#||-|| The Fussy Feline ! (ANKHA) ||-||
timesabwazing · 5 years
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“Pizza is far too greasy for me anyways. Such a mess of a food item. I don’t understand why people like it.”
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timesabwazing · 6 years
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“Aren’t you one of those.... ‘things’ that splat ink everywhere? I’d like to kindly ask you not to ruin my clothes. They’re very expensive.”
She’s cautious - all she’s ever heard about the Inklings is about how they love to paint things with their ink.
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timesabwazing · 6 years
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“If this is a MANSION, where are the servants?”
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timesabwazing · 6 years
The woman, donned in armor that seems almost futuristic at first glance, stands before the much smaller feline who is currently looking curious as to what the heck this contraption could be. It wasn’t until she saw a bit of movement that she realized it was animate, and not just a misplaced suit of armor.
Curiously, she reaches out to brush her paw along the material, admiring in.
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“This must be one of those other robots I’ve heard about...”
Fully unaware that there’s someone inside, of course.
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timesabwazing · 6 years
@ink-correctsmashbrosbloo X
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Could she really blame him for being clueless? Not really. Kids were pretty dumb, and she had a soft spot for them, admittedly... so she has to make some amends here and there to get them back on track.
“Queen, yes. You can call me Ankha. And you - I don’t suppose you have a name too, dear?”
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timesabwazing · 6 years
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“... you’re still following me.”
She could have sworn at least ten minutes ago she heard Sock say ‘hi’ to her, and now when she looked behind her he was there. Again.
“Don’t you have anything better to do than to follow me around?”
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timesabwazing · 6 years
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… Upon seeing this, Ankha comes to the conclusion that she made a wrong turn somewhere, and promptly absconds. 
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timesabwazing · 6 years
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Ankha’s family stems from a royal line of egyptian cat kings and queens, and although they may not hold the same political power they may have had hundreds of years ago, they do still have a vast influence on their local market and usually earn the favor of political parties by endorsing them. As a result of this, various ties with the royal families have been sketchy due to some families believing one political agenda over the other. While her family is large, her extended family is even larger, but they are less like family and more like rivals to her and her immediate family.
Her family in particular are also wealthy landowners, which contributes to their overall net worth.
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timesabwazing · 6 years
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“So far, I’ve been vastly unimpressed with all the attendees here.”
She appears to be talking to herself, but it’s obvious that she was talking just loud enough for Colette to hear her complaining. Was this an ice breaker? Seems like it.
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timesabwazing · 6 years
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Yawns contagiously.
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timesabwazing · 6 years
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“THERE you are. Do you know how long I’ve been trying to look for you?”
Ever since she’s come to this mansion, she’s been keeping an eye out for either her mayor or Isabelle - and well, she found SOMEONE at the very least, which took her much longer than she’d like to admit with how large his mansion is.
“Why doesn’t this place have directional indicators? You could get lost and STARVE in this place.”
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timesabwazing · 6 years
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Surprise surprise, another houseguest who looks somewhat regal! If her dress was any indication of her standing as a person, she had to figure she was royalty, or, at least, to some extent, higher-class. Little did she know the person she was about to talk to was not only a goddess, but, well... older than she appeared to be.
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“Well aren’t you just adorable. That dress absolutely suits you, honey. Tell me - are you one of those smash competitors, or are you just a spectator like me?”
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timesabwazing · 6 years
Why has it taken her so darn long to receive even a location to where this supposed Smash Mansion was? She had wanted to come here for two reasons - one: to lavish and enjoy the insurmountable, beautiful scenery of the Mansion and its surrounding villa, and two: to experience the smash community from a more.. personalized perspective.
Previous days have been spent in contact with Master Hand, going back and forth about how ‘she has a right’ to be here and how ‘she deserves to see’ her secretary and mayor since she is a ‘representative of her town.’ After various back and forth arguments, it seems that the hand had finally relented, and given her the location of the Mansion for her to check out herself - with permission, of course, so long as she abides by the mansion’s rules.
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“It’s about time I’ve gotten here. It’s not nearly as lavish as I had hoped... but it’s decent, I suppose.”
“Now then... where are those ‘fighters’ I hear so much about..?”
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timesabwazing · 5 years
Ankha, just like any other member from Isabelle’s or the Mayor’s universes, is small. @incinemania , on the other hand, is a huge, burly feline with an attitude that really grated on her nerves.
Loud, oppressive, and makes really dumb abbreviations for words that really don’t need to be abbreviated.
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His shadow looms over her, as she’s trying to get past him in this already narrow hallway, and her hands find themselves on her sides as she strikes a sassy pose.
“Would you please mind moving your MEATY body somewhere else? This hallway has barely any space as it is, and you’re taking up most of it.”
The clutter of several boxes and supplies littering the halls made navigating quite difficult. She would get this guy to move, one way or the other.
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timesabwazing · 6 years
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.... Shoves two feline-grade earplugs into her ears.
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timesabwazing · 6 years
I always thought it would be a good idea if was a total Egyptian mythology nerd. She loves gushing about it to anyone who has gained her trust enough to drop the royal decorum.
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Okay let me just get this out of the way by saying although Ankha can be a huge bitch at first (like that’s not even putting it lightly) she’s actually a huge nerd and will probably gush about stuff to you that you’ve never even heard of before, ESPECIALLY about things with her culture or herself. If you can manage to get past her rough exterior and become her friend, her entire set of mannerisms will change. She’ll become a lot more open and jolly, she’ll smile more often, she’ll laugh, and she’ll even try to give you a nickname.
Part of the reason why she acts the way she does isn’t just because she comes from a wealthy family and expects everything to be handed to her on a silver platter. Most of that changed when she moved in to the village. Most of it. The main reason she acts so alienated is due to her family drama, and the trust issues she’s had to deal with for the past 20+ years of her life. Ankha doesn’t trust easily, and she automatically assumes the worst of most people she meets, unless they’re of a higher class, but even then, she still holds a shred of uncertainty that you could very well be out there to ruin her name and her life.
Ankha is just trying to be careful. If you give her a reason to not be careful, she will actually care deeply about you.
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