#ᶠᵉᵉᵈ ᵐᵉ ᵗʳᵘᵗʰˢ ᶠᵉᵉᵈ ᵐᵉ ˡᶤᵉˢ; hcs
fauxcheva · 5 years
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tagged by : stole it off another dash
tagging : anyone who wants to !
 bonfires ,      competitiveness ,      hand   veins ,     loud   laughs ,      messy   hair ,       sneaking   out   at   2   am ,      abandoned   beaches ,     stray   dogs ,      candle   lights ,      body   language ,      creaking   floorboards ,     ouija   boards ,      having   no   regrets ,      karaoke   nights   out .
 house   plants ,     oversized   sweaters ,      soft   hands ,     fuzzy   socks ,     visiting   big   cities ,      snoozing   your   alarm   clock ,      the   color   yellow ,      vanilla - scented   candles ,      aloe   vera ,      fruit   smoothies ,      baking   cookies ,     the   mom   friend ,      loves   the   ukulele .
 femme   fatale   movies ,     in   love   with   female   villains ,      sharp   eyeliner ,     quick - witted ,      does   things   out   of   spite ,      do   no   harm   but   take   no   shit ,      in   love   with   dogs ,      probably   cries   during   sad   movies   but   won’t   admit   it ,      easily   excited ,      ripped   jeans .
 mermaids ,      easily   infatuated   by   love ,      smelling   flowers ,     picnics   in   open   fields ,     gets   sad   when   thinking   about   the   past ,     impressed   easily ,     daydreaming   in   class ,      plucking   fresh   fruit ,     loves   fashion ,     would   die   for   their   friends .
  confident   in   what   they   do ,      kill   them   with   kindness ,     high   ponytails ,      probably   wants   to   visit   paris   once ,     not   afraid   to   tell   the   truth ,      in   love   with   cute   animals ,      the   one   to   lift   others   up ,     good   at   teamwork ,      the   warm   feeling   of   summer ,     dragons .
  pastel   markers ,     the   smell  of  lavender ,     has   a   welcoming   vibe   around   them ,      actually   organized ,     scrunchies ,      neat   notes ,      loves   going   to   museums ,      probably   into   photography ,      neutral   colors ,      handwritten   letters ,     stardust .
 soft   blankets ,     cuddling   the   ones   you   love ,     always   standing   up   for   your   friends ,      hopeless   spurned   romantic ,      can   be   very   distant ,      can   be   a   little   dramatic ,     pretty   hair ,     dresses   nicely ,      tries   to   be   popular   on   social   media ,      optimistic ,      humorous .
  cottages   in   the   woods ,     in   love   with   greek   mythology ,     vintage   t - shirts ,     really   emotional   but   doesn’t   want   anyone   to   know ,      determined ,     moonlight ,     pretty   handwriting ,      into   the   retro   aesthetic ,     rainy   days ,      doesn’t   judge   people ,      cats .
  always   ready   for   an   adventure ,      street   smart ,      wants   to   travel   the   world  someday ,      doesn’t   easily   trust   people ,      alcohol ,      paintbrushes ,      can’t   sit   still ,      untied   shoelaces ,     tangled   up   earphones ,      blasting   music   at   midnight ,   eye - gazing .
 cold   aura ,     coffee   is   what   keeps   them   going ,     probably   hasn’t   slept   in   two   days ,      actually   a   big   softie ,      high - waisted   jeans ,      cute   pet   videos ,      small   apartments ,     has   too   many   notebooks ,      often   goes   to   the   library ,      writing  essays .
 loves   to   paint   and   do   any   kind   of   art ,      wants   to   live   at   the   seaside ,   knows   a   lot   of   random   facts ,      shares   food ,      messy   notes ,      bullshits   an   entire   essay ,      graffiti ,      has   their   own   distinct   style ,      wants   to   live   their   life   like   they   want   to .
 old   teddy   bears ,    unsent   love   letters ,      mom - jeans ,      loves   to   sing ,      feels   at   home   by   the   ocean ,      writes   poetry ,     hard - workers ,    always   up   for   deep   conversations ,      probably   did   the   stupid   thing ,     open   curtains ,     a   soft   breeze .
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fauxcheva · 5 years
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  《Family Headcanons—— !! 》   《@rubldus​ sent:  💕😤⚰️🌟 //U KNOW I HAD TO DO THIS also saru hates all of his family but?? i'm interested in who he hates the least???  》
What are your muse’s thoughts on parenting and being a parent even if they aren’t one?
     Fushimi’s thoughts on parenting as a whole are rather  ABSENT  to be honest. He doesn’t really have much of an opinion. Like some people might be inclined to be wary of moms or dads because of their own experiences with a bad parent but he isn’t despite coming from a household with  TWO  differently abusive parents. This is mostly because he himself knows that it would be wrong to hold this comparison to others’ and he’s met caring parents before that loved him ( i.e. Yata’s mom ). At one point he even  WONDERED  what it  was like to have a parent because his own were so horribly absent that it simply didn’t feel as if he had any— one was neglectful and the other abusive. Fushimi’s disconnect from them goes so far as to never call them mom or dad but instead “ that woman ” and “ that man ”.
          Overall his thoughts are that one shouldn’t have a kid unless they’re  READY  and actually want one. Although he’s incredibly negative and has stated before that kids should learn heroes that come to save them  AREN’T  real, he also doesn’t believe they should go through what he has. They should be raised with love.
     As for his thoughts on being a parent if he  WERE  one, well... He thinks it’s a mistake. Fushimi firmly believes that if there were anyone that shouldn’t ever be a parent it’s himself. It’s all due to how he was raised and how he  IS  that leaves there little belief that he would be a good dad. The truth of it is that he’s terrified of messing up— of fucking up the kid(s) and leading them to be the same as him or  WORSE  ! He knows he has issues and that things aren’t wholly right in his head even if he functions relatively well. Apart from the trauma his father gave him, there’s the fact he would see hallucinations of the damned man !
               It’s a quiet hope for the kids to please,  PLEASE  not be anything like him.
          He would truly love it if his kid grew up a little angel and overall the complete opposite of himself but that’s probably such a  SLIM  chance. It’s sad to think about how much Fushimi doesn’t want to be like his father. It’s practically the one thing in life that he wants and it would be a prevalent  FEAR  if he had a child. Honestly, he’d never forgive himself if things went wrong but the fact is that he wouldn’t be a bad parent ! Even if he thinks it shouldn’t be allowed of him, he’d be so insanely protective and just a little bit spoiling and you’d see this  INCREDIBLE  gentleness no one knew was possible of him. But there are other areas he’d lack in that would need his partner’s aid such as anything emotional. He’d try but...well he’s just not a sympathetic person and struggles immensely with others’ emotional situations.
How would/does your muse handle unruly, difficult or dangerous behavior from their children?
     It’s not that Fushimi is a mean parent but he strikes me as the kind where one word is all you need to  KNOW  that you’ve fucked up ? It’s that natural ‘ no nonsense ’ and intimidating look that he has along with his lack of patience. If his kid is misbehaving he’ll put them in line quickly whether it means taking something away and  NOT  giving it back no matter the tears or restraining them himself until they calm down and stop making a fuss. He tries his best to not snap at them due to his constant fear of being a bad parent and  BELIEVING  that if he did, it would set him on that path. It’s hard. And were it any  GROWN  person he absolutely would have let them have it. He tries to correct them from the moment they start acting up so that it doesn’t continue or stick, but if his partner insists it’s okay in moderation he may allow it.
          I’m not too sure what qualifies as dangerous behavior, but like I said before he’d be extremely protective of his kids. If they endangered themselves in any way or if something happened he’d be so  SHAKEN  and that could be displayed in a multitude of ways. It’s one of the only times he might actually yell at them. Afterwards he’d keep a close eye and probably limit what they’re able to do whether in his sight or not before he can  TRUST  they’d be okay on their own again. He doesn’t deal with these scares too well.
How would the loss of a family member affect them? Does it vary based on type of family member?
     Well we do see how he handles his own father’s death which was... Not the best thanks to his hallucination at the time but overall Fushimi just  DIDN’T  care. Iirc his only thing against it was that he died from ridiculous circumstances ( not eating right ). He’s so far removed from his family that any one of them could pass away and not affect him in  ANY  sort of manner. The only reason he has lasting effects from his father’s is because the man abused him for  YEARS.  There’s the trauma and psychological aftereffects but that’s it. He’s not mournful and he’s not inclined to care in the slightest. If his mom were to die, maybe he’d show up to the funeral out of customs, but he wouldn’t shed a tear. This certainly doesn’t vary from family member to family member since again—— he’s so  REMOVED  from them. He doesn’t know anyone so personally to give a crap and he’s not sorry for it either.
          Aya is probably the only one Fushimi would have some kind of reaction to since, as I stated in another hc, she’s the one person he hates the  LEAST.  But even her death wouldn’t have him crying or thinking over it for very long.
Who is your muse’s favorite family member, why?
     Answered here !
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fauxcheva · 5 years
🌟 = Who is your muse’s favorite family member, why?
Family Headcanons [X]
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    That’s a super tough question considering Fushimi  HATES  his entire family. He comes from a genetic pool of geniuses that breed a lot of infighting being as competitive about their intelligence as they are. ( It’s a large reason why he himself can’t get along with  OTHER  insanely smart people ). And apart from mandatory social gatherings, I don’t believe he would have ever had much chance to  MINGLE  with other members. There was a point at which he got along with his cousin Aya, but they too were swept up and pitted against each other that ended up leaving a  HUGE  strain on their relationship. While Aya so badly craved his attention and validation, Fushimi by that point was  DONE  with her.
                                      Point blankly, he didn’t care about her.
         She had just become another one of the people who wished to be needlessly competitive with him in her efforts to befriend him and it was annoying. But although she went about it the entirely  WRONG  way, not only with that but also concerning something she did after they’d cut connection, she’s probably who he hates the least. Not to say that he forgives her or plans to either. Mind you, this isn’t saying  MUCH  but between his mother and father and other adults he never sees, she’s the lesser of those evils and at least they’d gotten along at  SOME  point.
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fauxcheva · 5 years
Personality traits
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FULL NAME : Saruhiko Fushimi NICKNAME :  Saru, Gloomy Fushimi,  Mean / Bad Glasses, Traitor TITLE : Third-in-Command of Scepter 4, Head of Information, Hidden Weapons User, J-Rank
» bold: applicable » italics: somewhat or conditionally applicable » strikethrough: … goes to great lengths to hide it
╳   FLAWS.
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | liar | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | beach combing | belly dancing | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | sparring in general | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | traveling | exotic dancing | singing
tagged by: @changeborn THANK YOU !!
Tagging: anyone who wants !!
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fauxcheva · 5 years
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     A student of Shujin known for being perhaps the biggest loner in school. People have long since stopped in their attempts to  INCLUDE  him and even the teachers have taken to assigning him individual work when it comes to group projects. In the case that they don’t provide a separate assignment, he gladly takes the  ZERO  for refusing to work with others because so rarely does he actually work in a team. Despite going to a school known for producing scholars and athletes alike, Fushimi holds  NO  desire to make anything of himself. In fact, he only drags himself through the days because his mother forces him to attend.
          Needless to say, he didn’t care for the rumors that began circulating one day regarding the transfer student they would be receiving. He did his best to  CLOSE  his ears to the matter and just set pencil to paper. Yet they just kept coming. They wouldn’t shut up. It became a hassle and everywhere he went seemed to whisper of  THEM.  Thus, Fushimi looked into this guy himself. What was the truth behind all these rumors and why would the school take in such a risky kid ? He’d always held a knack for hacking and so it wasn’t an issue at all to pull up a record or the rest of his history for that matter and...
                                            That’s where things  DIDN’T  add up.
     There was something  ODD  about it. Comparing the supposed ‘ criminal acts ’ to everything else made it seem as if these were two separate people. Then again, it wasn’t unheard of for someone to lead two different lives. Who would have thought such a  BOTHER  could end up something interesting ?
          I got tired typing so just take the rest of these bulletpoints until I get around to having the energy to elaborate more lol——
Yes Niki is dead because the dumb bitch can’t eat right. It was canon I’m not kidding. This doesn’t mean Kisa stepped up to care for Saruhiko more though, but she did become more assertive in at the  VERY  least forcing putting him through school.
After looking into the protag, Fushimi starts to  OBSERVE  them at school because he firmly believes there’s something not right about the criminal record ordeal. However he doesn’t make an effort to actually approach them.
Has a confidant where he joins the Phantom Thieves  FURTHER  into it but previously just offered help here and there / assistance to Futaba as another hacker.
CAN  access the metaverse but currently has no Persona. It’s unknown if he either hasn’t awoken to it yet or if he won’t have one in general. However he  DOES  join Oracle in her own to assist in things such as mapping or providing backup.
Given a core plot-point of Fushimi’s character as a whole is his massive potential, I’m leaning towards the “ hasn’t yet awoken ” possibility.
Gameplay-wise, ( because I think it’s neat ), given the added assistance, the Thieves have a chance of either receiving backup more frequently or with the same frequency but now boosted by a  MULTIPLIER.  This would only apply however to the period of time where he hasn’t awakened his Persona yet.
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fauxcheva · 5 years
     Miscellaneous notes about Fushimi in JUNGLE AU that are super fucking worth mentioning and I’m so sorry I can’t shut up now that I’ve been indulged—
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It’s literally recognized by  CANON  that JUNGLE was the best fit for him out of all the clans and he still turned down Nagare in the end. But the thing is if he  WAS  a member from early into his development, Fushimi could grow exponentially in his abilities. While Scepter 4 allows him to do a lot, they do also  HINDER  him simply through what is and isn’t available. His skills are utilized but only so far as to what’s required to do government work and the rest / majority is paperwork. Being a specialized unit, they see a  LOT  of downtime when there isn’t anything to do. But JUNGLE is an incredibly active clan that would  ALWAYS  provide opportunity for his skills to improve and they would encourage and help him to grow.
While Scepter 4 did a lot of good for Fushimi by being in a place that he was comfortable in, there’s also a lot that it  LACKS.  He was accepted after some time and is now highly respected and trusted, but he’s also largely left alone and isn’t fully integrated even now. There’s only so  FEW  of his colleagues that go out of their way to include him and years later a lot about himself remains unknown or goes unnoticed. ( i.e. no one knew how he redid almost everyone’s paperwork himself and worked seriously  LATE  hours, nor did they realize how much he did all on his own until the Thing happened in s2 ). They let him have as much space as he wants while understanding  HOW  he functions, but only Munakata  REALLY  knows him and has a strong connection with him.
Meanwhile JUNGLE has a strong  FAMILIAL  feel among the J-ranks. They take the time to get to know one another and care about each other which would extend to Fushimi. While he’d still have his space he’d also have no choice but to be forcibly included in the family antics because they won’t leave him out. Ultimately he’d accept it with the realization that these people actually  WANT  him here. He’s not only welcome but desired and there’s active an interest in himself, yet they don’t prod when he chooses to close up. Constant reminders both indirect and straightforward letting him know that they’re  THERE  for him. It’s a lot of kindness all at once that he’s just  NOT  used to. At first it’s overwhelming but then he wonders for a brief moment if this was how Misaki felt when he chose HOMRA over him.
I offer you-- big brother figure Fushimi @ Sukuna. At first he sees him as nothing more than a brat but in the end becomes the sort that bullies him and taunts him in video games the way that  SIBLINGS  do. At the same time if anyone tried to mess with him they’re getting a serious threat on their life.
While Munakata and Fushimi are both pretty important to one another, Nagare was set up with lot of potential to be the person that understands him  BEST  in the whole cast. Yes I’m saying maybe even more than Yata. While the two had a bond like no other having gone through middle school together, there  STILL  remains their falling out built upon misunderstandings and lack of communication. Yata, who knew him like no one else, had missed such vital points that Nagare in comparison wouldn’t. The latter is observant enough to have  ALREADY  built quite a grasp on Fushimi’s character in the short time he was a J-rank. Whether that’s with or without the assumption that he kept serious tabs on him before doesn’t take away from this.
So in summary of the above, Yata does indeed understand Fushimi as a  PERSON  and knows his heart but he still falls short on what’s best for him. Munakata excels in knowing how to let him  EXIST  with nudges in the right direction and vague reassurances that he’s not  alone. But Nagare and JUNGLE have the capacity to provide  ALL  of that in a more straightforward manner. It’s not a nudge but a gentle force. One that he’s really needed. Honestly there’s a couple people that could have had positive effects like this but being such a tricky character, it’s  HARD  to decide how to handle Fushimi. So of those couple only a few really figured out anything if that makes sense ?
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fauxcheva · 5 years
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[  ] You tilt your head when you’re confused. [ x ] You love sweets and cute things. [   ] You are often confused and lost in conversations with your friends. [   ] People often call you cute. [   ] You care a lot about your friends. [   ] You embarrass yourself a lot with silly question or statements. [   ] You like bright, soft colours. [   ] You enjoy listening to cute, sweet, gentle songs. [  ] You add things to the end of your friend’s names. [   ] People often say “aww” when you’ve done something clumsy/silly. [   ] You like anime/movies about romance, love and friendship. total: 1/11
[   ] You come off as tough and confident on the outside when you are actually soft and emotional on the inside. [ x ] You often hide your true feelings for someone. [ x ] You are caring but deny it when someone tells it to you. [ x ] You are protective. [  ] When someone bugs you, you tell them right away strongly, but are still worried that you’ve hurt them. [   ] You are easily embarrassed. [  ] Compliments make you feel awkward and you always deny them. [ x ] You tease and bully the one you love to hide your feelings. [ x ] You can be violent at times. [  ] You may hurt people a lot, but regret it right away. [ x ] You never cry in front of others. total: 6/11
[  ] You are often loving, caring, sweet - until someone upsets you badly. [  ] When angry, you normally hide it until the time for revenge is right. [ x ] You can at times, be obsessive. [ x ] People have said you are “two-faced”. [   ] People tell you that you’re nice, but can be creepy at times. [   ] You scare the crap out of your friends when you get upset. [   ] People find it weird to see you anything other than gentle and smiling. [ x ] When you’re upset, sometimes you still smile, even when saying something harsh. [ x ] You can get very violent. [   ] You love to help people, but often love to help yourself more. [ x ] You like colours like dark blue or light red. total: 5/11
[ x ] You don’t show your emotions to others. [ x ] When you become close to someone, you slowly open up. [  ] Although you don’t show it, you are easily made happy. [ x ] You care for others a lot, still, you don’t show it. [ x ] People think you are mysterious. [  ] You can be shy. [ x  ] You aren’t very loud, rather silent. [ x ] You know who to trust and who not to. [ x ] You choose which friend you can trust wisely. [   ] You like simple colours, like light purple or white. [ x ] You are rather mature. total: 8/11
[   ] You are a shy person. [   ] You are quiet and don’t speak up for yourself. [   ] You look down instead of straight forwards when walking. [   ] You sometimes go to extreme levels just to get out of public speaking. [   ] You have stage fright. [ x ] You are stoic and not very open. [   ]  You hide yourself with your hair at times. [   ] You speak very quietly in case you say something silly or you sound weird. [   ] You are afraid of meeting new people. [ x ] You are a hard worker. [ x ] You do not have as many friendships as others, but those you do have, you’ll cherish them very much. total: 3/11
RESULT: Kuudere
TAGGED BY: @infcrmst​ thanks a bunch ! TAGGING: Idk who’s done it or not so whoever wants !
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fauxcheva · 5 years
HC.03 Fushimi’s Sexuality
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          Since it’s Pride, what better time to write this hc than now ? I  BRIEFLY  mentioned this in another post, but my hc for Fushimi is that he’s aromantic bi / greysexual. It’s  SUPER  important for anyone entering a relationship or  HOPING  for one to know this.
     He doesn’t do romance. Never has and  NEVER  will. It’s not that he doesn’t understand the idea of being romantically attracted to someone it’s just extremely hard to even  CONSIDER  the idea of loving someone. It’s not something he was shown growing up—  be it from family or otherwise— and he  PERSONALLY  doesn’t find himself capable of even receiving it. Ergo it’s hard for him to express romantic feelings. If someone were to complain to him about the lack of gesture, they’d likely be  DUMPED  in the same instant because they “ shouldn’t have expected anything ” in the first place ( he’d have made a point of this before dating ) and doesn’t want to deal with it. To be brought up once means it’ll likely  CONTINUE  to be a problem and just shows the person didn’t understand him to begin with. He can’t look at someone and think, “ I’d like to fall in love with them someday,  ” much less even  THINK  he’d want to date them in the future. This isn’t to say he doesn’t  TRY  in a relationship however.
          He’s  NOT  going to bring home flowers or arrange surprise dinner dates. You’d have to know where to look to find the little ways he expresses things hiding in  MUNDANE  details. Extra coffee being made in the morning, letting them sleep in a late, leaving reminders, offering help on a task, etc. On  SPECIAL  events he might even buy them something he noticed they’d wanted despite not being a fan of the occasion himself, but that’s about the extent of it. And getting him to say, “ I love you, ” would be extremely  UNLIKELY.
     Covering the other half, Fushimi is attracted to both men and women and holds no preference between the two. He’s not asexual but he is  GREYSEXUAL  which means that he does experience occasional or mild sexual attraction and may or may not act on it. Sex isn’t something he’s  COMPLETELY  disinterested in, it’s just something he doesn’t really care about. He could do without it and if it never happened then he’d be totally  FINE.  However, if it’s offered then he might take it up  DEPENDING  on how he’s feeling. But this doesn’t mean he actually enjoys it whenever he does. It’s just a passing thing and going through the motions with someone he doesn’t like past an aesthetic appeal or was too bored to turn down, therefore it’s  IMPOSSIBLE  for him to have found  HONEST  pleasure in it. If it was with someone he held in any special regard, then it’d be different for both him and them.
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fauxcheva · 5 years
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NAME:   Saruhiko Fushimi NICKNAME(S):    Saru, Bad Glasses, Gloomy Fushimi THEIR PROFESSION:   Third in Command of Scepter 4 WHERE THEY CAN BE FOUND:   When not at his desk or in his room probably walking around the city FAVOURITE FOOD TYPE:   Meats and sweets. He particularly enjoys ice cream. FAVOURITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK:   He doesn’t drink, so he doesn’t have one. FAVOURITE TRAIT(S):   Someone who can handle themselves and won’t expect much of him in the romance department. Doesn’t hurt to be humble but don’t be a pushover either. WHERE THEY WOULD GO ON A DATE:   Honestly he’d let his date decide because he doesn’t much care. IDEAL GIFT:   Maybe sweets or a nice bento during his lunch or after work would be best. Other than that practical items he could use everyday ? He’d probably keep any gift but prefers something with purpose. WHEN WILL THEY DRINK ALCOHOL:   Again, he doesn’t drink and doesn’t plan to let alcohol in his body, so you’ll never catch him with it. He’s fine if others do but will lose patience really fast with someone who drinks to get drunk. You’ll know if you’re on good terms with him though if he still puts up with you when drunk. HOW MANY DATES UNTIL THEY GO TO BED:   Who’s to say ? Fushimi is bi / graysexual meaning he doesn’t normally care for sexual attraction. Simply put, if he’s invited to it maybe he’ll accept and maybe he won’t. And the times that he does partake in it, unless it’s someone he actually cares for, he doesn’t find enjoyment in it. The only way someone will know if he’s willing to be serious with them is if he’s the one to initiate.
TAGGED BY: @kotoxwari TAGGING: anyone who wants to !
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fauxcheva · 5 years
HC.01 Hair Styling
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     There are times that Fushimi won’t care to fix his hair in its usual style and will go about his day after just brushing through it. While it’ll be in his face  CONTINUOUSLY  throughout the day, he simply deals with it by pushing it out of the way, finding something to tie it back with, or not doing much of anything at all. Seeing past it isn’t terribly hard to do anyway. It’s  RARE  that this happens and is more subject to days when he  DOESN’T  work as it’s now deeply integrated into his morning routine after years of doing so.
          Leaving it natural was more common during the time he’d  FIRST  joined Scepter 4. Back then he was still fine-tuning the process, but more than this, it was difficult to look himself in the mirror. The face of that man was staring back at him each time. Even a  BLURRY  reflection was enough to stir up unpleasant memories and made him sick with a mix of emotions— anger, disgust, hatred,  TERROR.  He had to remind himself  WHY  he was doing it just to be able to put up with it for the work day. Once he was off the clock and in his room he ran a hand through the locks to  NONE  too carefully mess it up. ( He all but pulled out his own hair in doing so ). But that was fine. Not like he cared.
     Nowadays he’s past the point of thinking much of it. Sometimes his reflection brings to the surface thoughts of the past, but he is not that man. He has his own life. And he’ll make that look his own in spite of everything. Besides... it looks  BETTER  on him.
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fauxcheva · 5 years
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     Anyone else ever think about how Fushimi is literally a human calculator ?? Like, no kidding. Sometimes I think about that little interview he did with Yata where he was given some ridiculous equation verbally ( no pencil or paper provided ) and answered without hesitation immediately after. Even gave two damn answers because— if solved in proper mathematical order. We all know he’s incredibly smart but something like that is a little terrifying but goddammit I love my smart son. I so badly would love to know how his mind works. Imagine being able to calculate percentages on the spot ?? I could never. I hate percentages.
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fauxcheva · 5 years
HC.02 Element Association
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     OKAY SO—— running off the 15 Associations I just did, since it’s got me thinking, I’m gonna  DISSECT  the elements and Fushimi because it struck me  STRANGE  that I don’t really associate him with water ? It seemed like an obvious answer but it just didn’t sit right with me. It feels like the same thing as associating him with  BLUE.  That being because he’s literally dressed in it. It’s his uniform. But at the end of the day, I’m not sure he himself really is blue ? But he’s so  CLOSELY  linked to it and dons it with purpose that it’s hard to tear away.
          But this isn’t about colors, it’s about the elements. I’m gonna talk about fire, water, and air. Earth is  EXCLUDED  simply because it’s the only one I can’t associate with Fushimi in any way. Well I probably could think of something but he’s definitely  NOT  an earth baby lol.
          If I had to associate him with anything specifically it would be a blue fire. In a way, I feel like he’s still  VERY  closely tied to this one. Like a small flame that seems so close to being extinguished but it never dies, and given the right fuel, can burn  BRIGHT  once again. But it’s not a blind fire burning everything in it’s path. It has a  DIRECTION  and that’s the difference. Where blue means it’s one of the hotter flames, it’s still a cool fire that washes over the things that don’t  DESERVE  to burn. It’s a fire that was started and never tended to. What could have been passion, life, warmth, and  OVERWHELMING  intensity.
     Fushimi has so much potential that it’s so genuinely upsetting he doesn’t do much of anything with it simply because he doesn’t  WANT  to. He could have been great beyond words, but he was hurt so badly and ignored for so long that he finds himself of  NO  significance. At one point he’d have been perfectly content with taking a backseat if the whole world were to turn to ash. This is what makes me think of that  SMALL  flame. A passion that could have been. One that flourished when he finally had someone who saw greatness in him, died back down, and now that person is still the only one that can make the fire bigger for just a moment.
     Overall calm and still with moments of a raging river. He’s cool and collected and flows freely as he pleases, but that’s about where the association  STOPS.  Water is adaptable which he is not. Fushimi  HATES  change. He’ll learn to accommodate himself only because he has to. Never because he wants to. He fights against it for as long as he can and oftentimes it’s a case of his surroundings accepting  HIM  rather than the other way around. After all he only tolerates things at best. Instead of adjusting himself to fit the container, he’s an object placed in the middle that water has to form itself  AROUND.
           Furthermore, water is attributed to being compassionate, kind, and gentle. All things of which Fushimi  STRUGGLES  with. He stopped growing emotionally a long time ago and although he’s gotten a bit better, it’s still  LITTLE  progress. He is still extremely closed off and isolates himself even with the right person— his King— giving him those nudges. And although it’s the element of his zodiac, I still think it’s far from fitting him  PERSONALLY.
     The one that I think fits him best.  ALOOF  and free and out of our control. It goes where it wants and can’t be caught or contained. It’s these key points that make me think it’s a better fit than any of the others, because those are some of the  MOST  important plots of his character. He doesn’t quite belong in one single place, but he can fill a role just about  ANYWHERE.  Munakata allows him a freedom so long as his work is done on time. This is very well known and we see in S1 ep 5 when he wanders off he’s just  TRUSTED to do his own thing.
          Delving into some traits attributed with air are being curious, perceptive,  ANALYTICAL,  and smart thinkers. Traits that Fushimi has down to a fine point. Upsetting his balance would be downright SUFFOCATING  as we see he can be relentless when he wishes. And just watching him actually use that potential he’s always had takes your breath away. Free, without form, and intangible. He’s hard to get a hold of and even harder to  UNDERSTAND,  but I can’t stress how  VITAL  it is that he’s this outside force who comes and goes like a fleeting breeze.
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fauxcheva · 5 years
15 ASSOCIATIONS: repost & fill in the answers you most associate your character with to each question.
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animal: f... fox ( I’m mega biased tho )
color: blue
month: september
song: Crossfire by Stephen
number: 7 or 21 ?
day or night: night
plant: forget-me-nots
smell: something like clean linen with the lingering scent of a cafe
season: autumn or winter
food: steak
astrological sign: scorpio
element: air ?? maybe ?
drink: coffee
tagged by: @rubldus​ thanks dear !
tagging: i think angel tagged like everyone so go crazy
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fauxcheva · 5 years
A N G S T   M E M E
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been cheated on |  been bullied | told a horrible lie |  stolen something of value  |  overdosed on drugs | been drunk  |  cheated | bullied |  punched someone in the face | been beaten up |  broken a bone |  been admitted to a hospital |  had a near-death experience  | been drugged  | done drugs  |  smoked | kissed someone you weren’t attracted to | bled severely |  killed someone  |  had an attempt on your life |  made an attempt on your own life  | lost someone | loved someone |  gone without food for over three days  |  gone without sleep for over three days |  been tortured  |  been slapped by a parent or higher up  | been abused by someone who should have loved/ appreciated/ valued you |  had a panic attack  | been in a car accident | had sex |  had sex with a stranger |  passed out from pain  | cried yourself to sleep | spent a whole day in bed | hurt yourself  | taken your anger out on yourself | taken your anger out on someone you love  |  been used  |  felt used  | used |  been terrified  | played a cruel game on someone  | been dominant |  been submissive | been forced to smile | felt too many things at once | laughed when you felt like crying
stolen from: @xfalsehcpe tagging: whoever !
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fauxcheva · 5 years
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     It took me this long to have the  TERRIBLE  realization that Fushimi is a dumbass morosexual and I hate it. Fushimi... you fucking idiot.
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fauxcheva · 5 years
My creative type.
Tagged by  :  @shumibito thaaaank ! Tagging  :  whoever wants to !!
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Creative Strengths: Ability to bring ideas and concepts to life
Untapped Potential: Becoming totally fearless in your expression
Ideal Collaborator: The Producer
As an ARTIST, you need to create in order to feel truly alive. Full of ideas and visions, you’re driven by the desire to express yourself and transform the world around you.
The ARTIST type lives in the space between the inner and outer worlds, and your gift is the ability to powerfully manifest what’s inside of you. That’s not always an easy task, but with it comes the capacity to create works that speak to others on a deep level and inspire new ways of seeing the world.
With your love of beauty and your connection to the senses, you have a strong aesthetic orientation and you crave well-designed environments. Whatever creative field you end up pursuing, you tend to work best on your own and crave the independence that lets you freely follow your creative impulses. You’re at home in a state of flow—easily becoming so engrossed in whatever project you’re working on that you lose all sense of time and space.
Your biggest challenge is working through creative blocks stemming from your emotional nature. You know well that in the “war of art,” fear and self-doubt are your biggest enemies. Practice diplomacy instead of waging war, and you’ll learn to turn enemies into trusted allies pointing you in the direction of creative greatness; in other words, listening to your fear can tell you exactly what you need to do.
Together, the ARTIST and the PRODUCER form a powerful creative duo with the vision and drive to manifest ideas on a large scale. Seek out collaborations with the dynamic and pragmatic PRODUCER to amplify your impact and take your projects across the finish line.
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