#Élodie Antoine
emvisual · 3 months
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Élodie Antoine es una artista belga que hace cosas muy raras, creativas, pero raras. La mayor parte son obras textiles.
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unpopular · 11 months
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Élodie Antoine
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heartistry-numblr · 1 year
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Belgian artist Élodie Antoine
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discoidal · 2 years
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Élodie Antoine
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visualflood · 2 months
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hope-and-roll · 1 year
Canopée Ravenell
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"The worst enemy of creativity is self-doubt." _ Sylvia Plath 
"You write so beautifully... The inside of your mind must be a terrible place." _ Unknown  
- Canopée Nilsine Marane Ravenell - Née le 2 janvier 2004 - Originals - Française  - Sang-Mêlé  - Beauxbâtons, Serea - Hétérosexuelle  - Autrice  - Aika Braun.
~ Fille d'Antoine et Nilsine Ravenell, née Valois ~ Grande soeur de Perséphone Ravenell, morte-née 
* Ancienne amie d'Elodie et Marc Ramier * Se fait harceler par Elodie Ramier   * Amie de Graham Aspid et Marianne Schwartzbourg à l'université 
Les parents de Canopée, Antoine Ravenell et Nilsine Valois, partagent la même passion des livres. Bien que tous deux sorciers, ils ont fait des études d'édition à Paris dans une université moldue. Ils pensaient chacun que l'autre était un Moldu, et cherchaient à protéger le secret magique, ce qui devint encore plus dur lorsqu'ils commencèrent à sortir ensemble, deux ans après leur rencontre. Leur surprise lorsqu'ils découvrirent qu'ils étaient tous les deux sorciers fut indescriptible, mais ne fit que les souder davantage. Après leur stage, ils achetèrent une librairie à la Place Cachée, un ensemble de rues commerçantes sorcières à Montmartre. Le 2 janvier 2004, trois ans après leur mariage, leur première fille, Canopée Nilsine Marane Ravenell, vint au monde. Si les Ravenell n'ont rien de spécial, les Valois sont une famille de Nés-Animagi. Malgré leur puissance magique et leur ancienneté (leur gène spécial combinant leurs deux dons étant apparu en 1500), ils ont toujours vécu modestement, en Italie, puis dans un petit village alsacien depuis 1885. Ils ont aussi de nombreux secrets, qui n'ont qu'une gardienne : la grand-mère de Canopée, Marane Valois.
En 2008, Nilsine Ravenell et Edaline Valois furent assassinées, dommages collatéraux d'une rancune de la famille Reinhart, datant de la guerre contre Grindelwald. Tout le monde ignora qui étaient les coupables.  Ces décès brisèrent la famille, mais rapprochèrent les vivants. Les années passant, le temps endormit leurs blessures, et les souvenirs de sa mère se raréfièrent dans l'esprit de Canopée. Bientôt, Nilsine et Edaline ne vécurent plus qu'à travers les réminiscences de ses proches.
Canopée était une enfant calme, timide, toujours le nez dans des livres. Elle apprit à lire précocement, à l'âge de trois ans, avec l'aide de son père dont elle est très proche. Antoine et sa fille partagent la même passion de la littérature. Canopée a passé tellement de temps dans la librairie qu'elle la considère comme son deuxième chez-elle. Le premier étant un grand appartement au centre de Paris, dans un immeuble sorcier invisible aux Moldus, non loin de la Tour Eiffel. Canopée adore sa ville.
Dans l'appartement d'en face vivaient la famille Ramier : les grand-parents et les trois enfants, leur parents étant morts jeunes, comme Nilsine Ravenell. Canopée sympathisa avec eux. Il y avait Élodie, une fille pétillante qui adorait également lire, et Marc, un petit blond aux allures d'ange mais qui proposait toujours les bêtises les plus délirantes. Élodie avait le même âge que Canopée, et Marc était d'un an et demi leur cadet. Ils devinrent amis, et vécurent de beaux moments ensemble, de 2009 à 2013. A l'âge de sept ans, la petite blonde se transforma pour la première fois en sa forme Animagus : un whippet couleur sable, avec de grands yeux bleus. Elle apprit à maîtriser ses transformations, ce qui fut facile pour elle.
Sa magie en tant que telle se révéla deux ans plus tard, dans des circonstances tragiques. Un matin d'hiver, Elodie, Marc et Canopée jouaient sur le toit de leur immeuble. C'était le jour anniversaire de la mort de sa mère, et l'ambiance était très lourde à la maison. Lorsqu'une dispute éclata, Canopée poussa Marc, et son geste fut amplifié par la magie. La rambarde s'arracha, et le petit garçon fit une chute de quatre étages. Miraculeusement, il ne mourut pas, mais fut plongé dans un profond coma.
Ce drame marqua un tournant dans la vie de Canopée. Élodie la haït. A chaque fois qu'elles se croisaient, la jeune fille l'accablait d'insultes et de reproches, ou d'une ignorance glaciale. La culpabilité détruisit Canopée, malgré le soutien de sa famille. Elle perdit toute confiance en elle et refusa d'utiliser ses pouvoirs d'ombre à nouveau, les refoulant au plus profond d'elle-même.
Quelques mois plus tard, elle se mit à l'écriture, cherchant désespérément un moyen de déverser sa souffrance quelque part. Cela devint son échappatoire. Canopée possédait un réel talent, mais elle ne s'en rendait pas compte. Toute sa confiance en elle avait disparu à cause du drame, dont personne ne parle plus chez les Valois-Ravenell, d'un accord muet.
A l'âge de onze ans, Canopée entra en sixième à Beauxbâtons, et fut répartie à Serea. Élodie, elle, devint une Vila. Sa haine contre la blonde était plus vive que jamais, et elle était déterminée à faire de sa vie un enfer. Elle retourna le plus de camarades possibles contre Canopée, isolant la pauvre jeune fille qui se persuada qu'elle ne méritait l'amitié de quiconque et resta seule avec ses livres et ses cahiers d'écriture.
Caractère : Canopée a un coeur d'or. Elle est gentille, altruiste et désintéressée. Elle ne calcule rien, tout ce qu'elle fait est sincère et pur. Bien sûr, il lui arrive d'avoir des mauvaises pensées, d'être de mauvaise humeur et sarcastique. Mais dans ces cas-là, elle maîtrise ses émotions et ne laisse rien paraître. Avec ses airs de poupée fragile, on pourrait la croire sans défense, alors que c'est une excellente élève et duelliste, qui s'intéresse à la magie noire, celle-ci étant légale en France sous réserve d'avoir un diplôme permettant sa pratique. Lorsqu'on s'en prend à elle, comme Élodie le fait, elle ne réagit pas, mais lorsqu'on touche à quelqu'un qu'elle aime, elle devient une féroce protectrice. La jeune fille est introvertie et timide, et ne se montre joyeuse et sincère qu'avec ceux en qui elle a confiance. Elle a tendance à trop s'attacher aux gens, trop vite. Canopée suit ses propres règles, quant à celles de l'établissement, elle ne respecte que celles avec lesquelles elle est d'accord, et enfreint les autres sans jamais se faire remarquer, étant donnée sa discrétion. C'est une artiste très créative, douée et modeste. Elle ne prend cependant pas ses écrits au sérieux. C'est aussi une grande rêveuse.
Trivia : - Baguette magique : bois d'olivier avec une plume d'Augurey, 24 centimètres, fine et flexible. - Animal de compagnie : Une chatte blanche à taches grises nommée Marie-Antoinette - Patronus : biche - Épouvantard : ses anciens amis
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star-spume · 1 year
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Chemisier Aux Yeux Boutonnés (2014)
By Élodie Antoine
(Photo credit strike.art on Instagram)
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sesiondemadrugada · 3 years
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Élodie Antoine.
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imaginarios · 2 years
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Buttoned Eye Blouse  by Élodie Antoine   85 x 42 cm - 2014
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muirgenthefairy · 5 years
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God I love these guys!  These actors play in “Les petits meurtres d’Agatha Christie”, a french version of Christie’s work. The first serie (picture one) took place in 1930s and the second in the 1950s/1960s (my favourite). I love this version (like I love the one with David Suchet). I recommended it (but I don’t know if it was translated) 
Season 1: 
Antoine Duléry : le commissaire Jean Larosière 
Marius Colucci : l'inspecteur Émile Lampion
Season 2: 
Blandine Bellavoir : Alice Avril, journaliste à "La Voix du Nord"
Samuel Labarthe : Swan Laurence, commissaire
Élodie Frenck : Marlène Leroy, secrétaire
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jbgravereaux · 6 years
Corpus de poèmes sur le thème de l’automne
Le vent d'automne, Élodie Santos                                                                                                                                                                                                      Chanson d’automne, Paul Verlaine                                                                  Sonnet d’automne, Charles Baudelaire                                                                  Un soir d’automne, Antoine de Latour                  ��                                               Soupir, Stéphane Mallarmé                                                                          L’automne, Théodore de Banville                                                                        Voici que la saison décline, Victor Hugo                                                            Matin d’octobre, François Coppée                                                                          Le vent d’automne, Elodie Santos                                                                                                                                                                                                          Elodie Santos                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Poèmes de Antoine de Latour - Poésie française.fr
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rougi-if · 3 years
Bienvenue à l'opéra...
Rougi is a Belle Époque mystery game written by @lapinlunaire-games for the @interact-if unranked game jam, using the theme "red herring". Learn more about the game jam here.
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Le Palais Garnier is set to premiere Les Souliers Rouges, a ballet whose very name is rumored to carry a formidable curse. As the premiere draws ever nearer, a series of inexplicable incidents in the opera house stir up a maelstrom of terror and intrigue. With whispers of illicit affairs, sinister motives, and hauntings around every corner, tensions - and the stakes - have never been higher. Here, everyone has a part to play...and everyone is playing a part.
Delve through rumour and reason into the glittering world of the Paris Opera Ballet during the Belle Époque and unravel what's really going on in the wings. After all, the show must go on...
Antoine (he/him) - A nobleman with enough influence to bend the gilt pillars of the Palais to his will with a snap of his fingers, Antoine is a generous donor to the Opera and frequents its performances from his dedicated booth. Rumours swirl about the intimacies of his generosity, but his pockets are more than deep enough to keep controversy at bay.
Laure (she/her) - a young, rising star in the corps de ballet who’s recently earned the affections of the director. Her delicate beauty and sparkling, innocent charisma is enchanting…but there’s no telling what she would do to become an Etoile, one of the ballet’s most prized dancers.
Élodie (she/her) - Notorious for being as sharp as she is stunning, Élodie was dubbed Helen of Paris soon after her (surprising to none) promotion to the elite position of prima ballerina. Her life appears as gilt as the Palais Garnier itself -- but lately her legendary temper has been stormier than ever. Is her deepening rage due to her rivalry with Laure, or a sign of something more sinister at work?
Sébastien (he/him) - A lover of the ballet since childhood, Sébastien’s dream is to one day compose a score that will make hearts across the world sing. His master has promised to fund him and use their connections to help Sébastien launch his own career to the stars, provided he earns his way off the ground first…but with the looming shadow of his master to contend with, Sébastien’s desire for a spotlight of his own grows stronger every day.
Giselle (she/her) - A newcomer to Paris and gifted violinist, Giselle loves her music but loves her family more. After all, that’s why she left them to use her passion to earn a better future for them all; it’s a lonely, hard life, but she reminds herself that it’s for those she loves, and more importantly, only temporary. After all, how long can it take for her to prove herself to the conductor?
Camille (they/them) - Camille electrified all of Europe with their first opera, then carved themself a seat in the halls of legend with several successful commissions…now with a healthy portfolio of masterpieces to their name, France’s most beloved composer nevertheless remains an enigma. Camille’s mild demeanor and bleeding heart belie the sharp wit that has captivated thousands across Europe, but their unfaltering focus has wavered as of late. What could sway Camille’s hand from their pen so fiercely? Does it have to do with the fabled curse of their latest production?
Rougi will be submitted to the game jam on January 31st and available to play on itch.io! I'll be posting progress updates here (@rougi-if) throughout the month.
Thank you for reading! Reblogs very appreciated.
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Society article about Daft Punk 29th July 2021 part.2 - Translated
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As Thomas Bangalter said one day to the Columbia record company, Daft Punk made an unexpected turn with imagining RAM as melancholic tribute to their teenager passion for disco and funk of the big years. Opposed to nowadays digital ease, they built their project with craftmen’s meticulousness. Each bar, each melodic line, had a instrumental colour.  Everything had been recorded on big tape cassettes, multiplying the takes in order to grab just what they needed of groove and sensibility. The saviours of Pop? ‘’Daft Punk said that the industry was sick of technology, To them, this album was a remedy. Their analysis was extremely simple and also extremely powerful’’, explains Stéphane Le Tavernier, who managed the French segment of Columbia. But after that, nothing happened, apart from years of silence and a restless wait which ended up smashed to pieces. And this question which, now, is in everyone’s mind : what happened during these 8 years between the release of Daft Punk’s masterpiece and their separation ?
September 2013. After having done full-scale promotion for Random Access Memories, Daft Punk find the shade of their daily life again. Separately. With his wife, the actress Élodie Bouchez, and their two boys, Thomas Bangalter lives in a beautiful hôtel particulier in the center of Paris. At the start of the school year, the eldest return to school as a sixth grader (or year 7) in a public school of the neighbourhood. If the Daft Punk was here this day to come with him, no one would have recognized him. In Paris, Thomas Bangalter makes the most of the anonymity that his masked character allowed him to keep despite the huge success of his group. The Daft Punk, who likes DIY, has by the way the habit to walk to the BHV store [a big store owned by the Galeries Lafayette group selling a lot of different things like clothes, furniture, decoration, DIY, etc...] on the Rivoli street a stone’s throw away from his house, and for longer trip he has a Vélib’ card [a bike-sharing system in Paris]. More practical than this old Matra car that he bought himself a few years ago because it looked nice, but which he put away in the garage a long time ago. Like any other period of his life, it’s to music that Thomas Bangalter devotes most of his time. In Gang, the Parisian recording studio where a part of RAM had been finished, the musician never stops testing the possibilities of his machines, among these there is a polyphonic modular synthesizer which he tinkered with it himself. A treasure, since that, in this genre of machines, we can usually only find monophonic functions. On obscure forums which he brows through at home, in a little office which he recently had arranged, or in the library, in books whose names only ring a bell to him, half of Daft Punk also polishes his theoretical knowledge. ‘’He seems to be living in a bubble. He only talks about specialized brands, about reverberation quality, summarize his friends. He’s an extreme perfectionist’’. Thomas Bangalter is the kind of guy who is being able to detect a tiny flaw in the capacity of a compressor known by everyone. ‘’At that time, the suppliers was totally panicked when they heard about this, laughs DJ Falcon. The engineers ended up confessing to their boss that they had made a change in the products without telling anyone. Thomas was the only one who had noticed it’’
For his part, Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo lives in a flat on a side of Montmartre, where one can find design furniture inspired by the 70s. There are rocks, also, and crystals which he likes to collect. ‘’For my 40th birthday, he gifted me a crystal saying it could create a connection with ancient Greece, tells Antoine Ressaussière. Guy-Man is down-to-earth, but he also likes transcendental stuffs. A long time ago, we visited the Mont-Saint-Michel [a very beautiful abbey located on a kind of island in Normandy in France] together, I remember that it moved him a lot’’. In 2010, after love at first sight that happened in New York but didn’t last in the end, Guy-Man had suddenly divorced from the mother of his daughter and son. He lives alone in Montmartre with a French bulldog which he takes for walks in the surrounding streets. But it is in another high height that this Daft Punk generally keeps his days busy. From the windows of the 41st floor of the Tour France, a skyscraper of the close suburb on the bank of the Seine, one can admire the whole of Paris. In another time, it was the singer Gilbert Bécaud who lived here. Nowadays the place is inhabited by Eric Chédeville, aka ‘’Rico’’. With Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo, they are Crydamoure, a label, a group and a friendship that always existed, even before the Daft Punk success. ‘’Guy-Man came to my house, we were like a family’’, explains Eric Chédeville. In the little studio that he [Eric] had arranged up there, in the middle of a bric-a-brac of keyboards and pedals protected by a large portrait of Bob Marley, the two friends spend hours improvising snippets of melodies, as they had always been doing since they were 20. Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo also makes the top floor of the tower his personal outhouse, by storing things telling what is his life nowadays: state-of-the-art phones given by a famous brand, a foot/soccer ball signed by the player of the ‘’équipe de France’’ or the trophy of the man of the year from the GQ magazine. On the contrary to his friend from Daft Punk, who is a full-time father, and who is never really in the mood to party, Guy-Manuel often wants to party when he doesn’t have his children with him. ‘’Guy-Man suffered with his divorce. He was alone and wanted to go out, clear his mind. He would send messages like: ‘What kind of party is there tonight?’”, says a friend. Several nights a week, the Daft Punk of Montmartre finds himself drinking in the darkness of a few en vogue clubs in Paris, like the Silencio. “At the time, it was our lifestyle, explains Eric Chédeville, who accompanies then his old friend in his trips. When we were 20, we spent 5 days a week going out. We told ourselves that we would spend our whole lives in clubs”.
And so, this is the life of the two Daft Punk at that time of the story. Away from their album’s success, around the rhythm of their routine, as if nothing happened. And each one, on his own. “They’re not the Simpsons, they’re not always everywhere together, explains Antoine Ressaussière. What links them together is not a friendship anymore, but a spirit. They share a territory”. But Daft Punk will soon be getting together, and not for nothing. At the end of 2013, Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo and Thomas Bangalter are about to put their helmets back on in public for the first time in ages. In competition for 4 awards including the one for the “Best Album of the Year”, they are on the program of the 2014 edition of the Grammy Awards. On the stage of the Staple Center of Los Angeles, they will be forming one of the most majestic group of history. Everything is agreed on and countersigned: as well as Nile Rodgers and Pharrell Williams, who will accompany time like on the album to play Get Lucky, Daft Punk will have by their side the totem Stevie Wonder. A way to celebrate their disco inspirations for eternity. “It’s like kids who watched Star Wars and who, 30 years later, make a film with George Lucas”, says DJ Falcon.
The sun, the long boulevards, the palm trees and this sensation that summer will never end: here is Los Angeles, Daft Punk’s beloved city. “Thomas and Guy-Man have always been inspired by LA. It’s a matter of vibe”, remarks the producer Todd Edwards. Thomas Bangalter got seized by a passion for the Pacific coast megalopolis in the early 2000s, at the time when his wife, Elodie Bouchez, had just gotten a part in the Alias series and was trying to start her American career. Some time later, the couple was buying a house on the hills, not far from the Hollywood sign. With their two children, they lived there for a few years and even if they then moved in Paris , they chose to keep this house where, since then, they like spending their time in summer there. Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo also likes spending the summer in Los Angeles, but he prefers the ease of hotel rooms in the best hotels, in which he makes series of reservations. Daft Punk goes to the beach, to the restaurant and in bars, like the one of the Château Marmont, where Paul McCartney, who is also a regular client, always greets them with pleasure. In Los Angeles, neuralgic central point of star-system and paparazzis, Daft Punk manages nevertheless, just like in Paris, to take advantage of an anonymity without any fissures, which relaxes them but also sometimes makes them laugh. One day, a groupie of Sunset Boulevard bore the cost of it. Peter Franco still hasn’t covered from it: “We were having drinks together on the patio of a club and, suddenly, a young girl showed up in a fury saying on the tone of confidence: ‘You know what? Apparently Daft Punk are here. I’m desperately looking for them’. Thomas and Guy-Man acted like they were all excited: ‘You’re joking!? Where are they?’ They swore that they would keep an open eye and that they would tell her if they found the robots. When she left, we all bursted out laughing”. For the Grammy Awards, Daft Punk are soon joined in Los Angeles by some close Parisians who came specially to applaud them, like DJ Falcon, Eric Chédeville or Daniel Vangarde, Thomas’s father, producer also. The little group, livened up by Daft Punk’s Californian circle, meet up on the hills, in Thomas Bangalter’s house. On the pool side, one listens to music, and the master of the house handles the barbecue while serving rounds of amaretto sour, his speciality. Good times that don’t last long. Because soon, Daft Punk will have to go to their office.
As well as being a relaxing place, Los Angeles is the general headquarters of their career. For the past nearly 10 years now, it’s in the heart of the angeleno checked pattern city that are established the Daft Arts offices. At the angle of Sunset Boulevard and La Brea Avenue, the address is the same as the ones of the studios occupied a long time ago by Charlie Chaplin. Nowadays, the walls are the property of the Jim Henson Company, the name of the creator of the Muppet Show. The entrance is guarded by a huge statue of Kermit the frog, famous character of the show, it’s a complex looking like a millefeuille where recording studios –one of which being the one where Daft Punk recorded a part of RAM- neighbor big film sets and Henson’s puppet laboratory. Nothing, on the outside, indicates the presence of Daft Punk, and nothing much on the inside. In the duo’s offices, wallpaper showing the surface of the moon is covering the walls of one of the rooms. In a corner lie a gaming console and the FIFA game which, at the time of exhausting work sessions on RAM, served a lot as an outlet for the group.
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pompadourpink · 4 years
A century of popular first names
Jean, André, Pierre, René, Marcel, Roger, Louis, Henri, Georges, Robert
Marie, Jeanne, Madeleine, Suzanne, Yvonne, Marcelle, Marguerite, Paulette, Renée, Denise
Jean, André, Pierre, René, Michel, Roger, Jacques, Robert, Marcel, Claude
Marie, Jacqueline, Jeannine, Jeanne, Denise, Yvette, Paulette, Monique, Simone, Ginette
Jean, Michel, Claude, André, Pierre, Jacques, Bernard, Gérard, Daniel, René
Marie, Monique, Nicole, Jacqueline, Françoise, Christiane, Jeannine, Colette, Josette, Yvette
Jean, Michel, Alain, Gérard, Bernard, Daniel, Christian, Jacques, Patrick, Claude
Marie, Martine, Françoise, Monique, Nicole, Chantal, Annie, Christiane, Jacqueline, Michèle
Philippe, Patrick, Jean, Pascal, Alain, Michel, Eric, Thierry, Christian, Didier
Catherine, Sylvie, Christine, Marie, Brigitte, Martine, Patricia, Françoise, Véronique, Isabelle
Christophe, Stéphane, Laurent, David, Olivier, Frédéric, Philippe, Eric, Franck, Thierry
Nathalie, Valérie, Sandrine, Isabelle, Sylvie, Sophie, Laurence, Christelle, Catherine, Véronique
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Nicolas, Sébastien, Julien, David, Christophe, Cédric, Frédéric, Jérôme, Guillaume, Olivier
Céline, Émilie, Aurélie, Virginie, Stéphanie, Lætitia, Marie, Sabrina, Audrey, Sandrine
Kévin, Thomas, Julien, Nicolas, Alexandre, Jérémy, Anthony, Maxime, Romain, Guillaume
Élodie, Laura, Julie, Marine, Marie, Marion, Pauline, Aurélie, Camille, Mélanie
Thomas, Lucas, Théo, Hugo, Maxime, Nicolas, Quentin, Alexandre, Antoine, Clément
Léa, Manon, Camille, Chloé, Emma, Marie, Océane, Sarah, Laura, Mathilde
Nathan, Lucas, Enzo, Léo, Louis, Hugo, Gabriel, Ethan, Mathis, Jules
Emma, Léa, Chloé, Manon, Inès, Lola, Jade, Camille, Sarah, Louise
Gabriel, Raphaël, Léo, Louis, Lucas, Adam, Arthur, Hugo, Jules, Maël
Emma, Jade, Louise, Alice, Chloé, Lina, Rose, Léa, Anna, Mila
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itscolossal · 5 years
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Anatomical Forms Emerge From Zippers, Quilted Fabric, and Felt by Élodie Antoine
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emmaklee · 5 years
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(via Anatomical Forms Emerge From Zippers, Quilted Fabric, and Felt by Élodie Antoine | Colossal)
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