msshymonroe · 11 years
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Trying my hand at baking peach cobbler. This smells like heaven.
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msshymonroe · 11 years
L!fe Happens
My FB message to Kat Coiro, writer of the movie L!fe Happens:
You probably will never read this but I wanted you to know that after passing by L!fe Happens so many times on Netflix, I finally after hours of a Doctor Who marathon, sat down and watched it. I just want to say thank you, you are truly an awesome human being and helped me to understand that I'm not as alone as I often think. I, often remind myself that once recently I was in Manchester, TN watching Florence + the Machine at Bonnaroo and now, I'm a 27 year old single mom trying to make roots somewhere and learn that although things have shifted, its still alright to dream. So with your movie, I cried, laughed, got angry and grateful for your honest depiction of a young mother trying to find her footing in this world as a new parent.
Respectfully, Shyvone
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msshymonroe · 11 years
A little bit of good music coming your way. You're Welcome.
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msshymonroe · 11 years
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Anything but gray. On the set of “Color Shift” for the 2014 Lexus IS, directed by Jonas Akerlund.
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msshymonroe · 11 years
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.370687273059059.1073741831.368961029898350&type=3 — with Shy Monroe.
Hey ya'll, 
I am up for Siren of the Week Cover Photo and would be absolutely grateful if you all could vote for a betch. 
Photography: Louis Fitch
Wardrobe/Stylist: Von Livid for House of Bias
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msshymonroe · 11 years
Now that's what I call style. 
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msshymonroe · 11 years
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Instagram: JDeniseMC
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msshymonroe · 11 years
If you ever grew up and had nothing but now you have a little in your pocket, well shit, then you understand everything that he's saying.
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msshymonroe · 11 years
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msshymonroe · 11 years
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msshymonroe · 11 years
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I swear to god I'm smiling. #bald #glasses #purple #septum #piercing #baldchicks
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msshymonroe · 11 years
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Love the Skin Your In.
Photography: Jason Girard Photography Model: Shy Monroe
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msshymonroe · 11 years
Kinky love!!
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msshymonroe · 11 years
Miley Cyrus, As You Were.
OKay, since everyone has been sharing their opinion on Miley Cyrus, I suppose I'll share mines. As an African American woman, I could give a flying fuck what Miley Cyrus is doing on a shitty award show or a video. As far as I'm concern she can twerk her little buns till her butt cheeks fall off. We put so much energy and time into focusing on what is going on in pop culture and then use it as a platform on issues of race. Even more we get our panties in a bunch when a woman (yes, she's a grown woman) wants to shake her ass but I don't see the same amount of energy being invested in the bullshit that World Hip Hop Star puts up, with little girls twerking on apartment steps and of course the adults who are egging them on. Or the numerous amount of videos they many of my facebook friends post that show someone fighting (because that shits hilarious, right?) or the amount of sheer uneducated BULLSHIT that's posted on a daily basis (You all have someone in your feed that post some ignorant shit, don't lie to yourself) but that's okay. Keep focusing on the stupidest shit because of course that proves what point? and what exactly are we trying to say because to be quite honest, I'm seeing two sides of ugly... non-whites, who feel that Miley Cyrus shouldn't be twerking because she's some how is stealing from black culture (when the hell was my ancestry and my roots reduced to twerking?) and whites who feel like Miley Cyrus is a wannabe and a poor role model for young girls, so wait, when you think about twerking, you automatically imagine a black person of course and I'm sure you get imagery of some "ghetto" (fucking hate the word ghetto by the way) scenario in your head and to think some white girl from the country would try to mimic such a craze... GASP!! The sheer gall of that betch. Some people just like the dance craze (myself included but I'm a 27 year old woman and I'll do as I please, thank you) but why is an art form, no matter how ridiculous it may be, being used as a way to deal with race relations? Shaming an individual because they don't fit the stereotype of what you've imagined, does not mean that, that individual should be ridiculed, personally I feel like anyone who makes those assumptions should be the person on the chopping block... Music is universal, dance is the same, let people be and if you don't enjoy something than that's your right but please please please stop trying to convince me that Miley Cyrus is trying to be black... It sounds ignorant and if she was, what the fuck is wrong with that, I for one can sleep a little more peaceful tonight knowing that a southern white woman is branching out of conservative, evangelical/Methodist, right wing nutshell and trying to find herself. That's all is, maybe this is the real her, maybe its not but when the fuck was it such a bad thing for a person to experiment, to find themselves, to identify who they are and who they are happiest being? #Justsaying #butwhatdoIknow
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msshymonroe · 11 years
I love these. 
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msshymonroe · 11 years
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msshymonroe · 11 years
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After shoot with Queerlella Fistalot. #photoshoot #love #friends #queer #glasses
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