#Алекса́ндр Широкора́д
empirearchives · 1 year
From Aleksandr Shirokorad:
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(Rough) translation:
Thus, the question of whether Napoleon was an aggressor by inflicting a preemptive strike on Russia remains open.
History, as they say, does not tolerate the subjunctive mood, but, in my opinion, it is time for our historians to give an answer, and what would happen if Napoleon married the Russian Grand Duchess, and the tsar would lead the continental blockade in accordance with all the articles of the treaties, Fortunately, our thieves would still find a million loopholes in it.
Finally, the concentration of Russian troops could be carried out several hundred kilometers from the western border, and so on. And here it is more than obvious that it simply would not have occurred to Napoleon to climb into snowy Russia.
Even Academician Tarle warned against drawing analogies between 1812 and 1941 and between Napoleon and Hitler. The Fuhrer needed living space, he planned in advance the destruction of most of the Russian population, forbade his generals in advance to think about the possibility of reviving any kind of statehood in Russia after the destruction of the USSR.
But now Napoleon crossed the Niemen. What are the plans of this “treacherous aggressor”? Napoleon had only one thought - to defeat the enemy and make peace.
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