#°˖✧❀ ❛ turtlez mail. ┊ asks. ❀✧˖°
ednaeflowers · 4 months
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@unwaveringblade : "What did you just say?" ( hello there! )
STARTER PROMPTS  /  accepting!
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she squints at him, a discreet sneer in the way her eyes crinkle and her lips slant downward.
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❛  i said,  ❜ she begins, twirling her umbrella handle with much boredom, ❛  that you have some audacity to trespass on my mountain without any offerings for me.  ❜ do humans ever realize that a seraph of the earth does a lot for the planet? no. no, they never do. then again, this one can apparently see her, so she cannot quite say what his intentions are just yet. ❛  or are you just here on a nature walk, boy?  ❜
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ednaeflowers · 4 months
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@tenebriism : " You're staring... what have I done this time to irritate you? " Meebo to Edna. c;
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At his tone, she stares even longer, squinting to build up suspense.
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❛  ............  ❜
The silence drags on, and then finally, she says dully, ❛  I wanted to sit there, but I can see you're obviously not going to do the gentlemanly thing by giving it to me.  ❜ What a shame too, because there's a nice cushion where he's seated, and his books are littered on the other seats. Maybe Sorey brought those for him to read? Instead, Edna decidedly claims the only free chair available, propping her umbrella against the table and boredly eyeing the books with disinterest. ❛  So, what geeky thing are you researching this time, Meebo? I can tell your head was in the Land of Geekdom again.  ❜
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ednaeflowers · 4 months
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@pclitesse : "Seraph Edna, it's so wonderful to be in your presence once more," Alisha beams - she had been named both Crying and Smiling now, but she knew which she preferred (even if she *was* rather grateful to Rose in the end.)
"What brings you to Ladylake might I ask?" //post game where ali is still roses squire? idk anything goes waves
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Humming, she gives a little nod of acknowledgement. Edna normally doesn't like going to places full of humans by herself—but now that the journey is over, at last, maybe she is feeling lonely enough to come here, at the minimum. It's still closeby to Rayfalke, where her brother is still at, and it's not like she has anything of importance to do anymore on the mountains. Perhaps it makes her pitiful, but she knows Alisha wouldn't think that of her—and to Edna, that's a little comforting.
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❛  I was visiting Lailah in the sanctuary,  ❜ she begins, nonchalantly twirling her umbrella, ❛  and I didn't want to leave yet, so I was taking a walk.  ❜ She idly looks at Alisha's outfit. ❛  Were you at some important meeting or something?  ❜
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ednaeflowers · 2 months
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@osovereign : ♡ 
send me ♡ to see what my muse thinks of yours  ❀  accepting!
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○○○○○ | ATTRACTION ●○○○○ | AFFECTION ●○○○○ | INTEREST ○○○○○ | LOYALTY ●○○○○ | TRUST
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wow, reddy isn't doing so well. good thing that is none of her business. he's old and ancient and boring—but he's, at least, better than some other people she's met. she'd take some boring old geezer over a perverted old geezer like a certain wind seraph she unfortunately knows. 
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ednaeflowers · 3 months
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@psychcdelica ❝ it’s considered impolite not to give your all in a fight. ❞ //also Im so sorry Ive not been around T_T
tloz: twilight princess (manga) starters  /  accepting!
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❛  Such cheeky words from you,  ❜ she quips, voice dull and monotone, but it is a happy beat skipping in her heart. She doesn't know how much time they have together here, in this realm of unknownness and different people, but Edna wants to cling to it all the same. After all, the one she's been waiting for is finally back—not truly back, she knows, but it is something. Something is better than nothing. She has spent a long, long time pretending to be patient. Now, she knows it will be okay if they were to separate again. He steers his own wheel, and she steers hers. 
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❛  I'm a lady, so I always give my all in a fight.  ❜ She closes the umbrella, if only to show him the smile in her eyes. Edna says nothing about missing him, but she knows he will understand it anyway, so she says instead, ❛  After all, one of us needs to have some decorum, and you obviously haven't been able to pull it off with all that shouting earlier. Still the same pointy-eyed brother I know.  ❜
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ednaeflowers · 4 months
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@psychcdelica : Dont worry Edna! Big Sis Leone is here to save you from loneliness!!
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She gives a dramatic gasp, easily feigning watery eyes and fake tears.
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❛  Big Sis Leone! I'm glad someone here understands the woes of a little sister—  ❜ Her voice is now more spiteful. ❛  —because older brothers never seem to understand at all since they're so selfish!  ❜
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ednaeflowers · 25 days
the pair had been walking around the furniture store for a little over two hours at this point. unyet, kratos was no closer to having a definitive idea on what or how edna would like her room to be than when they begun. still, he knew how hard it could be to adjust to a new unfamiliar place, he knew it all too well and was determined to make this process as easy as he could ( as easy as one can given the circumstances ): however, something finally peaked her attention.
absentmindedly they had walked past the children’s ( see: younger age bracket than she ): section and a faux bedroom was set up with various normin motifs scattered about: from the bedding, rug, lamp shade, decorative plushies, and decals on the drawers. the way edna’s eyes had briefly lit up ( more than he had ever seen from the grief-stricken young girl ): was more than enough confirmation that he needed. kratos flags down a sales associate who seems all too happy to see his post-work ensemble ( an attire that just exudes money ): before turning his attention back to edna.
❛ i take it you are quite fond of the mascot, normin? ❜ though kratos did not have to guess, in his mind budget was something he rarely needed, if ever, put thought into when it came to those nearest and dearest to him or in edna’s case, those who would become so—or rather, had swiftly become so. ❛ if it brings you joy, you can get whichever you’d like. just tell this nice women here. ❜
what was a better meal ticket than a money-rich father to his makeshift daughter who had a black card and a checkbook that knew no limits? an employee that lived on commissions dream.
two hours in this place. two. edna's ready to surrender looking for anything at this point. she is only here because of reddy persuading her that her new bedroom should be decorated however way she likes, and being someone who enjoys decorating, she goes with him to the furniture store he picked. it makes her feel weird: after all, she's in high school, and yet, she's here in the furniture store with reddy on a saturday. this is most likely something worthy of laughter. she can feel it.
it is only when something orange appears in her peripheral does she finally show some positive reception to their rather unfruitful search. normins! normins everywhere in this aisle! she is already eyeing virtually everything, wondering which ones will look the best in her bedroom—
though, she blinks at reddy's question. suddenly, edna remembers where she is, who she's accompanying, and what she's even looking at—and at the same speed, she is now grimacing, averting her eyes, and scolding herself. the last person she wants noticing her fondness for normins is right next to her, noticing her fondness. ugh. joy. she is very ashamed of herself.
still, he is with her, willing to sacrifice his time and day to shop with her for over two hours. edna knows he's trying for her, and anna is waiting for them to come... home with new furniture in tow. edna doesn't want to disappoint anna either.
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❛  ...  ❜ she reluctantly gestures to the plushies, the bedding and sheets, the decals, and also the last-minute addition of the lamp shade that also catches her eyes. ❛  those would be fine...  ❜ she mutters, and is also trying her best to not look at reddy as the clerk lady asks one last time if she wants anything else, because she doesn't want him to see how far her fondness extends to. only onii-chan ever knew about that, how much she adores normins. it feels like a secret suddenly exposed, and she isn't good with handling that.
❛  i'm waiting outside,  ❜ she gripes at him, already walking rigidly for the entrance as he pays for everything. she's in high school! and it's strange to shop with him! and she will not stick around to see the clerk lady amusedly smiling at them! no! never!
absolutely not, she thinks, very solemnly, and sulks by the door.
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ednaeflowers · 1 month
❛ kiddo—edna i— ❜ but he catches the rest of his words they spill onto the air as oral tradition. kratos’ days had been as clockwork long ago: wake up, eat breakfast, carry lloyd to primary school, work, leave work, meet his wife to pick lloyd up, home. it was a cycle always kept on rinse and repeat, that was until that one faithful day, until his route wasn’t so new day, same shit any longer. the one day he had to stay late with yuan to finish up the last bits of a presentation that was going to have cruxis ( the founder and pinnacle standard of all things magitechnology ): that he had first saw her, a girl that always seemed more half-wild and half-hallowed than a mere primary schooler.
it had started as all things, with small acts not meant to amount too much: a few extra sandwiches from work here and an old jacket or pair of jeans of lloyd’s there. that was in the beginning though and kratos aurion was far beyond the beginning. now, but he could recall it ever so bittersweetly. as how then his 5:30pms had been spent actively seeking the misplaced girlhood out whenever he could. she was always so shy and skittish, yet also forlorn ( a thousand yard stare filled with a million ghost eyes ): but, that was then and this is now. like genesis it started like so, but not as forbidden, but still forcibly as pulling teeth. she was snarky with massively spit fired tongue and quick witted enough to put yuan to great shame. yet, underneath kratos knows, had seen it all too well: that she was just a very sad and very alone little girl.
so, of course he begun gathering information here and there ( what was the point in being a high ranking member of cruxis if he couldn’t pull a few strings? ): but she, now known as edna, pulled and tugged and resisted as prey trapped inside a hunger hunters eyes. for naught but a moment, ephemeral and still closely guarded, the hollowness and snark within her seemed to disperse and she seemed to be so much more earthbound, so much more grounded in an assumption ( of remembering how it felt to be loved and cared for ): had she had let go of her walls, let the name of her only living family slip ( how she waited and waited and kept every letter as it was her own living gospel, as her own written alter of worship ): how the name of eizen tied with his military branch and deployment unit had connected far too easily, how shattered the lingering fragments of a girl whom now was lost amongst the pieces laid before his feet and kratos, even with his love by his side, wasn’t sure what to do.
but what else was kratos nor anna meant to do? it was the eve of nine months of … somewhat knowing her and kratos did what he could, what he was allowed to do ( a combination of what he thought was best, therapist advice, and what edna gave within arms reach ): but wasn’t this the purpose of abundance and adulthood, hadn’t this been the point of being able to provide in excesses for his family—to also give those without a home one too? grief did not have a time limit, even if we often wished it too. how could he compare ( kratos couldn’t nor would he ): maybe he could share the closest he’d ever been to loss, mayhap he could talk about the first women whom had ever loved him, before he even knew what he was to love and be loved: his dearest mother.
it is, however, a moment of sentimental frailty that is not meant to last: kratos wishes to speak on the love that can still be found, even within the loss, longing, and grief but would the words that he wanted to leave his tongue even come close to her, in the ways that he would hope would reach her? kratos’ soul twists and turns and bites at itself in a deplorable devoted act of self-punishment and within him is two beings chanting ( something about duty / something about god ): truly, even one blessed as he still held much sin between his teeth but where there was sin lay the grounds for redemption and repentance and divine self-sacrifice.
❛ eiz—he wouldn’t want you like this. to miss someone is a means of knowing how much you loved them. when it gets too much, ❜
it was spoken from experience, from a place of the purest love. in the doorway of her bedchambers was anna ready to jump need kratos find his words giving additional trials to the living embodiment before him, but his will and kindheartedness had gotten them to this point and it was an attempt, a closer attempt, and for kratos, that would be enough.
❛ whenever i miss her, my mother. ❜ because even a living god king could grieve, what was a man if not the grief of all those he loved and would ever love? ❛ i recall all the parts of her i loved, and yes it was everything, her laugh, the way she would hum while cooking stew, the smells of her favorite perfumes. ❜ but, as with all things, grief was still grief and it had no time limit. ❛ everyone, including myself at times, wants you to stop being sad but you, like myself: will never stop being sad. how could they ever expect you too, how could we? how could i? ❜
its the way he looks at her tucked in form, she was already incredibly small but this way she looked even smaller ( all the more childlike, all the more wounded ): and mayhap, he would have found some piece of beauty in this grotesque decadence ( death held much beauty, for it had once held life ): if only it had come as the payment for love, without the transaction of loss and for stolen happiness—but all he feels is sorrow and grief, sainted yet acrid, as in his soul festers a venomous blasphemous maw: the weary bones of a man only trying his best.
❛ it has been said time heals all wounds but i do not agree. much time has passed since the loss of my mother and i long for her embrace everyday, i have never once stopped. like you, i nearly lost myself or… did lose myself for much time within the sadness and grief. but, with time also brought the acknowledgment of accepting but never forgetting. even discussing her with you now, it hurts, my heart weeps but my soul doesn’t shatter, not anymore. ❜
that is, what kratos doesn’t say. he doesn’t say how his soul cannot shatter any longer because the soul of whom he had been before anna, before lloyd—before his family, edna included, had been broken into pieces that could never be put back together. his mind, having gone insane, had covered the hollowed memory with scar tissue to cope, but the pain had never left him and much like edna, would never leave him. ❛ when you no longer are lost in the grief, in the longing for, in the loss. ❜ gently, his hand extends to gently pat her hand, his eyes noticing how her sleeves had become soaked from her snot nose filled tears. ❛ we’ll be right here, edna. ready for you in whichever way you will permit us. ❜
because, sometimes life gave too much unhappiness and tragedy to those whom did not deserve it, least of all the flowering youth of tomorrow. kratos and the budding flower child before him where grief-stricken and desperate for the warmth of a summer that never came during their coldest and loneliest of winters but mayhap, together his family, their family could make even the closest of winters bestow upon their lives the warmest of sunlight upon their blossoming earth.
she is angry; she is enraged; she is indignant—she is crying.
this is not how she wanted him to find her: curled up underneath the blankets of her new bed, her eyes horribly sore and red, and the sleeves of her hoodie are left in dreadful tear-stained condition. it has been like this ever since she first arrived in this house: the sheets are different, and the walls aren't of the same wallpaper, and the furniture is all different, and the windows. the windows were normally small and showed a view of the oak tree just outside the apartment complex if the curtains were pried apart, and beyond that would be the sidewalk she usually treks on the way to school, and there'd sometimes be dried leaves sprawled all over the asphalt for her to crunch with her shoes if she's bored— and that, that's all gone now. it's all gone just like how onii-chan is gone.
she'd gotten the notice herself this morning, actually: the phone call received at 8 in the morning, a voice telling her that 'the body was confirmed dead at around the crack of dawn a few days prior,' then everything else became a blur until reddy found her during the usual 5:30 time in the early evening. she, of course, offered more bite to her barks, as it is usual routine between them, but each time, reddy still remained patient; unmoving, anchored, as stationary as the tall, sturdy lighthouses at the sea onii-chan sometimes shows her from the books he'd read on oceanography for fun. it annoyed her. annoyed her so much.
edna doesn't quite know how to describe their relationship. they aren't like her and meebo from school: meebo has the same long-suffering patience as reddy does while sitting through most of her shenanigans—but meebo is easier to talk with, and she hasn't exactly shown reddy the same non-hostile willingness yet. it was just weird to her, really. she and meebo are classmates, so it makes sense to talk with him. she pesters meebo all the time for homework answers, and pilfers his pens and eraser from his pencil case whenever he isn't looking, and occasionally swipes something random from his bentō during lunch before rubbing it in his face as he complains. reddy, though. she has no affiliation with him. he's just 'that one overstressed old man who likes feeding the alley cat on his way home,' or whatever analogy of an alley cat that exists. edna wouldn't know. all she knows is that reddy offers her things like one would to an alley cat. edna likes cats. she doesn't like reddy.
he should, realistically, have nothing to do with her: he's married and has a son a little younger than her and a busy job, as she had unwillingly learned from all of his unnecessary chitchat, and she has no parents or relatives—or a brother anymore. what does he do? he still somehow comes by at 5:30pm; suggests that she goes with him, implies that she doesn't have to be alone. it makes edna wonder if he's a masochist. he sure seems to act like one. she has seen him weary and tired, like he needs a really good shoulder massage, and thinks he should go to a retirement home already rather than dealing with her. he should leave her alone and go back to his wife and son, who are both waiting for him. he should take his pity and swallow it up like a fruit pit. he should vanish from her life just like how onii-chan vanished.
but no, he does none of that. instead, reddy takes her in; into his house, into his life, into his family's life. this room they're in right now, her new bedroom, is something that belongs to them. she should, realistically, not be here. she is not one of them, after all. it was always just her and onii-chan. there is no 'reddy' in the equation. ( there is no 'kratos' in this equation. same with 'anna' and 'lloyd,' and even 'noishe.' ) even though she very reluctantly accepted his offer to be here, she still shouldn't belong here. she needs a roof over her head, and food, and a nice pillow—but this place is not home. how can it be home when it doesn't feel like home despite reddy and anna having helped move her belongings in already? she reasons to herself that she can at least accept the hospitality because she feels guilty to impose on reddy's wife when edna's never even met her before until a few hours ago.
anna was... very kind to her when edna arrived. she doesn't tell reddy anything, that she actually likes anna for the warm welcome, but it still feels very odd. after all, edna has no idea who her mother was, and was raised with only onii-chan by her side. there was never an adult female in her life, excluding teachers, and now anna is suddenly here. surreal. anna is why edna chose to suck it up and bear with being in this new environment, if only to not disrespect the hospitality. ( and there's also reddy, who has been dealing with her even longer. he still annoys her, but he has never once tried to hurt her either. a sort of stalemate. )
when most of her things had been properly moved in and arranged, that had been when reddy and anna decided to leave her alone. that made sense to her, because it's late and people should be sleeping at this time anyway—but sometimes when you're in a brand new bedroom, lying in a brand new bed, having learned within the same day that your older brother died in the military, edna thinks there is nothing else one can do but cry, so she cries. she's wrapped in the brand new blanket and is crying. she's a quiet crier: she's always proud of that, still is—but tonight, she sniffles a little because there is a gap in her heart now, and it's a big, enormous, irreplaceable gap that's in the unmistakable shape of onii-chan.
and that's when reddy came back in the room. doesn't he know that you should leave a girl alone when she's crying? ugh, really, it irks her so much: how he tells her these things so easily, how he talks like he knows what she's going through, how he talks like he wants to understand her. he talks about his mother, the things he loves about her. edna tries to do the same; tries to think of onii-chan greeting her each morning with a smile as he pats her head, how he lets her have the bigger half of whatever he's eating, how he lets her have the tv remote when she wants to watch her cartoons even though he's still watching something else, how he labels the salt and sugar containers specifically for her—all the trivial, little things that meant something to her. it makes her eyes feel hot, and she is frustrated at herself for letting reddy see her like this. how did he even know she was crying anyway? stalker, she halfheartedly accuses, just to feel even a smidgen better. ( it actually works. )
but the most frustrating part to her is that she actually considers his words. she is angry. angry, angry, angryangryangry— angry at him for knowing what to say. onii-chan may be gone now, but life still continues on. ❛  all right, i get it already. i'm not going to mourn forever,  ❜ she grumbles, hoarsely. eloquence is not possible for edna when she's emotional. she also does not shake off his hand either. that makes him rather special, she supposes, because she doesn't even let meebo touch her. or anyone, really, other than onii-chan. but reddy is not onii-chan, and she's pretty sure he's too old for that role anyway, but she'd rather eat a pair of eyeballs than to call him anything synonymous to 'otou-san,' or 'dad,' or even 'father,' and definitely not 'papa.' it makes her grimace disgustedly as she rubs at her eyes again. ❛  i'll be better by morning.  ❜ she'll get up at dawn, lock herself in the bathroom to clean her face, and—
she pauses and squints. ❛  this—  ❜ she warns darkly, gesturing a finger vaguely between them, and knows that her threat isn't exactly convincing with her red eyes and wet cheeks and disheveled hair, ❛  —is only a one-time thing. got it, reddy? you do not tell anyone.  ❜ he'll probably tell anna, though. oh well. she grumpily wriggles and turns until she lies on her other side, her back facing him to hide her face, then curls into the blanket. she demands, ❛  and close the door when you leave,  ❜ as she rests her eyes. she doesn't turn around to look at him again. edna only planned to cry now, then clean up her face before breakfast, her first official breakfast here. it's impolite and uncouth to eat breakfast while looking like a raccoon's nest, so she needs sleep, and sleep she does.
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it's enough, she thinks, drowsily, before everything turns black and flashbacks of onii-chan appear. they transition one by one, like old, grainy sepia films—then reddy's face suddenly pops up, and instead of sepia, it's full of color as he extends his hand to her, all welcoming and inviting. it's only a dream, she knows, so that's why she accepts it. it's a secret she'll take to the grave, she decides as she follows him, then he nudges her inside a house, one that is bigger than her apartment and full of homeyness and life. she enters, he closes the door, then everything is black again as she continues dreaming and dreaming of a new beginning: maybe she is throwing one of her normin dolls at reddy for another wisecrack comment, maybe she is helping anna rinse and chop vegetables for dinner, maybe she is helping sneak a cookie for small lloyd, maybe she is putting on a cat-eared hairband on noishe while he naps.
this brand new, unknown home? it's... enough.
reddy is... okay, for now.
( also: she never kicked him out. she really hopes she won't regret that in the morning. )
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ednaeflowers · 2 months
mikleo comes up behind edna, gently grabbing hold of the girl and easing her back onto his chest. the seraph manages to avoid her umbrella and breathes in the scent of her hair, “ ednae flowers always smell best on you. “
dropping her umbrella, she bristles and immediately knows he is trying to spite her. he knows that she is unsettled whenever he is overly-affectionate with her, and the jerk knows how to annoy her with this knowledge. he's such a pain. an unbearable pain. ( she is still trying to get used to it. after all, she is not used to loving gestures that are not brotherly. )
edna is hitting his arms with her fists, trying to free herself—but again, this stupid jerk is amazing at his job of being annoying. it makes her deeply regret that impulsive urge to decorate her hair today with those ednae flowers some humans offered at the shrine. she wanted to touch up her hair differently for once, and they're her favorite flowers, and she had mentioned it to him once, and he just said that they smell the best on her—
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❛  you're being super gross right now, meebo!  ❜ she complains, grimacing at the stupid skips of her heartbeats. this is so not fair. not fair at all. he must be lying. that must be it: she's onto him! his comment about ednae flowers not looking 'thorny' and 'poisonous' like her still makes her feel resentful. it used to be so ridiculously easy for her to get a rise out of him! she never asked for a change of roles! really, his audacity!
frowning, she reaches up to take a fistful of his ponytail. ❛  cut it out! i'm this close to ripping your hair off.  ❜
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ednaeflowers · 2 days
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@crystallizedflowers : ❝ i was born against my will and it’s been downhill ever since. ❞ ( crystallizedflowers )
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she always thought sorey was more tragic out of the two of them, but thinking it over, that might've been meebo instead. after all, he's the one who has to live with three gaping holes in his heart—three holes where the water leaks through and drips, like irreversible waterfalls. he's a waterfall himself: always going down and down, loud and rumbly like the thoughts haunting his head. edna always thought he was naive, too hopeful and maybe even idealistic like his best friend—but now, there is always a lingering, yearnful feeling when she looks at him. it's a look she's not used to seeing from him. he has looked like this ever since that trip to lohgrin long, long ago. she feels like she's wronged him by watching those flashbacks unfold of his mother, of the previous shepherd—of the life that he could've had if only he survived that day.
despite living much longer, edna's never lived through death. she supposes that's where the line draws between them: the earth is always solid and stable, but water always escapes and drips through anything that's opened. he falls apart easily, and she thinks that's very mikleo-like of him. he's always had some penchant for keeping that side of him hidden—yet here he is, gently letting the waves find a path to flow, a direction to be guided towards, and he picks her to do it. 
she looks up at him, and wonders why she'd been entrusted with this task—but at the same time, it's a reminder for her that water does indeed seek for something solid, concrete, to stop it from flowing too far; maybe to a place that is forgotten and lonely, sort of like the two of them. ❛  life isn't exactly a smooth ride. that's just a fact.  ❜
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they've both been through a lot—but if there's one thing he could do better than her, it's not crying. edna is almost fond when she thinks back on memories of her saying it was okay to cry, yet he stubbornly never did so, like he always had something to prove. he was a boy who wanted to act too mature too fast. now, he is taller; his shoulders are broader, his hair is longer, his eyes are slimmer—and yet, she can tell it's still him, through and through, with how he talks of this pain he has kept to himself for decades. she wonders what he is thinking of right now; if there is something specific in mind that he thought she could understand, because she actually finds herself understanding a lot. he's lonely and she's lonely, so they can be lonely together: kindred souls, she supposes. at the beginning, he was just someone fun to tease. now, he is 'meebo' to her. this one nickname encompasses a lot about him, a lot of things she cannot quite put into words. it makes her feel like she has to steer him anyway, because if not her, then who now? he has always been sorey's pillar—but sorey is gone, so she will be mikleo's pillar in his place for now.
❛  none of us are born because we wanted to.  ❜ she stares at the scenery, at the landscape this cliff towers over. it's a lovely display of nature and life, very unfitting for this depressing conversation. ❛  but we were born anyway, so instead of lamenting your losses, you ought to find something that makes you go uphill instead, meebo.  ❜ after a beat, she adds, ❛  even though it's hard, sometimes going forward is all you can do. it will hurt, but that's how you get stronger, isn't it?  ❜
after all, water always flows in one direction, each current bigger than the last—just like him every time he gets back up.
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ednaeflowers · 9 days
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@beyondbinaries : [from Meebs] Apparently it's some sort of national vanilla pudding day so he is here to give her a bowl of pudding, "Here's your snack."
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Oh? There is a National Vanilla Pudding Day? She did not know that, nor was she expecting him to ever give her any. Today's a good day, she concludes.
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He hardly makes pudding, so she curiously begins by eating a small bite—then she perks, and eats another, and another, and another. ❛  Make it again next time,  ❜ she tells him, and it won't be her fault if he's too much of a dum-dum to realize that this is her way of gratitude and approval. After all, no day is complete without a nice snack, and he knows how to make them.
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ednaeflowers · 1 month
Your brother is a man of his word, and has in fact visited every single day with snacks and boaed games for them to play. He doesn't want to waste in oppurtunity to live the life he would've had if the Reaper's Curse wasn't so strong.
Today, however, he is unusually late and his face is paler than Edna's dress. Your stupid mortal brother scaled a mountain sick, enjoy.
These days, he has visited so much that she sometimes wonders if he even has a life outside of her and just breathing. It's nice that he's making her such a priority, but she is mildly worried if he's doing all right with the human side of his life. Has he been spending time with his human family and friends too? Edna cannot tell. Onii-chan has always been a stubborn mule, and that apparently hasn't changed even into his new life. 
He introduces her to a lot of human games when he comes over. Board games, he called them. She has to tell him that yes, she knows what those are, but no, she has never played any—and so began this little new routine of theirs: he brings a board game over, and she learns how to play, and they'd play over snacks he also taken the liberty of bringing. It's been a little over a century, so she doesn't recognize some of the snacks; but Onii-chan brought them over and they're tasty, so Edna welcomes the new routine into her life. The first time, it begins simply with a game of connecting four same-colored pieces. The second time, something with a dice and serpents and ladders; the third time: red and black game pieces on a board; the fourth time: similar to the third time, but with black and white game pieces—and it continues on. Edna prefers Connect 4 for its simplicity, but actually likes playing Serpents and Ladders, if only to see Onii-chan land on the serpents while she somehow kept getting ladders.
Today, he's supposed to bring over another board game, one that he claims she hasn't played yet, so she has been waiting for a while—but she has been waiting since morning, and she estimates it is now approaching early evening, late noon. Where is he...?
This is how Edna finds herself sitting on a rock near the mountain shrine, waiting for him. It has always been a good midway point for them to meet when he comes over, but today it feels like old times when she'd wait and wait, and he'd never come back. He was very happy when they planned to meet today, so—
She drops her umbrella, widening her eyes as he finally comes into view. He is walking up the path, but he looks so... tired? Weary? His pace is sort of sluggish too, and he looks pale when she squints at his face, and then she angrily concludes: He's sick. He's human and he's scaling up a mountain, and he's sick. She is angry at herself because she knows he did this for her, and she hates how she misses that part of him, the part of him that always puts her first. Stupid Onii-chan. Stupid Onii-chan for not using common sense and staying home. She's waited for him for so long that waiting for another day won't matter to her. Stupid, stupid, stupid—
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❛  Stupid,  ❜ she tells him, already dragging him with her to their old home, and she scowls because she's angry at him for being so stupid and for being so heavy. ❛  You're an adult, so stop being stupid.  ❜ When they reach the entrance of their old home, she practically shoves him into the old bed they used to share. He must have the flu or something because he is so pale. Ugh. Stupid. Humans are so high maintenance. Edna demands grumpily, ❛  Sleep. The games aren't going anywhere.  ❜ The games won't, but he will, so she thinks it's only appropriate anyway. 
She may not be good at baking and cooking, but she knows how to make stew, and so, she storms off to prepare. The whole times, she thinks of how stupid Onii-chan is, but still bothers to get the ingredients to make his favorite. She makes it how he always likes it.
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ednaeflowers · 1 month
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she doesn't care about mutton. she just whacks the person for disturbing her peace, then walks away.
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ednaeflowers · 2 months
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@psychcdelica : ♡ for the big bro
send me ♡ to see what my muse thinks of yours  ❀  accepting!
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○○○○○ | ATTRACTION ●●●●○ | AFFECTION ○○○○○ | INTEREST ●●●●● | LOYALTY ●●●●● | TRUST
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she easily fills it out, but erases one affection mark for a personal grudge. some things just can't be forgiven too easily, even if it's him. ( but he still bothers to keep in contact, no matter how minimal, so she allows him the other four affection marks. )
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ednaeflowers · 3 months
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@psychcdelica : Maybe Eizen doesn't need to say anything to Mikleo at all
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Huh, what are you saying—?
Oh, wait.
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❛  ...  ❜
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ednaeflowers · 3 months
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@psychcdelica : Regardless of whether Edna does something or not, her big brother is forever proud of her.
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So he will still be proud of her if she simply breathed? What about the time she accidentally burned the kitchen? Or the time when she gave him charcoal brownies? Or the other time she accidentally used green instead of blue for his eyes when she drew him a picture? Or when she accidentally stepped on one of his papers after coming home covered in grass? Each time, he always smiled at her. He has so much patience... Her head tilts, and she thinks she has the greatest brother ever. 
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Her eyes flicker up, then it comes easily for her to say, as easy as simply existing: ❛  Onii-chan, thank you for being my brother.  ❜
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