#˗ˏˋ smw: deadbydaylight
smemento · 3 years
Hello ! Mind if I request Michael , Herman , frank , and Danny falling in love with the new survivor ? It could be a first look thing or an action she did / comment she made that made them just 😳
Slashers Being in Awe (/Falling in Love) with the New Survivor. 
Content Tag(s): Weird, Violence (Ofc), (Horror), Suggestive. Be wary because these guys are all really odd in this. Especially because you got their attention. :) 
(Would you call this like... yandare behavior? I don’t know much about that ahaha. )
Paring(s): (The Shape) Michael Myers || (The Doctor) Herman Carter || (The Legion) Frank Morrison || (The Ghostface) Danny Johnson (x GN!Reader, Separately)  
((Reader is pretty badass in this imo))
A/N: Hello hello! Thank you for this request <3! I actually had a lot of fun writing this as I got to write these Slashers more in character!,,, I hope you, along with everyone else enjoys this! (I hope no one minds me writing the reader as GN, pronouns weren’t really used in this writing anyway so :,)) 
Michael Myers. “Gnaw.” 
The smell of wood had poisoned your nostrils, causing you to wake up with a rough start of coughs and an itchy nose. It took a while to get fully comfortable with yourself, only processing that you were in some weird- barn. (Coldwin Farm). 
Despite always believing you should never explore a place you don’t know, you allowed yourself to walk about. Your shoes shuffling against the ‘loud’ ground as your hands graze around, feeling as if your feet would give out from this tension building in your chest.
It was a feeling that resembled the hearing of bad news, where your throat tightened and your heart sunk to your stomach... The feeling becoming horridly venomous as you entered this field. The wheat scratching against parts of your skin and face 
That feeling pissed you off and made you pause to itch at your face with frustration, feeling like some sort of dog with a sudden itch to your ear. 
That comparison only fitting whilst you instinctively perk up at a noise. Your chin raising a bit as your head turned to the sound, just to get a better listen... It was a second of you glancing over your shoulder when you caught a glimpse of-... it. That being a pair of voids staring at you, contrasted by the pale face that was paired with it. 
Still not gathering that you were not- in fact in the ‘normal realm,’ you felt... anger bubble through your body. Boiling within moments of being put on heat as you turn, glaring at the mask. 
“What the hell are you staring at?” 
The snappy tone was louder then you expected. But you didn’t care. Your jaw clenching to a point you thought you would bare your teeth like an animal. The opposing person didn’t seem to react to your tone. At least that’s what you thought. 
Michael was truthfully taken aback by this scrawny humans tone to him... It made him feel as if he was being challenged to a fight of dominance. (Which he was.) And the way they just stood there, glaring at him with those violent eyes. 
It pissed him off. 
He took it upon himself to make the first move, his hand sweeping in the air to collide with their throat. His fingers sliding around it and lifting them into the air, showing their form off to the sun to get a better look of those animalistic eyes. 
Michael didn’t even know what was happening even as he watched their mouth open further, their chin slipping from his usual firm grip to lower and- 
A muffled noise of agony left him as he dropped them, pulling his hand back to focus on his palm... His eyes widening to see what had happened to him.  
... Little shapes of teeth had marked his hand, the fangs of their teeth cutting into his skin a bit and causing him to bleed... The survivor bit him... They BIT him. They drew blood from it... They weren’t scared of being rough (aggressive to survive.)... 
The sight of his hand even slightly mangled made his breathing heave and his chest tighten as he frantically looks around for the little thing. This was excitement. This was the feeling he got when he got to play with his obsessions at the endgame. But it was even more intoxicating. Even more EXCITING. 
If he wasn’t the way he is, he would probably be manically laughing as he started chasing after those scratch marks. Chasing after his new favorite thing. You. 
Needless to say, even with being given different obsessions during trials with you, he’d make it a point to have a good chase during your trials. All the survivors noticed that he had grown something towards you as you run through the place with him on your tail. (As he got faster when doing chases with you.) They knew he could easily swing at your back and knock you to the ground in half of your chases, but he didn’t. 
They also noticed how heavy his breathing had gotten, he would always be louder the moment he started stalking you. That being your cue to get a head start and begin the long chase of cat and mouse... He hasn’t been able to get his hands on you since the day you met, as it feels as if his body is restricting him from doing so. Or your simply just too slippery for him to catch, he even becoming a little wary with how to reach out to you as he knows you won’t hesitate to bite... 
The day he gets his hands on you though.
Whether it be by luck or his own will power. Who knows what’ll happen... Michael has thought about it but oh, there is so many possibilities. So... so many... 
Herman Carter. “Chills.” 
You’ve hated doctors since you were a child. They were creepy and all... pretty weird. At least in your experience. They just had that weird stuff going on with them, the big reason you stopped visiting any type of doctor when you actually had your own freedom to do so. 
That being said, it was completely understandable with the amount of fear you felt waking up in some sort of medical facility type of place. It made you feel disgusted to even wake up in one of the beds and you gave yourself a sort of pat down when you stood up.
You ended up encountering this random machine in a hall, it was slightly moving and sparking. Something was urging you to- fix (?) it. The fabric of your attire pulling to your palms as you reach into into the machine, turning your face away to avoid the sparks hitting your face as you turn some stuff around. 
You messed up more times then you’d like to count and it three of the nobs had started squeaking by the time you removed your hands to review the damage. The flesh being sore and sensitive and truthfully just unbearable as you tried to find a way to ease the pain.  
It was random when you were suddenly being chased by a glowy eyed creep.
Herman stumbled upon you by pure accident. He was actually on the hunt for that loud witch, as her screams of pain were getting a bit too annoying for his liking. As much as he enjoys putting others in pain, he doesn’t like their screams echoing through his halls and disorienting him of where they were exactly, and those stupid blue totems. 
Why was she even touching his totems anyway?! He spent a lot of time to get those precious things that makes sure he has a great run. After all he had moried one of them (David) and had another bleeding out on hook right now (Felix). 
Walking down a hall with another shock of his palm, a scream filled the air and he had turned the corner. Seeing the unfamiliar human experiencing his lovely shocks. And by the looks of it, they never experienced this before. Herman would’ve probably been able to get closer to his new specimen for a better look if he didn’t allow his laughter to come out and alert them. 
The chase was pretty fun. The sounds of those annoying and repeatable screams being covered and repainted by these new ones. He didn’t even notice the crows alerting him of the unhooking of Felix. Too enthralled by running this round about and charging up his shock to listen to the pitches of their screams. On how which velocity would change the pitch more then the other, or which one hurt them more as some have a high tolerance for his super charged shocks. 
But every single shock made a different noise. Nothing was the same. None of your screams were the same. It was amazing to the doctor. How one specimen could make so many noises and still sound different each ‘test.’ 
He finally allowed himself to catch up to you, cornering you to be able to tower over you. Allowing his eyes to scan over everything that he could pick from you and your tired person. Herman was needled to say very shocked (pun intended) when a force hit his chest. Light tingles of unfamiliar but familiar bolts being sent lightly through his chest. It made his back muscles tremble with a light laugh.
He got shocked by you, formed by the sleeves of your wool sweater. 
The chills that was sent through him made him feel weird. No survivor has ever tried to shock him, nonetheless make a little ‘defib’ with their own attire to try to make him back off. 
“Do it again.” 
He cackled down at the survivor. It was such a small feeling. But it felt like an after effect of lightning and thunder. The bolts of lightening that flashed through his body then screamed in thunder. He NEEDED to know how you did it. How a surviovr like yourself found such a easy mechanism to bring him in this odd state. How. How how. 
Felix and Mikaela had came to your rescue after they patched each other up at one of the blessed totems. They met to see you being corned by the Doctor, his large hand holding your wrists to force your hands against his chest. You looked like you were about to cry any second. 
Felix was luckily able to drop down a flashbang without the doctor noticing and drag you out the moment it blinded him. He was very greatful that Leon taught him how to make those things for moments like these. (Not like this really, as no one would expect the doctor to corner someone like that and not beat them down for a easy mori/hook.) --The three of you escaped with adrenaline rushing through you. The doctors shocks hitting the heels of your feet and making goosebumps shrill through your body. But neither of them stopped, nor let you go until you escaped. 
Needless to say, everyone learned that YOU needed to be kept away from the doctor around the third trial you had with him. You were thrown in with Dwight, Claudette, and David this time around. That creep was quick to shock everyone to get them insane before dropping into a chase with you... As Herman knew it’d get annoying if they kept ruining his moment of his high if they tried to take his hits (even though he calculated his swings to miss.) David tended to be the first to become sane again quite often during that trial though and suddenly swoop you out of the chase to a sharp turn or Dead Hard past the doctor. (...You were very apologetic when you could only watch David get moried by the doc...) 
Frank Morrison. “Uppercut.” 
There was no second for you to process anything before you were being chased by this weird running and masked person. You were hurtling over windows and these- weirdly made pallets. This made you feel like a gazelle, jumping about as a hungry lion roared behind it. 
After running what felt like miles, seeing some unfamiliar faces peeking around some random places covered in blood and whatnot. You grew exhausted and jumped your last window with a heavy stumble. The chaser had taken a round route for some reason but it didn’t matter, as he was gonna get a good slash if you didn’t move...
Which, your instincts took over. 
Fight or flight.
You chose to fight. 
Your first swinging in an upward motion to connect to the quickly approaching jaw. 
Frank didn’t know what happened, nor did the other survivors. (Meg, Bill, Jill.) 
You had uppercut-ted the slasher and successfully knocked out the speedy devil. That seemed to had been the only power you had left in yourself too as you fell to the ground after him, back thrashing against the wood as you sharply gasp for breath. 
The survivors, despite being shocked knew it’d be best to get everyone out there as quickly as possible. As even if it knocked him out, it’d only leave him like that for so long... Who knows how angry he’ll be when he wakes up and processes what happens too. 
Jill was the one to be teamed up with you as the other two split up to work on a gen as well. The woman had said she would protect you as you gain your energy back (if possible) after that good chase. It was quite obvious you were struggling to even understand her as you were using the generator as a form of support as you catch your breath. 
-It was a good six, calm minutes before Frank woke up though and a familiar yell of BIll echoed through the field. Frank seemed to have been yelling too, screaming something along the lines of “GET OUT THE WAY OLD MAN,” “WHERE ARE THEY?!” Or - something like that... (It was totally something like that.) 
Of course was Frank was boiling from being knocked out (molly wopped) by someone in his long history of being a killer. Yes, people fought back but god damn no one ever hit him that hard and crushed his dreams so quickly. It honestly crushed his ego. (But he also thought it was really cool when he was able to calm down. Like?? God damn, hit him again- just not as hard so he can cherish the feeling.) 
Frank honestly talked about it to the others. Even if its generally embarrassing to be hit, but practically get your ass handed to by a new survivor, its something he can boast about. It just means it’ll be a fun thing to deal with for everyone. At least in his opinion (and many others.) As its always fun to actually have a fight with someone other then David or possibly Ash. 
...Frank kinda gets heart eyes with you though. Its cool to have someone that can stand up for themselves while being chased. 
Danny Johnson. “Your It.” 
Would you really ever see yourself playing hide and seek with some murderer. No. Were you currently doing that right now? Yes. And you wren’t ashamed of it, as it was obvious he was having trouble pinpointing where you were. 
He got in chase with you a couple minutes of you waking up, it was an exciting one, he really loves moring new people. You had a cute face too, it’d be the main piece of his shrines. Danny had so many plans of the different photos he could get of you upon first meeting once he get his hands on you...
That was until you disappeared around a corner and he couldn’t find you anywhere. The crows weren’t being a big help either. As they’d call him around a corner and nothing was there. No scratch marks, no ruined totem, no survivor. No You. Nothing. So he stopped crouching and stalking around to actually just speed walk everywhere. His head on a swivel. 
Danny could practically feel his heart stop as arms wrapped around him, meeting a reflection of glass to see the figure he was hunting down. A sly smile painted on their lips as they also looked in the reflection. 
“Oh no, Mr. Ghostface... Don’t kill me, I want to be in the sequel.” 
Ah. No wonder you were messing with him... You knew who he was. And you obviously thought of something of him. (You obviously have some sort of.... never mind I’m not gonna point out the obvious >_>.) 
So, instead of being like the rest of when they first were thrown into a trial with a killer. Run away and survive. You wanted to actually play a game with him. Show him that you could get away from him as much as you want but also sneak up on him, a skill hes worked on for years of his life. In and out of this realm... You’re showing off. 
He didn’t want his sudden liking to you to be for nothing and you end up being boring. 
Danny allowed you to have your fun with him in your arms, he could easily overpower you right now, even without the boost of the entity, But he didn’t. He wants to cherish this moment and mentally picture it whenever he wishes as solid as it is in this moment. 
“Then you better start running... I’ll even give you a head start,  sweetheart.” 
The star Ghostface had a lovely smile under that mask as you were quick to slip away. Taking your warmth with you and disappearing as easily as he does when hes stalking his victims. He knew you didn’t need a headstart, it’d just put him more of a disadvantage. But hey... He loves games. Especially with ones he now NEEDS photos of. 
(Ion think I gotta say much for this one. :D *dances away.*)
SELF PROMO: Check out my OC/CANON DBD Ask Blog :)! Will be for my art! 
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smemento · 2 years
Dvd request here! Can I request survivor reader who can actually kill the killers but decided to play along with the game?? Like one time the reader decided to kill the killers just for fun? Thankyou!
Killing The Killers
Content Tag(s) : basic game violence, k!lling, mentions of gore, some sexual tension, reader discretion advised
Paring(s) : the trapper x reader || the ghostface x reader || the shape x reader || (separate)
A/N : So sorry for taking so long, life has been busy and hurtful but— I'm here (somewhat) now! // have to feed my dbd followers, also I’ve always found it easy to write Myers so forgive me for his longer part.
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TRAPPER | Evan MacMillan the foolish wolf.
“You’re the predator right up until you're prey.” - James Sa Corey
When he was free from the entity and released into the realm of the trial, his attention was captured by unfamiliar footprints nearby. They were a pair of two planted and smudged in a dense mud puddle nearby. By a normal gaze, it’d just be mistaken for an accident, a simple walk through in fear. However, when he chose to follow its direction, the truth unfolded with a shoeprint pressed too hard not to be unintentional near one of his traps.
The simple action told him this trial would probably either be the most exciting he's had recently or the most frustrating.
As he knows you are the one behind this.
Since your first arrival, you've shown that you're not meant to be hunted, nonetheless be prey. You showed that you are the peak of a human, having a high intelligence and awareness of yourself and your surroundings. With that being said, Evan is envious of your skills at adapting and conquering instead of being obedient. It’s something that even most Killers wouldn’t dare to try against the entity.
But, that also meant you’re the demise of him and the rest of the killers.
It felt as if you were the entity itself, doing what you wish without the consequences of death, knowing you can always escape.
It frustrated everyone and everything, specifically your ‘dumb luck.’ You didn't use or bring tools into trials often for the sole person of not needing them as you like to take chase. But do say if the killers are intentionally ignoring you, (something Evan does) you run off to open chests with some amazing tools or meds before finally ‘playing.’
If Evan was to find you on gen he’d try to be as quick as possible to snatch you. Of course that never happens with the way you weasel past him, a piece of your clothes or hair straying in the wind from his whiff.
Your giggle following.
Evans’ breathing was heavier than seconds before, his chest rising and easing with this familiar urgency as he stomps after his prey. He managed to get into a chase with Dwight and land hits on Bill and Feng nearby, their distant cries of pain pounding against his eardrums. But, he had tunnel vision on Dwight, wanting him out now so he didn't have to deal with everyone together.
He raised his Cleaver, eyes bloodshot as the wind slices at his swing. He would have hit that damn man to the ground now if it wasn't for you taking the hit. The smell of your blood intoxicating the air and painting both your clothes and his. This was new but a shame for him it didn't last long, you blame it on him for his tunnel vision.
“Clumsy clusmy~”
You smile, as his right foot touches the ground. The snarl of a trap snapping closed filling the air. His hunched-over form gives you the disadvantage and shoves him off of his feet, a series of snaps following, and the killer groaning in agony.
Dwight was long gone, on his way to the gate that Bill and Feng were opening. That left only you, looming over the man with this look that Evan could only say was of bloodlust. The cries of the sirens match your ragged breathing as you step a heel onto him, his disowned weapon now firm in your grasp. The same hand that poured with your blood from the gash on your back, a sloppy one that surely hurt. Yet, you couldn't feel it and he felt as if he understood why as you brought the cleaver over your head.
It was adrenaline, possibly even something else. As you successfully played rabbit long enough to fool the dumb wolf. This whole game he's forgotten his traps because of you. Because of you, he couldn't get them to stop. Because of you, he couldn't get Dwight. And because of you, he's dead.
The death was quick and as painless as possible. As if you were ending the suffering of an animal. His hand only reached out when he returned to his realm, hovering over where you once stood. Evan could've done something. But, he didn't. His body was bitten by traps, littered like poison ivy and fear(?)— no. Impossible. Was it? It made him growl as he presses his hand against his chest.
A mere human, smaller than him and what he believed, weaker than him, tired and caught its prey. Him.
He then realized as he stood that the print from the beginning was a warning. Your warning, maybe even clue or advice that he needs to be smarter. He needs to be the better hunter so he can catch the most sacred creature of all. You.
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GHOSTFACE | Danny Johnson
Smile for me.
“When you hunt predators, the best camouflage is weakness” - ANDREW VACHSS
Mr. Ghostface has always been captivated by you. He knows that you aren't just some attractive face willing to fall over for a straddle, that teasing smile and laugh is what tells him exactly that.
Like him, you're playing the game by its rules. You're obeying in your own way and just adding some fun into his life. He thanks you for that, he’ll even thank you personally if he can just manage to get his hands on your quick body. But, he can't, you know him awfully too well for his liking.
And something familiar itched him in the back of his head every time he swiveled around from a bird's call, only being welcomed by well- nothing and looking like an idiot as he walks about to make sure no one is around the corner.
Through the whole trial, you were a mere shadow in the corner of his eye. His head turned to connect and finally get in a chase with you, only for his blood to run cold. The tugging triggering in his brain as the hands trample over his cloak, tightening around him. It felt as if the fangs of a cobra latched onto his neck, its body tightening around him until he fell with a strangled gasp.
He could feel your hands going along his body before taking his beloved knife and camera.
“What do you think you're doing?” He huffed, an obvious annoyance dripping off his voice. This- was not it. At least it was something he wasn't enjoying due to the sole purpose of him not being in on the ‘plan.’ (If you know what I mean).
“I know you aren't that dumb, Ghosty “ A tone of joy kissed his ears as he was pulled back, the flash of a camera temporarily blinding him. One before the death, one after. Something that pissed Danny off to the moon was the way you handled him- after all HE’s supposed to be the one doing this! Not the other way around!
“Smile for me!”
-Were the last words he heard before the fuzz of death overtook him. Since being brought here, he knows what death feels and looks like. And he knows very well that he was dying, one attack after the other being fueled with this shot of adrenaline before his eventual death.
The layered voices of the entity show their obvious disappointment of this trial's performance. Danny grumbled to himself as he rips his mask off, running his grimy hands down his face to get rid of the remaining sweat. By the feel of it, the entity only mended him to the point he would survive, leaving him with the ache of his stabs.
He growled as he snatched up his camera, using an unneeded force while he looks through it. The photo of Meg welcoming before the next did. Where the mere sight made his body freeze, his eyes slightly widening under his mask.
Danny was unsure why he was feeling this exact way. It was a horrendous mix of attraction and competitiveness that stirred in his chest with the sight of you straddling his back; imitating his pose to the exact hold of his knife to the lean, the only real difference being the look you had. A look of a killer he thought.
A look of a challenger. Or maybe simply someone that he had to put in their place.
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THE SHAPE || Michael Myers
The other boogeyman.
“Black widows may be powerful predators, but every predator is somebody else's prey.” - Lionel
Michael is very conflicted about his emotions toward you. The only thing he knows for sure is he hates how aware you are. You don’t allow yourself to have tunnel vision when doing tasks and that means you’re always on alert. That being said, the smallest noise, whether it be by the wind or a light step, your attention is already over your shoulder.
Your hands still working with familiarity, your keen hearing focusing on both your surroundings and the task at hand. To him, it’s annoying. To others, it's applaudable. This is why he always tries to play smart if you’re in a trial.
He knows you have Spine Chill, an ability you quickly learned so you can always have a head start on something. You also don’t utilize lockers, not because you don’t know how to you’re just playing smart. After all, if you’re able to get out of his line of sight and out of the area faster, he doesn’t have a chance of catching up to you. (Also because you nearly died during a trial with Bubba and that forever stuck with you).
Long story short, you are the victim that every killer wants to kill for ‘bragging’ rights. Or at least some small validation they want from themselves.
To Michael, you're a stand-in obsession. As the entity quickly took notice of how much he truly wishes to capture you. His intents are similar to his original obsession, but maybe a bit more— possessive. As when you became Bubba’s star obsession for a bit, Myers became a bit, disobedient. The tension between the two killers abnormal and leaving the rest with a disturbance between the realms.
Since the first incident, (him brutally slaughtering Bubba) you became his new obsession if Laurie wasn’t in trial. Even if she was sometimes it’d switch between the two of you, as offerings became more prominent by the Killer when he found out you’d be in a trial.
The Offering was one that was only obtainable by the entity by his performances (sacrificing the whole trial), or lucky run-ins during them. Nothing in between due to him actually being able to get his hands on you. If he was he’d probably cut off a lock of your hair for good luck or something along those lines. After all, not everyone can have the chance to get their hands on a creature like you.
A shame that when he did, he couldn’t cherish it.
You’ve been thinking about this plan for a while, mostly because you had mutual respect and interest in the masked killer. He was the only one that truly made your nerves go haywire and goosebumps erupt on your body. That enough was respectable. To the other survivors, it felt as if you had made him an obsession. (Which isn’t entirely wrong).
However, by the end of the day, it didn’t matter. Especially when you were dragged into a trial with the wisps of the the entity, the fog thick this time around. That itself gives your fellow survivors that you were in the trial, as you’re able to utilize the fog. When stealth you can see those near you, similar to one of Dwight's skills but it only lasts for a couple of seconds with five-second break intervals. Unless the killer is near then it's 10-25 seconds. You can see them up to 10 before the timer starts. ‘See Evil’ is what it began to be called.
Michael mentally scowled for a second at the thick fog. It used to be no problem for him due to it sometimes being a level too short, meaning he’d see over it. But, the entity seemed to have changed her mind over time and returned equality between survivors and killers.
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smemento · 3 years
Dead By Daylight request! Survivors or Slashers reacting to a female!newbie/survivor having a way with animals. Some suggestions: Trapper, Myers, Oni, Ash, Bill, + whoever else you'd like. I hope this isn't too much!
Slashers & Survivors Reacting To An Animal Whisperer Reader.
Content Tag(s): Fluff
Paring(s): The Trapper/Evan MacMillan || The Shape/Michael Myers || The Oni/Kazan Yamaoka || Ash(ley) J. Williams || William “Bill” Overbeck || + Jake Park (x GN!Reader, Separately)
A/N: Not a big fan of this piece but it's all :,) ignore my spelling errors. 
The Trapper | Evan MacMillan 
Evan has a cute connection with nature already. He knew a couple of the survivors could find a way around it too, but he never had one like you.
You were the new survivor that Frank had mentioned during a recent trial. He didn't think much of it, as he thought he’d only see you through a trial.
Well he was wrong.
He actually found you setting off all his traps in his realm. When you two stood, staring at each other for a couple of minutes. He noted the small little animals on your head and shoulders. The birds looking as if they were making a nest in your hair.
When you tried to make a run for it, he snatched you by the back of your shirt. Causing the animals to scatter as you tried your best to slip away. Evan wasn’t gonna allow you though. You messed with his traps, in his realm… and you were dirty.
…He forced you to bathe when he brought you to his home. Gave you some clothes he found and that was it. Did tell you not to mess with his stuff and— simple…
He may or may not have made a little hangout area for you and your animal friends beside his home though…Totally didn’t make little door entrances either for any wolves or Cubs.
He totally did.
As the animals seek for him and cuddle when your out on trial. A heap of warm fur always welcoming him.
You as well when you return.
He actually had grown a big crush on you after a week or so. So he gets flustered whenever you join the cuddle pile but doesn’t dare move… if the entity takes him out of a trial during a session he’ll definitely make it quick and show no mercy to return as quickly as possible.
The Shape/Michael Myers
Honestly? He's never been so confused in his life. He doesn't- have any specific relationship with animals of any type. He prefers to stay away from them half of the time. Even the crows get on his nerves.
So imagine him when he heard a unfamiliar voice. Going to check it out because he can. Then the pure- just- confusion his body held when he saw you. A new survivor just cuddled up with a wolf.
He didn't even know they were around these areas.
Why the hell was that thing even letting you near it? Regardless use it as a bed?!
Myers could only watch from behind a tree. He knew that thing wouldn't let him nearer so he kept his distance... He was growing curious though. The way you- sunk into the fur. Was it really that comfortable?
As time passed he eventually figured out you had some sort of ability with animals. It didn't seem like you could command them to attack (they do it themselves) but just had a companionship with them.
When he was finally caught by you. He was ready to walk away as he physically cannot do anything to you without severe consequences. (He wanted to kill you because he didn't like you catching him actually being curious btw)
He didn't expect you to call out to him. He thought you were dumb too for even approaching him with a little squirrel on the top of your head.
Over time he- didn't care(?). He finds it annoying that the crows go quiet during trials with you though. Even when it's other survivors if you're in the trial they don't dare to move unless he's on his way. That being said he’ll highly tunnel you and get you sacrificed as quickly as possible. (Both because he's grown to have a soft spot for you and doesn't want to be inconvenienced. Especially in specific trials when the survivors decide to go play with the crows more than survive.)
Makes it up with a hug you ask nicely.
The Oni/Kazan Yamaoka
So envious of you.
He's a calm spirit at times (odd to say with his special abilities but trust me.)
So when he encounters you in his realm for the first time. He was ready to escort you out. Until he noticed you were meditating. A variant of these magnificent birds relaxing on your limbs and perched on stacked pebbles. One's which he could safely believe you managed to tower.
It was a nice to see.
Kazan wouldn't dare disturb you either, going off to do his daily duties as normal. He would try to sneak up a bit sometimes though, (will crawl if he really needed to) just to study you. The birds did get off his location after he staggered a bit too close; causing them to scream at him and for him to collapse face first. His heavy armor clattering with the fall.
The two of you stayed still for a couple of minutes before you carefully approached him. He is much larger than you so even your lending hand wouldn't help. But he accepted the act without much hesitation or rudeness.
From there, he got to ask you questions. There was a language barrier between the two of you at first. So he wrote his questions down instead where you would get help from the other survivors to translate then answer.
Is honestly super excited when you cover him in critters. Gets all jittery and makes small noises. One's which you could only describe as a purr(?)
Will constantly try to catch small frogs or animals around his realm to ask you about them. Then shares the facts with Spirit.
Ash(ley) J. Williams
Confused and impressed.
Doesn't really know what to think about it other then, oh neat. That's really cool.
If your are able to show him a wolf or a bear up close then that's when he gets pretty enthusiastic. Will joke about wanting to wrestle the animals— but isn't actually joking because you catch him doing such things minutes later.
Man's isn't scared to be mauled.
That you respected a bit. But that was also just a death wish in your mind.
The animals seemed to enjoy it though, so you couldn't stop him half of the time and ruin all the fun.
Ash is the guy to force anyone into a literal dog pile if possible. So expect being crushed or at least thrown on top of one from time to time.
Bill 'William' Overbeck
He thought he managed to get a special cigarette when he saw a stranger rubbing the belly of a damn bear.
When he knew he wasn't high he just believed he finally turned crazy. As you, the newbie was just petting the belly of a grizzly and the cubs were just casually clinging to your limbs.
Bill wouldn't say anything for a good time.
It wasn't his business unless it became his business.
He is a dog type of man, so if you bring a bunch of little wolf cubs he’d probably melt. He wouldn't mind falling asleep against a tree with th cubs in arms either.
You can catch him baby talking the canines too.
Will help you and the parents raise them. Both of you generally becoming grandparents to the wolves.
Jake Park
Forest man is severely jealous.
He was known to be able to at least hold a calm exterior with the crows of the realm. Which he was enjoying having. As no one else was able to do it.
Until you came along and birds, foxes, and even bigger mammals started coming around to visit you at camp.
Everyone has their own opinions on your ability but are always in awe of it.
Whenever someone would compliment you, Jake would roll his eyes and scoff. Simply stomping away like a baby. You couldn't blame him though. He was here first- and had a way with the birds before you did.
After a couple of hard weeks, he noticed you stopped bringing the animals back to camp. Only going out to them instead... He was told by Kate that you felt bad for making him feel ‘normal.’
Which made him feel bad.
He did his best to show you he wasn't mad or frustrated with you. Simply just jealous he didn't have a spirit like your own.
...Would eventually ask you to teach him your ways or at least about your fuzzy friends.
Managed to befriend a squirrel with your help and name him Sasquatch.
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smemento · 2 years
Omg whoever that sent in that ask on a survivor reader being smort enough to kill the killers yet still play the position of prey has the best ideas cus now I wanna see that for all the killers. Like dang. The way you wrote their interactions with the Trapper, Ghostface and Shape is really gucci owo
I wouldn’t be surprised if the Entity give that survivor reader “special privileges” or sth because of how well they understand and play the game, even more so because I get the feeling this kind of reader might be one of those who are smart enough to figure out how to leave the Entity’s realm. So the Entity might be tempted to make a bond with said reader to keep them trapped with it while also exerting more control over what they might reveal.
Sorry for the long ass post haha been stewing over the idea of having a cunning trickster like survivor reader for a while. You know like those kind of ppl who somehow manage to outwit demons or other supernatural creatures when it comes to making deals or playing games of a sort. It kind of switches up the whole usual prey-predator dynamic in a spicy way which makes it interesting to think abt. :3
I’m glad you enjoyed it! And whoever the person was I do thank them as well, as I thoroughly enjoyed the idea! Read more info below of my own ideas ab that!
(Also don’t hesitate to send me long posts, whether it be for requests, talking about one/ideas, I really do enjoy talking to people!)   vvv
We all know The Entity is smart enough not to pass up something such as an authentically intelligent survivor. Especially one who knows of the supernatural and the way it works. If the reader was to be able to find an escape, they’d be the one to have the upper hand, using their knowledge as leverage to get what they want. It’d also be a big casualty for her with the loss of one or all survivors, both for entrainment and studying purposes.
With that being said, a ‘bond,’ would definitely be placed on the table. The Reader and Entity probably share each other's secrets with the belief that neither would dare rat the other out. Which, if you're being smart, you wouldn't try something like that. As the Entity is the darkness that lurks in the shadows of your surroundings and within the crows.
Of course, even if she did betray the reader I don't doubt that it was nothing but lies being shared. As if you play your cards right, there is no point in exposing your truth and manipulating your enemy to learn theirs. So all of the info would be false or part of these fairytales.
I've thought about it once before that there's a possibility that The Entity does have a weakness. Which, if we involve the need for sacrifices it's probably some sort of necessity of death for power. Meaning that's why she might be so disappointed when a Slasher either kills with their weapons or gets little to no hooks during a trial.
As no finishes done by their skill doesn't count as a direct sacrifice. No sacrifice = no power.
(I take it as the soul = power as well, so when Survivors are determined to survive their soul is stronger. Meaning their sacrifices are more valuable which is why more gifts may be given. //It’s a big reason why leaders are authentically important in trials//)
If you were able to figure that out (whether it be that or another idea), you would be something that she thoroughly can't risk getting rid of. As even if you tried there's a stubbornness in your soul that will possibly lead you back to the Realm. That's a risk that would ruin their entire life(s) work.
To you, it is a win as you’ll probably be able to force more blessings (luck) over your head.
I’ve talked about a skill that utilizes the fog and sight of bonds, ‘See Evil,’ as it was called. It’d probably be the most helpful and maybe even shocking thing to experience the first time around, probably a sudden trigger during one of your trials against some random killer. It wasn’t really thought out other than just some sort of sight thing for stealth.
I’ve also thought of something like ‘OVERWHELM’, ‘Apex Predator’ or ‘Intimidate.’ (Name/Rename it as you wish). It’s a skill usually used when going against Slashers but can sometimes be triggered with strong emotions. (That meaning you can cause the heartbeat sort of sound and/or Spine Chill to trigger).
The skill allows a sudden switch of roles or feeling of overbearing fear to flood over anyone in your proximity or whoever may had made eye contact with you. This completely freezes those nearby for a couple of seconds. (Time, Ability + Other, depends on mastered level)
This also gives the reader the ability to overpower those who may have strength gained by the entity. (Which would be the only real reason the reader could kill someone a authentically stronger (w & w/o their buffs). ex: Pyramid Head, Nemesis, Oni)
But, I also never really think the Reader could kill those stated even without their buffs. Especially Pyramid Head (as he is canonically one of the strongest) if it doesn’t involve the entity’s help. However, if the reader is smart I don’t think they would even try to kill The Executioner or provoke him. It’s a death-wish waiting to happen due to his abnormal free will from The Entity.
General || The Reader
With the skill and wits of survival, death is something that is probably to never be expected of you. Even if you have a bond or connection with the entity, you know you can limit your abilities, both in knowledge and soul. However, a sacrifice (certain death), is out of your control.
That being said you're a shuffled deck that has Lady Luck practically praying to you.
This doesn't mean you've never experienced death before. If you are taking a sort of Hunter! Reader into play, I don't doubt that they‘ve experienced possession, exorcisms, death, hell, and things similar. Just another book of knowledge that makes them a better survivor.
I know you probably weren't expecting this! But I do like the concept of a powerful reader. Not entirely in the means of magical abilities, though just life-changing knowledge. Many people, if they were thrown into the realm, would highly give up on the means of escape. That is simply the form of reality. However, if you can write about a reader who dwells in fear just enough to seem understandable then have them branch into surviving, then do it!
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