#||steakout|| dashboard awareness||
hitandrunduorp · 2 years
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“...there’s a reason I don’t trust most adults... or hero parents for that matter either...”
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hitandrunduorp · 2 years
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“So rare, and adorable, to see him so flustered~”
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hitandrunduorp · 2 years
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“Kinda strange to think about how AUs work. In one of them, UA is a highschool (the one with Kaze), and the other is a college (with that Bakugo).”
“It’s just interesting, in a way, how different certain things are in the context of age...”
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“...Kinda wish the one with Kaze was a college. No child should go through what he’s going through...”
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hitandrunduorp · 3 years
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"Hah! I'm finally taller!"
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hitandrunduorp · 2 years
//Mun and muses rn;\\
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hitandrunduorp · 2 years
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hitandrunduorp · 3 years
@magiccazza​ replied to X
Operative word there is ‘most’
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“I mean, yeeah... at least it’s better now than when everyone apparently thought I was a woman...” Damn his cute face.
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hitandrunduorp · 3 years
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“Don’t get why people are so reactive about things; it is sunday afterall...”
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hitandrunduorp · 3 years
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