.
Muse list is here }
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f-ortuity · 5 years
{Muse Page Updated}
{ ooc. Take a look, if you want! I’ve marked any muses with spoilery stuff in their bio clearly (★) , since I know 3h is still really recent and a lot of people haven’t finished all the routes.
Added Rhea
Added Sothis 
Current Roster:
Rudolf, Naga, Aversa, Rhea, Sothis, Nuibaba, Cigyun, Forneus, Lewyn, Tobin, Olivia, Altena, Seliph, Ke’ri, Inigo, Aesir, Eydis. 
Bios will come soon. }
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f-ortuity · 6 years
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         Please LIKE OR REBLOG if you are interested in interacting with                                      FIRE EMBLEM MULTIMUSE BLOG
                                            Roster || Rules || Mun
Included muses:
- Aida (fe4)                                           - Cigyun (fe4) - Aversa (fe13)                                     - Naga - Olivia (fe13)                                       - Seliph (fe4/5) - Forneus (fe15)                                   - Ke’ri (fe13) - Rudolf (fe2/15)                                   - Inigo (fe13) - Sara (fe5)                                            - Altena (fe4/5) - Nuibaba (fe2/15)                                 - Hilda (fe4) - Hel (feh) - Aesir (fe4, Seliph!fankid)                     - Eydis (fe5, Saias!fankid)
     (follow-backs come from @i-nsubordination​ as this is only a sideblog)
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f-ortuity · 6 years
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Hey, Jessica here! Please, LIKE OR REBLOG if you are interested in interacting with a MULTIMUSE SIDEBLOG for FIRE EMBLEM with the following muses:
Chrom’s Mother (Lisabeth)
Validar’s Father (Onuris)
                                           || Muse List || Rules || Mun ||
*Follows come from @i-nsubordination​
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f-ortuity · 6 years
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       Please LIKE OR REBLOG if you are interested in interacting with                                FIRE EMBLEM MULTIMUSE BLOG
Included muses:
Aida (fe4)
Ke’ri (fe13
Liprica (fe2/15)
Forneus (fe15/13)
Flavia (fe13)
Hilda (fe4)
Pheros (fe13)
Seliph (fe4)
Mustafa (fe13)
Cigyun (fe4)
Olivia (fe13)
Emmeryn (fe13)
Veronica (fe heroes)
Ephraim (fe8)
Chrom’s mother/Lisabeth (fe13)
                                             Roster || Rules || Mun
*follows come from @i-nsubordination
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f-ortuity · 5 years
{Muse + Headcanon Tag Drop}
⟡ — {Muse: Aversa} ⟡ — {Muse: Ke'ri} ⟡ — {Muse: Naga} ⟡ — {Muse: Seliph} ⟡ — {Muse: Inigo} ⟡ — {Muse: Rudolf} ⟡ — {Muse: Altena} ⟡ — {Muse: Forneus} ⟡ — {Muse: Olivia} ⟡ — {Muse: Lewyn} ⟡ — {Muse: Cigyun} ⟡ — {Muse: Tobin} ⟡ — {Muse: Nuibaba} ⟡ — {Muse: Eydis} ⟡ — {Muse: Aesir}
⟡ — {Headcanon: Aversa} ⟡ — {Headcanon: Ke'ri} ⟡ — {Headcanon: Naga} ⟡ — {Headcanon: Seliph} ⟡ — {Headcanon: Inigo} ⟡ — {Headcanon: Rudolf} ⟡ — {Headcanon: Altena} ⟡ — {Headcanon: Forneus} ⟡ — {Headcanon: Olivia} ⟡ — {Headcanon: Lewyn} ⟡ — {Headcanon: Cigyun} ⟡ — {Headcanon: Tobin} ⟡ — {Headcanon: Nuibaba} ⟡ — {Headcanon: Eydis} ⟡ — {Headcanon: Aesir}
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