helreginn · 7 months
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@brokenandlonelysouls asked:
❛ i don’t feel so good. ❜- Loki
Hel had been far from him when he spoke but she came over so fast, amber eyes brimming with concern as she looked over ever inch of his face, searching for any clue of what might cause him to be unwell. Much as she enjoyed teasing her father and bantering with him, the moment he was hurt or in trouble.. There was nothing she would not give or do to make him well again.
"What's wrong?" She asked, "Are you okay?"
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helreginn · 5 months
@nixalegos found my starter call:
He did not see her. Would not have felt her. Not in the.. physical sense. A graveyard always held something of her aura.
"Please don't." She said, laying a hand on his gauntlet. She still wasn't visible but he would feel his arm being caught in her grasp.
The grave he was about to disturb was half a year old and unmarked but incredibly important and hid a powerful trinket. And her friend.
After a beat, she realised she was still hidden by the magic veil that divided the living and the dead and she gasped, taking her hand back. By the time she settled it against her chest she was visible. Standing there beside him.
"Whatever you want in there, I will retrieve it but please do not disturb this dirt."
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helreginn · 3 days
An OOC upate:
Hi! Most of you probably haven't even noticed my absence.
Thankfully I've been able to stretch my queue that I set up for my surgery to also include the other shit that is going on. (Funeral(s), Internal Combustion ((of my computer)) and surgery recovery among other things. LMAO)
The queue will continue as normal, I am able to do my replies, just not answer messages as yet. It's convoluted and more complicated than it probably needs to be but my friend is posting for me and I am texting my replies so sorry if my tags are wonky or I reply to the wrong post. They're doing me a huge solid until my computer is fixed and they're doing a very good job!
TL;DR I'm okay. I am safe. I will reply to your messages as soon as I am able.
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helreginn · 5 months
When they are pulled by the shirt, Saima leans down just enough to be able to help with whatever Hel is trying to do. Feeling the kiss to their temple, they hummed a bit before giving a small smile back to her. “Heh, well.. I guess it’s nice to know that I have that kind of impact.” It really was a wonder what they could do without even meaning to a lot of the time. @seekesotsibteadmist
She smiled so wide, her eyes closed a little. Her cheeks got in the way. She was glad they did not shy from her affection. It had taken them both some time but the giantess was that glad that she didn't have to hide the burning desire to touch and love and dote on them any longer.
"Honestly," she laughed sweetly, "I don't know that I'd be half as happy if I did not have you to lean on."
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helreginn · 5 months
“You see the oak with the yellow moss on the trunk? It’s buried under there.” He gestured over her head, eager to sit down and deal with his wound before the pain got any worse. “I could hobble over with help, I think.” @thegreatstrongbow
It took her a moment to find the tree in her eyeline but being close enough to see Hel was confident it was not too far. Even if he was starting to feel quite heavy..
"I can make it there with you on my back, It's okay. Let us hurry."
She moved nimbly and swiftly through the trees, not taking her eyes off of that yellow moss for a second.
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helreginn · 5 months
Beleg followed, and Mablung lingered behind only a moment to give her their thanks again. Both of them trusted their king entirely - if he trusted her, so would they, and besides, they had seen nothing to dissuade them. Beleg smiled charmingly at Ganglöt again, before he turned to answer Hel’s questions. “Our supplies are good for now, though I think we will need more than we expected.” @thegreatstrongbow
Ganglöt blushed and giggled softly to herself as she lowered her head shyly. They really didn't see elves all that often in Hel's hall. And it was fair to say she thought both men were incredibly beautiful.
Hel just gave her a wrinkled brow look that in another world far in the future would come to mean, Girl, what are you doing? But in this time and place it could probably best be understood as, mind yourself Ganglöt.
"Only account for you and your men," She said, turning back to look at both men, "Do you require more rations?"
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helreginn · 5 months
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swordduels asked:
For the American Gods verse @cursedwanderer: "why do you need to know?"
"Fine then," Hel lifted her hands in surrender. There was an air about her. Mercurial and unserious. Amused by Fenja's defensive words, "If you don't want to talk.. I'm not that interested. I just asked out of politeness."
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helreginn · 5 months
Saima marveled at the visual flare, the kind of dramatics always added a good touch. “Oh, wonderful. I really do thank you so much for doing this for me.” They gave a soft sigh. “Trust me, you’re definitely much more than a fair weather friend. I’ve had to deal with many of those - and they haven’t been nearly as caring as you have over the years.” @seekesotsibteadmist
"Enough, my love. I will do this and more. I have no need of your thanks. You deserve this much."
Their reassurance gave Hel a much needed moral boost. She worried so often that she wasn't enough. Could not be enough. There were only 24 hours in a day. 112 for Hel, but.. even that much was not enough to do all that was needed and still have time for others. But she tried. She tried with all of her being to be there for them. And could only hope it was genuinely enough. "I am relieved you do not think so. I wish I could be more present."
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helreginn · 6 months
"Can a condemned man not even talk?" He laughed, though a sharp look from a guard silenced it quickly. "No, I am grateful. I am sure there would be no better voice to speak on my behalf." @admirableringmaker
Hel shot him a warning look. It's bite was dulled by the smile peaking at the corners of her lips. That was a good sign, she thought. If he can laugh as he is marched to his doom, surely it cannot be so wretched?
"Oh, trust me." she laughed once, but it sounded more like a squeak, "There are better voices. Pray that there is time for me to call on them when we arrive."
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helreginn · 6 months
The word Nyk would have picked was 'cynical,' but he was often more honest than polite. He did not think a hole cared who dug it. "As you say." He stepped aside to make room, lest she suffer a swing of his elbows. He might not be particularly tall, but he was long of limb. @nykrose
Hel twisted her hand at the wrist. In her empty palm, a small but sturdy shovel appeared and she claimed her spot on the dirt beside him.
"Have you much time to kill then?" She asked, trying to make idle conversation. "I would've thought you'd be keen to have this done and be on your way.."
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helreginn · 6 months
It was, alas, a kind gesture. He peered dully from his crude crouching position, blanket swaddling the better part of his ears. "I warn you, it is wasted on me. I do not require warmth." Like a deep sea fish, or worse! @nykrose
Her smile was undeterred by his arguments. She did not care for material posessions. Especially not when it came to people she cared about. And she did care about the stone faced horse-man. "If you want this warmth, let it be yours for a moment. I will not count it a waste."
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helreginn · 25 days
Tiktok Credit: @queen_astraea
Yeah, that seems about right..
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helreginn · 5 months
He collected a clean cloth and some warm water. “It will heal best if it is clean. Trust me; I’ve a nasty scar on my thigh that I didn’t get a chance to clean up. It’s always best to wipe them, at the very least. I’ll be gentle, I promise.” @thegreatstrongbow
The vala pressed her cheek to her shoulder, pouting to herself as she prepared for the pain and discomfort.
"I.. have never had this happen before," she admitted shyly, "I have not been so long from my hall in all the time since I left Aman."
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helreginn · 3 months
Hel found him in the open. No doors to knock on or witnesses to caution him. She came in a wisp of shadow and watched him from behind a moment. It was good there were no extra eyes. She stood behind him, a small and anachronistic echo of a time long past; Appearing like a mirage and silent like the dead.
Her hip length hair was intricately braided and capped with little gold clips that suited the vibrant red very nicely. Her layered dress was plain but old. Covering all but her neck and head. Embroidered with old runic wolves and snakes and held at either shoulder with gold clasps.
For one as old as he, it would be fairly obvious from where and whence she came.
He was not what she had been expecting but she also would not be fast to trust him. Another moment passed before the redhead cleared her throat.
"Hello, Aster." She said softly, "I believe you and I are overdue for a meeting."
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helreginn · 3 months
@victoriousfidelity asked:
👐 for my muse’s reaction to yours squishing their face!
Hel all but melted between her mother's hands. She smiled warmly up at the other goddess, happy and doting. Physical affection was in short supply for the deathling and it felt needed and good. Hel didn't even care how goofy she probably looked with her cheeks all squished and how her vision was impeded by them. She was only too happy to let it happen. But that did not stop her hands from instinctively grabbing at Sigyn's wrists.
A reciprocation of sorts.
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helreginn · 4 months
@thechaoticcform asked:
"Are you interested in necromancy?" {{Dorian}}
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"I think people make that assumption about me." The goddess, lowered her eyes to the ground as she quietly added, "Simple minds cannot grasp the complexities of my nature."
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