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fauxcheva · 5 years
     There were plenty of days that prompted the Blue to question  WHY  he remained in his clan. It would so simple to walk out that fancy little gate and never return, leaving behind a world of hectic battles and government desk work. However, this also meant he’d need to once again start from a bit of  SCRATCH.  Finding a place to live wasn’t much of a concern but a source of income is where he fell short— working in customer service wasn’t something he was cut out for. All-in-all, Scepter 4 was where he could best, for lack of better word,  SURVIVE.
          Today was one of those days in which he questioned the validity of that statement. Tasked once more with recruiting a  CERTAIN  man his Captain was rather adamant in acquiring. Pointless it were in every sense of the word and nothing more than a  HASSLE  for him. ( Though such for the norm he supposed ).
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     “ He’s going to say  NO  again, ” mumbled under a breath as he scanned his surroundings. Ah... Of course he wouldn’t be out waiting. “ Tch... He sent a  GIFT  for you. ” An arm rose in lackadaisical form to showcase the delicate bag in hand, Its contents making a series of small ‘ clinks ! ’ as they were disturbed.
                                         《 @sorrowsbled​ ♡’d  》
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fauxcheva · 5 years
     It was pure  TORTURE— or something very close to it. The Captain knew well before giving him this assignment that the two males would not get along and, sure enough, each step taken beside his ‘ partner ’ felt equivalent to trudging through  MUD.  The detective was worth his money, that much he’d admit, but beyond this wasn’t much else worth noting. ( A terrible personality perhaps, but he wasn’t one to say ). There was a part of Fushimi that wondered if the Blue King had purposely hired the man  SPECIFICALLY  to toy with him. After all, each of his requests for a change had been denied. There was an active effort to hold back a snide comment as the other cared to point out the obvious. He wasn’t in infant— he had  EYES— but saying any such thing might prompt the other to delve into further detail.
                            Fushimi was trying to  AVOID  this.
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     “ Can you wrap this up already ? It’s not like there’s anything else to see here. ”
                                           《 @heartdetector​ 》
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fauxcheva · 5 years
“ nothing you can say will surprise me. ”
Misc Starters [x]
     It was well and true, he knew this. They’d only spent  YEARS  making sure of that, after all. After crossing over every bridge and finding the cracks in each wall the younger had stubbornly crafted— defensive mechanisms paired with the highest disregard for the world outside him— he  KNEW  that if there was anyone close to understanding his current self, if was his  KING.  But even to himself this couldn’t be admitted. Rather than  RELUCTANCE  it was out of sheer disbelief that anyone could actually see him.
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          “ That’s a hefty statement, Captain. ”
     He bore the slightest of grins, playing it off as  AMUSEMENT.  A pointless game was being played here. Nothing but empty words slipped from his tongue. Would he be called out for such blatant  LIES  ? Someone like him didn’t deserve kindness otherwise.
          “ What if I said something  ATROCIOUS  ? Like admitting to an unforgivable crime. ” There was a  GLINT  in his eyes as he tilted his head to one side. “ If you weren’t surprised, wouldn’t that mean you expect it of me ? ”
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fauxcheva · 5 years
“ do you wanna get out of here? ”
          “ Tch… dumb question. ”
     Without even sparing a glance at the other the Blue looked elsewhere. Really it was nothing but an innocent question, but anything that related to himself was immediately classified as  ANNOYING.  Stuff like ‘ how are you ? ’  or ‘ how is your day ? ’ were nothing but common courtesy. Nobody really cared and he didn’t  WANT  anyone to care. Overall, he didn’t want to share even the minute things of himself. But surely even a stranger could tell how much of a  CYNIC  he was to not need the clarification. Though Fushimi was neither completely without manners nor was he in a bad mood.
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          “ Any  SANE  person would want to leave this place. It’s not like there’s anything worth staying for. ”
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fauxcheva · 5 years
“ we can’t keep going on like this. ” // ha ha bet u thought I wouldn't push myself right into ur inbox well CHALLENGE ACCEPTED-
     Nothing. A perfect match to the color that dressed him— a calm, cool, relaxed blue. A blank stare if not with just a hint of familiar annoyance. Yet unseen was the way his mind replayed recent events as if flipping through a photo album. The way his thoughts raced as he tried to pinpoint an exact tipping point. ‘ What did it ? ’ asked over and over in an unrelenting way. Demanding an answer. Somewhere mixed in was a shout— angry with himself— ‘ shut up ! ’ and everything came to a quiet halt. There wasn’t a need to get so worked up over who he was dealing with. Yet at the same time, he had every reason to.
          And oh— he almost hated that.
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     “ … Heh. ” His shoulders shook for a brief moment in false amusement. “ Just what do you mean by that ? You’ll have to learn to be more specific, Misaki. Not everyone is going to understand such a vague statement. ” Already there was a grin at his lips happily acting like a favored temporary tattoo. It wasn’t the widest it could be, a sign that he wasn’t yet sure how seriously to take the other, but knowing the red clansman…he wouldn’t catch onto that.
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