sirshio · 5 months
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A photo with a ✨️vibe✨️
A vibe of me being smol silly fanboi crying over Dakavendish who watched "First impressions" for the first time and IMMEDIATELY re-watched a part with my precious little gays.
Every next day I'm becoming more and more normal about them. SO NORMAL.
P.S. an art on my phone (sorry I don't know an artist!) is shows other super ugly gays I'm obsessed with.
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readracula · 4 months
chronicles of echo #2 by max frei
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i spent all day in the city yesterday and read this little thing while on the train. i don't have much to say about it, its my favourite trashy series
but i am kinda bothered by the fact that i don't see them in thrift shops anymore.... i need to find 7(?) more books to complete the series and they've been out of print for 15 years
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loranayavorov · 9 months
Тъмнея ли ти? - го попитах
и се отдръпнах от прозореца.
Той нещо пишеше наведен.
И без да вдигне поглед, каза
с неотразимата ирония:
"Ти можеш само да ми светиш!"
Отиде си денят, повлякъл
години ден по ден след себе си,
различни до неразличимост.
Понякога заставам мълком
с вторачен поглед през прозореца
и образ замъглен се мярва.
Той нейде пише сам, наведен.
Тъмнея ли ти? - питам - в спомена?
И хладен полъх ме пронизва.
Долавям ехо издалече
с една космическа ирония:
"Ти можеш само да ми светиш!"
Блага Димитрова
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burrowingdweller · 1 year
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I definitely don't have a type
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yuyuvasya02 · 1 month
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Еще и рыба эта
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linosaurrrr · 5 months
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“Шурф Лонли-Локли и сейчас качается – в садовом гамаке.”
неприлично много об этом думаю
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bapbi · 2 months
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Вижу вас как наяву,незабвенные мои! Вы знаете Макса Фрая? Вы любите "лабиринты ехо" "хроники ехо" и тд? У вас есть оригинальный персонаж по Максу,и хотите за него поролить,но никто не знает Максимку?😨😨 Тогда вам к нам! Мы начинающая ролевая по Максу Фраю! Где вы можете создать своего оригинального персонажа,и ролить за него! Или же взять вашего любимого персонажа! Мы только открылись,так что влиться в коллектив будет легко! Мы дружные и веселые! Мы ищем не только участников,так ещё и магистров! (Админов) короче заходите к нам! Мы хорошие,накормим вас в трактире "обжора бумба" будет вам рады
Ролевая в телеграмм
Писать владельцу: @BapBu_Rnii
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papercraft-claythorne · 2 months
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navtoraph · 1 year
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seabluet · 1 year
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"Who is there?"
"I don't know myself"
"The lights were on in my living room. Shurf Lonely-Lockley was sitting at the table. He dug into some old tome: lately, my friend has been digging up deposits of old books that clutter up the basement of the Shaggy House from that time immemorial when it was not my home, but the University Library. In this regard, sir Shurf has already left my house well after midnight more than once, but today he, perhaps, went too far...
"Who is there?" he asked without turning around.
“I don’t know myself,” I responded. And froze, stunned by my own answer.
Shurf turned around and looked at me carefully.
"Is something wrong, Max?"
“No, it’s all right,” I sighed. “Just... You asked "Who is there," and I suddenly realized that I don't know who I am for a long time..."
“I understand,” he nodded seriously.
“I don’t, though,” I smiled helplessly. “But maybe it’s not necessary?”"
Max Frei. "Return of Ugurbado"
Imperfect translation by: me
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Партия в шахматы (Game of chess)
So, I decided to give myself a challenge with Max Frei's characters. Basically I had just chose a random song from my playlist and started drawing down first random associations that came to my mind. Meditative process quite.
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Yeah, kinda like that. And yes, I like younger Shurf vibes, dunno why.
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ladyschaoticmind · 6 months
Бъди вик,
не ехо.
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kuvshnka · 14 days
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Так ми йшли в клініку. Я поговорила з лікарем, зробили ехо і його забрали на аналізи. Тепер чекаю результати і те що мені скажуть, а потім додому. Ввечері я вже зможу забрати його додому, а завтра знову прийти на огляд
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navtora · 9 months
Животът ти се издига до нивото на съзнанието ти; моделиран е от водещите ти ценности; и в крайна сметка е ехо на душата ти.
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burrowingdweller · 1 year
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I found such a nice tutorial for blood
Old fox had some tasty meal 😋
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yuyuvasya02 · 2 months
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В порядке вещей
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