#͙͘͡★ chapter. family reunion
cosmictheo · 6 months
𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 | feyd-rautha
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( gif credits to @wondrousashes )
—summary: on a calm day back at your home, you shattered away the serenity as you decide to confront feyd about his alleged concubines and the little secrets he seemed so cautious to hide, pushing him further and further to the edge. —pairing: feyd-rautha harkonnen x female!atreides!reader —word count: 4k —warnings: arranged marriage, jealousy, a bit of implied smut (the actual smut is coming up in the next and last chapter !!!), mentions of sex, mentions of cannibalism, feyd being a slut for the reader (as he should), mentions of killing and death, hot and very passionate love confessions, definitely ooc!feyd.
writer’s note: english is not my mother tongue, so please forgive me if there is a grammatical error. hope you like it!
ᯓ★ part one ── part two ── part three (coming soon)
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The week at Giedi Prime went by so fast that you hardly noticed any of it. The first day had been a bit slow and tedious, but the ones that followed turned out to be more than agreeable and enjoyable, Feyd-Rautha had been very concerned about keeping you entertained and as comfortable as possible, showing you every corner of the palace and walking you around the city.
But for now, you were back at your home for the last visit you would have there before becoming a Harkonnen. Feyd was staying close to you through all the reunion, naturally, diplomatically greeting your family.
“You met his cannibal lovers yet?” Paul's voice echoed inside your head between Feyd's conversations with Duke Leto, your gaze drifting to your brother in absolute alarm, horrified at the question and relieved that, so far, the answer was negative.
“There are rumors that tell how his concubines feed on the hearts of his dead opponents.” Your brother propelled you with the oh-so-cute information about your future husband. “The bastard has not one, but three. I guess you'll have to battle it out with them for his love, that was Duncan said.”
“Stop it, don't be an idiot.” You snapped back at him, averting your gaze from him to Feyd-Rautha, who was conversing ever so formally with Lady Jessica now.
You couldn't imagine him eating of human flesh, nor fucking three different women at the same time. Although, rumors always started from something and during the few times you had been able to get inside Feyd's head, you hadn't seen anything that was remotely pretty or light.
Paul's words managed to resonate in your head, lingering between the walls with a sense of suspicion.
Maybe that was why he never showed you the intimacy of his chambers... because on his bed lay three women compliantly awaiting for his attention and lust.
For some reason, the false image of him fucking them, bodies intertwined and interlinked, voices whimpering and moaning, made you feel respulsive, your guts twisting like a serpent.
You didn't want to believe it was jealousy, but again, your mind never wanted you to believe anything at all.
The palace of the Atreides stood majestically between rocky mountains, with the golden sunlight falling beautifully on the grayish stone walls, bringing in a warm afternoon. Rising magnificently behind your back, standing like a rocky guardian.
Your gaze was on Feyd-Rautha as you walked together along the outskirts balconies of the castle, your greenish dress swaying in the sea breeze, as did your hair, which you wore unusually loose that day, the sweet smell of it had him crazy.
“Do you like it?” You asked him after a few moments of silence, with a hint of a smile that Feyd noticed as he turned to look at you, noticing as well how you waited expectantly for his opinion of your home, which he knew you always held close to your heart.
After a second, he nodded his head, looking at you intently. “I do.”
His blue eyes, which looked as clear as ever under the natural glow of the place followed you as you walked beside him, keeping himself close to you, he could feel the natural warmth of your body and the sweet smell of your scent.
It was the first time you saw his eyes showing their true color, for back in his home, they rarely reflected so much brightness and his orbs glowed so beautifully in the sunlight. They possessed the most beautiful shade of blue, reminding you of the ocean, of home.
“It's nothing like my home.” Feyd-Rautha added in a more amused, lighter tone of voice, with a tiny smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, lowering his gaze to the ground, noting how the grass softened each of his steps on it.
“Obviously. Caladan is everything that Giedi Prime and Arrakis are not.” You answered him, snorting the words out with a soft chuckle that was carried away by the wind, turning your head to look at him once you stopped at the edge of a greenish cliff after descending one of the many rocky staircases that rose up through the hills.
The sea stretched into the immensity of the horizon and the water was uncommonly calm, waves lapping the shore relentlessly. It was a calm and peaceful scene out there, quite the opposite of what you felt inside, as you felt a tempest of emotions raging in your soul.
“Have you been with someone else like this?”
There was another one of your little questions again.
And he pondered the answer, dragging his eyes as blue as the ocean itself in front of them, back to you.
But Feyd-Rautha was rather certain that you already knew the answer, that you already had it, you could tell by the way he looked at you and the way he addressed you. Because it was enough to be clear that he had never been this way with anyone before, he had never spoken to anyone like this and he had never been so pleased to be in someone's company, basically in his entire life.
“The only people I've ever had this close to me are my family or my enemies, neither of whom I think entertain my presence very much.” Was his reply, honest and respectful. His husky voice, in contrast to the graceful sea breeze was a pleasant and comforting noise to you.
His words were masked with a touch of amusement, as he used to do in the last days when he spoke to you, it seemed as if you brought back that inner child he had, a stranger who felt increasingly closer.
But even using that tone, his eyes told you that he was not lying, that he was giving you the pure truth.
Yet, somehow you were not satisfied with his response. And he knew it.
“Have you been with other women?”
Feyd drew in a breath, half-opening his lips, air hissing between his teeth.
“So I'm assuming you've heard about the rumors about me?”
And there he was, answering you with another question to challenge you back, to play with your head as he had grown to love to do during the short time you had been in each other's company. Your conversations always ended up being a game of back and forth, a game of a tension that would be cut with the least sharp blade.
“My future wife likes to guide what she believes by mere rumors?” He pressed further.
And as always, you exhaled the air held inside you, twisting your head slightly, looking at him with incredulous eyes. “These are not rumors, Feyd —I've seen it.”
His blue eyes narrowed as he walked closer to you, expression both intrigued and yet defiant. “What do you mean you've seen it? Don't play games with me now, woman.”
“Don't threaten me, man,” You squinted your eyes as you pronounced the word like poison, almost coming out like an insult. “I'm not afraid of you.” With your own response to his defiance, this immediately silenced him, stopping him in his tracks right in front of you, as you stepped closer to him, your presence growing menacing now. You were really upset. “Do you think that when I marry you I will allow you to go on screwing around with them?”
“You met them and they threatened you?” Feyd asked in a low tone, maintaining a calm demeanor, though he wanted to know if any of his concubines had dared to even glance at you during your stay at Giedi Prime. His orbs reflected a sensation that ranged to a murderous, bloodthirsty urge, not at you, but at anyone who was stupid enough to threaten you. “Tell me, did they say anything to you?”
You crooked your head very slightly, looking genuinely offended by his questioning.
“Do you think I would allow any of your concubines —anyone at all— to threaten me and go on with their lives?” You replied instantly, looking him up and holding his gaze, as brave as ever. You seemed to be the only one in the whole universe who dared to answer him and put him in his place. And he was loving it, he felt the desire to be broken by you, to let you destroy all his walls and reach his soul. “They'd already be dead if they did.”
An amused grimace twisted his lips, gaze darkening with pride, desire even, approving of your words, feeling suddenly small under the vastness of your aura, dark and menacing now.
“Don't worry about them.” His words sounded humorous this time, just as his fingers laced between yours, he gave your hand a gentle squeeze, an attempt to reassure you. “Soon I'll be all yours, sweet girl.”
You frowned your brow slightly, as did your lips, still looking offended. He squinted his eyes, hissing as he realized he had said the wrong thing, yet again.
“I'm not sweet.” Your hand released his, your annoyance rising with the seconds. “I'm not one of your pets you can treat as sweet, Feyd-Rautha.”
He raised his brow, following you with his gaze, puzzled, as you turned around and began to walk back to the palace, turning your back on him and leaving him to talk alone.
“One of my pets?” He questioned, with that amused grimace plastered on his mouth again, as he began to follow your hurried footsteps, his pale face reflected a blend of frustration and irritation. “Do you think I would treat you like one of my pets?”
His voice sounded so husky and frustrated and delicious that you felt like just stopping and jumping on him right there. But your own self-respect and pride were more important, you wanted to believe.
Seeing that you weren't planning to stop, Feyd tried to stop you by grabbing your arm, but his hand remained over your smooth skin, with no major result in trying to calm you down, so he cleared his voice, making the attempt to be as cautious and reassuring with his words.
“I think you must understand that desire and lust is something we all possess, my lady, not just men.”
He was physically relieved when you stopped to be able to look at him, with his hand lingering on your forearm.
But your eyes were still dark with discomfort when they met his once again. “I won't be one of your girls, Feyd-Rautha.”
His lips parted, brow furrowing slightly, his voice kept low. “(Y/N)—”
He stood right there, utterly speechless, with his voice caught in his throat, watching you walk away from him, striding with steps that exuded pure anger up to your rocky palace. His hand dropped from your arm and returned to his side, now far from your warmth and heartbeat.
It took Feyd-Rautha a couple of minutes to pull himself together, sighing heavily, a small smirk curving his lips as he began to walk the path back to the Atreides' palace.
He was absolutely thrilled to discover this side of you that he hadn't previously seen. You were truly frightening and he was loving it.
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By the time the moon was bright in the center of the dark sky, shining through the thickness of black, a pair of soft knocks sounded against your chamber door and you didn't have to use any hint of your skills to know who it was.
He looked at you with those now dark blue eyes from across the threshold, arm resting lightly against the grayish stone. He looked strangely troubled, look shadowed.
“Have you always been such a perfect seductress?”Feyd asked you just as you made a questioning gesture with your head. “How many men have you seduced like this?”
You looked him up with doubting eyes, frown slightly furrowed. “What are you talking about—”
He interrupted you in a scratchy voice, fearing somehow, that someone else might hear him, that someone else might witness how desperately vulnerable he was being, for you.
“You've broken me. All I can think about is you.”
Feyd took one step forward and you one step back, so you two moved as if you were in a kind of dance until he eventually entered your chambers, pulling the door shut behind him.
“I can't handle not touching you. It's a rule I'm on the brink of breaking for you.” He whispered and your breath caught in your throat, exhaling air in a stuttering gasp. “And I should— I'm expected to be a gentleman. I'm supposed to behave myself, keep my composure. But you… you are driving me crazy, woman, you play with my head, you've bewitched me.”
You could really see that he was trying to explain himself for you, attempting to articulate everything that was going through his head and you knew that it was very unusual for him to speak out loud about his feelings. And now, you were the one who couldn't say anything at all.
It was true, the most important rule your mother had emphasized to you was that you were not to get involved sexually, or in any way with your betrothed, until the very day of the actual wedding, as that particular night was meant to be consumed.
“Y—you shouldn't be here, my lord.” You managed to utter out after a few hesitant stutters, feeling your back brush against the wall and having him in front of you, trapping you against his body. He seemed to be struggling against his body, against his desire and instinct, hesitant hands twitching at his sides, nearly reaching out instinctively for your body.
“You were so bold back there talking back to me, what happened now? Aw, what happened, pretty?” He asked in a more teasing tone of voice, holding your gaze. “We could put that mouth of yours to good use then, hm?”
“My lord—”
“Call me by name.” He demanded, he begged you, whispering.
“Feyd...” You named him so obediently that it made him smile darkly to himself. “Someone might listen.”
“Are you afraid that someone will find out that two people who are getting married desired each other?” Feyd asked, half-closing his eyes and breathing out through his nose, as if trying to compose himself, trying to convince himself more than you. “There is nothing wrong for a husband to crave for his wife, right?”
You gulped, and his eyes instantly landed on your throat, watching as bone and muscle moved beneath the flesh, his tongue twitched, aching with all his will to be able to just lick the skin of your neck.
“I guess not.” Your voice trembled even when you were trying extra hard to sound confident and certain. “But we are not yet husband and wife.”
“Soon...” Feyd muttered, almost as if he was making a promise, uttering a vow.
His eyes closed as he finally rested his forehead against yours and suddenly, you were breathing from the same air. His trembling breath was warm against your lips and his scent was everything you could have ever craved... and it felt so familiar that your soul seemed to shudder, like something you had smelled all your life, something that had haunted you even in dreams, forever present but yet always so far distant.
“Can I touch you?” Feyd breathed out against your mouth after a few moments.
You didn't answer him verbally, instead you slowly took his hands between yours, fingers placing them in parallel against his, allowing you to feel every inch of the imprint drawn on his fingertips as you dragged yours across his palm, both feeling the size difference.
Then, you rested his big, calloused hands on your waist, allowing him to touch and hold you as much as he wanted and to permit him to do so, a single sight on your eyes was all it took.
He hissed as his hands molded the curve of your waist and instantly afterward drew you into his body, pulling you fully against the wall behind you. Your back arched instinctively and you gasped too, so softly, your chest pressed against his with the motion.
“Touch me.” Feyd-Rautha pleaded, he had never pleaded so... desperately for anything ever in his life.
That was your allowance for your hands reaching for his body, out of control, one making a slow path up through his strong arms while the other rested against his chest, feeling the beat of his heart under your palm, beating echoing your own. Your fingertips gently patted his muscles, recognizing his skin and his body. You got the abrupt urge to claim it as yours. To claim him.
You felt yourself blushing at all the overly imaginative and lustful images of him invading your head.
His nose brushed against yours, nuzzling it affectionately, still without opening his eyes, as if he were in some kind of dream from which he didn't want to wake up. His fingers caressed your belly, tracing a slow caress across your entire abdomen upward, while his other hand gripped your waist, holding you against him.
His touch triggered an immediate reaction across your flesh, skin shivering under his fingers.
Feyd whispered your name like a prayer, like a thirsty man, crawling and screaming for water.
“I'm trying to be good...”
“Don't be.” You whispered back, almost begging, looking up at him, gaze meeting his once he opened his eyes. “Please, Feyd—”
Then finally his lips landed on yours, initiating a kiss that you both craved so much, maybe he more than you for the way he brought you close to him, almost possessively, like a mad man, almost as if he was imprinting his mark on you, marking you for whoever had the courage to look at you.
He let himself sink in the way your lips fit against yours, in the warmth your body offered him, in the all too familiar sensation he could sense in every single fiber of his core from the kiss, your kiss.
Feyd-Rautha felt like a roaring beast just unleashed, ruthless and insatiable, just like when he walked into the arena, eager to kill, rooting against his opponents —and now he was rooting for you, to be near you, to intertwine his soul with yours, to claim you as his own.
And claiming you he was, his scent covered you all over now, making you feel a burning sensation in the pit of your stomach, throbbing crotch, blood seething like an infernal flare. Anyone who came near you would not only smell you, but him too, on every inch of your body. His hands roamed just under your breasts, rubbing across your ribcage and sliding down your back, fingers just barely grazing your ass, pressing you tightly against him in desperation, grasping and squeezing as much of your tender flesh as they could.
Your own palms roamed up his chest, caressing his broad shoulders, all the way up to his neck, tugging him closer to you in desperate motions, impossibly close.
When your bodies begged for oxygen, you broke the passionate kiss, leaving you both breathless. He kissed you once more, allowing you to breathe just for a few seconds before all you breathed was him. He wanted to become your oxygen, something indispensable to you, something you needed to live with, a necessity.
“You're the only one.” Feyd-Rautha mumbled out as his hot and soft lips trailed down a wet path all the way to your neck, tracing the line of your jaw with sloppy kisses, each time his lips pulled back from your skin a wet noise echoed and filled the room, making you gasp.
You could feel the way his lips were modulating each word against your skin, as if using a language so intimate and so tight that it took your breath away. A language known and used just between the two of you.
With desirous eyes he looked at the dark crimson mark he'd left on your throat before raising them across your flushed face, his hands cradling your jaw, thumbs caressing your skin tenderly.
“When my uncle gave me the announcement that I was to marry you, I kicked them all out.” He continued to explain, pecking your lips a couple of times before kissing each cheek, your forehead, your eyelids, your nose, every single feature of your entire face, with the utmost care and adoration.
No one had ever looked at you the way he was looking at you right now.
Feyd rasped out a small chuckle, breath warm tickling against your nose. “And by kicking them out I mean I killed them.”
His comment didn't surprise you at all, in fact, it didn't even provoke a reaction in you. During the week you had been in his company, you had already gotten used to Feyd-Rautha's -almost cruel- honesty and sassy remarks, you were just starting to get used to his very eccentric and unique attitude. Because the na-Baron's personality was something that was most captivating to you, he was so different yet so similar to you.
“Of course.” You replied, trying to hold back that dark grin on your lips, an action that caused him to kiss you once more, his attention was on your mouth the whole time as you spoke to him in that tone of voice. “I would expect nothing less from the Feyd-Rautha and for my future husband.”
Again he rested his forehead against yours and you were the one who kissed his lips this time. It had become a reassuring habit in a span of less than five minutes for both of you.
“I can't do anything to you until we get married, my uncle would find out otherwise. I have —we have— to behave, my love.”
He seemed to read your mind this time, or maybe it was the way you were looking at him, biting your lower lip gently, eyes darkened with desire, silently begging him to just take you right there against the wall when he called like that.
Perhaps Feyd-Rautha was a hopeless romantic just like you or he simply desired you in ways that went beyond mere sex or plain lust.
“Are you afraid of him?” You softly asked him, your fingers stroking the back of his neck, feeling the smoothness of his skin. Your fingertips followed the trail of one of his veins marked on his neck, making him gasp lightly.
“Have you seen him?” Feyd responded with another question, a curved little smile on his lips, his tone of voice directed pure sarcasm. “I don't think I'm in such a position as to challenge the Baron.”
You nodded your head, fingers stroking his cheekbones now, tapping the moles that spread across his face affectionately. “He's terrifying.”
Your heart seemed to melt as you watched him close his eyes and lean against your hand, kissing the palm in action.
“Mhm...” Feyd hummed, watching you attentively, as if he was memorizing every inch of your face. Suddenly, his expression changed to one of amusement.
“Were you seriously jealous of my darlings?”
Your heart seemed to drop to your stomach and burn with your guts as you heard the nickname fall from his mouth.
“Call them that again and I'll cut your throat.” You murmured against his lips, kissing them slowly before pulling away from his body, looking up at him with dark, yet playful eyes, your hand roaming across his chest until it fell to your side as you stepped away. Then you made your way towards your bed with a very slow pace, under the attentive gaze of his azure eyes following every movement of your hips.
His heart —apparently non-existent until then— was pounding like crazy inside his chest as his lips parted, for once again you had left him speechless.
That was living proof that you were simply made for him. And he for you.
And maybe that just meant you were each other's weakness, people would say so.
But he felt just invincible in your presence, as if your company made him behold the whole universe, gave him the power of the all galaxy at hand, making him feel like the only man in existence. Your man.
Feyd-Rautha had never felt so desperate to make you his wife and finally call you his.
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wonryllis · 7 months
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( NOTES ) I WILL KEEP ADDING MORE AS I FIND NEW GOOD ONES!! as you can see i seem to have a certain taste for historical and transmigration aus lmao but they're legit all really good i swear i'm super picky when it comes to these things especially with the art style so trust me my recs all have good art if not bombastically fantastic! IM OPEN TO NEW RECS PLS SUGGEST SOME GOOD ONES!! 📌 - very good , 📌📌 - must read , 📌📌📌 - haven't read then die!
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LOVE LIKE CHERRY BLOSSOMS: modern school setting, male lead helps fem lead to score points with the guy she has a crush on and they end up falling for each other, kinda bad boy x good girl, there is also a side couple whose story is absolutely cute, the fem lead's bestie x male lead's older cousin. art and plot is realllyy good. completed, 92 chapters, happy ever after ending. 📌
HIDDEN LOVE: modern, brother's best friend, age gap (5 years i think) fem lead falls for her brother's best friend at first sight, her one sided crush goes on for years until she gets into uni and they both stay in the same city and start hanging out together. he slowly falls for her and boom they get into a relationship!! super cute and art style is top notch(i find the brother so much hotter honestly), ongoing i think. 📌
ONCE MORE: high school love reunion kinda, used to like each other due to misunderstandings couldn't confess and later reunite as teachers in their high school. adorable story full of fluff. tomboyish fem x popular guy. the second lead couple is to die for, cute girl x tsundere guy, she's a teacher too and guy is fem lead's childhood friend. completed, 156 chapters, happy ever after ending. 📌
PHARAOH'S CONCUBINE: isekai, royal/historical au, girl is a history major and like really fascinated with ancient egypt so her brother gets her an ancient relic (a snake bracelet) which gets her sucked back 3000 years in ancient egypt and the powerful pharaoh ends up falling deep in love with her. literally the best thing ever the plot is the most interesting and connected in a circle one i have ever read my all time favourite the top one! there are a lot of heart fluttering scenes but also heartbreaking scenes and it's just so damn good! READ IT NOW!! completed season 1 (around 70 chapters) for further seasons there's only novel so far which is in chinese. FAVOURITE!!!!!!.📌📌📌
HOW TO GET MY HUSBAND ON MY SIDE: transmigation, royal/historical au, girlie wakes up in another body who is like set to be the villian of the novel so for the sake of survival portrays herself as a harmless character and throws herself at her husband at any chance to make him think she could never do anything evil to him because she loves him a lot. there's so much fluff and heart fluttering moments but there are some incidents which are kinda angsty but it's worth it! male lead is smitten, crazy over his wife!!! and he's hot! super hot! the best married couple duo ever! he's so protective of her it's crazy. ongoing! one of my favourites. 📌📌📌
YOUR MAJESTY PLEASE DON'T KILL ME AGAIN: transmigation, historical/royal au, girlie wakes up in a noble lady's body in a novel where the male lead is a ruthless ruler who kills all family for the throne, so she becomes his maid/lady in waiting and ends up winning his heart lmao first as a friend when they're literally kids and more as they grow up. plot is interesting becuz girl is always under the threat of being killed by the prince where as he doesn't really have those intentions and just actually treasures her sorta? ongoing.
ACTUALLY, I WAS THE REAL ONE: rebirth/going back in time?, royal/historical au, fantasy, fem lead is killed by her father, the emperor when another girl appears and claims to be the real princess and he believes her because she looks more like the late empress than the fem lead. before her death she finds out she actually is the real daughter. when she opens her eyes she's back years before and this time tries her best to prove the fact she's the actual one, male lead is like not decided between two guys, one is a hot blond magician helping her and the other a head royal knight. ongoing.
I BECAME THE WIFE OF THE MALE LEAD: transmigation, fantasy, historical/royal au, fem lead wakes up in the body of a really power girl with magic, the villainess. does her best to change her role and it starts with saving the male lead and becoming his friend but oh god he ends up falling for her so hard and girlie is so oblivious. they're a power couple in terms of strength like her magic powers are undisputable and the male lead strength and skills in sword fighting are exceptional. they both are a pair of beauties and male lead is hottttt!! the fem lead's so called father is also super hot man. really interesting storyline with twists, ongoing. one of my favourites. 📌📌📌
MY SECRETLY HOT HUSBAND/MY HUSBAND HIDES HIS BEAUTY: transmigration, historical, fantasy au, fem lead wakes up as the bride of the powerful demon hunter duke known to hide a hideous face behind a mask, she helps him get rid of the curse of family, and helps the dukedom grow and have a name in the kingdom. husband wife who are down bad for each other. completed, 109 chapters, happy ever after ending. one of my favorites. 📌📌
NO PLACE FOR THE FAKE PRINCESS: foretelling fantasy?, historical/royal au, fem lead reads a book where she's the villainness and the fake princess turns out the book shows future events if she continues to live the same way so she changes her attitude and gains the love of her father by being an obedient and capable daughter so when the real princess arrives she will not be killed by her father and get the chance to run away to live a peaceful life but when the time comes and she elopes her father goes crazy trying to find her because he loves her and the same goes for the male lead!! ongoing.
SECRET LADY: reincarnation, transmigration, historical/royal au, fem lead could see ghosts in her original body and even after reincarnation as a noble lady of a powerful family she can still see ghosts, these ghosts help her know that the second prince is going to be assassinated so she offers to help him under a guise of a poor maiden. she falls for him while he has always loved her but because of a curse in the royal family their love faces many obstacles. super amazing plot, really really interesting. ongoing. one of my favorites. 📌
WHO MADE ME A PRINCESS: transmigration, royal/historical au, fem lead wakes up inside a novel in the body of the only princess of the cruel emperor who hates her because the empress died giving birth to her. originally the princess is killed by him but the fem lead tries her best to change the story and her father's feelings towards her by being an adorable daughter who apparently loves her dad a lot. the male lead is a renowned magician like the best one from legends and also the son of a duke, she doesn't choose one by the end but it is heavily shown who she prefers. really great plot, so many twists and turns but so worth it! completed, 125 chapters. happy ending, one of my favorites. 📌📌
BEING A WICKED WOMAN IS COMFORTABLE AND PLEASANT: transmigration, historical/royal au, fantasy, magic, fem lead enters the body of the villianous and decides to live comfortably by using that role and collecting more money and as said living comfortably without disturbing the main couples. (it's a reverse harem for the original fem lead of the novel but now girlie takes her place) she is known as a stupid person not knowing how to use magic but as a person from modern world magic formulae become his forte and she literally changes so many things and becomes an icon. ongoing.
THE VILLIANESS IS A MARIONETTE: transmigration, historical/royal au, fem lead wakes up in the body of the villian's sister who is known as the her brother's (villian) puppet, she decides to change it all by changing her behaviour towards him and gaining his favor and affection trying to make him the puppet, this gets the male lead, a powerful duke who previously hated her and she had been forcing herself on him romantically(the original character) ends up falling for the new her. plot and art and characters are to die for. ongoing. one of my favorites. 📌📌
BABY TYRANT: transmigration, historical/royal au, after dying the fem lead wakes up in the body of the beloved princess of a powerful empire. now she has everything she's wanted but it's hard to accept and with people trying to undo the prophecy of her birth her father makes her the emperor oh god, also the male lead is a like a demon or something i don't remember. ongoing.
INTO THE LIGHT, ONCE AGAIN: rebirth, new family, historical/royal au, fantasy, magic, fem lead was previously a princess who was killed by her own family because another sister falsely accused her of trying to kill her. betrayed by everyone she loved and thought who loved her, she wakes up as the beloved princess of the neighbouring kingdom where her new family loves her to death, with the help of her brother and the male lead who is the light king, she embarks on her journey of revenge against the evil sister. ongoing. one of my favorites. 📌
THE SIREN: BECOMING THE VILLAIN'S FAMILY: rebirth/travelling back in time?, kinda historical au? but not, fantasy, the fem lead is one of the last surviving sirens, her father sells her to the emperor who cages her makes her sing till death. before dying though, the male lead goes on a killing spree and kills everyone in the palace and rescues her just because no reason no he doesn't love her at that point. upon going back in time she tries to change things and this time ends up as the male lead's wife and he falls for her hard. ongoing, the art is everything literally the best ever you either hate it or love it, and the plot is sooo good too, ongoing, one of my favorites. 📌📌📌
FOR MY DERELICT FAVORITE: transmigration, rebirth/travel back in time?, historical/royal au, fem lead wakes up as a noble woman background character in her favorite novel. however after watching her favorite character die of heartbreak she kills herself and when she wakes up she's years back and this time makes sure to help her favorite character live a happy life and move on from the past, by becoming his wife and getting him justice. fan x idol couple lmao she's crazy about him. ongoing. 📌📌📌
SERENA/SELENA: somewhere between modern and historical au, marriage of convience, arranged marriage, the fem lead loses her parents and brother in an accident and then later on married off to a guy of opponent family by her grandmother who passes the family business to him. enraged she's determined he plans to destroy her but later the truth comes ot and they fall in love and oh she takes over her family business a girl boss!! both play hard to get, stubborn characters, enemies to lovers, age gap (5 years) art is so damn good you'll drool, ongoing, one of my favorites. 📌📌📌
I TAMED MY EX HUSBAND'S MAD DOG: rebirth/travelling back in time?, historical/royal au, fem lead lives a miserable first life because of her husband who indirectly kills her father, cheats on her, and basically ruins her life. after going back in time she makes sure to do everything to take her revenge and this time she finds and makes allies with her husband's pet like right hand man who is also the male lead, they end up falling in love!! age gap but not much ig i don't remember, ongoing.
I'LL BE THE MATRIARCH IN THIS LIFE: rebirth/travelling back in time?, not kinda historical?, fem lead watches her grandfather die and leave the family business to ruins by handing it to her brothers while she was the most capable one but he realised it too late. after rebirth? she makes sure to make him aware of her skills from early on in childhood so that she can succeed him and take care of the family business herself, her skills from handling the affairs in past life gain her lots of advantage including supporting the second prince who'll become a ruthless king in future by becoming his friend and who also ends up falling for her. ongoing, one of my favorites. 📌
CRY, EVEN BETTER IF YOU BEG: somewhere between historical and modern?, age gap(6 years i think), enemies to lovers kinda?, red flag male lead, he's crazy, so after girlie's parents die she ends up living with her uncle who works as a gardener for the male lead's family. he comes home very summer and everytime they have encounters which screammm red flag but i still love the story. he loves making her suffer. anyway ongoing, one of my favorites.📌
I CAN'T WAIT TO EAT YOU: modern, office au, one sided enemies to lovers, the male lead's parents die in an accident because of fem lead's dad when they're both kids so he hates her while girlie has no idea. later as grown ups she works in his family company. events lead to them interacting with each other falling in loveee yay. ongoing.
AGE OF ARROGANCE: historical/royal au, marriage of convience, the knight commander fem lead marries the crown prince to get the resources to rebuild her region and help her people live well. while he agrees so that he can build up a support group for his succession to throne against his stepbrother. they make a deal to help each other but end up in love. ongoing.
I WILL SEDUCE THE NORTHERN DUKE: isekai, historical/royal au, fantasy?, fem lead finds herself in a different world after falling off a cliff while filming(she's a star actress) things happen and she makes a deal with the northern territory duke to play as his lover for certain reasons while he helps her stay in this world. really really fun story. ongoing.
STAR DREAM IDOL PROJECT: modern, survival show, revenge, and slight but visible romance between contestant and judge. fem lead is the secret daughter of a famous singer (mom, parents are separated) after her mom's death she participates in a famous survival show under a guise to chase her dreams as an idol along road of revenge involving her public power figure father. the romance hints at her and the blunt famous singer judge who keeps criticising her skills because he believes in her exceptional potential. ongoing. 📌
A SIGN OF AFFECTION: modern, college au, opposites attract, real wholesome just fem lead has been deaf since birth and meets male lead on the subway, he somehow makes her feel so warm and different and it's like love at first sight for her. he learns sign language for her and falls for how cute she is. a simple and pure love story? ongoing, anime has 12 eps and really good too. 📌
SEASONS OF BLOSSOM: HAMIN'S FLOWER: modern, high school au, major character death, summer love? so fem lead and male lead are two opposite kind of students at school ml is popular and a topper while fl is kinda average and very interested in arts and painting. for a long while they meet up in the art room during lunch because fl does not have friends and spends the break painting while ml wants to escape the fake people have some time alone. they become friends and ml realizes he really likes painting because it makes him feel free so during summer break he joins her art club outside school and they have their romance? phase after his parents find out he stops and things happen and he commits suicide. fl after years comes as teacher in the same school and through his younger brother finds the truth which is heartbreaking and finally gets her closure. completed, there's a kdrama on this with the same name highly recommend checking it out, though prepare your tissues. 📌📌
ETERNAL LOVE: hidden love brother's story, modern, kinda like frenemies to roomates to lovers?, i don't remember much fem lead and male lead are classmates in high school who used to not be fond of each other and later as adults things happen and he becomes her roommate because his apartment is like undergoing renovations or something? there's some misunderstandings and miscommunications but it's a really good read though the art is changed in this from hidden love. ongoing.
BRIDE OF HABAEK: fantasy, god falls for human sacrifice au??? do not remember much i read it long back but like the fem lead is offered as bride sacrifice to the water god and thrown into some well or something and when she wakes up she's in his realm and he's like a child? he also has his adult form but around her he's in child form and she does come across him in adult form but does not know it's him. i don't remember more details but it's slow burnnnn and interesting pretty different from the kdrama. ongoing or completed? no idea but there's a hella lot of chapters and it's black and white.
GIRL AND HER GUARD DOG: first of all this is not for everyone help,, pls don't judge me for liking it (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠) modern, she falls first and he falls harder trope, age gap like 5 years. fem lead parents die in an accident and she is brought to her grandpa's house whose a gangster and he gets one of his beloved men to take care of her. later when she grows up and goes to a distant city for school that man(male lead) follows becuz he's worried she might get in danger alone and enrolls as a student too through connections.
MY IN-LAWS ARE OBSESSED WITH ME: historical/royal, travelling back in time/rebirth, contract marriage, magic/curse. fem lead is killed by her family and husband for father's inheritance by a mysterious poison and when she wakes up again she has travelled back to two months. to protect herself and her inheritance she offers the powerful duke of the kingdom a marriage contract for one year but during that time her actions make her in-laws fall in love with her, everyone just adores her and refuses to let her go after a year. oh and male lead, the duke's family has a curse and she's immune to it somehow? ongoing.📌
will elaborate later on!
broken ring: this marriage will fail anyway 📌📌📌
flirting with the villain's dad
obsidian bride 📌
why are you obsessed with your fake wife 📌📌
i will be queen in this life
the world without my sister who everyone loved
64 notes · View notes
rhinocio · 1 year
ROTTMNT Fanfic Recommendations
You Coveted This Prison by CaveDwellers (April / Donatello - Comedy / Character Study - WIP) THE April O'Neil character study. One part excruciating (for reader and supporting cast) slow burn romance, one part introspection on being true to oneself. Rated M but only for one chapter, which can be skipped. Riddled with laugh-out-loud comedy shenanigans and heartachingly tender intimacy. Hot takes all over the place because the author wrote this with very little fandom involvement, and intentionaly chose to be contrarian in as many ways as possible. April takes down her arch-rival! Raph locks her in a freezer! Casey Junior's keeping secrets! Donatello's wall of horrible fake sciencey souveniers keeps growing and it may or may not be a sign of affection -- he's going to crunch the numbers on that. An absolute blast of a fic, cannot recommend enough.
Tried To Grow Up Good by Sroloc_Elbisivni (No romantic focus - Character Study - Complete)
THE Casey Jones post-movie character study. Love is stored in the found family. Casey is an accidental felon. He and Cassandra are siblings now. Anatawa hitorijaNAI let's get the entire two timeline fam in here for a reunion so I can sob myself silly. Perfection. This author's constantly pumping out new fics, and often updating multiple at a time; I've read through and greatly enjoyed Tomato Maze (there is so much serotonin in the knowledge that these idiot turtle boys will do anything for watermelon), Sorrow Is An Autumn Heart (Leo/Usagi but make it a slowburn thriller-drama set in historical Japan), and The Passionate Pools of Salamandria (a post-movie Raph/Mona bodice-ripper with an amnesiac protagonist and a B-plot where the rest of the family fight space to find their missing brother). Honestly this author has the WILDEST takes and everything they write is fascinating.
Give Me Something That’ll Haunt Me When You’re Not Around by Taizi (Leonardo / Yuichi - Drama / Romance - Complete)
If you've decided you're finally gonna take a dive into the leosagi crossover ship and see what all the fuss is about, do it with this fic. The author has a strong grasp on how to make a character study about characters first and relationships second, and in doing so has crafted one of THE most tender romance stories I've ever read. Starts as a character study on Yuichi Usagi and the yokai perspective on the Kraang invasion, branches into an exploration of PTSD and what it means to recover, and ends with a friends-to-lovers quickburn that says, "because of you I'm learning to love myself." Leo gets a therapy dinosaur. Yuichi gets out of his head. The character nuance and showing-not-telling is godtier. Healing starts with telling the alien invaders to go fuck themselves. Do not pass this fic up, I promise you it's worth the read. It legitimately made me cry.
The Old College Try by Theashemarie (No romantic focus - Action / Drama - WIP)
Donatello cloaks himself human to go to college, and drags his twin brother along. This fic masquerades as a fun, comedy-heavy action adventure story, but under the surface is a really fascinating introspection on what it means to hide your true self in order to fit in. The queer subtext is off the charts! Leo babysits Baxter Stockboy. Mikey gets eaten by a bird. One of the grad certificates is definitely going to be made out to to the wrong Hamato entirely. This fic features an autistic writer writing an autistic character, and their personal experience shines through in the excellent way Donnie's awkwardness and affection are balanced. This author knows nuance; I also highly recommend The Hibernator (apocalyptic timeline and Raph's dead........ wink) and Very Thoughtful (a Donnie-centric low empathy study).
Aftermath by Bronte (No romantic focus - Drama - Complete)
The boys deal with the aftermath of the movie events in whatever ways they can. Donnie gets into pina coladas. Leo harasses his brother. Look at these disaster twins bonding! There's a flippancy to all the angst that keeps these lighthearted and love-focused without skipping the rough details. I'm literally never going to recover from the belly bongos scene and will probably end up making art about it. Fantastic read, made me viscerally emotional.
At The Bottom Of A Duck-Shaped Crater by CaveDwellers (April / Donatello - Drama / Comedy - Complete) One part worldbuilding for the apocalyptic timeline and one part heartfelt comedy from the perspective of Miyamoto Usagi. Leonardo adopts a babysitter. Casey Junior saves the war effort from collapsing under a dick-measuring competition. April may or may not be about to kill a man. CaveDwellers is among my favourite writers for several reasons, but this fic really highlights her strength in blending several different kinds of relationships in one story and building a plot that delivers achey-breaky sentiments without having to structure everything around romance. (We're also developing projects together; keep an eye out for the "next in series" button at the bottom of the AO3 page for soft apocalyptic stories of a similar nature!)
Superfight by Swordfright (No romantic focus - Drama / Comedy - Complete)
An easy-reading one shot! Leo comes to terms with being a teenager, Donnie calls his disability out for what it is, and everybody plays Superfight the card game. The author writes in a very Douglas Adams-y style, resulting in a wheezing-on-the-floor-funny reading experience. If you're burnt out on fandom angst and need a pick-me-up, this is 900% the fic for you. It got me cry-laughing with just the quick refresher glance I gave it to put this recommendation together.
Now That's What I Call A Vacation! by WayWardWatson (No romantic focus (?) - Adventure / Crossover - WIP)
This fic's a multi-feature! It's one part infodump about Japan's culture and tourist hotspots, one part study on what it means to cloak your identity to fit into the world, and one part surprise crossover with Usagi Yojimbo. I am OBSESSED with this author's takes on Splinter as a character; several chapters are dedicated to exploring his fixation on being "human again" and trying to juggle the life he once had as a star with the life he now has as a parent of mutants. Primarily this is a feel good adventure story about the Hamato brothers getting in touch with their heritage, but it comes in swinging with several different action/adventure plot points and drama beats to keep a reader invested. Legitimately have no idea where the author's taking things, which makes me all the more excited for the ride!
One Step Forward, Fall Forever Back by GriffinStone (No romantic focus - Action / Mystery - Complete)
This fic is one of those slight universe alteration stories that takes a one-off thought and runs with it: what if Casey Junior died on his way through the time rift, spawned into the past as a ghost, and Leo was the only person who could see him? Promise the execution is way less daunting than it sounds -- events move along at a breezy pace and characters never spend very long lamenting the whole dead boy situation. The final battle alone is so chocked full of found family ride-or-die energy between the two protagonists that it's worth the rest of the adventure playing out pretty similarly to the movie. Definitely a treat for those of you who are big on Leo-Casey interactions.
A Mixed Bag by MusingWordsmith (No romantic focus - Action / Comedy - WIP)
What if I told you there was a fic where the turtles of every major tv show TMNT iteration shonen anime-style battled their way through challenges in mixed teams of four in order to defeat a team of evil overlords who may or may not know what they're doing re: evillness? Trust me when I say this story is fun -- it blends comedy and drama flawlessly, and the author totally committed to the bit in keeping each version of the turtles loyal to the genre of their individual canons. The 1987 turtles are breaking the fourth wall. The Rise kids are absolute supersoliders. 2003 Michelangelo somehow ended up as the babysitter of his particular faction and is kind of having a crisis about it. I am so beyond impressed at how well this author distinguishes each character and keeps who's who from getting too confusing, which is a common issue in TMNT crossovers. Reading this fic feels like watching literally any version of the show as a kid on a Saturday morning. It is a blast.
Young Root, Old Rock by SiryyGrey (No romantic focus - Action / Thriller - WIP)  
Shortly after the Kraang invasion a mysterious file of an unreadable format shows up on Donnie's computer, and he's driven by an intense curiosity to decipher exactly what it is and means. This author goes HARD on creating tense, muscle-tensing atmosphere, which is balanced out by extremely tender character interaction. Casey knows something he's not letting on. Donnie makes himself a robo-brain. Leo blows up his brother. You ever wanted an adventure with the blorbos that was also an ARG? Cryptic messages are sprinkled throughout the chapters for readers to decipher. Mind the tags but absolutely do not pass this fic up!
No Rest For The Weary by Nekotsuki (No romantic focus - Action / Adventure - WIP)
Ever thought "hey what if the movie just kept going and we found out what happened to those other kraang"? Hello and let me introduce you to THE post-movie out of frying pan and into the fire fic. I have it on good authority that this author was a big name in the 2003 TMNT fic scene, and I suspect for good reason -- this story perfectly blends heart-pounding action with A+ belly laughs and solid found family energy. Donnie hacks cute animal emails and narcs on the enemy. April fights zombies back to back with Barold Draxum of downstairs neighbour fame. Raph gets tranquilizer-darted by his brother for being too emotional. 100/10 wild ride, cannot recommend highly enough.
I May Be Invisible, But I Still Look Good by Dandy (No romantic focus - Adventure / Thriller - WIP)
Several TMNT AU competitions have made this fic a household name, and for good reason -- the author's come onto the scene with a bold, fun plot premise: after a battle gone wrong, Leo finds himself alive but unable to be perceived via sight, sound, or touch. Naturally, his family assumes he's dead. While it starts on the angstier side, this story's got a lot of heart and shoves tenderness into every possible crevice; the longer it goes on, the more tears are swapped out for laughter, and anguished dialogue-heavy interaction trades place with high-octane action. Worth sticking with!
Creation, Haunted And Holy by Greenglowsgold (No romantic focus - Drama / Thriller - Complete)
I lied about the romance it's Donnie x Technodrome with a twist. This fic reads like fascinating poetry, and does right by its source material by taking one of the fandom's favourite angst catalysts and turning it into a demonstration of the strength of love. Looking for something wildly different? GGG's got you. Would also highly recommend their outside-POV slice of life fic Midtown Mutants!
The Lemonade Leak by TurtleSoupSwimmer (No romantic focus - Horror / Thriller - WIP)
How do you explain to your family that your twin brother's possessed when you have no evidence, aren't sure if said brother is still alive somewhere inside the zombie, and revealing you know something's wrong could get everybody killed? There is no describing how completely feral I've gone for this fic - the author's technique of starting chapters with small, raw, seemingly unrelated scenes that segue into the current plot and enhance the tone or underlying message of the story is just incredible. They've given the turtles a fascinating mutation feature that adds layers of intrigue to the plot. The character interaction is heckin' tender, we got a nice scoop of self-worth issues from Leo to deal with, and the scary scenes are grip-your-phone-and-stop-blinking scary. The author promises a happy ending but that doesn't make Lemonade Leak any less of an incredibly tense ride. This is a fic I jump on the second I get the AO3 email notification.
The Smoking Gun: A ROTTMNT Tactical AU by AlienMadame22 (Donatello / April - Action / Adventure - Complete)
Agent Bishop of the EPF stole four turtle mutants away from their father as children and raised them as militia; dad's gotten back in contact and intends to break them free. This author absolutely took off running with the tactical AU prompt that various visual artists started up, grabbed a handful of canon concepts to mess around with, and mcguyvered together a wild ride of a story that continues to catch me off guard. Strap in for a fic riddled with emotional complexity and character nuance, and come prepared to cry. Fear not the ship tag, as the fic is primarily non-romance-focused and the ship elements are handled in an interesting, convoluted way that works to further the plot and add comedic value. Smoking Gun is a refreshing new concept in a very busy fandom tag and I have been eating it up like candy.
The Dawning of the Hour (Series) by Faiakishi (No romantic focus - Horror / Drama - WIP)
Donnie is captured and brainwashed by a pre-Vegeta-arc'd Baron Draxum, who subsequently starts parenting the kid out of guilt while using his talents to fuel the canonical Mutate All Humans takeover plot. It's been often called the Donatello version of Like Father Like Son, but that does its storytelling a disservice - this series goes much deeper in the psychological and physical horror direction, has an underlying political intrigue plot, and spends a generous amount of time with the secondary cast (plus a few excellent OCs) in order to really ramp up the intensity of the premise's whole situation. The first story is very whump-heavy, but does a lot of setup for fic two: The Drax-Daddening, which gives Donnie a friend in Cassandra Jones and finds more space for affection and comedy. The author's ramped up the sources of conflict several times over in the first few chapters of the series' second fic, making rescue by the Hamato feel ever more impossible. Despite being a very complex and interesting read (grey-morality my beloved) I cannot stress enough how VERY not for kids this fic is, so proceed with extreme caution!
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writerscafehub · 3 months
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c /づ づ 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐄 all the works made by the very talented members of the writer's café server in the month of JUNE. we ask, and highly encourage, that you reblog them in support. ♡
𖥔 indicates smut
✶ indicates dark elements
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By ☁︎☽ Cocoa ☁︎☽ @cocoamoonmalfoy @darksideofthecocoamoon
𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄 | Novacane!Michelle Jones x black!Reader
You say space will make it better and time will make it heal.  I won't be lost forever and soon I wouldn't feel.  Like I'm haunted, woah, falling
𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄 | Life’s Perfect Ache!Paul Atreides x Pharao Hekau (OFC)
Please call me your baby, baby, baby.  Look how long that you have kept me waiting.  I'm all in, look at all that I have given.  Ooh, I knew your love before I kissed you.  And now you’ve only made me miss you.  Come get me, come love me, baby, come love me.
𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐌𝐄 | Paul Atreides x black!Reader
Are you with me?  Are you in or are you out?
𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐈𝐕𝐎𝐑 | Eivor Varinsdóttir x black!reader
you’re out on a date with Eivor and a guy sends you a drink thinking yall are just gal pals
𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 | Michelle Jones x Black Cat!Reader
MJ only knows you as Black Cat. When she doesn't hear from you for weeks and hears from Peter that he’s been with Black Cat a lot lately, she can only assume….
By ★ Jen ★ @jen-with-a-pen
𖥔 𝐂𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐎𝐍 | Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
A chance encounter one night at a house party sparks the hottest hookup Bucky and Steve ever have.
By ☆ Stella ☆ @a-lumos-in-the-nox
✶𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐏𝐘 & 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 | Fred Weasley x black!fem reader
Villainous duo doing bad shit.
𖥔𝐌𝐀𝐌𝐀 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄’𝐒 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘 | Neville Longbottom x black!female OC
The Morgan's take their kids to a family reunion in Louisiana to celebrate Mama Gene's Birthday, and Ruby and Neville have some fun themselves.
By 𓆺 Witch Aunt 𓆺 @moonlight-prose
By ✬ Astro ✬ @eulalielatibule
Original Character Bio
By ⎈ Navy ⎈ @navybrat817
✶𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐓𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓: 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐓𝐖𝐎 | Club Owner!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Fic Summary: The owner of The 107th wants you to be his girl whether you like it or not.
Chapter Summary: You're anxious before your date.
𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐄 | Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Bucky doesn't think he's good enough for you, but still wishes he could be your guy.
✶𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐓𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓: 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄 | Club Owner!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Fic Summary: The owner of The 107th wants you to be his girl whether you like it or not.
Chapter Summary: The date is just beginning, but you're not sure if you can keep it together.
By ❥ Courtney ❥ @chasingmidnights
𖥔𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 | camp owner!Max Burnett x secretary!reader
Max comes to the camp to see how things are going, when he meets you, one of the newest secretaries to join the staff. Max is immediately smitten with you and wants to make you his. 
By ✾ Annie ✾ @nekoannie-chan
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍 | Steve Rogers x reader
Steve broke your heart
By ✧Bella✧ @madwomansapologist
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐌𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐌 - 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 | Thranduil x female!reader
Thranduil thought the recent attack of spiders on a periphery village was the only thing deserving of his attention. If he could've imagined what he would found there, who he would found there, the Elvenking would wait a millenia in front of that river so he could see her sooner. Or: how Gandalf managed to keep a secret for 14 months.
By ఌ Bam Bam ఌ @buzzkillers
✶𝐅𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐑𝐁 | Namor x fem!reader
namor comes to the call
By 𓆸 Rika 𓆸 @fushic0re
𖥔𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑!𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐎 | Choso Kamo x fem!reader
what it is like to date the choso kamo.
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© all works belong to the respective writers of the writers café server.
18 notes · View notes
subastian-swallows · 1 year
Ominis Gaunt, Uncle Extraordinaire
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★ Chapter one
Chapter three ★
Pairing: Sebastian x YOU x Ominis - Love triangle?
Words: 1.8k
Warnings: Angsty, Forbidden love
Summary: A series of fluffy, angsty, heart-breaking moments between you, the reader and Ominis/Sebastian — where you figure out that ever since that day, Ominis allowed you into his heart, he has been completely in love with you. Slight problem, you've eloped with Sebastian and are now raising your daughter.
Side note: Ominis and Sebastian became Aurors after graduating — let's just say they both had enough experience in that department to be great fits. You, the reader, are currently a stay at home mom — a housewitch if you will. BUT don't be discouraged, you are a great asset to supporting your husband in taking down those that deserve it.♡ •ᴗ•
The grungy village tavern was once a place Ominis found exciting, a place where he would sneak into with Sebastian — and after charming a butterbeer or two from the proprietress, they’d hide in the back, listening for gossip. But now, it felt like a cage. Ominis had decided from the moment he received the letter about Anne, that he would stay here and although you had offered more than once, that he could stay with you — he had already practised just how he would say no to you. Saying no to Sebastian was easy — but with you, it felt like every time he felt your body slump at his words, it was as if he had plunged a dagger into your chest and twisted it. And so when Ominis spent the train ride, reciting the one word answer to your question — perhaps now he was thankful that Sebastian hadn’t really changed. 
Truthfully the tavern wasn’t completely horrible. 
Ominis had gotten exceptionally good at pretending he wasn’t there and with that it meant retrieving information or rumours was easy — which only made him extremely valuable. Perhaps, this was why becoming an Auror was not only a smart choice, but a good one. But there was another layer to it he supposed, Ominis’ hatred for his family only grew with the years and with what happened in their fifth-year — well, perhaps he had grown a little spiteful. But what he didn’t expect was for Sebastian to be amongst the accepted. And not in the sense that he didn’t have what it took to be an Auror — because regardless of everything Ominis would never deny Sebastian’s talents — it was more so, it felt comical that after everything, he decided on that path.
But he supposed, it would be a thought Sebastian would have had about him too — at least, that’s what a part of him assumed. When Ominis stepped back from their friendship, Sebastian reached out for a while and then eventually stopped. Unlike you, Sebastian was definitely resentful — at least to him and so Ominis tried not to take it too personally. This was all before you called the reunion — a ‘stop being twats and be friends again’ kind of meeting and Ominis would have probably said no, but it seemed that he still didn’t have the heart to say it — at least not to you. 
They both were hesitant at first, unable to find a common ground — until you laughed, so hard that you slipped from the stone bench you were sitting on. You always did find the humour in things — especially in their arguments and when Ominis and Sebastian both stood to help you up, Sebastian was just a little bit faster. He always did seem to act rather impulsively, so confident in his stride — and that perhaps, was why you fell for him. It wasn’t so obvious at first, but when you had started to spend almost all of your time together — well it was hard for Ominis to not be upset. 
You always seemed to laugh the loudest when you were around Sebastian and Ominis always wondered what it was about him — that you really liked. Over the years, it had been said that Sebastian had grown into his features, with his shoulders becoming broader and his freckles darkened beautifully along his skin where the sun had kissed — it was painfully obvious how he made girls feel. His hair had also fluffed out nicely, longer too, but Ominis only knew this because of how you spoke so subtly about how handsome he had become. You never did notice how much you spoke of Sebastian — or at least, that’s what Ominis had told himself, but it was clear from the beginning that you had been completely charmed by Sebastian. 
But Ominis had too — grown into his features.
And despite him feeling as if you hadn’t noticed, that was nothing more than his mind playing tricks — because of course you did. You had watched him grow taller than Sebastian, watched his features deepen with age — but probably your most favourite thing was how the soft red tinge of his lips grew dark as if they were always swollen. Ominis, of course, didn't know any of this. He found it hard to believe, you would have thought of anyone else but Sebastian and when he recalled a memory of you fixing up his hair — it was the sudden softness of your touch that made him wish things were different. Feeling rather stuck in his thoughts, Ominis would have continued to drown his sorrows — if it wasn't for you showing up, your heart beating like crazy. He could tell you had waited, perhaps had to explain your reasonings to Sebastian, but here you were — pulling yourself a seat beside him and ignoring his short gasp, when your knee brushed his.
“Sebastian told me you would be here,” you said, attempting to reach for his hand and smiled sadly as he pulled it away and clasped his mug, keeping both of them tightly attached so he had an excuse — but when you softly chuckled at his response, a part of him wished he didn’t retract from your touch, “he also would have came with me to apologise, but our little one wanted cuddles —”
“Apologise? For what exactly?”
You hummed and started drawing a figure eight on the table, the slight vibration as you tapped happily in completion — caused Ominis to grow distracted with counting the taps on his own mug and you smiled when you realised, “about everything — it seems that whatever has happened between us, is beyond the passing of Anne. Sebastian’s comments really upset you —”
“You’re mistaken, his comments meant nothing to me — as I clearly mentioned, I’m not myself,” Ominis said, finally giving up on the mug and pushing it away — before leaning one arm against the table, rocking it slightly as his other hand ruffled up his fringe, which had gotten rather long since the last time you’d seen him and you pouted slightly, “whatever Sebastian has to say, is nothing more than his way of expressing himself. I’d thought you’d know that by now”
“So, what he said — there’s no truth to it?”
Ominis swallowed bitterly and nodded, it was easier to lie when they were far apart and when you shuffled in your seat, he wished so desperately to comfort you — but he didn’t, “you’re correct, he was simply being —”
“I think you’re lying Ominis,” you said, your voice so sure and when Ominis straightened before returning his face to lean against his hand, you finally paid attention to just how red his face had gotten and with the smell of alcohol lingering on his breath, you pouted and reached a hand forward again, “you stormed out remember?”
“I stormed out — because it was ridiculous.”
By now, you felt a little frustrated and perhaps, you just wished for Ominis to tell the truth — that the whole thing was a simple misunderstanding, but it didn’t feel like that. Truthfully, Ominis had grown distant ever since Sebastian wildly expressed to the Great Hall that you had agreed to be his girlfriend and at first you took it simply as him feeling jealous about losing time with his friend — but perhaps it was always more. Pulling yourself back and realising that he was still the same old Ominis you knew in school, you knew you’d be going around in circles — trying to get anything emotional from him and so you frowned, slowly pulling yourself up. 
“It seems that you’ve not changed — and after all that work I did to pull your walls down,” you said, before letting out a soft chuckle and attempting to move from the table, but as if Ominis had a sudden change of heart — and perhaps, it was thanks to the alcohol kicking in, he gently grabbed your arm, slowly grazing his fingers against your skin until he squeezed your hand, “O—Ominis?”
“You were the only one that I let in — after Sebastian, after Anne and you were the last. I’m — I apologise for hurting you, but I had to step away.”
You swallowed nervously and realised he had pulled you towards him, so now you were almost directly between his legs and you froze — seeing how his jaw was now tensed and his grip had only tightened around your hand, “so — what does that mean, why did you have to step away from me — from us?”
“Do you want to hear me say it?” Ominis said, his voice suddenly tense and filled with an emotion you had only heard from Sebastian and when your thoughts returned to him — your husband, you wanted to pull away, to push away the blonde man in front of you — but you didn’t and he smiled at the silence, “I think you want what Sebastian said, to be true — but sadly, I can’t give you that satisfaction.”
“Excuse — me?”
Ominis chuckled and dropped your hand, suddenly sliding his stool back — he might not have been able to see your expression, but he was almost certain, he knew exactly what it was, “don’t act so innocent now — you’re the one who came storming in here, wondering why I left —”  
“Because I was worried about you? Ominis, you’re my friend — were my friend,” you said, stepping away and growing more flustered, it wasn’t about that, not really — or that’s what you told yourself, but when you stumbled over your thoughts and felt your chest ache, Ominis stood up and moved towards you, reaching a hand towards your cheek, “Ominis, don’t — you’re drunk, this isn’t what I wanted when I came here. I didn’t want it to end like this.”
“Like what? Or are you finally realising that perhaps, deep down — you always knew and now you’re unsure of what to do.”
You acted before you realised and when your hand made contact with Ominis’ cheek, you gasped and stepped further away. He had also not been expecting it and when he slowly reached for the new sensation in his face, the redness growing quickly on his pale skin — you uttered a feeble apology as you turned, before you left Ominis to stand in silence and alone. 
Ominis felt horrible — a feeling he was becoming increasingly familiar with and he hummed and returned to his seat, thankful that he could not see the prying eyes from those that sat in the tavern — but he knew they were there. Requesting another drink, Ominis frowned and realised he had probably had made things worse — but that’s what he wanted, right? He didn’t want you to care for him, he didn’t want to be in your life — so why did it feel so gut-wrenching that you left the way you did. 
Ominis wanted to leave that night — but he didn’t. 
He wanted to apologise. To somehow bury these feelings he had for you and so he continued to drown himself, to lose the process of thinking completely — but of course, his thoughts were against him and they returned to you and your glistened skin as he pushed you down against the bed, he was to sleep alone in. 
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jokertrap-ran · 2 months
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Main Story Chapter 4-3 : 爱德华之旅 The Journey of Edward Translation
“Him… Of course, how could I ever forget him?”
*Light and Night Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join the Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *Main story tag will be #For Light and Night
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Making use of my lunch break, I headed back to Grandma’s store. I recall that she had penned down quite several useful shoe-making tips in one of her notebooks somewhere.
The afternoon breeze drifts in, lifting the sheer curtains in its wake and bathing the room with a warm ambiance.
MC: Found it!
I sat on the floorboards, gleefully ready to flip open the thick leather-bound book when I heard an exclamation from behind.
??: Why, if it isn't the lass from next door!
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I turned my head to see a sprightly old woman standing in front of the open door. She leaned onto her cane, beaming straight at me.
MC: Granny Zheng?
I stood up, unable to believe my eyes when my memories finally caught up to reality.
??: Oh! You still remember me!
MC: It really is you!
This unexpected reunion made me run towards her, enveloping her in a hug, just like how I did when I was little.
MC: Didn't you move overseas?
She used to live next door when I was little, but Grandma always invited her over for dinner with us because she was all alone as her kids had all gone abroad.
In the end, her son returned to help her move overseas too, and I recalled being upset about it for a period of time.
Granny Zheng: People always return to their roots when they get old. After thinking about it, I still ended up coming back here. This is where I feel the most comfortable.
Granny Zheng: You've become much prettier in the years you've been gone, lass.
MC: And I've missed you so much!
Granny Zheng: And where's the young lad that used to follow you around? I bet he's grown into a remarkable fella now.
MC: Who?
Granny Zheng: The little chubby boy that lived next door to you. You guys went to school together and were always attached at the waist.
Granny Zheng: Although, his family moved away in the end. And quite suddenly too… I think his name was called Jesse? Jesse Xia? 
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MC: Jesse…
This name, long buried in the depths of my memories, made me pause. Him… Of course, how could I ever forget him?
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Jesse: We'll be friends forever. Whoever breaks this promise will have to swallow a thousand needles.
If they hadn't moved away… perhaps we'd still be friends now.
But the apartment next door had remained empty ever since they left… It's been 7 whole years now.
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MC: We… lost contact with each other.
Granny Zheng: That's unfortunate. You two were so close… I remember seeing the boy cry his heart out with his face full of snot on the day they moved.
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Jesse: I'm not crying! Who's crying!? You're seeing things! Stop looking at me or I'll drink all your soda!
Suddenly, I could hear a voice in my  mind — vibrant, vivid, life-like. Almost as if someone was speaking to me across time and space.
Granny Zheng: But I trust that you'll reunite with each other again if it's something you both want, deep down. Just like how we met each other again, see? 
MC: Mmhm!
MC: I'm glad you're back here. I'll make sure to visit you often!
After sending her off, I headed towards the stairs while musing about the curious coincidence I'd just experienced. A small attic sits at the other end of the stairs — an attic that held a lot of my memories from childhood.
I hesitated for a moment before pushing the door open. Dust hit me square in the face.
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This place was still the same as I remembered — neat and cozy, almost as if nothing had changed since the last time I was here as a child.
MC: I remember it being hidden here…
I lay on the ground, reaching my hand out as far as I could until my fingers finally brushed against something hard and cold deep inside the closet. Using my strength, I tugged it towards me and out came an undeniably square biscuit tin.
MC: Bingo.
The edges of the box were already starting to darken with rust, and its originally vibrant red color had already faded into something in between pink and orange.
There was a sticky note pasted on the box with a childish scrawl that said “Do not open. Whoever opens it will have to swallow a thousand needles”, and emphasized with three exclamation marks.
MC: I don't have to swallow a thousand needles if I open something that belongs to myself, right?
The box was filled to the brim with a photo album, stars folded with cellophane, cartoon stickers, celebrity posters, and… a handful of spare change.
I felt my heart palpitate in nervousness as I picked up the photo album.
A small painted face greeted me as I flipped the album open. Little fourteen-year-old me had a blush on both cheeks that resembled a monkey's butt, an A-class pout, and an undeniably sad expression.
Almost as if she'd burst into tears and cry an Atlantic Ocean as soon as the camera moves away.
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MC: Not the skeleton in my closet!
I quickly turned the page, but my hand froze mid-air as a familiar face came into view.
The little boy in the photo had a sad look on his face as he stood beside my younger self. He was unbothered by the melting ice cream in his hand, tightly gripping the strap of his school bag.
He had a round face with dazzlingly bright pupils, yet his eyes were brimming with tears, and there was snot on his face.
Meanwhile, my younger self stood slightly away from him with both hands on my hips, pointedly looking away from him and refusing to meet his gaze.
Gently turning the yellowing photo over, I saw a line scrawled on the back.
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Jesse: “I'll treat you to ice cream, (Y/n). So don't be mad anymore, alright?”
The childish and rounded scrawl was signed off with a name — Tangyuan
MC: Tangyuan…
I remember giving him this nickname the first time we met.
Back then, I'd wielded a broom, angrily fending off the biggest bully at the time in defense of the little boy to the side, who resembled a glutinous rice ball.
Younger MC: Hey, stop crying. Didn't I already help you chase him away?
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Jesse: *Sniffle*… Mm, thank you… *sniff*
And that was how I made my first friend ever, despite how he was two years younger than me, and practically cried at every little thing.
We'd go home together every day after school, and whoever managed to scrounge up enough savings would buy the other an orange soda on the way home.
Younger MC: I challenge you! Let's see who can finish this drink the fastest!
Jesse: Huh? But didn't you just tell me that we have to savor it properly?
Younger MC: Don't know, don't care! The loser will have to buy bubblegum for the winner! Three, two, one, go!
Jesse: Ah, wait a minute!
The sound of fizzy soda, a forehead covered with a sheen of sweat, and Tangyuan, ever so round, beside me… My best Summer memory.
Until the third year of middle school.
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My heart was akin to a stone from years past, skipping across the surface of a lake. And every ripple that broke the surface invoked a sense of nostalgia.
Breaking out of my reverie, I carefully put the photo away.
Will we meet again, just like what Granny Zheng said?
No one answered my unspoken question, but I could feel a pleasant draft of wind gently surrounding me.
❖☆————— ⊹ For Light & Night⊹ —————★❖
Previous Part: (Chapter 4-1) | Next Part: (Chapter 4-5)
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shootingstarpilot · 1 year
For the ask game!
★ - back then I was dauntless
✿ - how to bring him home
♫ - and bit by bit
Ask Game
★ what was the scene you most wanted to write in back then, i was dauntless? what was the hardest scene to write?
Oh, gosh, the scene I most wanted to write would have to be the discovery of the chips and the beginning of the removal process. That was the seed from which the rest of the fix-it sprouted, and this may sound silly, but I felt genuinely relieved when I finally finished polishing off that scene. I'd fixed it. I was about to put a whole lot of characters through a whole lot of grief, but at least they'd all live.
As for the hardest scene to write?
Honestly, I... don't think there was one? While it did take me a while to decide on exactly how I wanted Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon's reunion to play out, I genuinely don't remember there ever being a moment when I was really struggling with writer's block. This fic kind of popped into my head fully formed, and as far as I can remember, I just went with it.
✿ did anything major change when you started writing how to bring him home to when you finished?
...Yes, although I don't necessarily want to spoil anything. The way I wrote the dynamic between two particular characters shifted as the fic got into its later chapters, thanks to certain people who know exactly who they are. The payoff of that will start to become apparent- hopefully already has, at least slightly- in like lightning changing hands.
♫ send a fic and i’ll make a 3-5 song playlist for you
...Anyway. I may have gone a little bit overboard. But I'll limit the list I put here to three songs!
Watergun, by Remo Forrer- this song was actually suggested by a commenter, and I loved it.
Family, by Mother Mother- I couldn't help myself.
Second Child, Restless Child, by The Oh Hellos- Needle, my beloved.
The link to the full playlist on Spotify is here- AND! If you use this link, you should be able to add songs yourself! I absolutely adore it when people mention songs that they thought fit well with a certain chapter/fic/character in a comment, it's one of my favorite things- so please feel free to add a song or several if there's one you think fits!
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missfangirll · 1 year
☆°・:*:・。★ Writing ★ 。・:*:・°☆
★ 陈情令 | The Untamed ★
☆ Snow Angels (SL/XXC, fluff) ☆ i carry your heart with me (SL/XXC, fix-it, h/c, fluff, angst) ☆ Saving Grace (SL/XXC, fix-it, mild h/c, reunion) ☆ Sunlight (SL/XXC, fix-it, mild h/c, reunion) ☆ A Kinder Sea (SL/XXC, Yi City fix-it, canon divergence) ☆ Here we go again (SL/XXC, fluff, crack, modern au, mamma mia au)
  ★ 天官赐��� | Heaven Official’s Blessing ★
☆ Guiding Light (XL/HC, mild h/c, confessions, canon divergence) ☆ Of Gods and Ghosts (XL/HC, light angst with a happy ending, canon divergence) ☆ The Road Not Taken(FX/MQ, fluff, getting back together, modern AU)
  ★  二哈和他的白猫师尊 | The Dumb Husky and His White Cat Shizun ★
☆ we found love in a hopeless place:    1. as your shadow crosses mine (CWN/MR, h/c, first kiss, confession)    2. feel your heartbeat in my mind (CWN/MR, h/c, first kiss, confession)
  ★ 盗墓笔记 | The Lost Tomb ★
☆ A Port in the Storm (Xiaoge/WX, introspection, fluff, first kiss) ☆ Thunder in our hearts (Xiaoge/WX, fluff, mild h/c) ☆ the world is brighter than the sun (Hei Xiazi/Xiao Hua, crack, kid fic) ☆ all poems are lies, all poets liars (Hei Xiazi/Xiao Hua, fix-it of sorts) ☆ The Big Puppy and his Feisty Cat Liu Sang (Kan Jian/Liu Sang, fluff, smut)
  ★ 七爷 | Lord Seventh ★
☆ Don’t trouble a quiet snake (WX/JBY, fluff, first kiss) ☆ Butterflies in Love with Flowers (WX/JB, fluff, bonding, fix-it of sorts) ☆ When you’re gone (WX/JBY, mild h/c, established relationship) ☆ love by any other name (WX/JBY, fluff, first kiss) ☆ Nightly Hauntings (WX/JBY, fluff, crack, first kiss, sharing a bed)
  ★ 千秋 | Thousand Autumns ★
☆ Crossroads (YW/SQ, fluff, modern AU, getting back together)
  ★ 镇魂 | Guardian ★
☆ All the right places:
Snapped (SW/ZYL, fluff & crack)
Mended (SW/ZYL, fluff & crack)
Glazed (SW/ZYL, fluff)
☆ New Year’s Morning:   
You are my home (SW/ZYL, fluff)
Cat Fight (DQ/YZ, fluff)
☆ Ad astra per aspera: (SW/ZYL, DQ/YZ, fix-it, fluff, getting together) Chapter 1  ||   Chapter 2  ||   Chapter 3  ||   Chapter 4  ||   Chapter 5  ||   Chapter 6  ||   Chapter 7  ||   Chapter 8  ||   Chapter 9  ||   Chapter 10  ||  Chapter 11
☆ Unlikely (DQ/YZ, fluff) ☆ Learning to fly (SW/ZYL, fluff, kid fic, prompt) ☆ I will stay true (SW/ZYL, fluff, jealousy, prompt) ☆ Always (SW/ZYL, fluff, SW gets hurt, prompt) ☆ Will you shut up? (DQ/YZ, fluff & smut) ☆ The Light of the Universe (SW/ZYL, fluff, first meeting) ☆ One half of me is yours (SW/ZYL, fluff, pining, first kiss) ☆ Send noods (SW/ZYL, fluff, crack) ☆ Strawberries & Cigarettes (SW/ZYL, fluff, 4+1 things) ☆ Driving me crazy (SW/ZYL, fluff, crack, prompt) ☆ To be loved (SW/ZYL, DQ/YZ, fluff, found family) ☆ Bingo! (DQ&ZH, fluff, crack, prompt) ☆ Bite me (SW/ZYL, fluff, crack, prompt) ☆ Nightmare from Bright Street (GCC&CSZ, fluff, crack, prompt) ☆ Leave a Light on (GCC&CSZ, fluff, prompt) ☆ What we do in the shadows (DQ/YZ, crack) ☆ Curiosity got the cat stuck (DQ/YZ, fluff, crack, prompt) ☆ Our scars remind us that the past is real (SW/ZYL, fluff, first kiss, scars) ☆ To Do Unto You (SW/ZYL, fluff, caring for each other, prompt) ☆ I put a spell on you (SW/ZYL, crack, prompt) ☆ silver clouds with grey linings (SW/ZYL, fluff, established relationship, prompt) ☆ The Noodle Incident (SW/ZYL, crack, attempt at humor) ☆ Awakening (SW, sad, angst, introspection)
  ★ S.C.I.谜案集 | S.C.I. Mystery ★
☆ I miss you, I’m sorry (BYT/ZY, fluff and angst, prompt) ☆ Living love in slow motion (BYT/ZY, fluff, pining, getting together) ☆ Tie your heart to mine (BYT/ZY, case fic, angst with a happy ending) ☆ Let my heart be still a moment (BYT/ZY, case fic, angst with a happy ending)
                       ★ The Sandman ★
☆ My Brother's Keeper (Dream/Hob, fluff, getting together, Hob rescues Dream)
  ★ Thai BL ★
★ Until we meet again: ☆ A Broccoli and a Promise (Win/Team, fluff, getting together) ☆ Reasons to stay (Win/Team, fluff, sharing a bed, first kiss)   ★ KinnPorsche: ☆ Under your skin (Vegas/Pete, fluff, tattoos, post-canon)
  ★ The Eternity of Our Victorious Kisses ★
A Kiss Through Tears (BYT/ZY, fluff)
A Kiss To Claim (DQ/YZ, fluff)
A Kiss In Public (DQ/YZ, fluff)
A Kiss For Luck (BYT/ZY, fluff)
A Kiss On A Scar (DQ/YZ, fluff)
A Kiss To Shut Them Up (SW/ZYL, fluff)
A Kiss Out Of Love (LJ/SY, fluff)
A Kiss As A Promise (SW/ZYL, fluff))
A Kiss Because The World Is Ending (SW/ZYL, fluff, angst, fix-it)
A Kiss To Distract (SW/ZYL, fluff, Ye Olde Haixing Era)
     ☆゚・:*:・。★��� You can always send an ask! ★ 。・:*:・゚☆ ☆
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385bookreviews · 3 years
2.42 Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
Pages: 320
Overall Rating: ★★★☆☆ Storyline: ★★★☆☆ Dialogue: ★★★☆☆ Characters: ★★★★☆
Genre: YA Fiction
TWs for the book: Ghosts, cemeteries, death and discussion of death, blood, transphobia, dysphoria, grief, homelessness
POV: Third person; Yadriel’s perspective/Julian’s perspective for one chapter
Time Period/Location: East Los Angeles, California 
First Line: Yadriel wasn’t technically trespassing because he’d lived in the cemetery his whole life. 
Cemetery Boys starts out with a trans boy, Yadriel, and his best friend, Maritza, sneaking through a cemetery and into their church. Except it isn’t an ordinary church, and they’re not ordinary kids. They’re brujx, a Latinx group of people who serve Lady Death and possess magic. Brujas possess the power to heal people with rosaries and brujos can release and summon spirits with daggers (the rosaries and daggers are called portajes). All of them can sense spirits and injuries, and the death of a brujx. Yadriel was not allowed to perform his quinces ceremony that would make him an official brujo with a portaje because he is trans, so him and Maritza perform the ceremony themselves in the church, and Lady Death accepts him as a brujo (not a bruja). Immediately afterwards, they feel the death of their cousin Miguel. When they return to Yadriel’s house, he is shunned by his father and refused to allow to help in the search for Miguel. So him and Maritza sneak out to go search the cemetery and the old church. They find a Saint Jude medal, which they realize is a tether for a spirit, and, thinking it’s Miguel, they summon the spirit attached. It’s actually an angry, attractive teenage boy named Julian who is attached to the medal, and when Yadriel tried to release him from this world against his will, it doesn’t work. So they cut a deal, Yadriel will help Julian find his friends to make sure they’re ok, and then Julian would allow Yadriel to release his spirit. They then have to hunt down Julian’s friends (all of whom are homeless or outcasts), and meet with his brother Rio in an attempt to figure out what happened to him. After meeting with Julian’s brother, they are attacked by a maligno spirit upon return to the cemetery. Yadriel’s dad sees him try to release the spirit with his portaje, and afterwards apologizes and accepts him as a son, telling him that he will get to be in the ceremony as a brujo this Die de Muertos. No one knows, and Julian begins to show signs of going maligno (turning into an evil zombie) so Yadriel gives him one last day on Earth before he has to release him. During this time, they had fallen in love, and Yadriel has a hard time accepting the fact that he needs to be released. They return to the old church where they found him, and Yadriel tries to free him one last time, but it again, doesn’t work, and Julian disappears under the church. Yadriel and Maritza run down and find an underground chamber. They also find Miguel’s body and two others, and Julian’s body, except he was alive and slowly bleeding out with a sacred dagger in his chest. It turns out Yadriel’s Tio Catriz was sacrificing people to bring back the Jaguar God Bahlam and gain magic for himself, as he was fairly powerless. Yadriel pushed his Tio into the portal he had opened and he was consumed by Bahlam. Julian, however, still died, so Yadriel made a deal with Lady Death to bring Julian, Miguel, and the other two people back at the cost of his own life. However, Maritza, using the pools of blood on the floor, also heals Yadriel and brings him back to life. Miguel goes and gets help, and Julian and Yadriel have a tearful reunion in the hospital (full of kisses, finally). At the end, Yadriel gets to see his mother again due to it being Dia de Muertos, and she and the whole community get to see him become a brujo. 
Yadriel: Yadriel is some of the best trans representation I have seen so far in a book. The way his dysphoria and interactions with his family are portrayed are really accurate to how it is for some people. The writing when it comes to him was a little obvious, or a little too... fanfiction-y I suppose? I was more expecting there to be a story with a trans character instead of it being a story about a character and his trans-ness. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but for me personally the writing for Yadriel came off as for a bit of a younger audience. I really admired his utter dedication to his culture despite them not being accepting of him. I did really like how we were never given his deadname, that even when it was said by other characters it was never told to us, the audience. Also, the fact that at the end, when Maritza brought him back to life, he wasn’t forced to lose his powers. I was really expecting for the price of Julian, Miguel, and the other two’s life to be his powers, but it wasn’t. The story kept the dramatic realism without stripping the AFAB characters of their bodily autonomy. 
Julian: Julian was an excellent love interest for Yadriel. They were incredibly opposite, Yadriel being quiet and careful, Julian being loud and reckless. They balanced each other out very nicely. Also, you just gotta love half feral gay boys. There was a tad bit of overdramatic-ness that came with Julian’s character, however, I think that that had to do with the nature of the writing being for a younger audience.
Maritza: Maritza was the much needed comedic relief. She was really funny and overall I love how no matter what, even in a time of danger, she did not sway from her decision to not practice magic with animal blood. Her veganism wasn’t her only defining trait, but it was nice to see a female character have a moral choice for herself and stick to it no matter what, and not be circumstantially forced into doing something she was uncomfortable with. She also was a good middle ground between Julian’s recklessness and Yadriel’s timidness. 
Tio Catriz: The plot twist I honestly did not see coming was Tio Catriz trying to resurrect Bahlam via Miguel and Julian. He made for a wicked villain in the end, the utter betrayal of Yadriel by the only “accepting” person in his family since his mother died, was heartbreaking and shocking. It was a solid motivation though, his lack of power and the outcasting of him in the community because of it drove him to do such evil things. Yadriel and Catriz I feel like are really good  foils for each other. They were both outcasts but Yadriel did whatever he could to be accepted, while Catriz was driven to evil. 
Storyline: The storyline was a little slow, and it seemed to take awhile to get to the interesting bits, but the plot twist at the end was very good. I wanted to see more of Julian’s friends and brother, and more of Yadriel’s community outside of just his family members and the ghosts. The concept was really cool though and the complete cast of Latinx characters was awesome. 
Representation: There is hardly a white person to be found. All the characters are Latinx of some kind (Mexican, Cuban, Colombian, Puerto Rican, etc.) Yadriel is gay and trans FtM. Julian is gay. Maritza is vegan. Julian’s friend Flaca is trans MtF. I believe it’s stated that everyone in Julian’s friend group is LGBTQ+ of some kind. 
Summary: Overall, it was honestly a good book, it just didn’t hold my attention as well as I thought it would. I would definitely recommend it, especially for the younger people on the young adult reading spectrum. The trans and Latinx rep is great and the plot twist at the end is really surprising. I like how there was drama and suspense without risking any of the characters bodily autonomy or making them bend in their beliefs, and the happy ending where everything worked out just fine was well warranted and refreshing.
Quotes: “Queer folks are like wolves... We travel in packs.”-Julian “You don’t need anyone’s permission to be you, Yads.”-Julian “It is not your fault... Greed and hurt drive people to do horrible things.”-Maritza “Growth isn’t a deviation of what we’ve done before, but a natural progression to honor all those who make this community strong.”-Yadriel’s father “He was a boy made of fire who had been turned to frost. He was meant to burn.”-Yadriel
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