#λ::|| london | 1800s CE
ofspvrta · 2 years
“ don’t say it. ” / from evie
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μ::|| meme:   emotionally intense prompts. | accepting [ Ξ ]
θ::|| @torntruth - evie
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She stands there in heavy silence. Surely silence or lies would be more comforting than the truth but there was always honesty between them and she wouldn't lie to Evie. Especially when the truth was so obvious. Instead, she just looks down, staff grasped in her hand. It was one of the most important things she was taught when given the great powers of the staff. She could not interfere with death. In her hands was the power to play god and she couldn't do it. The sheer amount of people she would have kept by her side if she could have... but she could not. Such abuses of the power were forbidden and she did not want to become like the Isu, ruling over man with a terrible gift. Looking back at the bleeding body, her brows knit in a feeling of sorrow she had known so well in the past. "I can't save them, not like this. I'm sorry."
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ofspvrta · 2 years
evie just really wanted to kiss the scar on kassandra's nose.
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θ::|| @torntruth | evie frye
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Kassandra pauses, golden brown eyes alight as she gives a surprised smile at Evie. It is the moments like this, the little surprise kisses, the unannounced affection, that warms her heart. Leaning down, she presses her forehead against Evie's, gently pulling her into her arms. "You're in a good mood."
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ofspvrta · 2 years
❛  12 .   a  kiss  that  seals  a  marriage . / from evie, unofficially, with love
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μ::|| meme:    𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐗𝐈𝐀 ;   𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔 .      |  [ Ξ ] accepting    
θ::|| @torntruth
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        It had remained largely unspoken since Kassandra finally relented on letting Evie travel with her in her duties. It was the weight of loneliness versus the fear of repeating that dread of loss that eventually came with all attachments. Dealing with the eventual loss won out in the end, at least then only one of them would suffer for it in the end. But it had remained unspoken. This is Evie’s life now too, to share as much of her remaining time as possible with the immortal Eagle Bearer. Kassandra had been so adamant about reiterating the weight such an adventure carried but the young Assassin had wanted this. And the Keeper had wanted her. Her company, her little smiles, her knowledge. Her heart. “I’m not trying to warn you off,” she says, cupping her face gently, “I just want you to be aware of what you’re asking for.” Her thumbs trace gentle trails along the cut of her cheekbones. “But if you want to stay with me, through all of this...” She leans in, eyes half-lidded, and presses her lips to Evie’s in a slow and tender kiss.  
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ofspvrta · 2 years
[ STRADDLE ] : while sparring, sender gains the upper hand and pins the receiver in place, straddling their waist in the process. / from evie
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μ::|| meme:           sexual tension prompts.     |  [ Ξ ] accepting    
θ::|| @torntruth
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It is nice to get a chance to actually fight Evie one on one. She’d seen her in action multiple times but to spar with her? It was always thrilling when there was an actual challenge. So many fools fell easily to her and even without her weapons Kassandra was an incredibly talented fighter. How could she not be with all her experience. Perhaps she allowed pride to best her, when Evie manages to sweep her leg, knocking the misthios right on her back.
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Her breath practically hitches in her throat as Evie gets on top of her, straddling her waist to keep her from getting back up. So this is how we’re playing it, she thinks. Instead, warm brown eyes meet Evie’s blues, a smirk tracing her lips. Her hands rest on the sides of Evie’s legs. “Well, you’ve got me. Now what?” 
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ofspvrta · 2 years
teasing  kiss. / from evie
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μ::|| meme:   KISSING  MEME  PROMPTS | accepting [ Ξ ]
θ::|| @torntruth for evie
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Kassandra had been poring over clues from various reports across the region all morning.The staff had indicated a Piece of Eden was near, but she couldn't sense it, couldn't make heads or tails of the clues. Just there it was near and it was underground. That... hadn't been very helpful at all. Evie had been out gathering intel around the city hoping she could locate clues that Kassandra's reports had missed. It had delayed their trip to India but both had agreed that finding the artifact was more important at the moment.
The immortal had been so engrossed in her texts that she doesn't hear Evie come up the stairs to the clock tower. Evie practically bounds over to her, light on her feet as she places a kiss on the corner of Kassandra's mouth, letting it linger for a moment before pulling away. The misthios let her eyes fall shut for a moment, enjoying the warmth of the moment before it ends and Kassandra's soft smile is replaced with a pout. "Are you truly going to tease me like that?" She says, wishing to return the kiss in kind, but her eyes fall to the strange white disc covered with holes and emblazoned with the brotherhood's insignia. "You found a clue, didn't you?" Oh, that kiss is going to be on hold for a bit. She knew how Evie gets when she finds new information and she'd hate to interrupt that.
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ofspvrta · 2 years
[GRAB] - Sender grabs the receiver’s arm to pull them closer. / from evie
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μ::|| meme:         Rough Touch Starters             |  [ Ξ ] accepting
θ::|| @torntruth​
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       Kassandra prides herself in her hyper awareness of her surroundings. It helped her keep herself from being caught, being found out (for all the good it did her with Evie). But she’s distracted, whether it’s the busy streets or the sights and sounds of the crowd around her. The fact that she can still remember the Lunden that was almost overlayed over the London that stands now. It happens sometimes, a life lived so excruciatingly long that the mind wanders to times long past like idle daydreams. The sudden tugging on her arm, a firm grasp had her head turning to suddenly face Evie who was just staring up at her with a smirk. She keeps doing this, closing that space between them. The way in which Kassandra is certain that Evie knows it affects her. If this is some sort of game, the smaller woman may very well be winning. “What? I was paying attention, I swear!”
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ofspvrta · 11 months
“ i know there’s no fixing me, i’m too far gone. “ ( Jacob to Kass in a more lighthearted way with serious undertones? Maybe? // sharp-teeth-and-wide-grins )
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a collection of my own writings … sentence starters | accepting [ Ξ ]
θ::|| @sharp-teeth-and-wide-grins | jacob frye
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Kassandra just looked up from the rim of her mug of beer at the man. Either the drink was talking (entirely possible) or he was dead serious. But the slurring voice did indicate he might have thought he was speaking in jest. Still, such talk worried her. She'd known those who were too far gone to save, her own brother. She was grateful that Evie wasn't here to listen to him say such things, but still, concern kicked in and she lowered her own mug. "No fixing you?" The expression on her face was incredulous.
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"I don't know, I'd say you've a couple more drinks before you hit that point. You're not too far gone just yet. Once we hit the point of me throwing you over my shoulder and dragging your ass back to the train, then you're too far gone."
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ofspvrta · 11 months
“ you’re still a fighter, right? prove it. “ ( Jacob and Kass in the fight club maybe?? // sharp-teeth-and-wide-grins )
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a collection of my own writings … sentence starters | accepting [ Ξ ]
θ::|| @sharp-teeth-and-wide-grins | jacob frye
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He didn't have to tell her twice. She'd been itching to get in the wring and show these boys how a woman handled things. She shed most of her outer layers until she was in just her undershirt and trousers. Cracking her neck to the side, she hopped over the barrier into the ring. 6-foot frame and far more muscle than these knuckleheads had witnessed on a woman, she would happily make examples of the lot of them. She didn't even bother getting into a fighting position so much as bouncing back and forth on the balls of her feet, waiting for a challenger. And no sooner had the first man stepped into the ring with her, she had quickly gone through the rounds, demolishing every challenger.
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Having collected her winnings from Mr. Topping, she headed back to Jacob to gather her belongings. "I'd say I more than proved myself. Hardly broke a sweat."
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ofspvrta · 11 months
“ eventually, you just get used to it. “ ( Jacob // sharp-teeth-and-wide-grins )
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a collection of my own writings … sentence starters | accepting [ Ξ ]
θ::|| @sharp-teeth-and-wide-grins | jacob frye
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Used to it. Used to it. Kassandra had spent over two thousand years getting used to a world in constant flux, getting used to it wasn't an issue. What was an issue was dealing with the fact that the cart ride was bad enough without being shot at by Blighters. Jacob had been driving and had loaned Kassandra a gun, but she wasn't exactly a fan of the damn things. Too many components could go wrong, and they broke. Bows were easier. But she managed to take a few out and even got a headshot. One only managed to knick the shoulder of her jacket, just barely grazing her skin. Malakas.
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"So this is normal for you? Can't even have a leisurely carriage ride through the city without some Blighters trying to blow your head off?"
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ofspvrta · 1 year
tell me what you got on your mind. ( Jacob // sharp-teeth-and-wide-grins )
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θ::|| @sharp-teeth-and-wide-grins | jacob frye
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The Keeper was quiet for a moment, contemplating exactly what she was willing to reveal. There was plenty on her mind, for starters the Pieces of Eden in the city. Even after her first time in England a thousand years ago there still seemed to be more pieces, some even growing active or being close to being discovered. This was where she and the assassins in London had similar goals, but she still wanted to be sure she could make sure these pieces weren't a threat to anyone else. The problem was that her methods weren't exactly something she could reveal to anyone else.
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"Oh, just trying to come up with some plans on what needs to happen next."
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ofspvrta · 1 year
we could try to introduce ourselves. ( Jacob? // sharp-teeth-and-wide-grins )
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θ::|| @sharp-teeth-and-wide-grins | jacob frye
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The cracking sound of fist meeting face sounded in the alley as the last Blighter fell and Kassandra turned to the stranger who she had fought alongside when the fight broke out. "Seems only fair." he seemed quite the brawler, but she had caught a glimpse of an all-too-familiar emblem on his outfit. Combining that and the bulky glove he wore on the other hand, this man was an assassin. Dusting off her jacket, she offered out her left hand to shake.
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"Kassandra Aetos," she offered, using one of the many fake surnames she had adopted throughout her lifetime. "And you are?"
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ofspvrta · 2 years
There was just… something extraordinarily breathtaking about Kassandra. Usually in general, the moment just felt more so. It was probably Kassandra’s smile, either way Evie pushes herself off from the railing she’s standing on and strides up to Kassandra. Hands reach up, cradling Kassandra’s jawline in them. She moves closer until there was just a breath of space between them. Blue eyes meet golden. A smile, head tilts. There is so much love on Evie’s face that it nearly tumbles off her lips.
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θ::|| @torntruth
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          Coming down to the docks after her mediations, the immortal misthios has a peacefulness about her. Times of quiet were some of her favorites when she knew she wasn’t spending them alone and the anticipation of seeing Evie had brought a smile to her face that could light a dawn brighter than Helios. That same smile is the one that greets Evie as the younger woman makes her way to Kassandra giving her one of those gentle touches the Keeper melted into every time. Evie could be a brutal fighter, calculating, using the least amount of moves possible to do the most damage, but with her the touches are gentle, saying so much in such a quiet way. These are the quiet moments Kassandra loves most, the times when even the air had barely any leeway between them when touches and gestures and expressions spoke louder than any word could. And Helios burns in her features, radiates love back to Evie who she had so quickly fallen for. Kassandra wraps her arms gently around her back, keeping the silence between them light and the unspoken words understood. 
                                                             Moments like this, she thinks, makes forever worth it.
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ofspvrta · 2 years
“I think the bruise matches my eye color.” / from evie
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μ::|| meme:     𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃 & 𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒     |  [ Ξ ] accepting    
θ::|| @torntruth
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         The frown on the immortal’s face says it all. “A little,” she says, applying the ice to her cheek again. “Are you sure you’re okay? That was a pretty solid knock.” She knows better than to fret too much, Evie was mortal, yes, but she is also more than capable. But still, bodies were fragile, certain parts more than others and she had taken care to examine the area as best as possible to make sure there was no damage that may not have been immediately noticeable. Her fingers press gently around the bruised area without touching the bruise itself. Everything felt fine, nothing shifting under the touch.
         “Nothing broken, and you don’t seem to have a concussion.” She stops feeling around the bruise and just lets her fingers gently linger on Evie’s face. Honey eyes meet sea blue ones, studying them for a moment before a smile finally cracks through the concern she wore moments ago. “The purple does really make them stand out more... but I think I prefer your eyes without the pain and swelling to go with it.” Once again she presses the ice against the bruise. “You did get that guy back pretty good though, think his face was twice as fucked up.”
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ofspvrta · 2 years
a surprise kiss on my muse’s back / from evie
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μ::|| meme:       send me   💖 plus a number for a kiss!          |  [ Ξ ] accepting    
θ::|| @torntruth
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       The silvery light of the full moon casts the long shadows of clock’s hands across the floor. The clock tower grew almost too quiet at night, even with the winding and grinding of gears. It wasn’t like nights spent out in fields or the woods, but it was shelter and she was grateful for it. Part of her enjoyed watching the city through the clock face, seeing the people, scant as they were at this hour, milling about, the occasional late night carriage taking revelers home after a long night of drinking and merriment. Things so painstakingly human that she felt an aching disconnect from. 
       Evie had stayed the night in the clock tower, the work done earlier in the day having been so exhausting that Kassandra almost fooled herself into thinking she was fatigued too. She thought the younger assassin was asleep in the bed that had been set up in the room, but when she feels the sudden pressure against her back, feels arms wrap around her from behind, she knows the assassin couldn’t sleep. She closes her eyes against the feeling, soft and warm. Painstakingly human. She entwined her fingers with Evie’s, enjoying the silence of the moment, the feeling of serenity it brought to a heavy soul. And she smiled, very slightly.
         “You couldn’t sleep, could you?” 
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ofspvrta · 2 years
θ::|| @boldfrye​
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The stench of the sewer had been overpowering. Not the worst spot she’s had to search for an artifact, but far from ideal. Unfortunately Aletheia had been certain the piece of Eden would be here. Maláka! Kassandra very shallow water, uttering a silent prayer that it wouldn’t leave her boots permanently smelling awful. She liked these boots. It wasn’t the worst situation, nor grossest she’d been in, but in all her many, many years, she’d still rather be somewhere else. “It’s not that I’m doubting your information... but did it have to be a sewer?” She waited silently for Aletheia to give her usual straight forward answer, ignoring her sass as usual, but instead she was greeted by a feeling that she was no longer alone. Instinctually, she began to reach for her sword, dipping further into the shadows to see who was joining her beneath the city streets. 
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ofspvrta · 2 years
i don’t wanna know where you’ve been ,  or where you go . / from evie.
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μ::|| meme:       ↪     𝑴𝑼𝑺𝑰𝑪 ᶠᵒʳ ᵗʰᵉ 𝑺𝑶𝑼𝑳   .    (  a  collection  of  various unsorted lyric starters .  adjust  phrasing  as  necessary .   will be updated frequently .  )  |  [ Ξ ] accepting
θ::|| @torntruth
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      There’s a pause followed by a terse laugh from the taller woman. O’ if only everyone had been so inclined not to pry in her affairs. Evie was always keeping her on her toes with where they stood, between curiosity and a cautious distance. And why shouldn’t she? A tall, strange woman (who can glow) suddenly shows up one day looking for the same Piece of Eden she is. It doesn’t exactly scream trust me. Kassandra folds her arms over her chest, an amused smirk crossing her handsome features. “Good, because I don’t want to talk about where I’ve been or where I’ll go after this. It would make for too long a story anyway.” Too long and too revealing of who she is and her very nature. 
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