newssocialite · 3 months
Владивосток готовится к Всероссийскому молодежному театральному фестивалю "Место силы - Владивосток"
С большим успехом завершилась заявочная кампания на Всероссийский молодежный театральный фестиваль “Место силы – Владивосток”. Фестиваль, ставший значимым событием в культурной жизни страны, привлек молодых театральных деятелей из множества регионов России и зарубежья. Интерес к фестивалю достиг невероятных высот: было подано более тысячи заявок! География участников впечатляет: от Румынии до…
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7h3g3n3r4l · 1 year
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Стисовяк Артем
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rien-maz · 7 months
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I tenderly and affectionately love Metro 2033-2035 because despite Glukhovsky getting lazy in the last book and writing a horrible ending, it's my love
Я нежно и ласково люблю "Метро 2033-2035", потому что, несмотря на то, что Глуховский поленился в последней книге и написал ужасную концовку, это моя любовь
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tomorrowusa · 6 months
What Russia can't win on the battlefield it will try to accomplish with disinformation, propaganda, and plain old bribery.
A Russian cabal operated a propaganda site masquerading as a news site called the Voice of Europe. In addition to publishing items designed to undermine confidence in various European governments, it outright made payoffs to various EU politicians.
Investigators claimed it used the popular Voice of Europe website as a vehicle to pay politicians. The Czech Republic and Poland said the network aimed to influence European politics. Voice of Europe did not respond to the BBC's request for comment. Czech media, citing intelligence sources, reported that politicians from Germany, France, Poland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Hungary were paid by Voice of Europe in order to influence upcoming elections for the European Parliament. The German newspaper Der Spiegel said the money was either handed over in cash in covert meetings in Prague or through cryptocurrency exchanges. Pro-Russian Ukrainian oligarch Viktor Medvedchuk is alleged by the Czech Republic to be behind the network. Mr Medvedchuk was arrested in Ukraine soon after the Russian invasion, but later transferred to Russia with about 50 prisoners of war in exchange for 215 Ukrainians. ' Czech authorities also named Artyom Marchevsky, alleging he managed the day-to-day business of the website. Both men were sanctioned by Czech authorities. Poland's intelligence agency said it had conducted searches in the Warsaw and Tychy regions and seized €48,500 (£41,500) and $36,000 (£28,500).
"Money from Moscow has been used to pay some political actors who spread Russian propaganda," BIS said in a statement. It added that the sums amounted to "millions" of Czech crowns (tens of thousands of pounds).
I went looking for the Voice of Europe site but it is now missing (Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site). So I held my nose and visited their Twitter account and nothing new has been posted since the scandal broke.
We need to be careful when looking at news online. Recently a series of fake sites pretending to be legit US news sources was uncovered.
Russia-Backed ‘Fake News Organizations’ Revealed Across the U.S. in Bombshell New York Times Report
The fake news sites have names that sound like they are legit but aren't. Examples: D.C. Weekly, the New York News Daily, the Chicago Chronicle, and the Miami Chronicle. There is a legit New York Daily News – note the different word order from the fake. There once was a newspaper called the Chicago Chronicle but it folded during the Theodore Roosevelt administration.
Google News searches spew a lot of crap. In a lot of cases the "news" sources on Google are just the proverbial guy in his underwear in his mom's basement posting bullshit. They may not be Russian but they are often dubious.
It's best to create a bookmark folder of known legit news sources. There are still numerous good sources not behind paywalls. And many countries have public broadcasters who post news in English. Just a few: NPR, BBC, DW, CBC, ABC (Australia), RFI, YLE, Radio Sweden | Sveriges Radio, NHK-World, and even EER in Estonia.
When running across a news story which sounds peculiar, check to see if it's being reported in known legit media before posting or sharing it.
There are national elections this year in a number of countries including India, the US, and (probably) the UK. Don't inadvertently assist Putin's effort to spread disinformation and sow chaos.
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edwaverley · 10 months
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quietparanoiac · 2 years
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Казанова в России | Casanova in Russia (2022), 1x02
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vohannesvotrov · 2 years
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postponethedepression · 2 months
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dangerous-quagmire · 6 months
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из города в другой город!au
в параллельной вселенной Ники выпускает AVENUE 2: Hunger&Glutton в конце июля, снимает клип в начале августа с перерывом на концерт в Екб и после едет в небольшой сольный тур, который организует ему Артем Вараб. (в этой параллельной вселенной проект Niki L не был закрыт 08.08.2018)
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newssocialite · 4 months
В Москве пройдет Международный балетный фестиваль Бенуа де ла Данс
25-26 июня на Исторической сцене Большого театра в Москве состоится одно из самых значимых событий в мире балета — Международный балетный фестиваль Бенуа де ла Данс. В этом году фестиваль, проходящий при поддержке Министерства куль��уры РФ, вновь соберет лучших танцоров и хореографов со всего мира. Председателем жюри Приза и художественным руководителем Программы является звезда мирового балета…
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7h3g3n3r4l · 1 year
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Стисовяк Артем
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koobaudio · 8 months
Серж Винтеркей - Ревизор: возвращение в СССР 9
Приключения московского аудитора, попавшего из нашего времени в 1971 год, продолжаются. Павел Ивлев освоился в МГУ и энергично работает в «Комсомольском прожекторе». Вот только итоги его работы как опытного ревизора, способного легко разоблачить махинации, не всем нравятся. Павлу надо ловко маневрировать, чтобы выжить между могущественными группиро... Читать дальше »
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zhitomir · 10 months
Война забирает лучших: на фронте погиб вице-президент федерации шахмат Украины Артем Сачук
Спортивное сообщество Украины понесло тяжелую потерю. В воскресенье, 26 ноября, стало известно о гибели вице-президента федерации шахмат Украины Артема Сачука. Уроженец Житомира не дожил всего один д... Читать дальше »
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tomorrowusa · 5 months
Ukrainian sea drones are becoming faster, more accurate, and more powerful. With a range of over 1,000 km, they must keep commanders of Putin's Black Sea from getting much sleep.
Ukrainian naval drones Sea Baby have been modernized and can now carry almost a ton of explosives to hit a target over 1,000 kilometers away, Artem Dekhtiarenko, the spokesperson of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), said on April 14. "This means that the SBU can reach a target almost anywhere in the Black Sea," added Dekhtiarenko. In recent months, Ukraine has intensified its attacks on occupied Crimea, targeting Russian military assets in and around the Black Sea with domestically-produced sea drones and long-range missiles. Russia has illegally occupied the peninsula since 2014. As of early February 2024, 33% of the Russian Black Sea fleet's warships had been disabled by Ukraine, the Strategic Communications Center of Ukraine's Armed Forces recently reported. The SBU currently uses two types of sea drones — Sea Baby and Mamai, Dekhtiarenko said on national television.
"These are already new generations of drones, on the improvement of which the team of SBU specialists worked and continues to work together with other members of the Security and Defense Forces."
Ukraine continues to develop and upgrade its sea drone forces. When Russian missile launching vessels are forced to cower in distant ports, they are unable to launch attacks on Ukrainian maternity hospitals and schools.
Ukraine's ability to rule the waves of the Black Sea, despite having no real navy, is another example of its determination to fight off Russian invaders.
The only way to end the war is to make Ukraine safe from Russian aggression. Putin is already in violation of several treaties and other international agreements regarding Ukrainian sovereignty. Only a fool or MAGA supporter (basically the same thing) would expect Putin to respect any new agreement. Appeasement of Hitler did not stop World War II – it accelerated it.
If you're in the US, look up your member of the House of Representatives and demand that Russophile Speaker "MAGA Mike" Johnson quit blocking US aid to Ukraine which has already passed the Senate. And I'm talking to you – not the neighbor with the broken porch light.
Find Your Representative
If you have a MAGA zombie as a Representative, ask: Why do you hate freedom?
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edwaverley · 2 years
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quietparanoiac · 2 years
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Казанова в России | Casanova in Russia (2022), 1x03
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