#|| Lil Cinnamon Bun // Idol AU ||
eda-does-things · 1 year
I think it's finally time to begin revealing my fan made Idol group, Miracle × Melody!! This group is from a future AU involving the agents, idols, & a couple others that follows their daily lives as adults with jobs and families. Please keep in mind this is an AU & may diverge from cannon
Here's #2, the gender fluid lil cinnamon bun, Delilah, also known as Teto!
Teto (Any) is a sixteen year old octoling female. She is the adopted daughter (child?) Of Marie Hotaru from the Squid Sisters & their wife Keisha.
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The best way to describe Teto is a cinnamon roll. She is soft, gentle, sweet, and a little naive at times. She loves anybody and everybody. She feels particularly connected to animals and loves all types. She is extremely shy, timid, and tends to worry a lot. She has a hard time adjusting to people. Being in MIRACLE! × MELODY! Is really helping Teto come out of her shell. Ever since she started doing shows, she’s been doing better in big groups. While she is still shy, she’s much better than she was. Teto is a very talented sculptor. She enjoys designing and making her own figurines using a variety of materials and methods. She also loves to paint and design fashion. She actually designed the MIRACLE! × MELODY! Costumes! Teto dreams of being a vet in Inkopolis
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galaxybeginnings · 3 years
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Little Halloween surprise for y’all! Peter as a mermaid~ Who is going to be stuck hiding as they watch 🖐🏻 I will be!
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galaxybeginnings · 3 years
An Unfortunate Fall
|| Starter for @more-than-a-princess || Moved over from inbox crack
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Peter was chilling on a bench at refusal with his foot up and in a cast. It was aching a bit since some of the pain medication was starting to wear off. Who would have thought he would misstep right off the stage right in-front of all the fans. It was incredibly embarrassing to have happen and he knew many would have gotten a video of this. By now it should be all over the internet. He wished that fans knew how bright those stage lights were along with the slippery nature that the stage floor could have. But in the end, he still miscalculated and slipped off causing several scraps and a broken foot.
A long sigh left him as he rested his headed back against the couch, emerald eyes staring at the ceiling exasperated. Not being able to do anything easily was annoying. So many would come and ask if he needed help, or if he was in pain, and even asking him if he needed assistance. If he did, he still wouldn’t ask for help because that would just eat up another person’s time and... he wasn’t in the mood to be dealing with people all the time. Thankfully because of this, he was getting a break from training and they allowed Kuro, his black lab, to be with him. He was passed out on the floor under Peter’s leg, completely satisfied being back with his owner.
There was some noise coming from the front of the group house which caused Peter to turn his head to look. This also caught Kuro’s attention causing the lab to bolt up whamming his head against Peter’s cast. Letting out a sharp inhale and groan he grabbed his injured leg that he had lifted up. A light flow of curse substitutes left his lips as he winced while his dog was completely oblivious to what had happened.
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“This is why oba-san calls you a hard head....” Trying to breathe through the pain he saw one of the manager’s personal assistant come in with someone following behind. A surprised look appeared on his face when he say the blonde hair he had grown to recognized. “Nevermind-san? What are you doing here?” The looked of confusion was spreading across his face as he went from the PA to the princess then back to the PA. Kuro was happily greeting them excited for the new faces.
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galaxybeginnings · 4 years
Holiday Headaches
Idol Verse for @more-than-a-princess
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The group had been invited by the higher ups inside the company to preform for the holiday party. Luckily they weren’t the only ones preforming so the pressure wasn’t as high as it would have been if they were the only entertainment of the evening. Who would have thought that they would be invited to such a high profile event? It had sent the manager into a giddy frenzy making sure everything was in order. From their holiday themed uniforms to the song selection - even down to the style of their makeup that was used. Peter had never been a fan to wearing the stuff but he didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. Ryuu thankfully was the peacemaker between Peter and their manager. It was one of the many reason his friend had snagged the role of Peter’s handler within the group.
Finishing their last number the goys bowed and thanked the guests before them before exiting the stage. Light beads of sweat were showing on each one of them from the light heat and the exersion of the preformance. As the guys dab their foreheads off their manager came swiftly over with a few clearly influencial individuals in tow. He was grinning from ear to ear and clearly boasting about them. Peter was ready to shrink away but alas, he felt the warning look not only from Ryuu but also the leader of the group - Kyo. No one went against Kyo or they would be doing drills and taking on extra chores at the house. He was basically a spartan when crossed but would have their backs regardless. Respect was earned with him, not bought which Peter admired of him. Kyo was also the oldest of the group at 26 which was a bit on the older side apparently.
Emerald eyes watched the group of individuals that were now before them, bowing in greeting to them along with the rest of the guys. He hadn’t noticed the young woman that was among the people. This was odd. Why would she be among these older guys? That wasn’t any of his concern though so he shook that off. After the others were introduced by their manager, Peter was even more curious of the young woman who hadn’t been really intoduced outside of Lady Nevermind. Who in this day and age was called in such a way? With a last name of that too, it was extremely unique. But then again, he looked Japanese until you saw his eyes and then heard his name. It confused so many and explaining was always a hassle.
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galaxybeginnings · 4 years
Christmas of an Idol
Idol Verse for @lunabxlla​
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The holiday season was in full swing now leaving there very little room for the group to breathe. Peter hadn’t even been able to make any time to go see his grandmother let alone get her any presents. He was even struggling with making time for Kuro his black lab forcing him to have to drop the pup off with his grandmother. It almost got to the point that his manager had to do this so that he wouldn’t miss some holiday variety show the group was to appear on. To keep on the persona that the company had assigned him was becoming stressful and now without the comfort of his lab to welcome him....he had to push through.
Sitting at the table beside his group members he greeted each excited fan that passed by. A warm trained grin that hid most of his fatigue along with well done makeup by their team of stylists brought out the best of each member aesthetically. He was actually wearing one of the holiday antlers an early fan had gifted him, posing for a selfie with her. There was no need to take it off since it did help with giving him more of a holiday feel.
As the next fan stepped up in-front of him he set the small teddy he had just received in the basket behind him. Thankfully his manager had agreed with the suggestion of the lead vocalist to provide these for meet and greets like this. It got too cluttered with gifts piling before them. They all enjoyed reading the letters that were written to them. Looking up he blinked a couple of times. Wait, he’s seen this girl before. Yeah that’s right, she’s been to a few of their before concert meet and greets. If he remembered correctly, they were all in the states during the last tour out there?
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“You seem to be a bit far from the states Gundersan-chan. Enjoying Japan so far?”
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galaxybeginnings · 4 years
She wasn't entirely sure if Peter did indeed like chocolate. Beyond animals and his preferences for quiet and solitude, he kept his interests close to his heart. Nevertheless, Sonia had chosen to surprise him that Valentine's Day with a half-dozen chocolates in both milk and dark varieties, filled with coconut macaroons and fondant and molded into the shape of puppy dog faces. "I wasn't quite sure what you'd like, but I hope you enjoy these today. Happy Valentine's Day!"
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Peter hadn’t expected anything but when he was told to go greet the guest that stopped by it peaked his interest. Who would be here to see him and have the manager be fine with it? Was it the CEO? Crap, what has he done or not done  usually in his case that it needs a surprise visit. So many thoughts were spinning in his head as he made the corner for the foyer, a large black lab on his heels.
Seeing Nevermind-sama there did bring about a stunned silence. Before he could say anything she had spotted him and, was that a tiny skip in her step? He shook his head trying to free himself from the small stun she just hit him with. Having an actual guest threw him off, and this one was an actual princess which means busy schedule to the point her thoughts might as well not be her own.
Tilting his head at he now that she was standing excitedly before him she started talking. Oh yeah, that was today... He never had a reason to celebrate so it was a forgotten holiday for him. Well, not always forgotten more like he only had his oba-san as his important loved one. Flowers were his small token to her along with her favorite sweets.
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Blinking at her  as he processed what she just said and was holding out to him a small blush. Taking the small sweets from her he scratched his cheek, his shyness obviously showing. He should be better at this but she seemed to have gone the extra mile to give it to him. “Thank you.... this is really kind of you but we barely know each other?” His bluntness came out since he didn’t feel a need to put on a performance for her. She has already made it clear prior to this that she preferred honest just like everyone else treatment. Luckily, Peter wasn’t one to treat anyone differently due to their social standing.
“....I don’t have anything for you....”
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galaxybeginnings · 4 years
Because anon isn't for me when showing ship interest, I think it would be fun to see Sonia and Peter's dynamic develop in their verses because she'll insist on socializing with him and the various animals in his care. Good luck being a wallflower, Peter: you now have 5'7" of cheerful, sweet persistence on your hands. At least she'll happily browse your bookshelf?
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He stared at the other not sure how to handle this. It wasn’t like he would be rude ant tell someone to get lost or go away. His approach was more of the ignore as much as possible and they will go away. The schedule he had to keep also would make it hard for the other to pop up - right?
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“.....As long as she is respectful to my books it should be fine...”
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galaxybeginnings · 4 years
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Who wishes to interact with Idol Peter? 😁 Like this for a starter with him! And it will be holiday themed as well!!
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galaxybeginnings · 2 years
Darkness and/or Kiss, muse(s) of your choice!
(I can’t help but add more to the layers of Peter xD)
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It was getting so hard to handle the stress and demands of the job these days. He was struggling more and more which was rare for him. Usually he was at least able to bury some of the anxieties that rose up by either spending time alone or with his animals along with his oba-san. Yet this time none of that worked. Why did this have to surface? He was doing so much better these days. It was getting to the point that it was beginning to affect the other members of the group. Thankfully they understood most of it and were just worried about him. It was more the management and the heads that were beginning to lose sympathy for him.
Due to the efforts of his groupmates, they had gotten a chance for him to get a few weeks off work. So here he was back at his oba-san’s house, in the room she had kept clean for whenever he needed it. Both his black lab and cat were with him. They were seen as a strange trio, yet it solidified that there was nothing better than an animals love. No strings, little expectations, and always reliable. This was some of what he was seeking.
Quietly he stayed curled up with his pets trying to just drown out the thoughts and urges he was struggling with. Just focus on petting them and enjoying their warmth. He was ignoring the notifications vibrating from his phone. They were just something he couldn’t deal with right now. There were some snacks that his oba-san left on the small low table in his room. Thankfully his pets were well behaved so even if he fell asleep they wouldn’t be helping themselves to the snacks of his.
He did slowly drift in and out of sleep until there was a small knock on his door. This woke him enough to get up. Still groggy he shuffled over to the door after moving Roh the cat who was curled up next to him. Opening the door he stared almost blankly at Sonia. It took a moment for his disheveled brain to processed what he was currently seeing. It matched his dark brown hair which was standing up at odd angles. Finally blinking a few more times his emerald hues showed that it finally registered she was there.
“W-what are you doing here…?” She had an odd look on her face but he could tell she was worried. Wait did she misunderstand his leave as something else? Did she think that their small argument due to the whole dancing thing resurfaced? No no no, it was highly unlikely to be the case since they did talk it over at the ball a few months ago. Things had been good between them. Yeah he was awkward, but thankfully that was always the case. She hadn’t seemed to put two and two together about how he actually really enjoyed being around her in more than a friend way.
“Oh uh… c-come in.” Shifting he let her into his room. Thank god his oba-san made sure he hadn’t turned it into a chaotic book covered room with clothes mixed into the mess. She had quietly picked up behind him leaving it presentable. “So um… why are you here…?” He felt bashful about this now. Emerald hues watched as she seemed to take the room in. It was one that was clearly an animal and bookworms bedroom with countless books and then animal items for his pets in clear view. There were some photos of him and his friends, oba-san and of course Roh and Kuro.
Taking a moment he finally sat on the floor next to his bed. She mentioned having sent him several messages over the past couple of days and having gotten worried from his lack of replies. Apparently Ryu-kun had told her he hadn’t been doing well and took some vacation time to try and recuperate. Dang it… sometimes he really didn’t appreciate that his best friend was so comfortable snitching on him. Yet, there was also a part of him that was happy she had taken the time to stop and check on him. He could clearly see how worried she was. Maybe he should come clean about things… Their small talk at that dance was stuck on his mind. The reasons for him always being quiet. The fears he had because of those reasons and why crowds weren’t something he was fond of.
Once again he fell silent collecting his thoughts some more. “…sorry I worried you… Something happened and I… I couldn’t handle it.” It was hard to stop the shaking he was dealing with. Clenching his jaw he decided it was easier to just stare at his rug. At this point Roh was rubbing against the back of his head from atop the bed. Kuro had jumped off the bed to lay against his free side, making sure he was petting him It helped a bit.
“…back at the dance… I told you that I’m not good with my words. That I prefer to stay silent… I wasn’t always here with my oba-san caring for me. She found me at 13 in an orphanage after years of searching thanks to a cryptic message from my father. My parents didn’t want me, so when I was one they left me. Oba-san didn’t know I existed, and when she found out he didn’t tell her where I was. Took her three years to finally find the place since he waited till I was ten.” Taking a slow breath he picked at the carpet fibers. This was hard. She wasn’t going to look at him the same… just that he was broken.
“Growing up people weren’t kind. The grown-ups barely cared for us except for the rare few. They didn’t stick around long though. As for the other kids… you could say that because of the borderline neglect, took it out on one another. Some even took it so far as animals. I couldn’t stand that so I got involved and tried to stop them. Tried telling adults. Got into a lot of fights but always ended up being me who got the blame so… they punished me. I-I still have the scars.” His voice shook saying this. The marks were indeed still there. He was thankful that his group tended to be in long pants or long board shorts. Nothing to allow the markings to show.
“I got a letter two weeks ago… it was from my father. He was saying how he didn’t know I existed. That he only found out recently after having reconnected with my mother. Stated she acted like it was nothing. That he didn’t think he could be a proper father after all these years… that he was sorry to have failed.” He buried his face into his arm away from her. “Seems I’m still not good enough. And then… she sent a letter. Saying how she had no choice, that she regretted it, how she wanted to see me in person after having seen me with the group. You can guess how confused I was. After all these years… they send me letters.” This was so painful. Being this vulnerable was against his nature. All those years trying to survive feeling alone and that the world was against him. He had finally found his place and now with two simple letters his life was thrown out of place again.
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“I’m sorry… I know I’m broken… This only made it all worse, because they showed up at the last meet and greet event. I-I couldn’t speak. Just got up and left which made the manager furious.” Ryu had to interfered since he had been the only one to know why he reacted the way he did. His mother had sent a photo of herself with him as a baby along with her letter. When she showed up it was clear the man she was with was his father. His oba-san hadn’t hid all the photos of her son well because it wasn’t long before Peter found some after finally feeling like her house was his. “Ryu-kun had to tell the basics to my manager… I just couldn’t handle it anymore. They knew now and the look… I just…” Words finally failed him. He was weak and emotionally raw. The silence from her was expected because it was a lot to process.
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galaxybeginnings · 2 years
From the misc ask meme for Peter (because I don't think I can send new IC asks based on the current state of our thread: the feels/drama that's about to unfold!): 🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about? 🎢 - Do they like amusement parks? What’s their favorite ride? 💀 - How do they feel about horror movies? (Two of these are crucial knowledge for Sonia to eventually find out)
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Misc. Ask Meme
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🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
I would say his inability to express himself honestly when he wants to. He gets embarrassed at how frustrated he gets over it while also knowing that it's not something he should react to in such a way. He personally sees it as something dumb he is embarrassed for.
🎢 - Do they like amusement parks? What’s their favorite ride?
Yes, usually on lower crowd days. Typically the boys will sneak off from time to time on low crowd days at the local amusement park because they need to let off some steam. Rollercoasters are one of his favorite go to's, while he usually avoids haunted houses.
💀 - How do they feel about horror movies?
Peter isn't a huge fan of them due to his superstitious nature. He had always been one to by highly avoidant to most things supernatural because in general it was a normal thing in his culture. Sometimes he will try but then afterwards he is usually hypervigilant to things. Despite this nature he does like to care for black colored animals due to knowing that the superstitions around them were generally false... but this sadly doesn't apply to other things. He tries though at times to overcome this but usually his hair stands on end and he sometimes retreats into himself so that he isn’t as on edge afterwards.
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galaxybeginnings · 3 years
🎼 – to dance to holiday music with my muse (if Peter still wants to learn to dance?)
Winter Holiday Symbols
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It was different dancing like this. All he had done till this point is hip hop routines for shows, nothing that involved actual classical steps and turns. These 1-2-3s where making his head spin and then he had to make sure to spin her? At this point he was just going to be stuck s[pinning like a top himself if he hadn’t tripped on his own feet by the end of this.
“Is it really supposed to be this hard...? Why are there so many steps...” Mumbling more to himself that anything he kept his hands in the proper positions all while having to look at his feet so he didn’t step on hers. There was no way he could listen to the music and focus on the steps with her instructions. “Do the upper class really enjoy these kinds of things?”
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galaxybeginnings · 3 years
@more-than-a-princess​ : Would pop idol! Peter know how to dance already though? Just a thought. :eyes:
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Not anything ballroom. He has only been taught contemporary but mainly hip hop. Anything outside of that he has never tried nor has his company ever attempted to teach them. So heehee, he would need a teacher to show him how to sweep a certain princess off her feet with his skills of twirls.
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galaxybeginnings · 4 years
So I'm wishing, wishing further, For the excitement to arrive, It's just I'd rather be causing the chaos, Than laying at the sharp end of this knife (For Peter)
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Peter looked at her surprised by her words. The fact she stated a knife worried him a bit but then again, this was a princess who enjoyed horror genres so her view on such an item might be drastically different than the automatic thought that came to his mind. He had to shake off the stupid thoughts he had because his worry for her was unneeded. It was clear she was strong and if she did need a hand, he hoped she knew he would lend an ear to help ease a worry she had. After all, months of messaging should have helped establish a basic friendship between them. It wasn’t as if they were taking the whole day off together on basis of an idol taking the princess to the zoo only for looks.
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The two had snuck out. He had grabbed a couple of wig options for her to use along with some clothing from a female idol friend. Of course she had a million questions but all he said was he wanted to have a normal day out with his female friend and that she was looking too much into it. They were at the hotel he had reserved a room at so she could change before they headed to their designation today. “Well... hopefully this will be more exciting than a knife... But do I need to help you avoid those today?” He was still worried as he offered her a hand out of the taxis they had taken to get here. 
Both were in weak disguises currently but thankfully the old man driving was none the wiser to who they were yet wouldn’t stop winking at Peter especially since they were stopping at a hotel. Why were so many not going to see them as friends? DO all those going to a hotel look like they are up to mature behavior? He just wanted to take her to the zoo so she could see all the cute animals. Then he planned to take her to see his oba-san’s house where his fosters currently were. Kuro and Roh were both there and since she loved photos of them, he wanted to introduce her to each as well as some of the fosters ready for homes. Maybe... just maybe she would be willing to take one with her?
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“This bag has wigs and outfits a friend chose to help disguise you... I think there is also a makeup bag inside as well... No idea though.”
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