#«🦋» m; Squall
sharpxshootin · 2 years
“talk to me, okay? i need to know what’s going on.”
  Irvine picked himself up off the dusty floor of the ruins, groaning and coughing in the settling cloud of debris that fell with him through the rusty hatch some fifteen feet above. He heard the crackle of the comm device in his ear but was only able to make out Squall’s voice once the swimming of his head stopped. He did not think himself concussed, but gazing up through the hazy particles streaming through the light from the hole he’d fallen through he decided he’d been lucky not to break anything. 
  Straightening the mic on the lapel of his jacket he lifted it to his mouth and paged him back. “I’m here. Fell through a faulty hatch to a subterranean floor,” he explained to the SeeD who was elsewhere in the ruin complex and had possibly heard him shout as he went down. 
  “Nothing broken, except maybe my pride,” he chuckled before coughing again in the dust. “Watch your step.”
  Aside from the shaft of light from above the area was dark, prompting him to take a flashlight off his belt and click it on, shining it further down what appeared to be a long hallway. “Looks like a maintenance channel. I’m going to follow it further in and see where it goes, I’ll keep you posted.”
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sharpxshootin · 2 years
“how about we don’t do that.”
  “Oh come on, Squall, lighten up a little!” he shoved the other’s shoulder good-naturedly, prodding the glass with a fingertip to scoot it closer to the other. “You’re going to drink it anyway, why not add some fun into it?” he lifted his glass to his lips and took a sip of the amber liquid, letting it roll over his tastebuds and down his throat. “Unless you’re allergic to fun or somethin’, which might explain a whole lot honestly,” he trailed off, eyes narrowing as he considered it.
  But he would redouble his efforts after a moment. “How long is it we’ve known each other, and I feel like we barely get to talk! It was like pullin’ teeth gettin’ you to come out and have a drink. Come on, man, just let me have this one,” he lifted his finger. If he thought about it a little harder he might realize how poor an idea it would be to try to get Squall to play ‘never have I ever’, especially when the next round of drinks was on the line and he himself had quite a reputation tailing him around, but the prospect of learning about the stoic gunblader was more tempting than the warnings of his better judgment.
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sharpxshootin · 5 years
( @somnioleo continued from x )
  Squall certainly had the upper hand, being the punctual man that he was, but sometimes a man just has to drink a handle of Estharian double-malt whiskey and sing karaoke in Balamb harbor with undergrads.
  His chuckle was sheepish, hand dropping to stuff into his pocket, rocking back and forth on the heels of his boots. “I certainly didn’t undersleep... a man this pretty needs his beauty rest,” he winked. 
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 “Don’t suppose I could barter my way into owning that copy when you’re finished? You don’t seem like the sticky-fingered, dog-earing type, and I’d be mighty chafed to miss an issue in my collection,” he winced in both preemptive hope and pain, ready for either outcome.  
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sharpxshootin · 7 years
“Just how many popsicles have you had already?”
Heatwave Meme | status: open
He would blink for a few passing moments at the question before glancing down at the bare popsicle stick and shrugging his shoulders. “Lost count a while ago, pal…” he admitted, sticking his tongue out at the commander in a flash of brilliant red. “About that many,” came a response that brought a low chuckle from his lips, tossing the stick into a nearby trashcan. 
“How you hangin’ in there? Know it’s a hot day in paradise to see you out and about without some part of your leathers,” he observed, upnodding to the other with a folding of his arms across his chest. 
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sharpxshootin · 7 years
"Happy New Year, Irvine."
He would glance back over his shoulder from his lean on the balcony railing, blinking a bit before recognition dawned on him and a smile sprawled across his lips lazily — he’d had a few drinks. Nothing too extreme. 
“Hey thanks, bud. You too. Have a decent night?”
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sharpxshootin · 7 years
( @atempestuouslion continued from x )
Irvine busied himself applying a bit of antiseptic to the male’s wound, something in his demeanor stating that he didn’t think twice about it or find the other’s shirtlessness awkward or worthy of notation beyond its necessity; unlike some who might poke fun for shits and giggles, Irvine was a professional, and despite all his personal shortcomings relatively mature. That being said he could tell by the way those muscles on the other’s back were coiled tight, making that gash a bit hard to get into, that Squall was not in the same comfy little boat.
A puff of a chuckle escaped his nose at the other’s query, a half smile tugging at his lips with a shake of his head “as long as it’s gonna take, pal. You tangoed with the wrong end of that Mes... you’re lucky half of you isn’t still stuck to it’s horn.” Stuffing the antiseptic back into his pack he pulled out the container of healing salve, scooping out a dollop of the strong-smelling leafy concoction and painting it down along that wound with his fingertips until it was well coated. 
“Hold please,” he patted the other’s arm just beneath where a white-knuckled grip hugged that bare torso, handing him an end of the field bandage to hold in place as he positioned a strip of gauze over the cleaned and medicated area and began to wrap. 
“We’ll get moving again when I feel certain you’re not going to bleed through that bandage,” he retorted lowly, not wishing to be insubordinate, but considering it his equal duty to be practical — they didn’t have an endless stash of supplies after all. 
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sharpxshootin · 7 years
( @theicequeenslion continued from x )
⇚( 🦋)⇛ He stood, thumbs hooked in his belt, silhouetted against the bright sunlight that filtered through wispy clouds. Little could be seen beneath that signature cowboy hat save the knowing grin that curled even wider on his lips as his old comrade opened his eyes with that predictably grumpy charm. "What a relief," he exhaled in good humor. "Good to know someone's workin' hard and keepin' an eye on things around here." A hand lifted, clutching the top of his hat and resituating it atop his head so that a flash of those blue eyes caught the sunlight. "'S'been a while, old friend." ⇚( 🦋)⇛
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