#ν ― 〈 from ministry to magizoology 〉 main: i.
animosus-blog1 · 6 years
is it too late for 'animal within'? :O
your animal within ( according to newt )   ❈  ― @circusglass
     “ you make me think of an occamy. ”  the comment is offhand, sounding nearly as casual as it does like the reasoning behind it should be OBVIOUS. the look on molly’s face when newt glances over a few seconds later, however, informs him that he may need to explain himself.
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  “ well--- you are both bright and colourful, very... beautiful. it’s what most will notice about you before anything else, especially as the eye tends to be DRAWN OVER by your flashiness.
  “ and much like the occamy, there is far more to you than mere appearances. ...even if that’s where you seem to prefer to KEEP the focus. you aren’t as quick to defense as an occamy is, but you are incredibly aggressive when it’s required of you --- something that people don’t tend to anticipate, i think, simply by LOOKING at you. and, like how an occamy can shrink and grow to a size fitting of the available space, i’ve noticed that you’re able to do something rather similar with your personality. ”  a pause, and he frowns, wondering if he’s managed to word his thoughts in a way that makes sense.  “ ---i just mean... depending on circumstance, you’re able to dial back some of your more, erm... ostentatious traits? or even INFLATE them, should a situation call for it. ”
falling quiet then, the wizard continues preparing various meals for his creatures, toying with the idea of leaving his thoughts there. it’s certainly ENOUGH of the explanation to end it and be understandable, though it does lack the final detail. a detail that might be... sensitive. he isn’t sure.
     “ occamies hatch from eggs of pure silver. most people only see the value in them for that, in... where they’ve come from. in their PAST. they fail to see that the occamy’s true value is within the creature itself, and NOT in the things it has unknowingly shed. ”
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animosus-blog1 · 6 years
@kariio   /   SC.
  howling winds pull and tug at the ends of his coat and his scarf, hefty boots leaving a trail in the near KNEE DEEP snow as his trek up the mountain continues. even with multiple spells cast to help keep him warm in this blistering cold climate, he’s still had to bundle himself up in a hat and thick pair of gloves. it’s tough going but, despite of all that, newt is no less aware of his surroundings.
he’s getting CLOSE. he’s spotted chunks of fur snagged on the branches of a couple trees now, and there are trails in the snow throughout the area --- he can guess APPROXIMATELY how old they are by the amount of snow that has built back up in them, but the very fact that they’re visible in a place like this tells him that even the ones almost hidden can’t be more than a few days old.
     the creature comes through here often. its den MUST be nearby.
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unlike many of his ventures to track down magical creatures in order to study them, this particular one is more unique in that... he isn’t quite SURE what he’s tracking. no, actually, he has NO IDEA what this beast is --- he’s never heard of anything quite like it. given the habitat it resides in, it’s not at all impossible to imagine this is something previously undiscovered. however, with how FRIGHTENED the townspeople in the small, nearby village are, newt suspects he hasn’t got the greatest amount of time to gain the creature’s trust and find it a more suitable home, further away from the ever-expanding territory of humankind.
  ‘man-eater,’ he’s heard. ‘MONSTER.’ with the language barrier between himself and the people native to the area, he’s only managed to understand the bare minimum of the rumours that drew him to the mountain and, though he PLANS to learn more of what has happened between the townspeople and this creature, newt wants to get a first look at what he’s dealing with. perhaps even initiate his attempts at building trust and begin his study. he doesn’t believe a WORD of the ‘evil’ of the beast that the townsfolk claim, but he IS prepared for anything --- including attack.
up ahead, as he climbs up the last of a steep incline onto flatter ground, lies a rocky cliff-face in which he can spot a few holes --- most notably, a particularly LARGE opening which appears quite deep. a cave, one with several trails leading to and from it. he’s found it. rather than move closer, as the small space would put him at a DANGEROUS DISADVANTAGE should the creature prove aggressive on initially sighting him, newt crouches down in the snow several feet away and waits. it’ll come out sometime, if it’s even home at the moment, and keeping his distance provides more opportunity for learning through observation. ideal, given he has NO IDEA of the best way to approach this creature.
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animosus-blog1 · 6 years
❛ I’m forever realising things too late. ❜
BOOK STARTERS  /  A WILD SHEEP CHASE   ❈  ―  @oncelovcd
  no response is offered right away. not because he isn’t listening, of course, rather because he requires a few moments to process the words, the meaning behind them, and, mostly, to consider how to RESPOND to such a statement. he can’t deny that he rather agrees, but there’s no malice in this agreement --- perhaps a touch of OLD BITTERNESS, but much of that has finally begun to fade as of late. no, it’s mostly HONESTY which has him giving a faint tilt of his head, something of a nod, as his gaze focuses for a few more moments on the ground ahead of them.
     “ something true of much of humankind, i think, ”  he responds finally, a flash of an awkward HALF-SMILE as he casts a brief glance toward leta. it isn’t an effort to discredit her feelings, more of an attempt to make her feel... less ALONE in the sentiment. smile quickly faltering, newt looks away again and instead purses his lips, tugging idly at one side of his open coat.
     “ but--- i don’t think that it’s ever truly TOO LATE. ”  brow furrows faintly with concern over how he’s worded himself, but... no, he’s said what he’s meant, it simply sounds very broad. in a direct sense, of COURSE one can realize things too late; however...  “ what ULTIMATELY matters, i believe, is that you do realize in the end. even if... in some cases, it may be too late to change things. if you realize, though, you... you can learn. that is the part at which i’ve found many people fail. ”
but that doesn’t have to be true of leta. she CAN learn from her experiences, can use that knowledge to grow, to... MOVE ON, maybe. he knows her to be capable if she tries, he believes that about her even now, but it ultimately comes down to HER willingness.
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     “ ...you’re still far too hard on yourself, leta. ”  voice softer now, newt wrestles with himself to once more tear his gaze from his shoes to cast another look in her direction. he can’t bring himself to make eye contact, his own emotional turmoil of such a FAMILIAR situation to their school days making it too difficult, but he does at least manage to look at her face. ...however briefly.  “ even after all these years. i just--- ...i wish that you could make peace. ”
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animosus-blog1 · 6 years
Animal Within?
your animal within ( according to newt )   ❈  ―  @aquaeques
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     “ aside from the rather OBVIOUS response i could offer, ”  corner of his mouth quirks in gentle humour as he peers at the familiar, and newt finds he doesn’t have to think TOO MUCH about how to answer this one.  “ i must admit that the animal i most associate with you, lance, is actually the HIPPOGRIFF.
  “ you see, the hippogriff is a very proud creature — they seek respect from those around them and grow FRUSTRATED when it isn’t given. while i can’t see you ever attacking someone over such a thing, i HAVE seen the way you sometimes… shrink in on yourself when your pride isn’t given the boost you seek.
  “ hippogriffs are also fiercely loyal to those who win their trust, a trait i see mirrored in you. you are able to make friends without a great deal of difficulty, but it takes more than one might expect to be considered a CLOSE friend of yours. —at least, that’s the way i’ve personally seen things. once you consider someone to be a close friend, however, i suspect there are NO LENGTHS you wouldn’t go to in order to help or protect them.
  “ as well, hippogriffs are quite a bit more intelligent than most will give them credit for. ”
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animosus-blog1 · 6 years
@circusglass   /   SC.
     “ molly... ”  the name comes out on a note closer to a whine than anything he’s said in YEARS. he might be mildly embarrassed if he wasn’t so incredibly UNCOMFORTABLE. as it is, however, newt trails along behind the tiefling, practically dragging his feet like a petulant child down the street. tempting as it is to simply APPARATE AWAY and not deal with this, he reminds himself -- as he has every fifteen minutes or so since molly announced his plans for them for the day -- that the other has done a GREAT deal for him since they met, and put up with many... annoyances without all that much complaint. he ought to return the favour and indulge MOLLY’S interests now and then. that’s... what friends are meant to do, after all, isn’t it? ...a bit of a new experience for him, in truth, but he HAS come to enjoy molly’s friendship. enough to allow himself to be dragged along to activities outside his own interest, as well as his comfort zone.
it won’t stop him from COMPLAINING about it the whole time, however.
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     “ is shopping really necessary? ”  gaze flits about the street, the shops they pass by, and newt makes a face --- an expression that one can really only label as a GRIMACE.  “ my wardrobe doesn’t need to be spiffed up any, honestly, and--- and i KNOW that i owe you some new jewelry that nigel’s nicked, but... well, i-- i’d hoped i could simply give you the money. you certainly don’t NEED me tagging along, do you? ”
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animosus-blog1 · 6 years
@oncelovcd   /   SC.
  for ten minutes now, he’s been standing outside on the landing to the flat. for ten whole minutes, he’s been shuffling his feet uncomfortably and ARGUING with himself internally over whether he should simply leave --- he’d already turned down the invitation for dinner this morning, after all. he can leave, avoid an awkward evening he doesn’t particularly want to face, and NO ONE ever has to know that he was here.
through all of the invitations --- and there have been many --- from theseus and leta both since their engagement, newt has remained stubborn in avoiding attending any dinners. theseus has already been on his case to an IRRITATING degree, and as much as a large part of him does want to reconnect with leta... it’s too difficult. it’s too... uncomfortable. he wouldn’t even know where to START.
mind made, settling on the decision to back down, that coming here was foolish, he starts to turn but, before he can even take ONE step down the stairs, the door to the flat opens. ...leta must have caught sight of him through the window.
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     “ ...i brought wine, ”  he says rather than offering a greeting, raising the glass bottle grasped in one of his hands. without quite meeting leta’s gaze, newt gives a weak, AWKWARD sort of smile and nervously shifts his stance. ...surprise?
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animosus-blog1 · 6 years
@onwingsofgreen  /  sc.
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     “ She’s beautiful. ”  Words come just above a breath and without so much as a glance in the other’s direction, gaze fixated on the dragon before him. Awe is palpable in his voice, his entire demeanor --- one might mistake this as his first time in the presence of a dragon for how amazed he seems. It isn’t, he has actually worked quite closely with a variety breeds in the past, but meeting new dragons is always breathtaking regardless of how familiar he may or may not be with the breed. Smile bright, Newt finally wrests his focus from the great reptile and turns it instead on N’len, the incredible woman who cares for the creature.
     “ Sinlith, you said? Lovely. And how long has she been under your care? ”
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animosus-blog1 · 6 years
✵ ― @circusglass ♡’d
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     “ Oh, uhm--- No, I don’t need my fortune told. ”  Wearing a polite, if awkward, smile, he takes a step back from the Tiefling and makes an attempt to sidle away.  “ ---Thank you, though. ”
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animosus-blog1 · 6 years
@circusglass  /  sc.
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     “ She likes you, ”  he observes cheerfully upon hearing the friendly grunt of the Erumpent, who nudges gently at Molly with her horn. Running a hand affectionately along the creature’s flank, Newt looks to the Tiefling with a grin, pleased to see any of the creatures in his case taking a liking to one of the few people he’s ever brought inside to meet them. Of course, the Erumpent is hardly the pickiest among them, quite the friendly girl, but it’s no less encouraging because of the fact.
     “ And I don’t believe it’s only because you’ve brought her meal for her. She isn’t usually this outgoing around newer faces, regardless of whether or not they’re holding her feed bucket. ”
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animosus-blog1 · 6 years
✵ ― @hillrot
  It would seem that he’s chosen a good time to visit his old school. ---Or, at least visit the grounds, seeing as he has no intention of actually stepping into the school itself. Though he’s not been in school for nearly a decade now, Newt likes to come back on a semi-regular basis when he can simply to check in on the creatures who call the land surrounding Hogwarts home. And it’s days like this where he’s particularly glad that he does so.
He’d been on his way to check on the Unicorns and their newest foal, but had only just gotten into the Forbidden Forest when a very panicked Hippogriff came charging out of the deeper woods. Startled as he is by the suddenness of it all, the wizard acclimatizes to the situation quickly, remaining calm, now focused fully on wanting to calm the poor creature down. Then he can worry about figuring out what’s happened to frighten her, as well as carry on with the original intent behind his visit -- only then, and not a moment sooner.
Deeply familiar with Hippogriffs, Newt immediately lowers into a bow, arms outstretched behind himself. As expected, given her state, the winged beast offers no bow in response. That’s fine, she’s been badly spooked -- he’d have been surprised if she had stopped to respond. Carefully, his movements sure but slow, Newt stands back up and raises his hands so that she knows he has nothing in them, that he isn’t planning to attack or harm her in any way.
     “ There now, it’s alright, ”  he murmurs soothingly, gaze unwavering from the creature before him. Putting out one foot, he initiates a cautious approach, but pauses when he notices the Hippogriff’s already ruffled feathers begin to puff out further. Even as he remains still, she rears up, wings spread wide, and kicks out with taloned feet and a piercing, frightened screech. Understanding perfectly, Newt ducks back a couple of careful paces without any fear of his own to be detected.  
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     “ Have all the space you want, it’s okay. I’m not here to hurt you. ”  Voice calm as ever, he’s content to take as long as she needs in order to be comfortable with his presence. Focused as he is on the Hippogriff, who lets out another cry along with the beat of her wings, any other presences which might be lurking nearby go unnoticed by the wizard, who lowers himself into yet another deep bow in an effort to soothe.
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animosus-blog1 · 6 years
@theimpalpable  /  sc.
  At home, and even across the various countries he’s visited, he’s become quite good at avoiding government officials. In New York, however, it seems he has a knack for attracting the attention of MACUSA employees. It’s beginning to get frustrating, though fortunately this one does at least seem less strict than Tina had been to begin with -- that leaves some chance of him being able to slip away in order to track down the last of his escaped creatures.
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     “ It was a misunderstanding, ”  he lies, shifting his suitcase from one hand to the other while offering the woman a bright, fairly forced, smile. She doesn’t seem to be an auror, considering that she hasn’t functioned by the ‘apprehend first, ask questions later’ mode of thought in approaching a wanted man. That’s good, it works in his favour because it means that she was probably not present for any of the events which provided damning evidence to the contrary of the words he presents her with now. Risky to even try to so boldly get away with the lies, yes, but it’s the only choice he has --- he won’t allow his creatures to fall into MACUSA’s hands, not again, and he has to hunt down the last of them before they get hurt. It’s lying or using more forceful methods, and the latter isn’t something Newt is willing to do.
     “ A rather messy one, but a misunderstanding all the same. Everything in my case is perfectly legal and it was determined that I’m not at fault for any of the attacks, nor are any of my creatures. Now, I’m afraid I’m running late, so if you’ll excuse me--- ”
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animosus-blog1 · 6 years
❛ Coming from your mouth, it has the ring of truth, but I doubt anyone would believe me if I told them. ❜
BOOK STARTERS  /  A WILD SHEEP CHASE   ❈  ―  @soulfulauror
  that draws a faint chuckle forth as he shifts in his seat, head tipping at a slight angle in an action that can ALMOST be read as a nod. it’s only mildly amusing because it’s true, and it isn’t something which he can argue against. when you’ve spent much of your life having people NOT BELIEVE the things you say, you grow woefully accustomed to it. it rarely comes as a surprise, though that isn’t to say it ever gets less frustrating.
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     “ yes… yes, i’m afraid you’re probably right, ”  he agrees, a curl of something somewhat WRY at his lips. through the pause in his words, newt’s eyes flit to tina’s face, meeting her gaze briefly before moving instead to study her features.
     “ although, i don’t think that my saying so would be found any MORE believable. most people don’t hear a ring of truth in anything i have to say. not if they consider it ‘TOO OUTLANDISH,’ that is. ”  bitterness creeps into the cracks of his features, though the expression falls as he lowers his gaze once more with a shake of his head, appearing to find something quite fascinating about his hands with how hard he stares down at them. even when he’s been able to PROVE the things he’s said, it has only changed the thoughts of few — most still looked at him in that unbelieving, almost patronizing sort of way the next time he said anything they thought odd. it doesn’t get to him as much as it did when he was younger, but it would be lying if he said it couldn’t often be AGGRAVATING.
tina, though… she has been one of those wonderful few who had only required a bit of proof in order to believe him in even his STRANGEST CLAIMS, who so quickly became more empathetic and trusting, and it’s something newt appreciates in ways that he isn’t so sure he has the CAPABILITY of describing.
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     “ you hear it as the truth because— ”  he cuts himself off, eyebrows furrowing as he thinks, trying to find the best way to word himself. ahh, but this is HARD; she’s watching him so intently, and he can feel a pressure on himself to not make any mistake — a pressure he thinks is coming from INSIDE, from his own fear of saying the wrong thing and… ruining things.  “ you— …well, you know me. ”  faltering again, newt purses his lips in an AWKWARD smile, exhales a harsh breath through his nose, and shakes his head.
     “ what i mean is, you know that i DON’T make things up when it comes to magical creatures. you’ve– you’ve seen much of it for yourself, so you… believe what i have to say. you… TRUST me. ”
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animosus-blog1 · 6 years
@oncelovcd: ( x )
NEWT HAS ALWAYS BEEN TOO GOOD TO HER.  no matter how many times she’s lashed out,  or done wrong.  no matter how may reasons she’s given him to  hate her…  he’s always been too understanding.  even now,  as she watches him with a  cold  gaze,  arms folded over her chest defensively.
“ then you’re  ALONE  in that, ”  she speaks, voice low but steady.  “ because that’s everybody’s  favourite  thing to do,  isn’t it?  judging me.  as should you. ”  after all,  is she not entirely  deserving  of the harsh judgement she’s faced in all her years?  WICKEDNESS  isn’t exactly something she’s  avoided  in her life.  in fact,  it’s something she’s far too well known for.  and yet  newt scamander  stands before her once again,  loyal as always,  trying to assure her she’s not as  terrible  as she appears.
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“ you are so  incredibly naive,  newton, ”  she scoffs,  huffs a  bitter  laugh as she turns to pace the room.  “ you see  GOODNESS  in everybody you meet—  even the most  undeserving  of people…  don’t you think that’s sad?  aren’t you  tired  of constantly being  let down? ”
     “ i’ve never found the same enjoyment in judging that others do, ”  he responds with a weak and fleeting smile. haven’t they had this debate BEFORE? there’s one incident he can remember, back at school, where he had won because back then, leta had been more open to DEFYING what others thought of her. or, that was the way he had seen it, anyway. these days though, she seems the opposite --- intent on INSISTING that she is as wicked as everyone always believed her to be.
           but he KNOWS that isn’t true.
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     “ no, ”  his voice quieter now, nearly a murmur even though her back is to him, newt addresses the questions leta has thrown at him. eyes find the floor, and he gives his head a small shake that she likely won’t see. in truth, the words do STING a little, but it isn’t enough to make him back down or slink away with his tail between his legs.  “ no, i’m... i’m not tired, as i’m NOT constantly let down. it happens sometimes, of course, but--- i don’t believe that there’s anyone who doesn’t deserve to have their goodness seen. there are some who NEED another to see it, as they can’t recognize it in themselves. ”
gaze flits POINTEDLY to leta, lingering for a long moment before newt shifts his stance.
     “ it isn’t naivety, leta. not really. ”
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animosus-blog1 · 6 years
@ladygilimens  /  sc.
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     “ If you don’t mind my asking, ”  and he suspects that she won’t,  “ what was Ilvermorny like? ”  Eyebrows give a slight, inquisitive raise as he asks the question, peering over at Queenie with unmistakable curiosity. While he will always stand by the opinion that his old school is the best out there, that doesn’t staunch his interest in other wizardry institutions in the least. One never gets the opportunity to visit any of the others out there and it’s difficult to not wonder about the differences they must have, residing in countries whose wizarding cultures differ in a number of ways.
     “ I’ve heard that it took some inspiration from Hogwarts, though I can’t say that I’ve read a great deal on the topic, ”  he continues, a flicker of a smile that verges on sheepish playing at his lips. Perhaps the entire question is a bit out of the blue, but things are quiet this afternoon --- they have some downtime, his creatures don’t need to be fed for another hour or so, so... why not try for a bit of conversation?  “ There are houses, correct? Four of them? ”
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