#͙͘͡★ rel. minthara
galefcrce · 1 month
Steals his favorite coffee mug to use for her own coffee.
@spiderwarden ¦ declaring a coffee war with Gale
"Where is the blasted thing?!" Gale muttered, lifting the array of pillows, books, and assorted items scattered around his tent. Tea and coffee were essential aspects of Gale's morning routine, and the disappearance of the mug he fondly used for his beverage vexed him greatly. It wasn't until he sighed in defeat and cast his gaze out towards the campfire that he saw Minthara taking a sip of her drink from his own mug.
Not wanting to start a commotion over something as small as a mug, he attempted to calmly approach her while taking one of the communal mugs before joining her side by the brewing coffee.
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"If you would be so kind as to clean the mug and return it to my tent after you've finished, that would be splendid."
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ncthinghurts · 3 months
tag dump
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galefcrce · 2 months
“Listen up- this is going to go one way and one way only. I do the talking, you sit there and do … whatever someone in bookkeeping does - and yes you look like a book keeper. I don’t much care for the infamous little bad cop backward cop duo. You are silent. And I have work to do. That is all.”
@spiderwarden ¦ the two best detectives in Faerûn
Gale huffed, almost amused by the statement. Of all things to consider Gale, silent was not one of them.
"I'm wondering if I may need to produce a dictionary and remind you of the definition of the word 'partner'. Like it or not, Minthara, you and I have been assigned assist to one another for this case, and in order to see it concluded swiftly, I recommend you forgo this-" he waved his hand lazily between them "-issue you have conjured between us and allow me to do my job."
The man at the table was the murderer, Gale was almost sure of it. Yet, something about it felt wrong. Perhaps it was due to the fact that the evidence was gathered prior to his return to the Agency, but he had spent the last sleepless night reading over the documents again and again. It was clear from the information gathered that this man was guilty.
But the evidence was circumstantial, and not gathered by him. By all means, he ought to trust the competencies of his colleagues, yet he didn't.
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That was why the interrogation was vital to him, and he wasn't going to let his new partner ruin that for him. "I sincerely hope you have at least prepared for that rather than trying to merely intimidate him?"
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galefcrce · 2 months
Wiggles ring on a string for him
@spiderwarden ¦ Minthara thinks this will work on luring away Gale? (maybe)
A displeased hand was placed firmly on his waist, knowing Minthara was just trying to bait him again, and this time he wasn't going to fall for it.
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"Can't you seek other forms of entertainment rather than pick on the wizard with a condition?"
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galefcrce · 4 months
“Wizard. I have heard many a concern about your… condition. While I say I am not surprised you will have my sympathies for such a terrible situation.” And she moved and holds up a very fancy, every eloquently made walking stick. “A cane, for your troubles. I hear it is very sturdy. Your knees will no longer waggle like leaves in the wind.”
@spiderwarden ¦ joining the "make fun of Gale's knees" group but in a wholesome way
Gale, recognising the underlying concern behind Minthara's gesture, knew better than to reject the gift, even if it came wrapped with a mild insult. With a polite smile, albeit somewhat weak, he accepted the cane.
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"Thank you," he said graciously despite the slightly wounded ego, "I will endeavour to try and use it whenever the need arises."
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