#τ::|| evie frye
ofspvrta · 1 year
the sigh of annoyance was meant to be loud, it was certainly heard from the corner evie was changing in. she turns her head slightly to see if kassandra is also decent and when she doesn't see a whole lot of skin, she turns completely, holding out her arms to emphasize the new outfit she's wearing. " look at this, i feel like an object of desire. "
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θ::|| @torntruth
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Kassandra had just finished fastening the black vest, the silk fabric hugging her frame just right while still giving her the means to move around as needed. The sigh was an audible knife cutting through the quiet of dusk and immediately grabs the immortal's attention. She knows exactly what it was about, too. Turning to face the younger assassin, she bites the inside of her cheek.
She wants to say something, gods does she want to say something. Instead, she just smiles and holds her tongue for the moment.
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"If any of them so much as leers at you, I'll free them of their eyes." She says, throwing the red coat over her outfit. "For what it's worth, I think you look great, but I would never see you as simply an object to ogle over."
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ofspvrta · 2 years
“ don’t say it. ” / from evie
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μ::|| meme:   emotionally intense prompts. | accepting [ Ξ ]
θ::|| @torntruth - evie
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She stands there in heavy silence. Surely silence or lies would be more comforting than the truth but there was always honesty between them and she wouldn't lie to Evie. Especially when the truth was so obvious. Instead, she just looks down, staff grasped in her hand. It was one of the most important things she was taught when given the great powers of the staff. She could not interfere with death. In her hands was the power to play god and she couldn't do it. The sheer amount of people she would have kept by her side if she could have... but she could not. Such abuses of the power were forbidden and she did not want to become like the Isu, ruling over man with a terrible gift. Looking back at the bleeding body, her brows knit in a feeling of sorrow she had known so well in the past. "I can't save them, not like this. I'm sorry."
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ofspvrta · 1 year
[ UNBUTTON ] : due to heat or stress or other reasons, sender unbuttons the top of their shirt to reveal their neckline. / from evie
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μ::|| meme: sexual tension prompts. | accepting [ Ξ ]
θ::|| @torntruth
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The first week in India had been lovely, at least for Kassandra. The area they were in was far less choked by factory smoke, and the sun greeted them far more often than not. The Keeper is absolutely in her element, dealing with the heat and sun as if it is nothing at all. It is a far cry from London's more temperate climate. Evie, it seems, needed a little more time to cool off from the unforgiving sun.
It was this need for cooling off that led Kassandra to search for her when she didn't find her in the courtyard where the young assassins were training. Henry had indicated that Evie had gone to her chambers after a few hours so Kassandra followed the lead. Arriving at her chamber doors, the Keeper let herself in, concern knitting her brows.
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Looking at her, she can already tell the heat had left the young Englishwoman flustered. "Oh, Evie," she pulls out her water skin, removes her sash, and dampens the fabric with it. Watching as Evie undid the top button of her blouse, the Keeper came over to apply the damp cloth over the area as her other hand supports her by the small of her back. "I warned you that Greece was just a taste of what the heat in India would be like. Do you need to sit?"
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ofspvrta · 1 year
[ HIDE ]:     while on the run, the sender hastily grabs the receiver and pins them against a wall that’s hidden from public view to avoid being seen. / from evie
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μ::|| meme: 𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐓 𝐀 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒. | accepting [ Ξ ]
θ::|| @torntruth | evie frye
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They had decided to make a detour to Greece before heading off to India. Kassandra had promised to show Evie her former home before heading to Sparta and Athens and finally off to the East to their true destination. However, things took a sour turn when she found Kephallonia had a new gang of thugs roaming the streets. Templars. From what they could tell, something had tipped them off that a powerful artifact may have been on the island.
Kassandra had a moment of feeling overwhelmed, they were set up near the precipice where her home once stood. It was at that moment that they were discovered, and she and Evie had to take off through the villages nearby. It isn't that they can't take them, but there are about twenty templars and two of them and they were caught off guard. It wasn't like that first night in London where it was Blighters and Templars, these were all Templars. As they moved through the streets, Kassandra's sense of direction starts to feel distorted. It is Kephallonia, but it's not. Everything is wrong and different. The streets she once knew intimately were different, and modern, nothing is where it should be, and for a moment, her mind is filling in her vision with the landscape that once was. She's careless, and not intentionally so.
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Suddenly she gets yanked into an alleyway, her back slammed against a wall, and out of instinct, she brings up her hands to twist the hand off her. Feeling that familiar gauntlet under her grip, she let go, taking a few sharp breaths and letting herself recenter. It takes her nearly a moment to reorient herself, the more modern, colorful buildings reemerging from visions of the past. Holding up a hand, she pauses, amber eyes casting back to Evie. "Sorry, I... uh, don't know what happened there."
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ofspvrta · 7 months
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And make out while doing so.
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"Time and place, love."
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ofspvrta · 2 years
evie just really wanted to kiss the scar on kassandra's nose.
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θ::|| @torntruth | evie frye
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Kassandra pauses, golden brown eyes alight as she gives a surprised smile at Evie. It is the moments like this, the little surprise kisses, the unannounced affection, that warms her heart. Leaning down, she presses her forehead against Evie's, gently pulling her into her arms. "You're in a good mood."
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ofspvrta · 1 year
75, this meme / from evie.
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μ::|| meme: 76 reasons to kiss: send a number for a starter / drabble  ,  or send  ✦  to have one picked at random  !   |  [ Ξ ] NOT accepting      
θ::|| @torntruth | evie frye
75: Kisses meant to distract the other from whatever they're intently doing.
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She had been intent on reading over her hastily scribbled notes about likely locations of the next Piece of Eden, reading them by the fireplace at the room they had managed to procure en route to India. The trip had been delayed by the staff pinging several artifacts and she knew Evie was probably just as interested in getting those pieces as she was. However, she is stirred from her thoughts as she feels a kiss press to her cheek, a pause, and then another this time near her jaw. "Can I help you?" She asks playfully, glancing to the side at Evie who must have just woken up.
There is another pause from the young assassin before she leans back in to dot a few more kisses along her cheek and jaw, even venturing to her neck. The notes are momentarily forgotten as Kassandra turns her head to meet her and steals a kiss before she can go any further. "Someone is in a good mood this morning."
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ofspvrta · 2 years
It doesn't even matter what Kassandra's holding right now. All that matters is that Evie is running straight towards Kassandra. Evie's actually wearing wraps around her hands and just a shirt, no jacket - which only means one thing, she was at a brawl. Maybe there's something wholly childish about Evie wanting to tell Kassandra about it. Maybe that's just human. Either way, Evie jumps into Kassandra's arms without so much as a pause.
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θ::|| @torntruth​
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       Kassandra barely has a moment to react when the smaller woman, dressed in a manner the Keeper was not used to seeing her in, comes charging at her. Even for all her skill, her speed, her reaction time, Kassandra didn’t have the time to save both what she held in her hand and catch Evie. A sacrifice has to be made, how unfortunate for her that said sacrifice is the wine she had just poured herself. “No! I’m holding wine!” It’s a warning that goes unheaded as the glass is dropped and Kassandra catches Evie with ease. The shocked expression gives way to a mixture of confusion over what just happened and dismay over the drink she was very much looking forward to. “What was that about?” A second glance at the change in her usual attire had her raising her brow. “Were you picking fights without me?”
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ofspvrta · 2 years
❛  12 .   a  kiss  that  seals  a  marriage . / from evie, unofficially, with love
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μ::|| meme:    𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐗𝐈𝐀 ;   𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔 .      |  [ Ξ ] accepting    
θ::|| @torntruth
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        It had remained largely unspoken since Kassandra finally relented on letting Evie travel with her in her duties. It was the weight of loneliness versus the fear of repeating that dread of loss that eventually came with all attachments. Dealing with the eventual loss won out in the end, at least then only one of them would suffer for it in the end. But it had remained unspoken. This is Evie’s life now too, to share as much of her remaining time as possible with the immortal Eagle Bearer. Kassandra had been so adamant about reiterating the weight such an adventure carried but the young Assassin had wanted this. And the Keeper had wanted her. Her company, her little smiles, her knowledge. Her heart. “I’m not trying to warn you off,” she says, cupping her face gently, “I just want you to be aware of what you’re asking for.” Her thumbs trace gentle trails along the cut of her cheekbones. “But if you want to stay with me, through all of this...” She leans in, eyes half-lidded, and presses her lips to Evie’s in a slow and tender kiss.  
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ofspvrta · 2 years
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μ::|| meme:            Send 🌹if your muse has a crush on mine.    |  [ Ξ ] accepting      
θ::|| @torntruth​
🌹 from Emily, evie, and Roxana
All I’ve got to say is...
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ofspvrta · 2 years
[ STRADDLE ] : while sparring, sender gains the upper hand and pins the receiver in place, straddling their waist in the process. / from evie
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μ::|| meme:           sexual tension prompts.     |  [ Ξ ] accepting    
θ::|| @torntruth
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It is nice to get a chance to actually fight Evie one on one. She’d seen her in action multiple times but to spar with her? It was always thrilling when there was an actual challenge. So many fools fell easily to her and even without her weapons Kassandra was an incredibly talented fighter. How could she not be with all her experience. Perhaps she allowed pride to best her, when Evie manages to sweep her leg, knocking the misthios right on her back.
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Her breath practically hitches in her throat as Evie gets on top of her, straddling her waist to keep her from getting back up. So this is how we’re playing it, she thinks. Instead, warm brown eyes meet Evie’s blues, a smirk tracing her lips. Her hands rest on the sides of Evie’s legs. “Well, you’ve got me. Now what?” 
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ofspvrta · 2 years
teasing  kiss. / from evie
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μ::|| meme:   KISSING  MEME  PROMPTS | accepting [ Ξ ]
θ::|| @torntruth for evie
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Kassandra had been poring over clues from various reports across the region all morning.The staff had indicated a Piece of Eden was near, but she couldn't sense it, couldn't make heads or tails of the clues. Just there it was near and it was underground. That... hadn't been very helpful at all. Evie had been out gathering intel around the city hoping she could locate clues that Kassandra's reports had missed. It had delayed their trip to India but both had agreed that finding the artifact was more important at the moment.
The immortal had been so engrossed in her texts that she doesn't hear Evie come up the stairs to the clock tower. Evie practically bounds over to her, light on her feet as she places a kiss on the corner of Kassandra's mouth, letting it linger for a moment before pulling away. The misthios let her eyes fall shut for a moment, enjoying the warmth of the moment before it ends and Kassandra's soft smile is replaced with a pout. "Are you truly going to tease me like that?" She says, wishing to return the kiss in kind, but her eyes fall to the strange white disc covered with holes and emblazoned with the brotherhood's insignia. "You found a clue, didn't you?" Oh, that kiss is going to be on hold for a bit. She knew how Evie gets when she finds new information and she'd hate to interrupt that.
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ofspvrta · 2 years
[GRAB] - Sender grabs the receiver’s arm to pull them closer. / from evie
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μ::|| meme:         Rough Touch Starters             |  [ Ξ ] accepting
θ::|| @torntruth​
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       Kassandra prides herself in her hyper awareness of her surroundings. It helped her keep herself from being caught, being found out (for all the good it did her with Evie). But she’s distracted, whether it’s the busy streets or the sights and sounds of the crowd around her. The fact that she can still remember the Lunden that was almost overlayed over the London that stands now. It happens sometimes, a life lived so excruciatingly long that the mind wanders to times long past like idle daydreams. The sudden tugging on her arm, a firm grasp had her head turning to suddenly face Evie who was just staring up at her with a smirk. She keeps doing this, closing that space between them. The way in which Kassandra is certain that Evie knows it affects her. If this is some sort of game, the smaller woman may very well be winning. “What? I was paying attention, I swear!”
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ofspvrta · 10 months
i missed you all day, and i wanted to say that i'm sorry. / from evie
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θ::|| @torntruth | evie frye
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Kassandra barely has one leg in through the window when Evie breaks the silence of her entrance. She nearly freezes, golden eyes locking on the light blue ones that held her in place. Now her mind is racing, she is certain she left a note next to the tea that Evie had left by the bed the night before. Something or is something else the matter. Lowering her foot to the ground, she swings her other leg into the window frame until she's facing Evie completely. "I didn't mean to be out so late, I was following a lead." She hops from the frame and begins to walk toward the shorter assassin.
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As she reaches her, she cups her chin in her hand, looking at her with a loving but curious expression. "Why are you apologizing?"
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ofspvrta · 1 year
❛ i’ve been thinking about you all day. ❜ / from evie
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μ::|| meme: 𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. | accepting [ Ξ ]
θ::|| @torntruth | evie frye
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The Keeper enters the home they had been operating out of, hanging her hat and overcoat on the coat rack by the door. She's been humming to herself, a pleasant ditty she had picked up from one of the pubs around London that had stuck with her. Her mood is high, she's spent the day following leads and she got more than she had expected. And a fight or two. And still, she came out of it looking far better than the guys who attempted to take her out. As soon as she enters the drawing room, a soft smile crosses her face. Evie had already made it back, looking all cozied up on the couch, a fire already going in the fireplace to combat the cold of the encroaching winter.
"Funny," she responds, loosening the cravat around her neck and unbuttoning her starched collar, "I was about to say the same thing." Laying the cravat on the arm of the couch, she takes a seat beside Evie, a hand already reaching out to cradle the side of her face. "Chaire, my love, I hope your day was as fruitful as mine." And with that, she leans in and presses a kiss to Evie's lips, a sensation she always longs to capture whenever she looks upon her.
0 notes
ofspvrta · 2 years
There was just… something extraordinarily breathtaking about Kassandra. Usually in general, the moment just felt more so. It was probably Kassandra’s smile, either way Evie pushes herself off from the railing she’s standing on and strides up to Kassandra. Hands reach up, cradling Kassandra’s jawline in them. She moves closer until there was just a breath of space between them. Blue eyes meet golden. A smile, head tilts. There is so much love on Evie’s face that it nearly tumbles off her lips.
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θ::|| @torntruth
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          Coming down to the docks after her mediations, the immortal misthios has a peacefulness about her. Times of quiet were some of her favorites when she knew she wasn’t spending them alone and the anticipation of seeing Evie had brought a smile to her face that could light a dawn brighter than Helios. That same smile is the one that greets Evie as the younger woman makes her way to Kassandra giving her one of those gentle touches the Keeper melted into every time. Evie could be a brutal fighter, calculating, using the least amount of moves possible to do the most damage, but with her the touches are gentle, saying so much in such a quiet way. These are the quiet moments Kassandra loves most, the times when even the air had barely any leeway between them when touches and gestures and expressions spoke louder than any word could. And Helios burns in her features, radiates love back to Evie who she had so quickly fallen for. Kassandra wraps her arms gently around her back, keeping the silence between them light and the unspoken words understood. 
                                                             Moments like this, she thinks, makes forever worth it.
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