#ryuu can already picture it: writing a poem for kazuma and immediately met with kazuma scrambling to one-up him
tenacquity · 10 months
"Pst, bro... hey, 'ave ya read or wrote aneh poems... haikus fer Kazuma bro? Uhm sure he will love it~"
@yukikorogashi || noooo she's such a supportive cutie! T^T also tagging @howthesleeplesswander for reasons ;)
“No, I can't imagine that'd work out, honestly.”
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And he rejects the idea just like that, without a spare thought to the poor girl's feelings or any endeavor to soften a blunt and quick disagreement. It takes him a moment. Maybe two or three. Nothing but the scratch of his pen fills what should be an awkward silence, but thankfully for both of them... It finally clicks.
“Oh—! I-I mean... No, not that the sentiment is a bad one, and it'd... probably be appreciated in most cases.” Something highly romantic and intimate about sharing words from the heart, after all. The problem, however... “It's just that—” Ryunosuke hesitates, leans back from his notes, and his next breath quavers on half of a laugh. “Kazuma would make a competition out of it. And that's... not really the point, is it?”
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