#ѕo no one тold yoυ lιғe waѕ gonna вe тнιѕ way || friends gv
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@headstrongblake || about gd time the blakes made up
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it would be easier to have lost track of time and forgot about the things they said to each other. he knows damn well he had over reacted that night at the club. hell, it didn’t take long for that realization to slap him in the face. not only did he lose his sister, but fox as well. they’re on a break. how stupid does that sound? he still sees her in class, and in the building. constant reminder of the girl he lose who he can’t actually break away from. and then there’s the damn key that’s on his ring. octavia’s key she set in front of him before walking out ( not before he said the worst thing he could have told her. ) and now, what? he’s supposed to enjoy this trip to miami? alright. that should go swell!!!
he’s in his room with a bottle of win he’s snatched from katie, she’ll never know.  hasn’t even opened the thing when he spots octavia sitting out beachside. alone. ( staying out of my way will only give me back what was lost when you became my responsibility.  ) would it even be worth going down there to talk things out? would she be able to forget the nasty things he said? ( don’t worry, i’ll stay out of your way. ) they had both seemed to make peace with not talking to each other again. but, does she know that it’s killing him to ignore her for the last three weeks? it is. he couldn’t count on both hands how many times he’s wanted to knock on her door and drop it all.
bellamy continues to argue with himself until he realizes he’s already somehow made it outside and she’s right there. just a few more steps away. for a minute, he contemplates turning around, but.. what is that going to do? absolutely nothing, that’s what. so.. “hey.” his lips curve into a forced smile. he sits, the wine bottle rests in a spot dug into the sand. “you still ignoring my existence or do you think we can have a conversation -- without the digs at each other?”
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@headstrongblake || before they were professor blake and stripper exotic dancer octavia
the doorknob rattling is the FIRST THING he hears, and in his sleepy mind, bellamy assumes it’s his roommate coming back way too late after some blowout party. he simply turns in the bed and digs his face into the pillow. a few MOMENTS pass before his lifts his face from the cloud he was nearly sleeping in again, eyes opening -- he realizes he DOESN’T HAVE a roommate. he’s in a single dorm. the handle rattles again, and a fist pounds on the door.
almost immediately, he remembers why he didn’t want a roommate. THIS. right here. for his first year of college, bellamy didn’t want any distractions. he moved away from his home to the big city of new york because of the DISTRACTIONS back home. now, there’s exams and essays to worry about - a life that he’s finally trying to make for HIMSELF. without the chaos that his mom brings nearly every night. his life is somewhat peaceful now. the stress of school is NOTHING compared to what he dealt with back home. he would take the stack of papers and books over everything else. and, he wouldn’t change his mind either. while, he misses seeing his little sister everyday, octavia still comes to visit. they have skype calls and text messages. he’s okay because SHE’S okay.
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finally, he sits up on his bed. “okay, OKAY. i’m coming!” his hair is a mop of brown curls going in every which way. eyes barely staying open. a heavy sigh falls through his lips when he looks at the clock on his bedside table; nearly four in the morning. feet DRAG along the floor and the door opens to reveal his little sister. WEEKS before she’s supposed to be there. looking -- devastated?
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like this for a GV text message starter !! ( can’t promise it won’t be reaalll lame tho. )
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five times comforted
five times ______ meme || @headstrongblake
“it’s fine,” he tells her, running his hand over her back, trying to make his voice as convincing as he possibly can. they’ve been through this before. aurora gets a little too drunk, invites some guy over and bellamy has to keep his cool because that’s not how adults are supposed to act. but this time, it was different. that big, hulking guy had gone after their mother like he was going to hit her, and there was no way bellamy would stand for that. no matter how strained their relationship as. with all of his might, he stopped the guy. punched him square in the nose. made him leave. and — it had turned out to be all his fault that he left ( of course, momma blake was the victim. bellamy had really messed up that time. ) it resulted in the worst argument the two had gone through. he had simply tried to stick up for his mother. apparently it was not the right idea. and he’s trying to convince his sister that it’s all going to be okay. “we’re going to get through this, too. like everything else.”
nothing had been okay after that night. bellamy and aurora barely talked. it as whispered insults pointed directly at her own son. more burdens to carry on his shoulder and a loss for hope that any of it would get better. this is why he decides to leave. he has to. for himself. for once. “i’ll come back and visit, i swear.” there’s a smile on his lips, but it’s forced. luckily, he can let it fade as he hugs his litter sister and promises that nothing will change. ( even though they’re an entire plane ride away from each other now. ) “you’ll call me if something goes wrong, yea? i’ll come right back.” already, he’s starting to regret leaving. he wants to take it back now. but, everything’s set up. everything is ready for him over in the big city. “just a plane ride away, alright?” he doesn’t say bellamy wipes the tears off of her cheeks. he doesn’t say goodbye to their mother when he leaves.
one year. only three hundred and sixty five days ( give or take. ) has passed, and he’s ready to get back on that plane and fly back. ask their mother what the hell she was thinking. figure out if she’s gone completely mad. finding out that octavia was – that one of aurora’s boyfriends had – it’s too much. there’s a new fire behind his eyes. the only thing keeping him there is octavia’s red face and the tears that are threatening to fall from her eyes. “i’m not going anywhere, okay? and - i want you to stay here a while.” school doesn’t matter now. he could fail his exams and care less. she needs him. he won’t let her go. arms tight around her, trying to stop her shaking form. he would kill for her. he doesn’t know what to say to make this better. so, he simply holds his littler sister. listening to her ragged breaths. he’d stay awake as long as she needed him at her side.
he doesn’t know how much has changed really until he learns about what octavia started doing for a living. what aurora told her was okay as long as she’s making money. they still have that brother - sister relationship, but it’s nothing like it used to be. they stopped visiting each other as much. the skype calls were less and less, and they rarely saw each other until moving into the same building. for him, he’s sure they’re getting back to that place they used to be, until he sees her dancing at that damned nightclub. after that, he avoids her for a while. as long as he can. until finally, he can’t anymore. “i don’t blame you, you know.” it’s forced and sounds awkward. like they’re strangers and he hates it. “i wish you would have come to me first, but i – i understand.” they sit there in the silence as he tries to fix this. eventually his arm goes round her shoulder and pulls her into his side. “let’s just pretend for tonight, that we aren’t angry at one another, yeah?” he winks at her, and genuinely smiles for the first time in days. at least for the night. while they play pretend. 
weeks after that incident, when it’s behind them for the most part and they’ve already stopped pretending like everything was okay. bellamy finds himself sitting outside with octavia. it’s late, and he’s tired of not having his sister anymore. he needs her back. “if you’d have come to me, i would have helped. at any point.” a sigh falls from his lips, “even if it meant sending aurora money to get her off of your back.” everything is laid out. from before he left, to after, when everything started to crumble. “i wish i coudl go back. i would’ve stayed. it was my job to carry that weight, and i just left it all to you.” he tries to smile, but can’t. instead, his eyes are watery and finally, they’re being honest with one another. “you’re more important to me than anyone, o. just – dont forget that, okay?”
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open || group verse event starter
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he’s never done this before -- gone to watch two people fight. and honestly, bellamy doesn’t really understand the concept. why willingly fight to the point of unconsciousness? seems barbaric. but, nonetheless, he walks through that door to support his friend. their entire building has already been decorated with CONGRATULATIONS signs, and balloons and a cake and -- all other celebratory things. of course lou will win.. even bellamy knows that. the DETERMINATION and time he’s put in training for this. the two may not know each other WELL, but he’s one tough son of a bitch.
there’s already tons of people waiting for the fight to start, and he’s slipping into the crowd to find a spot not too close to the ring. he’d rather not be too awful close to that bloodshed. nearly everyone from his floor is supposed to be here. eyes glance around, waiting to find a familiar face. he’d rather have someone to GLADLY give his full attention to when it becomes TOO MUCH to watch.
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@accidentprcne || & bad kids ditching school
how she talked him into this he has no idea. but an email is sent out to his class - ‘because, katie, i can’t just leave them all sitting there for over an hour.’ some really lame excuse about a meeting he forgot he has to attend. and he’s walking out of his door -- sans the bag of school things he usually has to drag with him mid mornings. it’s weird. odd. feels like he’s betraying his class. but she swears up and down that they’ll love him for it. regardless, there’s no turning back now. and he’s repeating it in his mind like a mantra. over and over again while his knuckles rap on her door. 
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“open up, lady bell! you’d better be ready to go before i change my mind about this.” what grown ass adult ( college professor ) skips out on his job to go to the aquarium. seems irresponsible. but, that’s apparently what bellamy’s into these days. going the opposite way he’s supposed to be. 
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"five times kissed" for friendsverse
five times ______ meme || @foxofthe100
the first time they kissed, it’s awkward and sloppy. surely it has something do with the fact that they’ve both now had a little too much alcohol running through their systems. inhibitions are long gone and bellamy doesn’t feel that awkward you’re my student guilt now. instead, it’s all smiles – easy conversations. it helps, too, that everyone around the party is also drinking and uncaring of what’s going on around them. ( at least, that’s what he thinks. ) and then there’s lou who’s sulking around after his lost fight. few are trying to get him to liven up. reassuring him that ‘you did just fine!’ perhaps that’s why he keep scooting closer to fox. his words more flirtatious and teasing than usual. and, he certainly doesn’t think of any prying eyes that might be on them when she closes that small distance and presses her lips to his. ( and he doesn’t dare push her away. )
it’s only a few days after the party, and it’s obvious both of them are trying to figure out if that was a drunken mistake or if the other was just as fine with it. they’re in the coffee shop, books and papers strewn across the table. he can’t concentrate of course. too busy watching her as she works on the work he gave them. bellamy doesn’t realize he’s talking when the words, “i don’t regret it, you know” falls right from his lips. and before he knows it, they’re sitting right beside each other, and this time it’s him who closes that small distance. ( they’re not supposed to be this open about it. )
after the newness starts to wear off, he realizes how stupid it was to be so out in the open. not only for her sake ( dating a damn teacher ) but, should anyone on the board find out, he could lose his job. it’s why their ‘ study dates ’ take place in his place most of them time. where, they can forget about the papers and sit as close to each other as they’d like. he can openly kiss her if he wants. he wants. and the only people he has to worry about seeing them is jasper and garrett. neither of which he’s really worried about. of course, octavia has a key, but – he can’t find himself caring when her fingers are twining through curls. let them find out.. ( of course that’s not serious. )
after what was supposed to be boy’s night out, had turned into a wreck and bellamy saw his little sister half naked – dancing – ( he can’t even think about it ) bellamy keeps himself in his room. he doesn’t care to see anyone. especially octavia at the moment. surely what he has to say would only tear their relationship further apart. and, he doesn’t care to see anyone else for that matter. those who knew about his sister’s job and let him be blind sighted by it. ( work and home. work and home ) a scehdule that works just fine for him. when fox shows up at his door, apologetic smile on her lips, he can’t help but let her inside. she’s the only one he’ll allow to comfort him. and, he thanks her when his arms wind tight around her waist and his lips find her’s. begging for forget about that awful night.
it’s at school not long after that night, when bellamy keeps fox after class to ‘ go over her essay ’ ( an obvious lie. ) he closes the door behind the students and doesn’t waste time in pressing her back against the wall and kissing her more intensely than ever before. he had wanted to thank her for being there for him when no one else had. but, this is what happened. he needed it. wanted it. and didn’t care for the moment who might walk through that door. ( finds himself caring less and less who knows. ) though, he doesn’t know her take on it, and he pulls away before they’re caught.
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@headstrongblake || the one where they all sing! 
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“what would it take to get you up there belting out a song?” he asks before she sees him. rounding the table and taking the seat next to her. what he would give to see his little sister make a fool of herself. “bet you could get someone to duet with you.”
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group verse things. ( pre - verse and whatnot. )
bellamy is the golden boy in his mother’s eyes. praises and compliments all around. it’s behavior that’s normalized for him. he expects the attention and thrives in it. until the age of 15. it becomes obvious that at such a young age, he shouldn’t be soul care taker for his baby sister ( only 11 years old. ) his mother shoudn’t be openly doing drugs in the house. shouldn’t have various men traipsing in and out at all hours of the day and night. he lashes out. promises to leave immediately.
at the age of 18, he’s been accepted to college and all too happily leaves his home. ( not as happy to leave octavia with their mother. ) it’s when he starts a life of his own. meets his first serious girlfriend -  one clarke griffin. and even brings octavia to his dorm to visit. 
his studies are most important. only avoiding them when it comes to octavia and clarke. he’s, for the most part, has completely pushed his mother out of his life. she’s dead to him. too toxic to want to be apart of her life. bellamy works towards getting his degree. already set in being a history professor.
bellamy and clarke are on and off again during his time spent for himself. up until the point when she graduates and moves on to medical school. they try the long distance thing, but to no avail. 
the job offer comes from a college in washington dc, which he gladly accepts. moving for the job opportunity and to be closer to octavia. where he runs into clarke for the first time in nearly a year.
** note; bellamy will always refer to his and octavia’s mother as aurora. she is nothing more than the woman who gave birth to him. he doesn’t talk to her. doesn’t see her. only brought up on occasion.
hmu for other connections, yo.
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move in day - open gv starter.
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there are boxes everywhere. he’s not sure how it went from being mostly in his own room - to now spilling out of that threshold ( bellamy didn’t even know he owned that much ). suddenly, it all comes back to him and he remembers how much moving sucks. bellamy takes this moment to fall into a chair that he’s positioned himself in front of. hidden now, by the mess surrounding him. it’s the creak of the door that has him cringing. no one should have to see this chaos. “no one is here.” a pause before his voice sounds again, “and -- no one caused this mess. ignore it.”
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@shiiptowreck || plotted ( friends ) thing !!
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when he says there’s a stack of papers sitting in front of him -- he MEANS IT. papers are lining the coffee table, the stained wood can’t even be seen underneath the white scribbled on pieces. really, he only has himself to blame, making excuses as to why he couldn't finished his JOB ( moving into a new place. a party. the hangover. REALLY there was no time ). but, he’s trying now. like, really trying. two of his roommates are out of the apartment, and, he’s pretty sure, grey is sitting in his room. but, regardless, it’s quiet enough that he can allow himself to focus on actually grading this chaotic mess.
that is -- until emily walks in, case of beer in hand ( it’s the FIRST THING his eyes fall to ). and just like that, his red pen falls from his hand. “NO.” a little laugh falls from his lips. of course this happens when he’s trying to be productive. “i forgot you were stopping by tonight.” a hand comes up to dig into his temple, “i’m not TRYING to kick you out, but i have a ton of work to do, and unless you want to help me out -” bellamy leaves it open ended, half expecting her to turn right back around, and half HOPING she gladly sits next to him and picks up a stack of papers ( he’d go for a beer right now ).
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[ 📲 • sms ] —— you are the slowest texter ever. 😒 [ 📲 • sms ] —— i s2g you get on my nerves. ( i cheated by sending 2, whatcha gonna do about it XD )
bell’s bored, text the loser || @headstrongblake
[ text: little blake ] : some of us don’t get to sit around all day, octavia.[ text: little blake ] : my job comes home with me… not sorry that i’m not able to constantly be at your beck and call.[ text: little blake ] : also, big brothers are supposed to get on your nerves.[ text: little blake ] : hows[ text: little blake ] : this[ text: little blake ] : for [ text: little blake ] : being[ text: little blake ] : slow?
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@foxofthe100​ || plotted ( friends ) things!!
he’s only just let the class go. most of his students have walked out of that door. brown eyes fall to his desk. few neatly organized stacks of papers. books. a few personal items. really, it’s the only thing in his life that IS ORGANIZED, ( his home life is a mess ). bellamy reaches for his bag, and carefully places the stack that still needs to be graded inside. his gaze falls upon the papers he has forgotten to hand back ( they’ll need these for the exam coming up ). while mentally making himself the reminder to give those out tomorrow, the professor continues shoving things away. only what he will need for home. it’s when he reaches for his cell phone that he notices someone walking back in.
his head comes up, and he recognizes her immediately ( hard not to know her. she LIVES in the same building ). and, he’s already feeling WEIRD about this. she’s seen him drunk. watched him try and survive that TERRIBLE hangover. teachers and students aren’t supposed to see that side of one another. “fox-” he greets her with a small smile. “something i can do for you?” strictly professional. 
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bellamy blake - 25 - history professor 
college came easy for bellamy. he was that student who was always on time for his classes, aced nearly all of his exams and class work, and rarely hit up the party scene. his major, and what he wanted to do after graduation had been a no brainer. the histroy of the world has always interested bellamy. even as a child, he stayed up late to read all sorts of books to octavia. the different range of genres took them to new worlds when their mother decided to be absent. she had always been somewhat cold and distant, ( and with no father figure in the picture ) the responsibility to look after octavia fell upon his shoulders. she’s the reason he’s found himself living in the new arkadia apartment building, just one unit away from the younger. 
bellamy isn’t the cleanest roommate you could find. with his busy work schedule, there’s not a ton of time left to worry about the dishes piling up in the sink, or the clothes spilling over his own laundry basket. books and need-to-be-graded work assignments are cluttering the desk that sits in his room, and somehow - his work also finds itself in the living area. organization doesn’t come so easily. in his down time, while mostly worrying for his reckless little sister ( who surely wishes to rid herself of the protective big brother ), and trying to be the responsible one of the bunch,  he can still find the time to loosen up and have a drink or two at alpha station. 
connections: octavia blake - sister clarke griffin - on and off again ex john murphy - roommate jasper jordan - rommmate greyson james - rommate fox haddock - student
hit me up to plot friendships/roommates/coworkers or anything with bell. 
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@shxcklash liked for a verse starter
he’s only had a few drinks. just one every now and again as he chats with people he’s just meeting, and one’s he’s run into here and there. bellamy’s walks into octavia’s apartment, and dark eyes land directly on a familiar face. harper. this one, he’s known for quite a while. harper and octavia have been friends for as long as he can remember - the girl is like an honorary blake ( rather, that’s how octavia sees her... ) of course the alcohol is his LIQUID COURAGE, and he takes the few steps to her, all smiles and brown eyes soft as ever. “the years have done you GOOD, harper.” ( wait, did he really just say that. ) “i mean, you’ve grown up a lot since --” bellamy clears his throat and drops his eyes to the cup. “uhm - i have a favor.” ( quick subject change. ) “look after octavia for me, will ya? you’ve always had a better head on your shoulders. she’s pretty quick to choose the wrong things.”
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