#·· v; radiant virtue / VERSE7
vanbredevoort · 1 year
dagger pals 4 life.
... short very short lives bc you know we kinda DIED.
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leaves running bc pls viego this doesn't mean i'm indulging her don't bring ruination to my hoUSE I HAVE MY OWN OVERPOWERED VILLAIN TO TAKE CARE OF.
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vanbredevoort · 1 year
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Anonymous asked: -- the demon hand reaches for her chin and tilts it up. he gazes upon her with piercing eyes.' When you're born noxian, you d i e a noxian, lydia. it will claim you, or i will. and to both, you answer ' (have this skdhajdgaj swain w h y)
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"The fact that I was born in Noxus doesn't make me a noxian, Grand General. Not after the war, not after what you've DONE to an empire that had potential-- Potential you crushed under your hand because you crave POWER more than you'd like to admit, and you want to build it on blood."
She did not like being touched, yet she knew better than to test the depths of his power. The hand was just a reminder of how low he was willing to go for his goals, and she was smart enough not to become another victim of it.
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"That's your problem, Grand General. That's what made you fall right into LeBlanc's deception. The Black Rose shall bloom once more", she repeated LeBlanc's words, knowing what it would cause. Fuck pretense. Fuck being careful-- maybe she wasn't that smart, "And it will be your doom. Demacia's doom. The entirety of Runeterra will perish because of your blindness. You toy with DEATH, constantly, you built an empire on top of CORPSES and you wait for trees to bloom there-- when only crows follow you."
She stared at him with defiance.
I'll not be another piece in your game.I'll not be a pawn for Noxus.
"You insist on ignoring what's right under your nose--- Bones make for shitty beams if you're trying to build an empire. And you... oh, Swain, you're consistent with it. Ignored Demacia's stubborness, lost land. Ignored Ionia's strenght, lost a hand. And now Viego is at your doorstep! The ruination! And since you don't know LOVE, you don't know how to stop it. You're helpless, as Viego was to keep daggers away from his love."
Her fingers clenched, fiddling close to the dagger hidden underneath her dress. Her own dagger. Isolde and Lydia would, eventually, have similar fates.
"Why do you want my help? Would you make of me another Katarina? I don't answer to you, Swain. I don't answer to Noxus. I don't answer to nations. I answer to my master, and he's beyond your petty charades and your broken morals."
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