#˗ˏˋ ᵉᵖᶤˡᵒᵍᵘᵉ· answered ﹕ words are not enough.
wovetalesarc · 3 months
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it’s    been    quite    some    time    since    the    young    heir    to    house    ravenswood found    himself    in    king's    landing    ,    but    its    essential    that    he    mingles    with    those    in    the    castle    despite    having    little    care    of    who    these    people    are    ,    only    here    for    appearances    &    nothing    more.    he    dreads    having    to    speak    to    the    hightower's    once    this    ball    is    done    ,    as    he    know    they    will    insist    that    his    family    bend    the    knee    to    aegon    &    offer    benefits    as    to    why    that    is    the    right    side    to    choose.    theo    was    not    in    attendance    when    his    father    bent    the    knee    to    rhaenyra at the time she was pronounced heir    ,    but    he    knows    if    his    father    were    alive    ,    he'd    want    to    see    through    to    his    vow    &    keep    his    promise    to    the    peaceful    king    viserys    ,    who    ,    gods    rest    him    ,    kept    the    realms    as    safe    as    they    had ever    have    been.    it    seems    to    be    an    easy    choice    ,    but    his    house    remains    divided    on    the    subject    ,    many    wanting    to    fulfill    their    oath to the king    ,    while    others    follow    a    more    traditional    line    of    thinking.    nevertheless    ,    theo    will    have    to    deal    with    that    conversation    later    whether    he    wants    to    or    not    ,    but    there    is    no    reason    why    he    shouldn't    enjoy    himself    with    a    dance or two for the time being    ,    smiling    as    he    approaches    lady    alicent's    only    daughter    ,    @denouemente    ,    offering    a    hand    so    that    he    may    lead    her    to    the    dance    floor.
gently    ,    he    takes    her    into    his    arms    to    lead    ,    but    she    seems    resistive    to    the    touch    at    first    ,    or    at    least    ,    it    appears    that    way.    concern    crosses    theo's    features    when    she    seems    hesitant    to    look    his    way    &    the    last    thing    he'd    ever    want    is    to    make    a    lady    uncomfortable.    ❝    so    obviously    this    isn't    the    result    you    wanted    today    ,    ❞    the    lady    helaena    speaks    softly    to    him    &    all    theo    can    do    in    response    is    offer    a    smile    that    doesn't    quite    reach    his    eyes    ,    her    dejected response    speaking    a    thousand    words    as    to    her    situation    living    in    his    castle.
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❝    actually    ,    this    is    perfect.    ❞    he    isn't    jesting    in    the    slightest.    wanting    to    remain    respectful    ,    he    keeps    their    hand    holding    loose    &    featherlight    ,    allowing    her    the    chance    to    move    away    should    she    need    to    do    so.    greens    or    blacks    don't    matter    here.    all    he    wants    is    to    ensure    this    poor    girl    is    content    ,    even    if    its    just    for    a    brief    moment    in    time.    ❝    you    saved    me    from    having    a    very    uncomfortable    conversation    with    your    grandsire.    if    anything    ,    you've    saved    me    lady    helaena    &    i    can't    thank    you    enough.    ❞    theo    grins    ,    now    slowly    leading    the    young    woman    into    a    gentle    sway    ,    the    music    joyous    &    beautiful    as    they    move    together    &    the    song    ends    faster    than    they    expected.    he    bows    before    her    &;    releases    her hands    ,    but    he    doesn't    move    away    just    yet    ,    &    a    part    of    him    isn't    too    sure    why.    ❝    i    would    love    to    dance    with    you    more    ,    my    lady    ,    but    i    believe    the    cooks    just    brought    out    some    cake    that    i    cannot    take    my    eyes    from.    ❞    he    grins    mischievously    ,    head    tilting    toward    the    table    where    the    cake    lies.    ❝    shall    we    investigate    it    together    ?    ❞
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wovetalesarc · 1 month
"this does not look safe." buzzy grips the woven handrail of the rickety bridge and shoots milo a look of discomfort. "are you sure this will hold both of us? i don't want to go careening into that river below. pretty sure i see a crocodile or two. are you scared of crocodiles, milo?" buzzy takes a tentative step and yelps when the wooden plank creaks. "oh no. it's going to break. we're going to die."
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as   the   only   one   who   can   read   the   dead   language   scribbled   across   the   old   journal   ,   it's   the   linguist's   responsibility   to   translate   &   lead   his   fellow   team   mates   in   the   right   direction   towards   what   will   hopefully   be   an   ancient   civilization.   just   because   he's   leading   the   charge   doesn't   mean   every   direction   will   be   safe   ,   but   luckily   nothing   has   really   caused   them   any   trouble   so   far.   that   is   ,   until   they   reached   the   bridge.   shoot.   buzzy   has   a   point   about   the   bridge's   less   than   sturdy   state   &   as   much   as   milo   wants   to   move   forward   &   go   in   the   direction the   journal   says   ,   he'd   like   to   not   die   if   at   all   possible.   at   the   mention   of   crocodiles   ,   milo   shudders   at   the   idea of falling into the waters down where they laid.   imagine   getting   torn   apart   by   one   of   those   creatures the moment you hit the water.   with   how   lean   he   is   ,   it'll   probably   only   take   less   than   five   seconds   to   gobble   him   up. yeah . . . best to avoid the bridge all together.
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❝   whoa   ,   hey   ,   hey.   no   is   going   to   die   ,   alright   ?   let's   take   a   bunch   of   steps   backwards   everyone.   several   steps.   ❞   milo's   not   even   going   to   test   the   bridge   himself   to   see   if   it's   even   possible   to   cross   it.   he   may   be   out   here   on   an   adventure   for   the   first   time   ever   ,   but   even   he's   not   that   daring.   he's   less   like   indiana   jones   &   more   like   .   .   .   well   ,   there   aren't   many   heroes   who   like   him   ,   now   are   there   ?   a   hand   rests   on   buzzy's   shoulder   as   he   drags   him   away   from   the   bridge   &   away   from   the   group   they're   working   with   ,   wanting   a   private   word   without   the   others   listening   in.   once   he's   sure   they're   alone   ,   milo   let's   the   panic   in   his   face   show   ,   clearly   worried   about   the   next   step   in   their   expedition   if   they   can't   use   the   bridge.   ❝   you   ,   uh   ,   got   any   ideas   where   else   we   could   go   to   get   around   this   ?   i   mean   ,   the   journal   says   the   bridge   is   the   way   forward   ,   but   if   we   want   to   avoid   sudden   death   ,   then   i   guess   we   gotta   go   a   different   way.   ❞   milo   turns   back   to   look   at   the   bridge   &   shivers   again   as   it   gently   shakes   with   the   passing   wind.   ❝   you're   good   at   solving   puzzles.   could   you   use   your   expertise   to   figure   out   a   new   path   for   us   ?   ❞
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wovetalesarc · 5 months
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when   it   came   to   doing   anything   adventurous   or   different   ,   gillian   was   always   the   one   ready   to   take   the first  leap.   the   youngest   owens   sister   had   been   trying   to   escape   the   dreariness   of   her   old   ,   massachusetts   town for as long as she can remember   ,   doing   anything   that   could   remotely   entertain   her   or   distract   her   from   her   less   than   adventurous   life.   the   moment   she   turned   eighteen   ,   she   ran   off   with   a   man   she   barely   knew   ,   but   once   that   romance   ended   ,   she   continued   to   travel   from   state   to   state   ,   having   no   interest   in   returning   to   the   home   where   her   aunts   &   her   sister   still   remained.   oh   ,   how   she   wished   sally   would   have   joined   her   ━━   no   doubt   the   two   of   them   would   have   had   a   blast   trying   new   things   &   enjoying   places   that   has   never   once   heard   of   the   owens'   family   name.   unfortunately   ,   sally   was   the   more   practical   of   the   two   sisters   ,   &   she   would   rather   remain   at   home   &   continue   to   try   &   have   a   normal   life   despite   their   upbringing   ,   a   fact   that   gillian   will   never   understand about her sister.   still   ,   they   write   often   &   when   she   told   sally   that   she   would   be   starring   in   a   play   for   the   very   first   time   ,   she   didn't   even believe   her.   her   disbelief   only   made   gillian   smile   all   the   more   ,   determined   to   show   her   sister   just   how   far   she   was   willing   to   try   new   things.
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admittedly   ,   gillian   was   terrified   of   being   on   stage.   getting   the   role   in   this   play   happened   almost   completely   out   of   the   blue.   as   she   just   arrived   to   the   city   of   new   york   ,   her   curiosity   brought   her   to   a   walk   -   in   audition   ,   where   she   decided   to   peak   into on a whim.   when   the   director   saw   her   big   ,   fluffy   red   hair poking from behind the door   ,   he   immediately   gave   her   the   role   without   a   second   thought.   gillian   was   shocked   at   his   insistence   ,   though   she   should   have   known   this   would   happen.   men   were   dazzled   by   her   looks   wherever   she   went   &   it   was   only   a   matter   of   time   before   that   bit   of   magic   followed   her   here too.   she   was   nervous   &   worried   she   wouldn't   do   a   good   of   a   job   ,   the   last   time   she   ever   was   on   stage   was   for   a   class   performance   of   the   national   anthem   in   the   eight   grade.   luckily   ,   she's   managed   to   make   friends   with   some   of   her   co   -   stars   who   didn't   seem   to   be   too   bothered   by   her   lack   of   acting   skill , mainly @tragicale , who treated her as another person & not as someone he simply wanted to lure in his bed.   sitting   on   the   edge   of   the   stage   after   practice   ,   gillian   vented   to   james   about   her   worries   ,   which   he   eagerly   attempts   to   soothe.   ❝   of   course   they   will   remember   you   ,   ❞   he   says   with   a   smile   ,   &   gillian   merely   smiles   brightly   ,   knowing   he   meant   it   &   wasn't   just   trying   to   cheer her up.   ❝   really   ?   you   mean   in   a   good   way   ,   right   ?   not   in   the   :   ❛   i'm   going   to   be   terrible   ❜   kind   of   way   ?   ❞   she   laughs   ,   brushing   back   her   hair   as   she   looks   out   to   the   empty   seats.   they   would   be   filled   in   a   few   weeks   time   ;   every   pair   of   eyes   set   on   her   the   moment   she   crosses   the   stage.   she   shivers.   ❝   i   just   don't   want   people   to   think   i'm   treating   this   as   a   game.   i   want   to   honestly   do   my   best   &   put   on   a   good   show.   my   sister   doesn't   even   really   believe   i'm   actually   doing   this.   ❞   she   sighs.   ❝   i   can't   blame   her   though.   i   am   a   bit   spontaneous   when   it   comes   to   my   decision   making.   ❞
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wovetalesarc · 5 months
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it's   customary   for   WISE   agents   to   meet   with   their   handlers   in   an   open   environment   to   avoid   suspicion , usually a nice little café just outside of the city.   their   conversations   would   appear   pleasant   as they drink their coffees , but   within   the   words   lies   a   secret   code   stashed   between   each   verb   &   noun   ,   allowing   for   the   passage   of   information   to   safely   cross   one   another   without   anyone   else   knowing   any   better.   while   their   meetings   are   work   related   ,   twilight   would   not   be   able   to   deny   that   he   does   enjoy   these   moments   spent with   @satellitewar.   in   between   their   secret   messages   are   real   conversations   about   who   they   are   outside   of   their   work   ,   what   it   was   like   working   with   sebastian   at   treadstone   before   she   became   apart   of   WISE   &   vice   versa.   slowly   all   the   pieces   of   the   puzzle   that   is   emily   kelso   is   finally   coming   together   &   loid   rather   likes   that   she's   the   one   handing   the   pieces   over to him one   by   one   each   time   they   meet.   he's   a   master   spy   ━━   he   could   easily   retrieve   her   file   &   figure   out   everything   about her for   himself   ,   but   that   would   be   less   enjoyable   for   him.   the   fact   that   she   herself   is   telling   him   these   things   means   there   is   trust   between   them   ━━   one   that   goes   beyond   their   work   partnership.   he   covets   that   trust   more   than   anything right now   &   he   plans   to   keep   it   sacred   for   as   long   as   she   decides   to   keep   trusting   him.
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today   they   are   speaking   about   their   humble   beginnings   ,   already   having   finished   going   over   intel   about   his   latest   mission.   emily   speaks   about   having   been   in   the   field   herself   once   upon   a   time   &   loid   hides   a   smile   as   he   drinks   his   coffee   ,   listening   earnestly   to   her   past   adventures.   ❝   did   you   think   i   had   it   in   me   ?   ❞   emily's   coy   &   teasing   lilt   is   admittedly   music   to   loid's   ears.   his   smile   comes   easier   whenever   he's   around   her   &   it's   becoming   harder   to   keep   his   stoic   persona   intact   whenever   they   meet in person.   one   sentence   from   her   &   his   walls   come   crumbling   down   ,   but   rather   than   try   to   hastily   build   them   back   up   again   ,   he   allows   her   to   do   this.   these   feelings   are   dangerous   .   .   .   he   shouldn't   allow   himself   to   enjoy   their   meetings   ,   but   he   hasn't   had   this   sort   of   happiness   in   so   long.   perhaps   sebastian   is   right   .   .   .   he   should   allow   himself   something.   perhaps   someone.   ❝   oh   ,   i   have   no   doubt   you   were   brilliant   in   the   field   ,   ❞   loid   offers   politely   ,   his   smile   gentle   &   soft   ━━   a   rare   sight   to   be   seen.   ❝   i   do   think   you're   much   better   suited   at   the   computer.   you   have   an   intelligence   that   is   unmatched   by   other agents.   you   see   things   that   i   cannot   &   have   saved   me   countless   times.   i   wouldn't   be   here   with   you   if   not   for   your   guidance   ,   honestly.   ❞   another   sip   of   his   coffee   ,   surprised   by   how   easily   compliments   leave   his   lips   whenever   he's   around   her.   ❝   is   this   what   you   plan   to   do   for   the   remainder   of   your   career   ?   please don't   see   this   as   me   wanting   you   to   leave   ,   i'd   never   want   that   .   .   .   ❞   absolutely   not.   ❝   i   only   mean   that   .   .   .   you're   so   smart   ,   miss   ━━   i   mean   ,   emily.   you   seem   much   better   suited   for   bigger   things.   better   things   ,   if   you   don't   mind   me   saying.   ❞
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wovetalesarc · 5 months
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it's   always   nice   to   have   company   down   in   the   boiler   room   ,   though   it   does   make   him   feel   a   little   bad   to   have   his   friend   @satellitewar   here   &   not   showing   him   around   the   smithsonian.   a   man   like   him   has   probably   seen   this   place   dozens   of   times in his life already   ,   but   this   would   have   been   the   first   time   milo would of   had   the   opportunity   to   tour   the   place   as   someone   who   has   an   ❛   in   ❜   at   the   building.   unfortunately   for   the   linguist   ,   milo   was   called   for   a   last   minute   shift   due   to   the   boiler   acting   up   again.   why   a   place   like   the   esteemed   smithsonian   doesn't   just   replace   the   darn   thing   is   beyond   his scope of understanding   ,   but   it's   a   job   that   pays   the   bills   &   keeps   him   close   to   the   work   he   truly   wants   to   do   someday   ,   as   well   as   keep   him   close   to   the   work   his   grandpa   so   truly   loved   ,   god   rest   his   soul.
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bent over & toying   with   the   knobs   of   the   boiler to adjust the heat   ,   he   looks   over   his   shoulder   to   smile   at   his   friend   ,   hopeful   he   isn't   too   bored   hanging   around   here.   at   least   he   made   the   boiler   room   more   at   home   with   his   own   little   touches   here   &   there.   if   someone   were   to   enter   here   ,   they'd   think   it   was   a   professor's   office   &   not   just   the   basement   of   the   esteemed   smithsonian.   ❝   quick.   tell   me   something   awful   ,   ❞   shawky   suddenly   says   ,   &   the   sentence   throws   him   off   so   much   that   milo   bangs   his   head   on   a   pipe   as   he   stands   up fully.   he   should   be   used   to   shawky's   random   outbursts   of   energy   by   now   ,   but   he   still   manages   to   take   him   by   surprise.   ❝   ow ! ah   jeez   .   .   .   something   awful   ?   ❞   as   he   tries   to   think   ,   he   lets   a   hand   run   over   his   head   ,   soothing   the   soreness   of   his   injury   as   best   he   can.   ❝   i   mean   ,   take   your   pick   ,   i'm   always   unlucky   all   the   time.   there's   the   one   time   i   fell   face   first   in   front   of   the   board   of   directors   ,   the   time   i   leaned   against   a   stall   in   the   bathroom   &   accidentally   pushed   the   door   open.   the   most   embarrassing   thing   as   of   recent   was   how   i   mixed   up   some   of   my   presentation   slides   with   photos   from   my   beach   trip.   ❞   all   of   said   photos   were   not   of   a   lewd   degree   ,   thank   god   ,   but   he   was   all   clad   in   his   floaties   &   gear   ,   &   that   earned   a   lot   of   teasing   that   is   still   ongoing.   ❝   is   this   your   way   of   entertaining   yourself   while   i   finish   up   work   ?   ❞   milo   smiles   sheepishly   ,   guilt   now   settling   in.   ❝   i   know   this   is   boring   ,   shawky   &   i'm   sorry   to   drag   you   with   me   to   work.   i'm   almost   done   here   &   then   we   can   do   whatever   you   want   ,   i   promise   you   ,   alright   ?   ❞
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wovetalesarc · 4 months
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in   times   of   trouble   or   incredible   sadness   ,   it   is   very   common   for   those   in   need   to   seek   solace   or   assistance   from   the   church.   the   institution   is   not   only   a   place   of   worship   ,   but   also   a   safe   place   where   you   can   share   thoughts   or   feelings   &   seek   assistance   when   needed.   the   priest   has   had   many   people   speak   to   him   after   service   of   all   their   woes   or   even   all   the   sins   they   regret ,   &   he   meets   them   all   with   a   smile   &   kind   words   ,   sometimes   a   prayer   if   the   need   the   extra   boost   of   protection.   becoming   a   priest   originally   wasn't   in   the   plans   for   him   ,   but   seeing   as   his   family   reputation   had   been   utterly   destroyed   thanks   to   his   brother   ,   he   felt   this   was   the   only   path   he   would   ever   truly   find   peace.   he   enjoys   helping   others   &   there   is   a   relief   he   feels   no   longer   having   to   stress   about   finding   a   wife   during   the   courting   season.   now   he   can   focus   on   his   sermons   ,   the   lord   &   helping   the   rest   of   the   ton   whenever   they're   in   need   ,   hopeful   to   make   this   world   a   better   place   one   step   at   a   time.
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today   is   no   different   as   he   finds   a   mister   @regencis ﹙ as benedict   bridgerton   ﹚ seeking   help   after   service.   the   bridgertons   have   always   been   a   kind   group   &   in   regular   attendance   ,   &   he   respects   them   all   incredibly.   if   there   was   to   be   a   perfect   image   of   a   family   ,   they   would   fit   that   bill   ,   but   even   the   most   beautiful   of   families   undergo   their   own   issues.   it   seems   young   bridgerton   is   still   struggling   to   find   a   wife   ,   or   rather   ,   seems   less   than   enthused   at   the   idea   of   settling   down.   these   were   thoughts   he   himself   thought himself   before   he   joined   the   priesthood   ,   but   he   understands   how   benedict   feels   ,   but   knows   it   is   his   duty   to   carry   on   the   family   name   &   bring   heirs   to   continue   the   bridgerton   family   line.   ❝   you   have   no   desire   to   marry   ,   sir   bridgerton   ?   ❞   he   asks   with   a   soft   smile   ,   a   gesture   that   shows   no   judgement   or   horror   as   many   others   might   do.   here   in   the   church   ,   he   needn't   worry   of   judgement.   ❝   yeah   ,   i'm   .   .   .   confused   about   that   ,   ❞   benedict   manages   to   say   ,   though   part   of   the   priest   wonders   if   that   is   truly   the   truth.   surely   he   has   some   idea   as   to   why   the   thought   of   marriage   or   settling   done   is   less   than   favorable   to   him   ?   ah   ,   but   he   is   here   not   to   question   ━━   he's   only   here   to   support.   ❝   when   i   once   was   apart   of   society   ,   i   too   had   my   reservations   ,   ❞   he   admits   softly   ,   remembering   how   his   parents   fussed   about   him   dressing   well   &   courting   the   right   woman. ❝ i   understand   not   feeling   ready   to   marry   ,   especially   with   how   .   .   .   enthusiastic   many   of   the   women   are   at   times.   ❞   the   women   &   their   mothers   ,   he   thinks.   ❝   there's   no   need   to   be   confused   ,   sir   bridgerton.   you   are   allowed   to   have   thoughts   &   feelings   about   this   whole   endeavor   ,   but   don't   worry.   i'm   sure   in   time   you'll   find   the   right   woman   who   will   give   you   a   sense   of   happiness   &   peace   that   you   deserve.   you   only   need   to   give   it   some   time.   ❞
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wovetalesarc · 4 months
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it   always   felt   good   helping   others   in   small   ways   ,   be   it   with   a   smile   after   service   or   a   short   conversation   at   a   church function.   helping   others   has   always   been   his   sort   of   calling   it   seemed   ,   &   people   gravitated   toward   his   help   &   sought   him   out   whenever   life   took   a   turn   for   the   worst.   even before   he   joined   the   priesthood   ,   he   really   enjoyed   offering   his help   to   others   ,   but   the   kindness   he   shared   would   eventually   lead   to   deeper   feelings   &   drag   him   down   a   hole   that   became   almost   difficult   to   really   get   out   of.   that's   why   the   priesthood   is   really   so   good   for   him   in   the   long   run.   now   he   can   focus   on   helping   others   &   there's   no   mess   in   it   ,   &   he   can   fully   focus   on   others   without   having   to   ever   think   about   himself or his own long list of problems.   it's   better   this   way   ,   he   thinks.   it   makes   things   less   complicated   &   more   peaceful   for   him   ,   albeit   a   bit   fucking   lonely.
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the   loneliness   is   the   price   you   pay   when   you   give   your   life   to   the   church   calling.   it's   what   makes   these   moments   spent   with   people   outside   of   the   church   all   the   more   meaningful.   sharing   a   gin   &   tonic   with   a   priest   probably   isn't   something   most   had   on   their   yearly   bingo   card   ,   but   he   does   appreciate   @erebius   for   taking   him   up   on   his   offer   ,   the   two   of   them   sitting   in   the   courtyard   on   a   nice   ,   sunny   day.   pam   ,   a   notoriously   nosy   volunteer   ,   is   not   in   today   due   to   some   family   emergency  or what   have   you   ,   so   he   doesn't   need   to   hide   his   alcohol for once.   the   last   time   he   remembers   sharing   a   gin   &   tonic   with   someone   was   with   .   .   .   well   ,   best   not   to   think   about   her   that.   ❝   i'm   a   crazy   person.   ❞   the   statement   comes   out   of   nowhere   ,   but   it   doesn't   surprise   the   priest   at   all   to   hear   it.   instead   ,   he   just   takes   a   sip   of   his   drink   &   directs   all   his   attention   to   victor   ,   a   man   who   definitely   isn't   the   sort   to   go   to   church   ,   but   clearly   needed   a   friend   ,   just   as   he   needed   one   himself.   it's   odd   to   think   priests   could   ever   have   friends   ,   but   he's   trying   his   damndest.   he   doesn't   want   to   sink   into   another   hole   like   he   did   after   .   .   .   ❝   yeah   ,   i   reckon   you   must   be   if   you're   hanging   out   with   a   priest   &   drinking   right   before   noon.   ❞   he   laughs   ,   taking   another   drink   without   a   care.   it's   five   o'clock   somewhere.  ❝   you're   not   crazy   ,   victor.   craziness   is   subjective   ,   anyway.   you   could   be   crazy   smart   ,   or   crazy   in   the   creative   sense   .   .   .   eccentric   , i   think   is   the   right   term   ,   &   no   one   would   lock   you   away.   i'd   say   you're   the   right   sort   of   crazy.   the   kind   that   is   living   life   &   handling   it   as   best   he   can.   ❞   he   doesn't   know   victor   very   well   yet   ,   but   something   tells   him   there's   more   to   his   story   if   he's   seeking   company   from   a   priest   when   he   isn't   a   religious   man.   ❝   me   ?   oh   ,   i'm   definitely   a   fucking   nutcase.   a   priest   ,   dinking   g   &   t's   ,   swearing   all   the   time   &   bluntly   telling   others   what   i   think   ?   ❞   hiding   my   problems   behind   the   priesthood   ,   almost   throwing   it   all   away   for   the   woman   i   loved   .   .   .   ❝   yeah.   yeah   ,   i'm   fucking   mental   ,   i   tell   you   .   .   .   ❞
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wovetalesarc · 1 month
˗ˏˋ     ᵈʳᵃᶠᵗ·     dear   marta cabrera   ,   let   me   get   a   good   look   at   you.   |   sincerely ,  @amreality   as  benoit blanc.
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&   once   again   ,   sherlock   has   reunited   with   his   watson   ━━   an   inevitable   duo   that   always   managed   to   cross   paths   regardless   of   where   life   takes   them.   marta   recently   read   about   blanc's   last   case   regarding   miles   bron   &   it   felt   good   to   know   that   he   adjusted   so   well   after   the   pandemic   truly   shook   their   worlds   ,   forcing   them   to   remain   locked   inside   for   an   indefinite   amount   of   time.   blanc   never   struck   her   as   someone   who   could   really   stay   in   one   place   for   too   long   without   going   insane   ,   so   she was happy   to see him   working   &   doing   well   to   continue   to   make   a   name   for   himself.   she   herself   has   become   a   sort   of   big   name   too   ,   handling   harlan's   publishing   company   on   top   of   adjusting   to   her   new   life   of   luxury.   marta   still   struggles   with   all these new responsibilities added to her life   ,   but   at   least   she   doesn't   struggle   alone   ,   having   moved   in   her   mother   &   sister   into   the   mansion   once   covid   began   &   ever   since   then   ,   they   just   sort   of   stayed   there . honestly   , marta's   glad   for   it.   the   mansion   felt   so   lonely   now   that   harlan   was   gone   &   she's   found   herself   with   few   friends   &   even   less   ever   since   she   inherited   harlan's   fortune.   seeing   blanc   was   more   than   just   a   treat   ,   it   was   a   godsend   ━━   finally   ,   a   friend   she   could   spend   time   with & who won't try to haggle money out of her.
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marta   smiles   as   she   stands   straight   with   her   arms   outstretched   slightly   ,   giving   the detective   a   small   twirl   as   she   showcases   the   dress   she   chose   for   the   occasion.   catching   marta   in   a   dress   or   any   formal   wear   is   rare   considering   she   so   often   enjoys   her   colorful   pants   &   sweaters   ,   but   she's   been   trying   to   spice   up   her   wardrobe   a   bit   ,   wanting   to   try   something   different   for   once   &   maybe   to   also   appease   her   mother   who   always   wants   her   &   her   sister   to   dress   in   something   more   ❛   eye   catching.   ❜   her   mother   so   wants   her   to   find   a   husband   ,   but   honestly   ,   that   couldn't   be   furthest   from   her   mind.   ❝   am   i   doing   a   good   job   playing   the   part   of   a   millionaire   ?   ❞   she   teases   ,   though   she   prays   he   says   no.   even   with   all   these   changes   ,   she   wants   to   remain   humble.   ❝   you've   been   keeping   yourself   busy   ,   blanc.   i'm   happy   for   you.   how's   phillip   by   the   way   ?   you   still   need   to   introduce   me   to   him   soon.   i   would   love   to   try   this   homemade   sourdough   you   keep   mentioning   he   makes. ❞
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wovetalesarc · 4 months
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there   are eyes   everywhere   as   gillian   leaves   her   trailer   to   head   for   the   stage   ,   a   mix   of   judgment   &   desire   following   her   as   she   does   her   best   to   ignore   it   all.   oh   ,   she   knows   what   they   all   want   to   say to her   ━━   she's   heard   it   all   before.   it   was   worse   when   she   was   younger   &   there   was   no   one   around to   stop   them   ,   but   now   ?   now   she   was   making   appearances   on   television   ,   her   abilities   unmatched   as   the   newly   beloved   love   witch   ━━   the   mistress   of   love   &   good   fortune   ,   guaranteed   to   find   you   a   love   match   with   only   a   few   simple   readings & spells.   these   people   want   to   call   her   what   they think she   is ﹙ a bitch , a phony , a fraud ﹚   ,   but   perhaps   there   is   fear   that   she   might   be   just   what   they   assume   her   not be.   a   witch   ,   a   demon   .   .   .   someone   who   could   hex   them   with   merely   one   simple   look.   they're   not   wrong   to   fear   her   ,   as   she   could   mess   around   with   them   if   she   so   desired   ﹙   they're   lucky   sal   isn't   here   ,   as   she's   the   most   powerful   owens'   woman   to   date   ﹚   ,   but   gillian   has   no   interest   in   causing   trouble   right   now.   she   was   hired   to   do   this   show   &   she   intends   to   finish   her   part   so   she   can   finally   head   on   the road to   her   next   assignment.   all   of   this   is   just   work   to   her   ━━   a   distraction   from   the   fact   that   she   can   find   love   for   anyone   who   approaches   her   ,   except   for   herself.
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as   she   approaches   the   stage   ,   gillian   whips   out   a   cigarette   from   her   pocket   &   begins   to   smoke   as   crew   members   move   around   her.   it's   probably   not   safe   to   be   doing   this   in   such   a   closed   space   ,   but   she   needs   something   to   take   the   edge   off   before   they   begin   rolling.   out   of   the   corner   of   her   eye   ,   she   spots   @niteowling   pacing   about   his   late   night   set   &   she's   quick   to   walk   towards   him   &   offer   him   a   hand   in   greeting   &   bright   smile   ━━   a   peace   offering   of   sorts   for   what's   to   come.   in   addition   to   talking   about   her   work   ,   the   producers   did   mention   wanting   gillian   to   show   off   her   abilities   &   they   wanted   her   to   use   jack   as   a   subject.   it's   no   secret   that   jack   recently   lost   his   wife   only   about   a   year   ago   &   gillian   can   only   imagine   the   stress   he   must   be   feeling   having   to   endure   this   kind   of   pressure.   ❝   i'm   bitter   ,   but   i   swear   i'm   fine   ,   ❞   the   talk   host   assures   ,   which   gillian   can't   help   but   answer   with   a   gentle   laugh.   ❝   it's   okay   to   be   not   be   okay   ,   you   know.   ❞   gillian   smiles   ,   sympathetic   to   his   stress.   she   let's   a   hand   rest   on   his   shoulder   ,   patting   it   gently   before   withdrawing   completely.   ❝   the   producers   are   idiots   if   they   think   me   reading   your   love   fortune   is   a   good   idea.   it's   insensitive   ,   really.   we   could   easily   get   an   audience   member   to   volunteer   &   i   showcase   my   work   that   way.   you   get   your   views   ,   i   prove   myself   &   you   can   rest   easy.   ❞   gillian   turns   her   head   up   &   blows   a   big   puff   of   smoke   ,   the   taste   of   the   nicotine   already   helping   to   calm   her   own   nerves.   ❝   i'm   sorry   for   your   loss   by   the   way   ,   ❞   she   offers   gently   ,   her   eyes   only   widening   a   touch   when   she   only   just   realized   how   insensitive   she   must   seem   ,   smoking   in   front   of   him   when his wife died of   .   .   .   ❝   oh   shit.   ❞   immediately   ,   she   places   her   cigarette   on   the   ground   &   stops   it   out   with   her   faux   leather   boot   ,   dread   flooding   her   pale   features   as   she   turns   back   to   look   at   jack   ,   full   of   sympathy   &   embarrassment.   ❝   sorry   about   that. i wasn't thinking.   ❞
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wovetalesarc · 5 months
˗ˏˋ      ᵖʳᵒˡᵒᵍᵘᵉ·            out   of   character            ﹕      part   one.
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