#сеттинг: авион
cantuscolumba · 1 month
Ranch Girl Miranda
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TW: low-detail depiction of death.
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RIP, Sausage 🤧
Sound: Mother Mother - Hayloft II
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cantuscolumba · 28 days
✨ Outfits ✨
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cantuscolumba · 1 month
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cantuscolumba · 10 months
"And bloody boys in the eyes"
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"И мальчики кровавые в глазах" - quote from Pushkin's poem "Boris Godunov". “Bloody boys” is a complex play on words associated with both the children killed by Boris and the phenomenon of “floaters” in front of the eyes due to high vascular pressure, as well as “boy” in many Indo-European languages ​​is the name for the pupil of the eye. It was believed that evil people's pupils turn red and fill with blood.
Fear of revolver \\ Like a faith \\ Forever sentenced \\ To our love
And the discipline \\ is a reason \\ The man told me \\ Going against the wall
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На свете есть много экзистенциальных вопросов. Что такое правосудие? Что есть закон? Могут ли два этих понятия отличаться по смыслу и содержанию? Лилит не любит таких вопросов. Лилит любит тепло, сытость, спокойствие и такую редкую, но от того лишь более ценную похвалу. Лилит предана. Лилит терпелива. Лилит делает то, что должна. Сука.
Quiet scowl of a dog \\ Dreaming of beating stick \\ Her back
We are being owed \\ In this country
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cantuscolumba · 1 year
Muscal drawing. Again.
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It was supposed to be a quick emotional sketch, but I suddenly wanted to add some color… Мне, кажется, всё равно, как накладывать цвета, лишь бы побольше светяшек. светяшки мои светяшки (потирает ручки). Also,,,, I hate coloring.
I also forgot to see how this type of rifles are loaded, so I'm not sure if I drew it correctly. I don't know much about weapons unless they are swords. Mira is a huntress in her teens and a sniper in her youth.
ух, я так таращусь от этой песни! просто в десны ее вместо герыча. У нее такой вайб моих боевых девочек, лучших подруженек... обожаю.
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cantuscolumba · 1 year
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My OC Joseph.
I am learning to draw in a new program.
I drew it for Cosmanautics Day, April 12, because I associate Joseph with Gagarin. Well, and with Amelia Earhart.
Joseph is an aristocrat, heir to a family (I haven't figured out how to translate the titles of my setting into English, so there will be a lord for now), almost like a prince. Oh, also... He died. This is his role. Because he is actually a supporting character, I just love him very much.
In life, he was rather gloomy, but a very good person whom everyone loved. When he sincerely smiled, people understood why God created the world. But maybe it's because he's a bit of a dragon. The people of Avieon (my setting, the planet) love dragons. They think they were created to rule. Although most dragons have a rather nasty temperament.
He has a younger hyperactive sister, with whom they are so similar to each other and understand each other so well that everyone jokingly calls them twins.
It was not very easy for him to live, because a lot of things are expected from him, a lot of hopes, responsibilities. People around him ask about marriage all the time, but he is gay and it is uncomfortable for him to choose a wife whom he cannot love (and who cannot love him, ideally she should be a lesbian so that no one is offended), because he was raised by very loving friends other people who gave him a "bad example" of a healthy marriage.
So on Avieon they are very easy on homosexuality, but aristocrats have a thing for childbearing. And he is also a childfree... Not a very successful personal life.
In general, he can be himself only when he is engaged in his hobbies. Piloting, playing the harp, riding... He has a good family, he is very much loved and he loves them very much, but he always feels himself responsible for everything.
In the story, he should be briefly appearing. kind and close brother of the second protagonist, who (SP) cannot communicate with his family due to the plot.
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cantuscolumba · 1 year
ООСю собственных ОСов. This song touches me so much. My little artist🥰
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for reference: I draw characters in their different life periods, which can be tracked, for example, by scars. in fact, even by weight, hair length and, of course, clothes. Here Istvan does not yet have a scar on his lip, by the way, but it's too early for me to tell his story
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cantuscolumba · 1 year
My OC, Ishi (Kristo, or Ishtvan), second protagonist.
I never get to draw it in detail, so I had to use an academic build(don't know how say this, in russian: построение) that I haven't done in 7 years since I dropped out of art school.
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He's have cool wife, cool sister and cool cousins and cool whore high boots on holidays. And one eye.
Formerly a hitman (assassin? idk), then a military intelligence officer. Very good husband, very bad person. And not a bad father when he succeeded. Live legend of the continent on which he lived.
Together with his friend created a huge criminal community that seized power in the city-state. He was engaged there in social things and the elimination of people interfering with their work.
For nationality reference - Austrian and Armenian, but he pretends to be a Hungarian, and looks like a very pretty, but very battered Croat.
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cantuscolumba · 1 year
A very quick sketch of my OCs (they're secondary, but I love them) because that's their dynamic.
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Twins Joseph and Cassandra (actually they are 20 years apart, but they have become quite similar and say phrases after each other, although Joseph is sullen and Cassi is hyperactive)
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Рашн лангуаге дубль: быстрый всратоскетч любимых второпланышей, потому что это 100% их динамика.
Близняшки Йозеф и Кассандра с разницей в возрасте в почти 20 лет. Названы так, потому что когда разница в возрасте перестала бросаться в глаза, они обнаружились не только очень похожими внешне, но ещё и начали понимать друг подругу без слов, ещё и фразы подруга за другом договаривают. Кстати, выглядит это довольно зловеще. Особенно дублирующие жесты и интонации при совершенно разной мимике. Потому что как личности они, конечно, вода и огонь: Зеф - угрюмец, Касси - гиператкивнный позитффчик у которого всё на мази и все вопросики обкашлены. Драеджеки мои драеджеки...
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cantuscolumba · 1 year
sketch, was in my telegram blog, but let it be here too
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I really like this song. I want to make a full-fledged drawing for her someday
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cantuscolumba · 15 days
Dragon ladies
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cantuscolumba · 7 months
My OC, Miranda
Later, when I draw the others, I'll write a biography
ISFJ, sniper, accountant, Italian, best woman on Avieon
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