#« bond: a life without you i cannot accept (howthesleeplesswander: kazuma) »
tenacquity · 10 months
"Pst, bro... hey, 'ave ya read or wrote aneh poems... haikus fer Kazuma bro? Uhm sure he will love it~"
@yukikorogashi || noooo she's such a supportive cutie! T^T also tagging @howthesleeplesswander for reasons ;)
“No, I can't imagine that'd work out, honestly.”
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And he rejects the idea just like that, without a spare thought to the poor girl's feelings or any endeavor to soften a blunt and quick disagreement. It takes him a moment. Maybe two or three. Nothing but the scratch of his pen fills what should be an awkward silence, but thankfully for both of them... It finally clicks.
“Oh—! I-I mean... No, not that the sentiment is a bad one, and it'd... probably be appreciated in most cases.” Something highly romantic and intimate about sharing words from the heart, after all. The problem, however... “It's just that—” Ryunosuke hesitates, leans back from his notes, and his next breath quavers on half of a laugh. “Kazuma would make a competition out of it. And that's... not really the point, is it?”
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tenacquity · 7 months
tag dump of some ✨dynamics✨ since tumblr refuses to save them so maybe this time . . .
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tenacquity · 1 year
cheeky tag drop bc 👀👀👀👀👀 the best boy has arrived
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tenacquity · 1 year
Strong arms encircled Ryunosuke's waist from behind, squeezing gently as Kazuma drew his back flush against his frame. The simple gesture was all it took for his ever-flawless posture to relax. Soothed into complacency beyond what he'd allow anyone else to see by the other man's mere presence. "Hello, partner," he murmured, lips caressing Ryunosuke's cheek with every syllable. "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long." ((IT'S FINALLY TIME 👀👀👀😭❤️))
@howthesleeplesswander || here they go╰(▔∀▔)╯
Some would argue Ryunosuke Naruhodo had the tendency to be appallingly absentminded at times. And, indeed, those "some" would be correct.
It was through that impressive inattentiveness that he long lost track of just how much time had passed since calling upon Kazuma, politely informed by the young prosecutor himself that he'd be "a few moments" that quickly dragged out. In the meantime, Ryunosuke took to exploring the seemingly endless rows of caskets wine barrels along one wall of the office. Like any of them looked at all different from each other. Like he'd be able to see through the wood to the wine within that'd somehow make a difference in discerning what was so massively special about each—
But a pair of arms twined around his waist. Familiar or otherwise, without the warning—and lost in his own thoughts (or was it a lack thereof?)—Ryunosuke had no hope quelling a small squeak.
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"Kazuma—!" he blurted in a rush of breath. "Gracious, would it be too much to ask you to make a bit of noise when you walk...?" He was smiling, however. As a pair of lips pranced along the height of his cheek, Ryunosuke turned his head into the touch, caught Kazuma out of his peripheral. "Were you long? Truthfully, I hadn't noticed."
Shifting in his partner's hold, he managed to angle himself enough to face him. His fingers fiddled with the front of Kazuma's coat and mindlessly traced the prominent buttons. "So you're all set to leave, then? If you've more work to do, I wouldn't want to drag you away from it."
He was lying. He absolutely would.
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