#ʲᵘˢᵗ ʰᵉˡᵖ ᵐᵉ ᵇʳᵉᵃᵏ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᶤˡᵉᶰᶜᵉ; jungle au
fauxcheva · 5 years
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   《UNPROMPTED—— !! 》    《@changeborn​​​ sent: KISS 》 
     There went an unheard chuckle— one kept on the  INSIDE.  Quiet and amused. Just another one of the multitudes of expressive forms that Fushimi tended to keep to himself. Though this ‘ found family ’ of sorts had helped him to loosen up, he still hated to be so  OPEN  at times. Small fears fed by the events of his past that one day they too would ultimately leave or betray him despite the hesitant trust he’d placed into  EACH  one of them. All aside from an unwavering bit he’d granted to none other than their King. So seldom did he call him by title for all his humble manners. They were equals and each important in their own right. Why would  ANY  one of them try to place another any higher ? It was something he could only help so much however— it was fact ! They weren’t  CHOSEN  by the Slate to hold such a hefty burden.
             A blessing in its own way for Fushimi who could  NEVER  yearn for the crown.
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     Yet despite being in such a position of power, there were still times when Nagare was inexplicably... cute ? Likened to a docile kitten in a way. And although the little bit of laughter remained caged away, there was a  TUG  at the corner of his lips. This much he would allow. “ Hm... Is that what today’s mission is ? Rather demanding, don’t you think ? ” Though they both knew such a goal would never be selfishly assigned. Nagare wasn’t one to abuse his power like that and Fushimi’s comfort was of the  HIGHEST  importance. Nonetheless, the blue eyed male looked over his PDA, pretending for a moment to check the criteria of a nonexistent mission as he hummed once more to himself in ‘ debate ’.
          “ Well, you failed to specify  WHERE  the kiss needed to be, so you can’t complain about what I choose. ” Spoken in a manner that grew quieter as he went on, though they were the only two in the base. Everyone else had taken leave to run personal errands. Knowing their return was yet a  WHILE  to come, Fushimi smirked to himself as he slowly rose from his spot to saunter towards the male. In a swift motion he leaned in close and paused for the briefest of seconds. He was only a breath away. But in the  NEXT  moment redirected his route to place a chaste kiss to the other’s forehead over his bangs.
                                          “ Satisfied ? ”                                                     —— Could one grow any more smug about it ?
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          Ah but he wasn’t done. When it seemed that the younger would pull away, he came back to hover at his king’s lips once more. A teasing little  NUISANCE  when he wanted to be and ever smart-mouthed all the while. “ Do I get extra points for another ? ”
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fauxcheva · 5 years
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A super self-indulgent au talked out with @changeborn in which JUNGLE is too powerful with this new addition of a genius pls nerf.
     The night he hacked into the servers of JUNGLE was an  ODD  one. It was a plan born of silly fantasies of two kids, albeit one that could have been possible all thanks to the capabilities of one and the willingness to follow of the other. However no matter how intelligent Fushimi was, even he couldn’t have predicted the way he was  CAUGHT.  His attempt was purposely allowed and then ultimately stopped, by none other than the King— though unbeknownst to him. His PDA went off with messages while on screen an avatar watched him and by faithless  GOD,  it really seemed as if it actually  SAW  him.
          The man in charge of it all had taken an interest in him and was choosing not to punish him but instead wanted to get to  KNOW  him. It was absurd ! Though despite not wanting anything to do with this strange man, the contact kept up. Now and then there came a random question or greeting. It went ignored. Days later came  ANOTHER.  Once again it was ignored. Until finally he caved when even deleting the accursed app didn’t work as it somehow ended up reinstalled once that annoyingly familiar  PING  rang. Inquiries received answers and before he knew it, Fushimi was indulging the other in casual conversation. All things he didn’t care about and saw no problem in sharing— the man, Nagare, didn’t prod too much anyway.
     It should have been  ALARMING  how messages were exchanged like this. Frequently. His former silence was filled with voiceless chatter in the absence of his sole friend.
          Come the days of HOMRA when he’s supposedly been  FINISHED  with JUNGLE for some time now. In secret the app continues to be used with its primary purpose being simply to keep in touch with Nagare. He  WON’T  call him a friend. Those don’t exist in Fushimi’s world beyond Misaki. But he is a welcome presence at the least. It’s suddenly become odd to not talk with him and perhaps that bore questioning. He chose  NOT  to think about it. It’s other purpose serves to carry out the missions personally assigned to him by Nagare. They’re specifically for him and no other, catered towards his preferences or the King’s own desires of getting him away from HOMRA. After all, the Green King  DETESTS  the Reds and their time bomb of a leader. It’s concerning that Fushimi had chosen to join them and he  WORRIES  for his safety. He makes this known and it’s strange that anyone could worry about him this way. Nagare had always been kind with him and it was such a foreign thing to accept.
                            But at the same time it was  NICE.  This made him feel weird.
          He stuck out in that place. He was an obvious outsider. A square being shoved into a circular fitting. But Misaki was a  PERFECT  fit. They grew further and further away until he was all but abandoned by his only friend and reduced to watching him from afar. But Nagare remained to talk with him— whether it be through messages or a parrot that met him on missions. Was he a  FRIEND  ? Had Misaki been replaced ? Unknowingly, he began to look forward to those excursions. Though he did know that he truly  HATED  being in HOMRA. It was his choice to join, to follow after his ‘ friend ’, but he was miserable. He was a  STRANGER  to this world and yet something about Nagare felt familiar—  as if he was welcome— and how strange that was !
     Suddenly came a day when he was faced with a  CHOICE.  Stay or leave. Remain loyal or join another. In the end, he did leave, but it wasn’t for either opposing forces. There was a third option available to him. ( One that had  ALWAYS  been there ). He knew nothing about all the rest in JUNGLE, but he knew Nagare. In such a traitorous world, where even he was among the count, there was but one man in whom he  TRUSTED.
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fauxcheva · 5 years
     Miscellaneous notes about Fushimi in JUNGLE AU that are super fucking worth mentioning and I’m so sorry I can’t shut up now that I’ve been indulged—
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It’s literally recognized by  CANON  that JUNGLE was the best fit for him out of all the clans and he still turned down Nagare in the end. But the thing is if he  WAS  a member from early into his development, Fushimi could grow exponentially in his abilities. While Scepter 4 allows him to do a lot, they do also  HINDER  him simply through what is and isn’t available. His skills are utilized but only so far as to what’s required to do government work and the rest / majority is paperwork. Being a specialized unit, they see a  LOT  of downtime when there isn’t anything to do. But JUNGLE is an incredibly active clan that would  ALWAYS  provide opportunity for his skills to improve and they would encourage and help him to grow.
While Scepter 4 did a lot of good for Fushimi by being in a place that he was comfortable in, there’s also a lot that it  LACKS.  He was accepted after some time and is now highly respected and trusted, but he’s also largely left alone and isn’t fully integrated even now. There’s only so  FEW  of his colleagues that go out of their way to include him and years later a lot about himself remains unknown or goes unnoticed. ( i.e. no one knew how he redid almost everyone’s paperwork himself and worked seriously  LATE  hours, nor did they realize how much he did all on his own until the Thing happened in s2 ). They let him have as much space as he wants while understanding  HOW  he functions, but only Munakata  REALLY  knows him and has a strong connection with him.
Meanwhile JUNGLE has a strong  FAMILIAL  feel among the J-ranks. They take the time to get to know one another and care about each other which would extend to Fushimi. While he’d still have his space he’d also have no choice but to be forcibly included in the family antics because they won’t leave him out. Ultimately he’d accept it with the realization that these people actually  WANT  him here. He’s not only welcome but desired and there’s active an interest in himself, yet they don’t prod when he chooses to close up. Constant reminders both indirect and straightforward letting him know that they’re  THERE  for him. It’s a lot of kindness all at once that he’s just  NOT  used to. At first it’s overwhelming but then he wonders for a brief moment if this was how Misaki felt when he chose HOMRA over him.
I offer you-- big brother figure Fushimi @ Sukuna. At first he sees him as nothing more than a brat but in the end becomes the sort that bullies him and taunts him in video games the way that  SIBLINGS  do. At the same time if anyone tried to mess with him they’re getting a serious threat on their life.
While Munakata and Fushimi are both pretty important to one another, Nagare was set up with lot of potential to be the person that understands him  BEST  in the whole cast. Yes I’m saying maybe even more than Yata. While the two had a bond like no other having gone through middle school together, there  STILL  remains their falling out built upon misunderstandings and lack of communication. Yata, who knew him like no one else, had missed such vital points that Nagare in comparison wouldn’t. The latter is observant enough to have  ALREADY  built quite a grasp on Fushimi’s character in the short time he was a J-rank. Whether that’s with or without the assumption that he kept serious tabs on him before doesn’t take away from this.
So in summary of the above, Yata does indeed understand Fushimi as a  PERSON  and knows his heart but he still falls short on what’s best for him. Munakata excels in knowing how to let him  EXIST  with nudges in the right direction and vague reassurances that he’s not  alone. But Nagare and JUNGLE have the capacity to provide  ALL  of that in a more straightforward manner. It’s not a nudge but a gentle force. One that he’s really needed. Honestly there’s a couple people that could have had positive effects like this but being such a tricky character, it’s  HARD  to decide how to handle Fushimi. So of those couple only a few really figured out anything if that makes sense ?
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