#|mention| voidedfate
astrummorte-m · 5 months
ex muses & hidden characters. still accepting.
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♥ you ask clemency if he thinks it was worth it.
silence is the first thing that meets them. and then a confirmation, as he relays that kairos is happy these days, even if their birthday and their death-day makes him sad for a little while. 'he honors you,' clemency says. 'with everything he does, he honors you.'
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♥ you tell him that you would come back if you could. ♥ you ask him if coming back would make kairos worse off.
he doesn't know the answer. he says as such.
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♥ you laugh, and tell him that you're happy being an angel.
au frisk - undertale.
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cosmosfated · 3 years
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Pestilence, the Plague 
The parasite clouding Kairos' magic, once upon a time, was just a small little thing. A leech, feeding off of a growing reservoir of magic that became something grand and great, something wild and out of control beyond anything anybody could truly hope for. But then it, along with his magic, began to grow, and grow, and feast, and FEAST--- until like anything associated with Kairos, it earned itself a name. And with it, power.
To those that knew of it's existence, it was already too late to do much of anything, too wired deep into the soul and magic of the boy who's magic could rend universes in half and tear gods from their lofty thrones with barely a word spoken. And to think, if that was only in his early thousands. Imagine what he would be like in his ten thousands! Imagine what he would be like without Pestilence...
Pestilence could make Kairos act differently, do different things, cast unique spells. Would draw on his rage, his spite, his fury. Force his negativity to the forefront. A pestilence, a plague for all to suffer from and curse the ground he walks on, a smokescreen that all would have to see through in order to get to the real Kairos.
Thanks to Clemency, people will soon find out what he's like without the parasite clouding his magic and mindset. A walk and talk unclouded by the thoughts of a being feeding off his constant production of high tiered magic and siphoning it for it's own survival. Who KNOWS what he'll do? What he'll achieve...?
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determined-magi · 4 years
“ ...Aren’t you being a little harsh? “
Don’t mind him, he’s going to put a pair of tails all the way his ears, to muffle the sound a little. might not work but it at least conveys a message. Nothing personal, really, he just isn’t going to listen. He’ll snort to add to the message.
" You’ve got words, Rhowën, and a spell to let you use them... ”
“ Could be HARSHER, but then I am far too stupid by everyone’s standarts to figure out a way, don’t you think, smartass? If you want to lick his boots why not go personally do so, and kiss his rectum while at it, will you? ”
“ He’s trying to help you guys, he could very well just leave you all, but he’s trying his best. Can’t you just cut him some slack? “
“ How about this? You shut up, and I don’t behave worse? Sounds fair? sounds fair to me, because right now I can’t fucking care for a damn thing, and I certainly won’t for that one. You cut me the slack, I’m trying to just lay down, wait for that damn shit to pass off, and go kill something to eat. “
“ Come on Rhowën... you aren’t like this, hell... you’ve been the one the most supportive of him. I know you care, you and the rest, otherwise he wouldn’t have been here for as long... wouldn’t be here still... “
“ I doubt it... Probably we’d kick him physically. Besides, my magic doesn’t feel the slightest good thing at him. Not. an. ounce. If it could? It would bite whatever shit he’s got for a soul, destroy it until not even ashes are left of that fucker, and then piss on the ground where he died... “
“ What? You can’t be serious Rho... “
“ And I? I honestly agree, I don’t know whatver fuck my older self saw on him, but he’s not worth it. Only an idiot would think otherwise, or a sick fucking idiot that is a sucker for feeling pain. Emotional or physical... “
“ You don’t mean that. “
“ Who are you to tell? I fucking killed almost an entire academy, helped in burning a capital of a former allied kingdom. I’m partaking in the coup against my king... I have bit some of you to death. If I say I question myself for associating with that weird ass freak, I mean it... “
“ He is your friend, isn’t he? “
“ NOT. MY. FRIEND. If he was he wouldn’t fucking take advantage of this, or treat me as he’s done. Hell, you’d treat a teen or kid in my situation the same? do me a favor and stick a cactus up your butthole, jackass. At the best? He is a questionable ally, and that is being absurdly generous with that freak... “
“ Rho... he’s just... worn down. “
“ And what am I then? I’m not all that fucking far, and do you see me fucking taking my shit on you guys? I try to work my shit off silently, alone, and in some place it will not blow up on people. If anything I should be worse, he wants to be an asshole? Well fine, I’ll just make his damn job harder, or less pleasant with whatever I can work with. Fuck him, honestly, fuck him right up his ass with a cactus or some shit that can get him really sick. “
“ Rhowën come on... “
“ No, I’m done with that. Meeting that fucker? That freak? It has been the biggest fucking mistake, along whoever fucking was his dad. I wish I could fucking feel hate again, anger... just so I could word how much I despise them, instead of just feeling these fucking bleak annoying things I do... “
“ ... “
“ I wish I could feel the damn shit my fucking magic does. I don’t care if it means losing myself on it, fuck them, fuck it, and fuck him. “
“ Rhowën, you need to calm down. “
“ Fuck you, I’ll calm down and chill whenever I fucking want to. And don’t you dare pull of that fucking shit, Or I’ll fucking bite off your arms. Go lick his damn boots, stop pestering me... Or I’ll make your job hell too... “
Lips curl as he lifts himself, fur lightly risen on end until he lets a light growl. A hand gently leaves his pockets, before the man sighs and begins to move to the exit. Better that than continuing and have him regret it later...
“ Will do, my lord... I... he may come back at some point, I don’t think the dose is working as it should, you are particularly hostile right now.... “
“ That’s on you, tell him enjoy the pursuit. I’m not going to be helpfull, courtsey of the idiot that managed to annoy me off. If you also excuse me, I’ve got some living things to hunt and kill, hopefully that will improve the mood you ruined. “
“ ... “
“ Go on, fucking leave and go search some solace elsewhere, you’re not getting it here, get used to it, dumbass. “
At least he tried.
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itsraiyninmeteors · 5 years
“Sylv sylv!”
‘Hm?’ Lucidia lifted her head from almost dozing off, having been sitting up at the counter for a while now. It was only when Aven spoke up, did she perk up, a soft smile upon her skull. Business had slowed down since the breakfast rush had ended and the Pokemon were lounging around, occupying what little customers there were. It was a nice sort of quiet for such a busy start to the morning.
She lifted her eye lights to see a customer come in, one that she had seen in articles before. Ah, he was assisting with keeping some of the peace with the police force, a face that any monster would recognize.
‘Good morning, what can I get you today?’
While the man spoke of an order, her eye lights averted away, noticing something around the man’s wrist. A bracelet? It seemed like an odd sort of thing for the human to have, especially since it stuck out to her. Why? She was so entranced by the sight of it, that she nearly missed the order, only snapping out with feeling one of Aven’s ribbons on her hand. My goodness, maybe she’ll need another cup of tea at this rate.
‘My apologies, but I couldn’t help but notice your bracelet. It is quite fascinating.’ She spoke up, only for the man to lift his wrist. “Oh? This old thing? You’re more than welcome to have it, if you want. I have no real use for it and I can’t really sell it either.”
Lucidia’s eye sockets widened a bit at the offer and well, she did recall in her youth of bartering with others. ‘How about this, a trade? I can give you your order for it? And you can spend some time with the Pokemon too.’ She spoke and the man smiled, nodding his head. He carefully took the bracelet off to hand it to her, the monster feeling a sort of comforting warmth in the palm of her hand.
“I can do with that. Thank you.” He smiled, Lucidia nodding her head. She carefully placed the bracelet around her wrist, feeling more at ease with it against her bones.
What matter of sorcery did this human have all this time?
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fleurdebleue · 5 years
[ * You’ve cleaned house a couple times by now. Maybe more than a couple. You’ve gathered a crowd and talking to yourself - AKA your nosy adoptive dad - makes people look at you strangely. You’ve been accused of cheating this way. Some people have watched your hands. You don’t care. You’re just in need of a distraction. ]
[ * You’ve been nursing this drink next to you for some time now. It’s only your second drink. The first was a warm up, and it just tasted like cherry flavoring mixed in water. Meaning it didn’t do fuck-all to help get you relaxed. ]
[ * This drink is of the top tier stuff. The same top tier stuff that knocked Constantine flat on his ass, wasted almost immediately. It doesn’t do much for you. It’s like a fruity drink with a familiar blaze in the back of your throat, nothing more. Dreaded tolerance. ]
[ * You sigh and lean back as you fold your hand. It was a terrible hand, and quite honestly, your legs are starting to fall asleep. The rest of the table breathes in relief as you stand and head over to the bar to let them play with others, offering a small bag of coin to let people use. ]
[ * Annoyance is such a nasty thing. You don’t quite recognize why, but for a moment, you swear you see your draconic buddy behind the counter take a half step back, looking at something past your shoulder. ]
[ * You don’t have the energy to look. ]
[ * After a moment, he relaxes. You return to nursing your drink. ]
[ * And talking to your shadow. ]
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thefirekeepcr-blog · 6 years
So Grillby, how many times have you had to kick out folks out of your establishment?
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‘…..More times than I can count.’
Oh there were a few folks that were regulars that he had to toss out into the snow, one of which was, of course, Keno. She was the worst of the bunch. However…
‘…I used to have to throw Lost out into the snow, whenever he got too eccentric but, that backfired quickly.’ He admitted. Remember kids, don’t toss Pirates out into the snow.
Pirates fight back!
@voidedfate @ask-thecopycat
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etzzzel · 6 years
It is a while of talking before he settles a little closer to her hiding spot. Once again on his knees. The old bones going for an old game that was still somewhat new. A game of trying to mimic her sounds. A whistle of a trill, a rumble of a purr. An old bones just here for them.
     A rather disgruntled? Indignant bit of a keen escapes from under messy wires after a moment, bright gold eyes settled on the old bones from a hiding spot. Stressed? A bit from all the spooks and confusion. Though it dips to the boy in his arms, clingy and wanting.
     …He’s trying to do things, sneaky things? So she warbles quietly, unsure. She recognizes the smell of loved one, wants to clamber forward and hug both but she’s…
Clicking noises ensue.
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lucidiasansgaster · 6 years
Lucidia wasn't sure what to feel, what to think of finding out this. But the broadcast was evidence enough of it all. She thought that he had been killed, and apparently by Monitor no less. And to think, she trusted him before, long ago. She saw it with her own eye lights, the fragment that everyone presumed to be dead.
Cubesy is alive.
She felt a pulsing of something within her, her own SOUL, and the flow of emotions bottled up practically popped the top. As much as she wanted to be thankful that he survived, she still felt a grudge against him. He used her, even...if he was slowly improving. Her discussion with Doc and soon, Un afterwards came back up and tears streamed down her cheekbones. She wanted to forget about him, go back to the life that he had made for herself.
But her SOUL, spoke otherwise.
What was she to do....?
There's suddenly a small hand putting half a cinnabunny on the office desk. Boop. Saros is there with Melanie, who just waves a bit before heading out into the main area. Family business, she's certain.
"Momma, y'alright?" And no guff either, because they're used to Fleur.
She snapped out of it for a moment and turned her head, seeing both Saros and Melanie by her desk. Rubbing the tears from her eye sockets, she gives the child a weak smile, wishing not to worry them. It’s only when Melanie heads out, that she speaks.
...No dear, I’m not alright. Someone...someone I thought had passed, he’s alive. I’m unsure how to feel about it.
Squint. Hum.
"Well. Take baby steps! How did you feel about him when he was alive?" They go through this with Fleur, as well. It's almost as natural as breathing, now.
Uncertain, for sure. She didn’t want to scare the child anymore than she had before, when they were the one to find her in the state she was in. Even then, they deserved to know.
.....It’s my old friend, Trois. Or well Cubesy, as others called him. I thought he was fine but, seems not...
If they're bothered, they're certainly not showing it. They just seem to want to help her get through it a little easier.
"Cubesy, 'uh? You mean the guy Big Brother grumbled about for a while after you were sick?" That dampens things some. Now they have a bias. Gross. "Still didn't answer my question though, Momma." Talking with Emrys helps a bit...
She nodded her head. Yes, Cubesy. But they were right, that didn’t answer the question. How was she to feel about him?
....Well, despite what he’s done to me, he still is a dear friend. He helped me on multiple occasions. I just....I know why he faked his death, but still isn’t easy to take in.
They patpat the half of the cinnabunny. Take it, take it. It'll help. Sweets help with tears right? It always make Fleur smile or laugh. It should work then for her right? They scooch it closer.
"So, you still care about 'im. I geddit. That being said, what if this wasn't accidental? What if he's still tryin' to use you and others?" They're remaining optimistic, but they won't rule out possibilities if there's evidence towards them happening. Huh, wouldn't 'Uncle Emmy' be proud?
She glanced down at the cinnabunny and smiled, gently taking it into her hands. An old time favorite of hers indeed.
...Truth be told, I don’t know. Part of me wants nothing to do with him, and yet.... Her SOUL still reacted strangely. Saros, my dear, would you...blame me, if I wished to visit him?
"Blame you? Nope. Question if Big Brother's timeline is starting to make you as wacky as everyone else? Yup." They know where she was before. From stories they were told, the Void is a miserable place, somewhere that is hard to leave once you're there. It's only preferable when you're stuck in The Depths.
At that, she chuckled. Maybe she was mad for wishing to return to her former prison. But now that the timeline accepted her, maybe she could..and be able to leave on her own.
There are many things I wish to talk to him about and it maybe the only time I’ll receive answers. I am willing to try..
They're just giving her a very pointed look. Perhaps it's one she recognizes, as she'd given it to Fleur a couple times before. 'Don't do something you'll regret.'
Oh she knows that look and it’s one she knew she deserved. ....I won’t, I promise. Just a chat between us is all I wish to do.
"You goin' there alone is stupid." No punches pulled. They talk to Fleur like this and clearly it got through to HIM, so.
She sighed and knew that would be a concern. Really she shouldn’t but..
Its best if I do, this once. Trois and I need a little heart to heart. I rather not drag someone else into the void without reason.
"Don't the Hunters here go there from time to time?" They're being stubborn on this.
Why are they being stubborn right now? She’s more surprised that they weren’t trying to prevent her from going.
Saros darling, I will be fine. If I need a Hunter, I know how to summon one. Rest assure.
Staaare. They're not having it. "Take someone with you as at least back up or don't go at all." They're surprisingly good at standing their ground for a 12 year old.
Lucidia stares back before she sighed. She couldn’t argue with the on the matter, no matter how much she wanted to. They were concerned for her safety.
....Alright, I will take a Hunter with me.
Immediately they brighten. "Good! Otherwise I woulda had to make you agree to take Momma Regina with you." Lesser of two evils. They REALLY weren't pulling any punches.
Oh goddess no! Regina would have her head if she found out she wanted to go back to the Void! Lesser of the two evils sure, even if she cared dearly for the witch.
I will ask a Hunter to accompany me to the Void. What do we tell the others though?
"The truuuuth?" As if it were going to be any different from them than the usual. They're the only person in this family, it seems, that FAVORS the truth, no matter how harsh it can be. "Lyin' to people will only make it worse in the end."
That was true...
She could only hope that the others would react better to this. Then I will at supper tonight. You will assist me, will you?
"Not my news to break, momma." Simple and to the point. "I'll help with supper, but your story is yours."
She sighed and hated she had to bring it up, but they spoke true. Looks like someone’s been around Emrys a bit.
..Alright then. What should we make for dinner tonight
She could only hope that the rest of the family would be willing to let her travel back to the Void....
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belieffont · 6 years
More about Rapier
Aka the “main” muse of my blog here
Rapier was bullied as a child, but he never told Sans {listlessfont} unless he came home crying and Sans asked him about it.
Rapier was usually teased about the “skin” he had on his chest and back. This is due to the fact that Rapier took more after his mother. This is also why he wears a turtleneck and scarf.
Rapier blames himself for his father, Corbel’s {spiritedgangster} death, despite what other’s say. Corbel making a deal with Lost {voidedfate} and coming back to life actually made Rapier feel worse about how things ended up. (More info about Corbel’s death can be found on {lucidiasansgaster}’s page)
Rapier sees Grillby as a father figure, because while he and Sans were still young it was Grillby who took care of them until Sans could support bot himself and Rapier.
Rapier can “melt” and “merge” with Snow and Water and travel through it.
Rapier hates teleporting. It often makes him ill. (It doesn’t help that Sans has pranked him a few times via teleporting)
Rapier feels extremely lonely quite often, but he never shows this around anyone. He “vents” by playing his violin.
Rapier is actually interested in science and is “great” at math. the problems are puzzles to him and he enjoys solving them.
Rapier does not breathe or feel any sort of temperature. 
Yet he can feel things like fabric... at least on his “skin”.
Rapier, depite being in the guard and has friends, feels lonely most of the time. This is due to the fact that he misses his brother.
Despite he own internal turmoil Rapier remains cheerful and happy on the outside and loves to help others with any problems they might have.
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wdartwise-blog · 6 years
Return From Madness
Art Journal Entry
I don’t know how I survived, but before things go back to normal I must write this. 
I know not if it was a dream from the past or a waking nightmare. The Captain’s Voidspace returned after who knows how long. My memories... parts of them have returned as well. I was able to walk as if that incident never occurred.
I was foolish.
I entered what was obviously a trap.
Damn fool boy... have I truly learned nothing?
My old friend... I am sorry. I remembered far too late the warnings you instilled in me. Now when things go back to the way they were I’ll notice a missing arm.
Damn me and damn them.
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cosmosfated · 3 years
The Depths: The Debt to be Paid
He hates wandering the Depths by himself; it always leads to something going miserably wrong or to him getting hurt by something, which usually leads to the first option! He just wants to get to his grave so he can find a way out of here, like he always does, so he can go Home─
Where is Home..? Is it back in that timeline that has forsaken him, time and time again? Is it back in that house that feels cold, and empty, and lost to him? Is it back in that timeline that feels like chaos incarnate despite how everyone ‘accepts’ and ‘loves’ and ‘cherishes’ his presence? Is it back in that house that wants to hold him, keep him, shelter him away from the world and make sure he never leaves its sight? What is Home, truly? Where would he even go back to....?
Should he just go back to his own timeline?
Anger bubbles up inside his chest and he tilts back his head to let out a roar to befit a dragon──   and so a true    Dragon    ROARS throughout the Depths. Three others answer back in a matter of seconds from a long distance away. He hates this! He just wants to find his grave! Where is it! WHERE IS IT?! 
He’s been wandering for what feels like weeks, but it’s probably been a decade up on the surface, and he’s been all but forgotten about. He wouldn’t be surprised if it’s been over a century by this point. He just wants to go back home. Wherever that may be. Please. Let him sleep. Let him rest. 
His eyes close as he continues wandering. Wandering. More wandering.
Then there’s a sound behind him that he can’t decipher.
His eyes open and he turns. 
Wait, is that...?
“papa?” Confusion, apprehension, worry, relief; so many things flood his senses. “is that you?”
The weary but definitively happy skeleton lich smiles. [Fleur.]
For the first time in his life, he doesn’t rush forward to hug the lich before him. Not in a place like this. He can’t trust his eyes and ears. Not even when everything sounds, looks, even tastes the same. They can replicate everything...
[Are you stuck down here?] Curiosity flickers in his good eye. [Do you need to do something before you can leave?]
“aye.” He nods. “i need to see my grave, and the name upon it. i don’t know why though. my keeper insisted when we made the deal. i don’t remember where it is though.”
[Not a problem. I’ll take you there.] Lost starts walking, gesturing for his son to keep pace. [Why don’t we talk on the way there? Also, hello again to your dragon companion; it’s been some time.]
They spend some time walking and chatting, making a deal and chatting about sentiments and being about sentimental value over what they love and what they cherish most. Of course, Fleur has to become angsty but who doesn’t, when you’re stuck down here for so long that your whole body aches?
Eventually they come upon a tombstone with the writing of a new name upon it and new etchings of an epitaph that doesn’t make any sense to the young magic eater. But he stares, and nods, and stands back up after crouching for so long that his knees hurt and he threatens to fall into the yawning grave. “i think i’m done─!!”
A small light in his chest glows a dim grey, then he watches it shatter and fall to the ground. He feels the sudden weight of nonexistence on his chest and shoulders as if it were suddenly new to him and he almost chokes on it. A wheeze, then a gag, and he takes a beat to compose himself. His eyes find Lost’s and he smiles weakly. “y-y-yeah, i think i’m good now.”
[... well, I have a spell that can get you out.]
Fleur’s eyes widen. “r-really? what is it?”
[It... doesn’t matter. But we’ll have to act fast.]
Suddenly, Fleur feels the warm presence of his elder sister around his shoulders and against his back. Lifting him, carrying him up, almost wanting to pick him up off of his feet. It almost makes him want to cry, but he keeps his composure long enough to do the ritual where he’s standing.
“hey, papa?”
[Yes?] He looks up from what he’s doing for a split second. 
“forever and always. i’ll come back for you. you have my word.”
[... Forever and always.]
And he’s whisked away towards a broken Grey Door, running, running, until his breath kicks in his lungs and he grabs a hold of the door handle and throws it open with some effort─ like entering a wind tunnel. 
He collapses onto the ground in a heap, breathing heavily and feeling the aches in his bones. Almost immediately, the sirens go off in the facility around him and he winces, gritting his teeth.
This is going to suck.
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determined-magi · 4 years
Why do you still trust that kid? From what you have said, it seems clearly none of you are friends, and hardly count as allies. What purpose does he serve? He could just give your men whatever stuff he's putting in your body. I would've kicked him off by now if I were any of you.
“ I... “
“ What option do we have? Who else knows how to... handle this... “
“ Lost? He has not shown his ass around in months, I haven’t even seen him nor heard from him even after nearly dying. Hell... his words left it clear. “ The young mage answers, lips curling in both discomfort, of not perhaps in response to a sore spot, much to his own frustration. “ Not like he was wrong... actually, he was right all along I suppose. I did get pissed off and slaughtered all but the children at an academy... The kids we took... didn’t line with all the young students, likely the teens tried to play hero while we simply went nuts on their mentors asses... I wouldn’t be surprised... hell we thought about saving ourselves the trouble with them by killing them, reasonable and understandable in a way I suppose... but... we really have some issues. “
“ Fleur, the kid... well... you are not wrong. As are our men. Relationships are dragging not by mud at this point, but feces filled with sharp stuff. And... we have been discussing up this. As honestly? they’re just going to get worse, whether we try to keep them up or not, thats just fact. “ The man shakes his head, sighing. “ I... we have been writting between ourselves, keep words at the little. Since it is clear the often convenient appearances of his being, or his magic, are far too much so to be just coincidences... I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he was listening right not... I would rather him not, so... if you do kid? Please cut it, I would like to voice in privacy these words, I’ll share them with you... once I figure how to word them without giving the wrong idea, they... aren’t bad, but... all on its due time, as they say, will be said. “
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“ Uh... I’d say excuse me, but that apologise would be hollow really. So I’ll skip that part. Back to the train of thought... We have been talking about it. How we are just... getting worse over the months, less responsive to his words. We have already come to the conclusion that one day we will have to do so, or at the very least reduce his time around us to... real emergencies. “ The man pauses, a hand moving to scratch at the back of his head. Although it seems more like clawing at it, as nails scratch soundly at the surface, and barely avoid cutting his skin from the harsh motions. “ And even then We’ll have to put a foot on that one so it doesn’t get abused by US, instead of him. “
“ He shouldn’t have come to begin with, really. This was the last thing we... scratch that, this was something we DIDN’T want him to do. None of us had slightest of desires for his partaking in our activities, he was just a kid, and is still a kid that shouldn’t be dealing with this shit. “ The man motions to his body, lips now bared in clear frustration. A growl pooling at the back of his throat with some agitation quickly building up. “ We were supposed to handle it, not some fucking kid who should be learning about his own fucking as, he should have minded his own damn business as well as he had been doing. Even if he knew what to do? YES. It is not his damn job to care care of our asses, and I am sure our asses are on the aim sights from his family and friends. I mean... if he knows how to handle this from experience, then we are fucking bringing up those fucking memories as he does. HE SHOULD NOT BE ANYWHERE NEAR US AT FUCKING-ALL. Even if that means we have to be put out of our misery by our own men, so neither they and we suffer he consecuences of this fucking anomaly ruining everything we’ve beenn meaning to do, even if that means he finds another lot of people he’s met die. That is life... unfair? fuck me it is unfair I didn’t fucking want to die toeing the line of becoming the literal sense of a fucking monster Hellbent on killing people, but neign of us get to god damn make the fucking call on it. I just... HRRRrrrrrr. “
His words choke down, as the growl becomes more prominent. Gaze dropping as nails move in search of his neck, barely avoiding to pierce the skin as he scratches it violently, not unlike an animal bitting an unpleasant itch. Then at his face as he struggles with forming words.
“ Fucking... givemhrrrrrrrrrr... GRRReeeeeEEAT! HHHrrr... This is exactly what I don’t want to him to deal the fuck with “
“ He doesn’t need these shit-loaded moments... Who in their sane, non-stupid minded clarity of a common sense would? He may be fucking insane, migh see reality twisted at the seams, but he is not that a fucking idiot to want this... even a masochist will have fucking limits I am pretty sure of that! “ The judge slams his head against the makeshift desk, nails well burried at the back of his head as he lets something between a whine and a growl. “ Hell... something about him smells of being scared shitless, fucking shitless. And he’s got the fucking right to damn fear it. How fucking long are we going to keep that poorly kept status quo between ourselves? How long until we make those fear of his real? I know for a damn fucking sure I have already failed my words... I promised I would not be unfair and would be as my soul dictates, but fuck me I am sure I have pretty much passed those words by my ass so throroughly that you can hardly find them in all the shit they have staining them, and I can’t feel the slightest fucking regret or guilt on them, hell I find myself getting frustrated on even trying to feel a damn normal thing about them... “
“ One day his little tricks on the sleeves will run out, they ARE running out. Our bodies are a estament to the spell failing, our behaviors are, our mood instability is a fucking warning of what is to come. One day we’ll hurt him. “ The mage growls, nails dragging across until they bury upon the wooden surface, and then drag further on. Leaving claw markings. “ And it will be really bad. Right now they are wounds by lack of control rendering us to act like animals, but that won’t be so forever. What harm we may... no... what harm we want to do, or would if it wasn’t for the spell, what desire we would have not met by physical means, we will satisfy with words. With cruelty spoken on his way, until our mind devolves back to the mindless bloodthristy beasts it has turned into... He doesn’t need to see or go through that, no one fucking does... “
“ Worst of it? We don’t know how to fucking approach it. How the hell will you word that to someone who, when asked not to, ordered not to do so, not only listens and fails to comply. but endangers himself and others for reasons we can’t still fucking get? I don’t fucking know, none of us don’t... how to do it without having him thing he has done wrong? How do you have him turn away and let go? He hasn’t done so yet an it has earned him broken bones, a constant fear to our beings, and deaths that could have been avoided.... how do you have him turn away when all of this happening hasn’t made him do so? How do you stop him from being so attached to whatever reasons he has? “
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“ I honestly don’t know what we are doing at this point with anything, or what we’ll do with him about any of this... To all your questions in a nutshell? I would say I don’t fucking know anything... “
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itsraiyninmeteors · 5 years
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“The Pokemon are being so cute today!”
“...I wonder how Fleur and Mister Lost are doing.”
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fleurdebleue · 5 years
[ * You've been out of sorts lately. What you said yesterday was true. Your only solace from the sharp toothed grin of malicious intent was the bone dragon keeping you company. For some reason, the shadows it cast did not grin. Not in the same way, at least. ]
[ * You've felt a little better since finding a balance between the people you talk to and the things you do. Not that you're doing much. You're feverish, unsteady, and coughing. You could barely stand yesterday. Your sister could help, your older sister that is. She was, still is, a healer. But there's a selfish part of you that feels you deserve this break in any form you can get it, they wouldn't care about you not showing up, you DESERVE this break. That selfish part of you clogs up your throat with guilt and self loathing. Your papá wouldn't be proud of that. ]
[ * ... really, you don't know if you've done anything lately to make him proud. Or your maman. Or your older sister. You've felt like a let down. ]
[ * That exact thought is waiting to be sent to Hermes on your phone. ( i don't belong in this family. i'm just letting them down. i'm never going to be good enough. ) You erase it, but he still texts back with an attempt at being comforting. It works to a small degree. ]
[ * You wipe away some tears and force yourself to a slow stand. Head hung as if from a noose for a moment before you take as deep a breath as you can and hold your head up higher than you have been. You don't feel like you should, but you do anyway. Thoughts of dangerously dark things clouding your senses and begging to be let into reality. It confuses you. It scares you. ]
[ * ... Today, you think you'll limit yourself to talking to only a few people. Loki, definitely. Constantine, if he's on. Hermes and Ian, without a doubt. ... if you can get a hold of your papá, just to make sure of some things. It terrifies you to openly bare your heart and soul like that, but still, you feel like you need the reassurance. The hope you cling to is dimming by the second. ]
[ * You collapse into a larger pile of blankets and pillows, closing always tired eyes for a few moments. Sleep doesn't come easy, and naps are hard pressed to manage. But you open your eyes again and unfurl your magic. Allowing it to fill the room and cast what it wishes within your quarters. After all, no one has dropped by to see you since you've come here. Might as well let it do as it wants. Like a parent allowing a child to roam and play. ]
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etzzzel · 6 years
Is there a pirate skidding through a portal and almost sliding into the door of a lab? Yes. Yes there is. One fumbled with door and a wide eye of an old salty bones staring in.
     He isn’t loud, physically, she’s sensitive to the magic and that’s all that gets her to retreat behind a trusted boy, and soon? Somewhere in the lab, likely watching. The voice had scared both children among other things, could she be blamed?
     Thankfully her partner isn’t as jittery and jumpy as her, it is a balm sometimes. For now? She’s just observing, let her anxiety ebb, it’s a familiar state of being. At least the new visitor smells familiar, that should help.
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Violent Lich Destroys Home!
Late last night, a Fragment by the name of Lost was reportedly skulking about the home of Sans ‘Bleu’ Aster, armed with an unidentifiable weapon. Eyewitnesses claim Lost used this weapon to tear through one of the home’s windows, nearly murdering Bleu’s husband, another Sans who goes by the name Tater. We spoke with a few neighbours about the events that transpired, and one of them had this to say. “҉Yeah͘ ̷m̵an, ther̶e ̢w͠as͏ ҉t̴his pi͠rate ͝s͠k͠eleto͘ǹ d͠ude̷ ͡Gas̡ter͝ w̵i̛th ļi͘k̕ę, ͏a͟ c̡a͠nnơn!̶ ̛He s͘ho̶t ͘i҉t͠ ͘r̴igh̕t a͟t th͞eir̵ ho̴use lik̷e şo̶me ev̀il ͜g̸u͜y̴!̵"̸ That’s right, an "evil guy.” Lost, the Fragment you all know and love, attempted to murder an innocent Sans.
In other news, Blacklight, an Error, appears to have kidnapped a young Blackberry Sans, dubbed “Gizmo” by Blacklight.
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