#ˢᵉᶜᵒᶰᵈ ʰᵃᶰᵈ ˢᵐᵒᵏᵉ ᴵ ᵇʳᵉᵃᵗʰᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᶤᶰ; rubldus
fauxcheva · 5 years
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  《Family Headcanons—— !! 》   《@rubldus​ sent:  💕😤⚰️🌟 //U KNOW I HAD TO DO THIS also saru hates all of his family but?? i'm interested in who he hates the least???  》
What are your muse’s thoughts on parenting and being a parent even if they aren’t one?
     Fushimi’s thoughts on parenting as a whole are rather  ABSENT  to be honest. He doesn’t really have much of an opinion. Like some people might be inclined to be wary of moms or dads because of their own experiences with a bad parent but he isn’t despite coming from a household with  TWO  differently abusive parents. This is mostly because he himself knows that it would be wrong to hold this comparison to others’ and he’s met caring parents before that loved him ( i.e. Yata’s mom ). At one point he even  WONDERED  what it  was like to have a parent because his own were so horribly absent that it simply didn’t feel as if he had any— one was neglectful and the other abusive. Fushimi’s disconnect from them goes so far as to never call them mom or dad but instead “ that woman ” and “ that man ”.
          Overall his thoughts are that one shouldn’t have a kid unless they’re  READY  and actually want one. Although he’s incredibly negative and has stated before that kids should learn heroes that come to save them  AREN’T  real, he also doesn’t believe they should go through what he has. They should be raised with love.
     As for his thoughts on being a parent if he  WERE  one, well... He thinks it’s a mistake. Fushimi firmly believes that if there were anyone that shouldn’t ever be a parent it’s himself. It’s all due to how he was raised and how he  IS  that leaves there little belief that he would be a good dad. The truth of it is that he’s terrified of messing up— of fucking up the kid(s) and leading them to be the same as him or  WORSE  ! He knows he has issues and that things aren’t wholly right in his head even if he functions relatively well. Apart from the trauma his father gave him, there’s the fact he would see hallucinations of the damned man !
               It’s a quiet hope for the kids to please,  PLEASE  not be anything like him.
          He would truly love it if his kid grew up a little angel and overall the complete opposite of himself but that’s probably such a  SLIM  chance. It’s sad to think about how much Fushimi doesn’t want to be like his father. It’s practically the one thing in life that he wants and it would be a prevalent  FEAR  if he had a child. Honestly, he’d never forgive himself if things went wrong but the fact is that he wouldn’t be a bad parent ! Even if he thinks it shouldn’t be allowed of him, he’d be so insanely protective and just a little bit spoiling and you’d see this  INCREDIBLE  gentleness no one knew was possible of him. But there are other areas he’d lack in that would need his partner’s aid such as anything emotional. He’d try but...well he’s just not a sympathetic person and struggles immensely with others’ emotional situations.
How would/does your muse handle unruly, difficult or dangerous behavior from their children?
     It’s not that Fushimi is a mean parent but he strikes me as the kind where one word is all you need to  KNOW  that you’ve fucked up ? It’s that natural ‘ no nonsense ’ and intimidating look that he has along with his lack of patience. If his kid is misbehaving he’ll put them in line quickly whether it means taking something away and  NOT  giving it back no matter the tears or restraining them himself until they calm down and stop making a fuss. He tries his best to not snap at them due to his constant fear of being a bad parent and  BELIEVING  that if he did, it would set him on that path. It’s hard. And were it any  GROWN  person he absolutely would have let them have it. He tries to correct them from the moment they start acting up so that it doesn’t continue or stick, but if his partner insists it’s okay in moderation he may allow it.
          I’m not too sure what qualifies as dangerous behavior, but like I said before he’d be extremely protective of his kids. If they endangered themselves in any way or if something happened he’d be so  SHAKEN  and that could be displayed in a multitude of ways. It’s one of the only times he might actually yell at them. Afterwards he’d keep a close eye and probably limit what they’re able to do whether in his sight or not before he can  TRUST  they’d be okay on their own again. He doesn’t deal with these scares too well.
How would the loss of a family member affect them? Does it vary based on type of family member?
     Well we do see how he handles his own father’s death which was... Not the best thanks to his hallucination at the time but overall Fushimi just  DIDN’T  care. Iirc his only thing against it was that he died from ridiculous circumstances ( not eating right ). He’s so far removed from his family that any one of them could pass away and not affect him in  ANY  sort of manner. The only reason he has lasting effects from his father’s is because the man abused him for  YEARS.  There’s the trauma and psychological aftereffects but that’s it. He’s not mournful and he’s not inclined to care in the slightest. If his mom were to die, maybe he’d show up to the funeral out of customs, but he wouldn’t shed a tear. This certainly doesn’t vary from family member to family member since again—— he’s so  REMOVED  from them. He doesn’t know anyone so personally to give a crap and he’s not sorry for it either.
          Aya is probably the only one Fushimi would have some kind of reaction to since, as I stated in another hc, she’s the one person he hates the  LEAST.  But even her death wouldn’t have him crying or thinking over it for very long.
Who is your muse’s favorite family member, why?
     Answered here !
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fauxcheva · 5 years
@rubldus​ said: ew you stink it smells like betrayal in here
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    “ Oh, is your nose broken too, Misaki ? I didn’t expect it to fail you as your brain did. ” Smirk ever present, he raised a hand as if to sniff at his sleeve. “ I actually smell of lavender. Are you sure it’s not yourself that  REEKS  ? ”
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fauxcheva · 5 years
     It was a scene of intense concentration. Sweat beaded upon either both their brows, breaths drawn fast and shallow, blade crossed and pressed  HARD  against a staff that met with equal force. There was a certain and unmistakable electricity that sparked between their heated glares— the kind that would make  ANY  onlookers hold their breath. It was a permanent question of who would come out the victor and who would fall. An unbridled passion that brought about the concern that the two could at any second slip into a  FATAL  stance. And so indeed, they held their breaths, but for once it wasn’t because the battle was so intense.
          In fact, their fight had come to a strange  PAUSE  and their usual banter had quieted to an even more unfamiliar silence. The bluer of glares softened and made way for furrowed brows. Nervous laughter bubbled up only to be wrested back down as he, with a slight smile and less force behind his sword, gave a bit of  INSIGHT  to the other.
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          “ Misaki ? ”, he whispered, “ I don’t think that was the line. ”
                                          《 @rubldus​ ♡’d  》
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fauxcheva · 5 years
x 10000000 hearts: SHIP WITH ME MORE U COWARD
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fauxcheva · 5 years
Maybe he'd been out of practice- the move should have been so easy for him to dodge. Where had it gone wrong? The knife wasn't even positioned to hit a critical artery, but Yata's reaction time had been destructively slow, & ultimately...well. In his haste to dodge one, he'd put himself directly in the path of the next- sharp, cutting strings of a puppet no longer wanted. [ He'd hit him right in the neck: left common carotid artery. Deep.../too/ deep. ] Blood, wide-eyed stumbling, & he fell.
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     Everything, just as all their encounters, happened too fast. Movements he never had to think twice about just  FLOWED  from him like an undisturbed river. When the knives left his hand he knew they would be deflected. Like descending from a waterfall and crashing into the rocks below. They would have  PILED  at his former friend’s feet to be left behind in the wake of yet another brawl. That’s why they never held back, after all. Because  NO ONE  knew them better than each other. Every stance, every move— always met in equal time. A match like no other. It was an  EXHILARATION.  Almost like a drug to them, really.
          It’s what was supposed to happen.
                                        So why ?
          Why was everything moving so  SLOWLY  all of a sudden ? Completely void of their usual speed. The Red had moved at only a fraction of his normal pace and one of the knives had for once found a mark. His precise aim was never meant to actually hit. Not with him. But now as he paused, the next blade  SLIPPING  from between lithe fingers, there was a theatrical vision playing out before him. Slow-motion. Red ribbons had spurted forth, dyeing dirty white a deep  CRIMSON.  Hazel eyes wide open in disbelief and shock. He could almost feel as they looked right at him a horrified sense of betrayal. While turning his back on a former clan there was an understanding to never  TRULY  cause harm in their fights.
     He was falling, and still it seemed to take hours. The information wasn’t processing— simply refused to. This wasn’t  REAL.
                                          It could  NEVER  be.
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          “ M… Mi… ” A sputtering of his lips.
                              “ MISAKI !! ”
     A  BROKEN  scream tore itself from his throat right before his body hit the ground, and all returned to normal pace. It took only seconds yet he  STILL  couldn’t reach him fast enough. Hands fumbled in an effort to press a purple wristband against the wound— it was soaked immediately— begging beneath a firm press to please,  PLEASE  stop bleeding. He was frantic. No more was there a stoic cold to be found in his eyes, his demeanor, his voice. Panic  BLED  from him the same way it continued to pour from one Yata Misaki,
          “ I… I didn’t— it wasn’t— you—— ” Strings of unfinished sentences. Had he been near hyperventilating this whole time ? Blue eyes closed for the  BRIEFEST  of seconds to collect himself. Breathe. Just  BREATHE.  Reopening in a flash to look around for someone, anyone, screaming for help before he dared turn his attention back. There was so much blood.
                             “ I’m… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—— …  PLEASE.
                                                                              Don’t  DIE  on me !! ”
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fauxcheva · 5 years
take off your pants
     He was inclined to say  ‘ NO ’  right away and nothing more. Simply walk away and scoff at the  DEMAND  without giving it another thought. However there came another route in the form a small game. He was in a surprisingly  GOOD  mood. A rather rare case compared to his usual indifference. With a barely contained, quiet chuckle, the Blue pushed up his glasses and turned to the other. Voice just an octave lower than the norm.
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          “ After you. ”
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fauxcheva · 5 years
What Should We Plot ? [x]
         Romantic, platonic, familial, other.
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     GDI ANGEL YOU’RE A GIVEN ASKNFD. We know very well these two make up and get married and you know very well you can burst into my dms at like 2am with pots and pans to plot something and I’ll probably be wide awake and ready to cook. We write goddamn novels concerning these two and it’s never enough !
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fauxcheva · 5 years
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Saru would be one of those actors that’s so good people have a hard time separating character from the actor which sucks because a lot of fans at first think he’s really intimidating and / or just an overall asshole. And it definitely doesn’t help if this is like, his first or one of his first jobs because then this is everyone’s first impression of him but ! He doesn’t care too much. He thinks it’s funny and knows that the people who care / actual fans will look past that and see it’s not true.
Not to say that he wouldn’t be somewhat of a dick but not to the extent that his role is. He definitely plays it up to the max and probably had a few times where after a scene he asks Yata if he’s okay or even turns to the director like, “ Is that too much ? ” and they just tell him “ No that’s perfect ! ” or even ask him to do more.
He’s actually more sarcastic than he is mean and not nearly as depressing. Would 10 / 10 join Yata in pulling pranks on the other cast members. They actually become best friends on set but also love the fight scenes so much.
Yes he does his own stunts. He didn’t have a lot of training beforehand but he’s a fast learner and picked up swordfighting in no time.
He’s the first to rag on his own character for being a fuckin asshole who can’t be honest to save his life or properly deal with his feelings. But he also loves him and affectionately calls the character his “ trash son ”.
     Five points is good right ? ? I can always develop more later. Pls just… Fushimi having fun playing a jerk but not actually being one is so pure to me.
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fauxcheva · 5 years
Munday Meme [X]
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෴ - Tell us about your day.
     Ah, it’s a really boring day tbh since I’m still job hunting, so I don’t do really anything. I woke up bc one of my roommate / best friend’s dogs was scratching at my door but I couldn’t let her inside this time and kept trying to go back to sleep. Couldn’t, so then I just got on my laptop to play a VN and eventually dozed off. Woke up again, showered, messed with some code on another blog, messaged people, and generally lazed around.
༺ - Do you have any siblings? What’s your relationship with them like?
     I do ! I’m the oldest of five I think, but I don’t see any of them because complicated family stuff and an unfit birth mother. They likely don’t even know about me or each other. Oh but don’t feel bad for asking or anything ! It doesn’t bother me at all.
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fauxcheva · 5 years
" why does he call himself your dad- this is gross- i can't believe- i'm calling the police- "
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     “ Misaki, ” he sighed before continuing, as if he found the very words to be more of a  HASSLE  the aforementioned ‘ dad ’ himself. A brief second as he pushed the glasses up his nose. “ He  IS  the police. ” And he has all the legal documents, but that wasn’t going to be brought up right now.
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fauxcheva · 8 years
Tag dump.
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fauxcheva · 5 years
“ we can’t keep going on like this. ” // ha ha bet u thought I wouldn't push myself right into ur inbox well CHALLENGE ACCEPTED-
     Nothing. A perfect match to the color that dressed him— a calm, cool, relaxed blue. A blank stare if not with just a hint of familiar annoyance. Yet unseen was the way his mind replayed recent events as if flipping through a photo album. The way his thoughts raced as he tried to pinpoint an exact tipping point. ‘ What did it ? ’ asked over and over in an unrelenting way. Demanding an answer. Somewhere mixed in was a shout— angry with himself— ‘ shut up ! ’ and everything came to a quiet halt. There wasn’t a need to get so worked up over who he was dealing with. Yet at the same time, he had every reason to.
          And oh— he almost hated that.
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     “ … Heh. ” His shoulders shook for a brief moment in false amusement. “ Just what do you mean by that ? You’ll have to learn to be more specific, Misaki. Not everyone is going to understand such a vague statement. ” Already there was a grin at his lips happily acting like a favored temporary tattoo. It wasn’t the widest it could be, a sign that he wasn’t yet sure how seriously to take the other, but knowing the red clansman…he wouldn’t catch onto that.
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