dragonxhearted · 4 years
@lunabxlla​ ; xXx
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             “Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t.”
    Raihan chuckles, leaning against a nearby wall as he takes his Rotom phone out to scroll through the media.
       “Anyway, hey there! How’s the weather down there?”
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galaxybeginnings · 4 years
Christmas of an Idol
Idol Verse for @lunabxlla​
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The holiday season was in full swing now leaving there very little room for the group to breathe. Peter hadn’t even been able to make any time to go see his grandmother let alone get her any presents. He was even struggling with making time for Kuro his black lab forcing him to have to drop the pup off with his grandmother. It almost got to the point that his manager had to do this so that he wouldn’t miss some holiday variety show the group was to appear on. To keep on the persona that the company had assigned him was becoming stressful and now without the comfort of his lab to welcome him....he had to push through.
Sitting at the table beside his group members he greeted each excited fan that passed by. A warm trained grin that hid most of his fatigue along with well done makeup by their team of stylists brought out the best of each member aesthetically. He was actually wearing one of the holiday antlers an early fan had gifted him, posing for a selfie with her. There was no need to take it off since it did help with giving him more of a holiday feel.
As the next fan stepped up in-front of him he set the small teddy he had just received in the basket behind him. Thankfully his manager had agreed with the suggestion of the lead vocalist to provide these for meet and greets like this. It got too cluttered with gifts piling before them. They all enjoyed reading the letters that were written to them. Looking up he blinked a couple of times. Wait, he’s seen this girl before. Yeah that’s right, she’s been to a few of their before concert meet and greets. If he remembered correctly, they were all in the states during the last tour out there?
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“You seem to be a bit far from the states Gundersan-chan. Enjoying Japan so far?”
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snowedmgic · 4 years
@lunabxlla​ General Call!! ( wanted Prompto )
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     ✫✦𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑜;;– ‘ Hey, Ivy. ‘ Prompto was out walking the very much excited bulldog when he’d seen a familiar face. Ever since the guys had taken that vacation, he’d almost totally forgotten some of the stuff he did normally. All but walking Chinsey, and it looked like today was the right day to do it.
     ‘ Long time, no talk, huh? Sorry we didn’t get in touch when we came back. Ignis had us running around just about everywhere. ‘ He laughed slightly. ‘ So, how’ve you been? ‘
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xenospacebabe · 5 years
14. What are five of your favorite ships? (In the rp community or otherwise)
First! My favorite ship is with Prompto, from Aniroleplay. This ship art was made for us by Regina Elvina on Facebook!
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Second: Anakin and Padme (Star Wars)
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Third: Seeley Booth and Temperance Brennan (Bones)
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Fourth: Vegeta and Bulma (Dragonball)
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Fifth: Anya/Anastasia and Demetri!
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totalxclarity · 5 years
❝ i like seeing you smile. ❞
Ignis smirked. He knew he rarely smiled in that world of darkness because he worried all the time and couldn’t help but think about Noctis’ upcoming fate, but he was still doing his best to seem OPTIMISTIC. He was blind and still had to train a lot to he could get as strong as before, but he didn’t want other people to pity him because of that. 
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“I will do my best to smile more often.” He assured, chuckling softly. 
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triggerdance · 5 years
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          “Annnnd... Got it!”
   The boy took a look at his camera, before turning around, heading towards his companion on this little trip.
          “Ivy! Ivy look at this shot, look at how CUTE it turned out!”
   They’re out on a small date (platonic of course) at the local petting zoo and of COURSE there were chocobos. BABY chocobos and he’s bouncing and squeaking (totally manly sounding) and holding out his camera to show off the shot he got.
      Two chicks are pressed close together, one black. The yellow is sound asleep, face forehead in the plumpness of the black. The black is peering up at the camera, head slightly tilted.
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mgicunleashed · 5 years
💘 for Muse A (Prompto) to talk about Muse B's (Ignis) love life (or lack of one)
Muse Grapevine ( accepting )
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    ✯ℑ𝔤𝔫𝔦𝔰;;– ‘ Alright Prompto, have at i– ‘
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    ✫✦𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑜;;– ‘ Dude, you need to get laid! I’M KIDDING! But I think you eventually should find someone to make you a little happier. You’re way too strict sometimes, more times when it was unnecessary than what I can count on one hand. Seriously! ‘
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solarisesanev · 5 years
"Talk about me."
Send “Talk About Me” to overhear a conversation between my muse and someone else (can be a side character, in their canon, or a just random person) about your muse.  || @lunabxlla
“So, what’s with the girl?” 
The question hit Marsh’s ears a bit too rough, though he knew it was mere curiosity. Typically, establishments like these didn’t allow minors in them. He had to have a reason, of course. And it was only reasonable for his staff to be curious of that reason. The king offered his signature kind smile with a scratch to the back of his head. It had become a habit from his time away from the other fae. He had adopted some unkingly mannerisms that he may have to start working on… He never knew when he’d be told it was safe and be forced back…
“She’s a friend of mine. She simply needs some time away from troubling things so I let her come here. That way she wouldn’t have to be alone” He explained simply. He didn’t feel as though he could bare any of Ivy’s secrets, honestly, he wasn’t fond of saying as much as he did without her go ahead, but they deserved an explanation. If anything about Ivy was spread around, truthful or otherwise, their jobs would be in jeopardy as well. “I assure you, if you’re worried about something, put it to rest”
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The bartender nodded a bit, biting down on her lips for a moment before she opened her mouth to reply with a “I hope you know what you’re doing”
“What do you mean?”
Another silence, uncomfortable. Marsh’s eyes weren’t accusatory at all, just confused. He didn’t see anything wrong with what was happening. Perhaps she had known more than she was letting on, knew something about Ivy that he hadn’t been made aware of. 
The bartender just shook her head. “Nothing... Nevermind...”
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dreamofcreation · 7 years
An Encore For the Ages
There was a certain sense of finality, he thought, crossing the school’s heavy-looking double-wall gates, that his family would concede their prestigious name to mix in a regular private institution like this. The times had changed, and no longer did isolation and closed circles carry with themselves the weight that they once did. You wanted to be known in this area, this is where you sent your kids, dynasty or corporate baron, entrepreneur or simply rich socialite. A veritable hodge-podge of the well-to-be, a far step from the secluded boarding schools for the elites of England, or the super-exclusive technical gymnasiums of countries like Korea or Switzerland. Still, in the family’s eyes, it was a step down, not that it mattered. Names were no longer a weapon to be wielded, and family legacies carried none of the weight of previous decades. Now if only his parents could understand that a little bit sooner, and not have called him something as stupid as Ignatius Sirius (redact a bunch of unnecessary names) Lowell. Ahem. That was beside the point. This was his first day at the new academy. Legacy or no legacy, he didn’t exactly enjoy the thought of making a fool of himself. While no doubt there would be any number of nice people out there, the last thing he wanted to do was to set himself up to be scolded by his parents “for not making a proper first impression”. As such, he had prepared himself beforehand, noting where and at what time his classes began. Technically, he counted as a transfer student, he supposed, having come from quite a ways away, now that he thought of it, quietly opening the door. He was immediately greeted by the teacher (as he had been by the director the day before, weirdly enough, when he came to ask for questions), “Ah, Ignatius, you’ve arrived. Glad to see you found your way around without much trouble.” That name. Nevertheless, the reply came promptly. “Yes, indeed. The Director’s instructions were perfectly adequate, as expected. Will I be introduced to the class, I assume?” The man, a stout 40-year-old with a stodgy mustache, who taught Chemistry by the looks of it, nodded. “Indeed, if you wouldn’t mind just waiting outside for a bit? I daresay that knowing my students, the novelty alone will disrupt the class without having you in front as they all gallivant in.” Ah. Well yes, that made some sense, didn’t it? “Understood, I shall wait outside by the window until I’m called.” After gazing outside (the garden really was pretty and fresh. He wondered who the groundskeepers were?) , he heard the familiar ringing of bells that seemed to accompany any school entrance he’d ever been in (although he wasn’t too fond of this kind of shrill one).  People filtered in by the dozens, streaming into the classrooms with emotions ranging from excitement to miserable dread (and really, hadn’t we all been there at one point?). He tried to take special attention to those entering the door to his classroom nearby, noting which ones seemed to take a glance at him as they made their way in. As to be expected, the girls were all well-dressed and some of them were rather pretty indeed (although, yikes, the makeup on those two was sizable enough to sink a boat in!), and the boys were of the usual stock. Nothing popped off to the sight, until the last person. She was an unusual one. Barely any beautifying, and a surprisingly precise step from the waist down. Of course, the curves in front were quite nice too, although disguised by the uniform. Furthermore, something about her build was... unsual, although bugger all if he could point what exactly. Her expression... well, her expression belied some surprise to be inspected, which meant he had been caught staring, a faux pas. and he averted his eyes. As they filtered in, he made his way to the door, awaiting the teacher’s introduction. “Starting from this trimester, you’ll have a new colleague.” He stepped in, direct, concise and above all, without showing a pinch of nerves. There were “wolves” in the crowd after all. “Here he is. His na...” He raised his hand in objection, interrupting the speaker. “Thank you, Mr. Dawson. May I introduce myself?” The man seemed surprised, but nodded. “Certainly.” 
He turned towards the crowd briefly, attention seized. “I am Ignatius Sirius Lowell , although I would hope you extend me the courtesy of calling me Iggy, personally.” The small rising laughter that followed that darned name was cut short with a small chuckle at the end. The emphasis on the surname had, after all, hit through most of the thick skulls in the crowd (thank the Deity that it had some use), and the second sentence was carried with the trained air of who watched his mother deliver venomous speeches carrying implicit threats for years, driving the point across that you’d be stupid to call him any other thing than Iggy. “I look forward to getting along with most of you and enjoying my time here. You’re the delegate, yes?” He turned towards a girl in the front of the desk, surprised to be identified and addressed so soon. “I’d greatly appreciate it if after this class, you could spare me a couple of minutes, give me an overview of extracurricular activities available to me, from your perspective, if you’d so please? I confess that I haven’t had much time to look around?” She nodded, still a bit dumbfounded. “Well, that’d be all. Sorry for delaying the start of the class, Mr. Dawson, I shall take my seat now.”
“Emm, well... yes, certainly, thank you, Mr. Lowell. Alright, alright, settle down now, class, we’re starting...” Mr. Dawson wisely cut the whisperings short, making use of the small lull he had left him. Nevertheless, the inevitable head turns and group chatter persisted for a bit, as he openly smiled and made his way through the seats, to the back of the class. While he wasn’t exactly perfectly sighted, he could do with reading instructions from here, and plus, it was a perfect vantage point to not get embroiled in a mess.  Center far-stage, like a conductor (a job he duly respected). The only snafu... was that mysterious girl to his left, who had been eyeing him oddly (like most students), but with more of a confused expression rather than a shocked one. He deliberately looked at her with a smile and a nod, before breaking his face away. No need to look like a gawking fool so soon.
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Shoutout to lunabxlla for having such an interesting and amazing character. Their writing is engaging and fun to read, and they need 1000 times more recognition than they actually get. They're so sweet and I love seeing them on my dash. 10/10 would recommend.
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galaxybeginnings · 4 years
Which fandom(s) do you wanna roleplay in/crossover with but you’re too afraid to approach?
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Questions for the mun!
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Actually... I generally stay away from most fandoms but I’m always down to interact with otome games characters! Obey Me is a current obsession along with Mr. Love Queen Choice! It’s just since I’m oc based and also have been part of fandoms off and on... I know how uncomfortable things get when someone is too passionate about their ships. 
Ship what you wish but never make it the only way. Respect another’s ship choices and all will be fine... -shivers- I cosplay Ochako and almost had to block someone who was causing issue with my ship of her. They get so aggressive T^T I’m just here enjoying my life... Let me ship Ochako with who I wish and dun come at me for not personally liking KiriBaku or  BakuDeku!
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lethal-honey · 4 years
“ stay gentle. everyone is at war. ” ( for angelo. :3 )
Pinterest Quotes || Accepting
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The man watched the other for a moment before approaching her. “I have no reason not to be gentle.” He remarked, then tilted his head to the side. “Did something happen?” He asked.
It could be many things, fight at home, at her work, maybe someone was rude to her... either way he was slightly worried.
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snowedmgic · 4 years
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@lunabxlla​ said: ❝ that outfit looks nice on you, where'd you get it? ❞ (for Antonio because why not. :D)
Simple Introductions ( accepting )
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     𝄡𝒜𝓃𝓉ℴ𝓃𝒾ℴ;;– Confused at first, Antonio didn’t know how to respond to that. Someone was genuinely interested in his outfits? With a tilt of his head, he just sort of stared at her for a moment. ‘ Really? You’d like to know? ‘
     He held up his arm and turned slightly so that she may see the back, pulling his hair out of the way and over his shoulder to allow for better viewing. ‘ This was finely tailored to me when I would play on the stage. ‘ He turned back. ‘ Granted, they came from very skilled hands that-- Really was a hidden talent. I’m not too sure if they ever made it in the world. ‘
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totalxclarity · 6 years
Hello! I just wanted to reach out and let you know I'm interested in plotting with you now that we've become mutuals. I have a lot of different angles we could use with this muse, so please let me know your preferences, and we can get started whenever you're ready. :) Ehehe, I hope you're doing well!
// Your FFXV verse seems interesting hehe :D My main verse is the world of ruins (the 10 years of darkness) but we could also do something pre-game if you want, I don’t really mind :) 
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triggerdance · 5 years
lunabxlla replied to your post: (You know the thing is, I don’t think I could...
// I feel this deep in my soul.
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(I am understood.)
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mgicunleashed · 5 years
lunabxlla replied to your post: �� for Muse A (Prompto) to talk about Muse B's...
Ivy VC: /dying inside while trying to suppress giggles;
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     ✯ℑ𝔤𝔫𝔦𝔰;;– ‘ Don’t laugh, you’ll only encourage him. ‘
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