#˗ˏˋ ᵃˢˢᵒᶜᶤᵃᵗᵉˢ· emily kelso.
wovetalesarc · 2 months
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❝   thank   you   for   meeting   me   at   the   park   ,   emily.   i   hope   you   don't   mind   that   anya   &   bond   joined   us.   ❞   the   master   of   disguise   pats   the   spot   on   the   bench   next   to   him   while   his   eyes   keep   looking   back   to   watch   his   daughter   run   around   in   the   grass   ,   their   family   dog   not   too   close   behind   ,   happily   chasing   her.   he   hadn't   intended   to   bring   them   along   when   he   made   plans   to   speak   to   emily   alone   ,   but   he   had   no   babysitter   to   leave   them   with , his usual people still recovering from their summer vacation in london.   he's   sure   this   whole   scenario   probably   looks   like   a   cover   for   them   to   talk   about   work   or   their   next   assignment   ━━   he   &   emily   never   really   meet   in   person   unless   it's   to   talk   business.   however   ,   in   this   instance   ,   he   isn't   here   to   speak   about   work.   in   an   odd   turn   of   events   ,   loid   wants   to   talk   about   personal   matters   for   once   ━━   matters   that   he   never   thought   he'd   be   brave   enough   to   venture   ,   especially   with   how   busy   he's   always   kept   himself   since   joining   WISE   all   those   years   ago.   silence   falls   over   him   as   he   waits   for   emily   to   join   him   ,   struggling   for   the   right   words   to   say   ,   clearing   his   throat   but   nothing   comes   out.   SILVER   TONGUED   AGENT   IS   SUDDENLY   SPEECHLESS   .   .   .   no   one   has   ever   managed   to   make   him   question   himself   before   ,   but   then   again   ,   that's   what   makes   emily   so   special.
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❝   look   at   how   peaceful   they   are.   ❞   loid   tilts   his   head   toward   anya   &   bond   ,   who   have   now   taken   to   jumping   over small sand piles in the sandbox.   one   part   of   loid's   mind   cringes   at   the   sight   ,   since   he   just   did   anya's   laundry   the   day   before   ,   but   the   other   part   of   him   is   incredibly   touched   by   the   sight   ━━   he   loves   seeing   her   so   happy   &   carefree   without   a   worry   about   the   dangers   in   the   world.   ❝   it's   moments   like   this   that   make   the   work   we   do   all   the   more   worth   it.   if   i   can   make   anya   feel   safe   ,   then   i   know   i've   done   my   job.   ❞   loid   takes   a   deep   breath   ,   body   turning   to   face   emily   completely   ,   giving   her   his   full   attention.   ❝   i   would   like   to   have   some   semblance   of   peace   too   ,   believe   it   or   not.   i   have   given   myself   fully   to   WISE   for   so   long   that   i   hardly   know   what   it   truly   means   to   have   joy.   to   have   peace.   for   the   first   time   in   my   life   ,   i   think   i've   come   close   to   finding   it.   anya   helped   me   open   my   eyes   ,   but   she   is   not   the   only   one   i   refer   to.   ❞   the   bold   agent   takes   over   as   he   reaches   for   emily's   hand   ,   resting   his   hand   over   hers   ,   blue   eyes   sharp   &   staring   right   at   her   ━━   he   wonders   if   she   can   sense   how   fast   his   heart   is   beating.   ❝   emily   ,   ❞   he   begins   softly   ,   voice   dropping   low.   ❝   before   i   say   anything   ,   i   must   know ━━ are   you   currently   seeing   anyone   at   this   moment   ?   ❞
˗ˏˋ     ᵖʳᵒˡᵒᵍᵘᵉ·     dear   reader   ﹕   @satellitewar   as   emily   kelso.
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wovetalesarc · 5 months
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it's   customary   for   WISE   agents   to   meet   with   their   handlers   in   an   open   environment   to   avoid   suspicion , usually a nice little café just outside of the city.   their   conversations   would   appear   pleasant   as they drink their coffees , but   within   the   words   lies   a   secret   code   stashed   between   each   verb   &   noun   ,   allowing   for   the   passage   of   information   to   safely   cross   one   another   without   anyone   else   knowing   any   better.   while   their   meetings   are   work   related   ,   twilight   would   not   be   able   to   deny   that   he   does   enjoy   these   moments   spent with   @satellitewar.   in   between   their   secret   messages   are   real   conversations   about   who   they   are   outside   of   their   work   ,   what   it   was   like   working   with   sebastian   at   treadstone   before   she   became   apart   of   WISE   &   vice   versa.   slowly   all   the   pieces   of   the   puzzle   that   is   emily   kelso   is   finally   coming   together   &   loid   rather   likes   that   she's   the   one   handing   the   pieces   over to him one   by   one   each   time   they   meet.   he's   a   master   spy   ━━   he   could   easily   retrieve   her   file   &   figure   out   everything   about her for   himself   ,   but   that   would   be   less   enjoyable   for   him.   the   fact   that   she   herself   is   telling   him   these   things   means   there   is   trust   between   them   ━━   one   that   goes   beyond   their   work   partnership.   he   covets   that   trust   more   than   anything right now   &   he   plans   to   keep   it   sacred   for   as   long   as   she   decides   to   keep   trusting   him.
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today   they   are   speaking   about   their   humble   beginnings   ,   already   having   finished   going   over   intel   about   his   latest   mission.   emily   speaks   about   having   been   in   the   field   herself   once   upon   a   time   &   loid   hides   a   smile   as   he   drinks   his   coffee   ,   listening   earnestly   to   her   past   adventures.   ❝   did   you   think   i   had   it   in   me   ?   ❞   emily's   coy   &   teasing   lilt   is   admittedly   music   to   loid's   ears.   his   smile   comes   easier   whenever   he's   around   her   &   it's   becoming   harder   to   keep   his   stoic   persona   intact   whenever   they   meet in person.   one   sentence   from   her   &   his   walls   come   crumbling   down   ,   but   rather   than   try   to   hastily   build   them   back   up   again   ,   he   allows   her   to   do   this.   these   feelings   are   dangerous   .   .   .   he   shouldn't   allow   himself   to   enjoy   their   meetings   ,   but   he   hasn't   had   this   sort   of   happiness   in   so   long.   perhaps   sebastian   is   right   .   .   .   he   should   allow   himself   something.   perhaps   someone.   ❝   oh   ,   i   have   no   doubt   you   were   brilliant   in   the   field   ,   ❞   loid   offers   politely   ,   his   smile   gentle   &   soft   ━━   a   rare   sight   to   be   seen.   ❝   i   do   think   you're   much   better   suited   at   the   computer.   you   have   an   intelligence   that   is   unmatched   by   other agents.   you   see   things   that   i   cannot   &   have   saved   me   countless   times.   i   wouldn't   be   here   with   you   if   not   for   your   guidance   ,   honestly.   ❞   another   sip   of   his   coffee   ,   surprised   by   how   easily   compliments   leave   his   lips   whenever   he's   around   her.   ❝   is   this   what   you   plan   to   do   for   the   remainder   of   your   career   ?   please don't   see   this   as   me   wanting   you   to   leave   ,   i'd   never   want   that   .   .   .   ❞   absolutely   not.   ❝   i   only   mean   that   .   .   .   you're   so   smart   ,   miss   ━━   i   mean   ,   emily.   you   seem   much   better   suited   for   bigger   things.   better   things   ,   if   you   don't   mind   me   saying.   ❞
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