impcleda · 7 years
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    “here is your chance to actually kill me.” // @valleyborn
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imnobodysson · 7 years
It’d been easy enough to get everyone there. He knew who would talk and who would keep their mouth shut. He knew how the information would spread. He spent enough time not socializing and watching the others interact that all it took were a few calls and texts before people began to trickle in. He lurked at the bar, not really drinking, and kept to himself. Then -- a text. 
[text: Bellamy] Guys night a Trikru tonight? First dance on me. 
Keep it friendly. Like an olive branch for his unexplained absence the past few weeks. Bellamy was just overworked though probably not undersexed to want to take a night off and come out with the guys. Unfortunately he didn’t think much further beyond the look on Bellamy’s face when he was greeted with Fox or Octavia. Right now, his focus was on the older Blake.
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onyafevayuja · 7 years
When she heard that the whole floor--sans Bellamy, for rather obvious reasons--was going to end up at Trikru that night, Anya was more than happy to send her confirmation that she’d be there without even a second glance.  Trikru was an excellent distraction from the quagmire of emotions that Katie had apparently churned up with just her mere presence (though the ongoing ‘experimentation’ surely didn’t help).  
So when she flashed her ID at the entrance, she was pleasantly surprised to see some familiar faces already dotted around the room--staff and clientele alike.  And they didn’t all even live on the same floor as her, either.  Smiling warmly, she made her way to the bar, greeting the waitresses as she passed to lean against it and ask for her usual tequila shots to start the night off right.  And then a tequila sunrise to maintain her night.  A glance around the room saw a head of blonde hair near one of the dancers and Lou lurking near the door.  And thankfully, it seemed like Jasper was relatively unoccupied in one of the booths.  As unoccupied as Jasper usually was, anyway.  It beat going anywhere near her ex, in any case.
It was going to be one of those nights, it seemed.
What could possibly go wrong?
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weofthe100-archive · 7 years
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Breakwater South Beach 
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braverybuilt · 7 years
STARTER FOR @louisofthe100 // 100FRIENDSAU
It was going okay. She had been able to pass out after studying for the longest while, but then it got bad again. The nightmares came  from time to time. Waiting for her parents to come home. Instead getting the phone call that they were never coming back. The  house where she lived growing scary. The crippling feeling of being alone forever seeping into her chest. 
She shot up from her bed. Tears stinging in her eyes as her heart raced. There wasn’t any way that she was getting back to sleep tonight. At least not for a long while. Grabbing her phone from the bedside table, she looked at the clock before sighing.  No one would be  awake, not yet. However, Charlotte decided to try and call the only  person she knew that might have been.
Please pick up.
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sheifevayuj · 7 years
@robinhoodmaia || Friends Verse Starter
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“So...what’s this about you being some sort of kitchen wizard, and why wasn’t I informed before,” Shay said with her usual charmingly teasing in lieu of an introduction, “I demand to know all food-related knowledge ahead of time.  It’s high priority.”
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induratis · 7 years
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that clarphy game strong. ♥ it’s funny what a little heartbreak can lead you to.
FT. the lovely @imnobodysson !!
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impcleda · 7 years
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imnobodysson · 7 years
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John Murphy & Clarke Griffin -- 100FriendsAU
“Nobody can avoid falling in love. They might want to deny it, but friendship is probably the most common form of love.”  -- Stieg Larsson, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest
for @hoperisen
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onyafevayuja · 7 years
Friends verse drabble under the cut 
It had been a somewhat surprising revelation when she’d finally realized what she’d been feeling was actually that she’d been greatly attracted to Katie.  That she’d actually developed legitimate feelings for the blonde woman.  Maybe even love.  And speaking with Odessa, even the little she was able to manage over their messages back and forth helped to open her eyes to the reality of just what she was feeling. Or at least the possibility that anyone--and everyone--else might just be a little more right than she’d originally hoped.
And Anya was not one to shy away from the possibility of crashing and burning as opposed to this weird level of purgatory.
So the prosecutor had gathered up her things from work and headed home with the intention of finding Katie and actually talking to her.  About the feelings that Anya seemed to have caught, anyway; at least find out where she stood with the younger woman.
Then Anya headed home, stopping only to pick up a tasteful arrangement of flowers as both something to hopefully put a smile on Katie’s face, and an apology for being somewhat short with everyone after the elevator incident.  
As she took the stairs up into her apartment building, she could feel the nervousness building in her chest with each step.  Releasing a nervous breath, the prosecutor carded her fingers through her hair in an effort to tame the already tamed strands as well as giving her limbs a shake to ease some of the tension in her shoulders.
She was nervous, she found.
But it was no matter.  
Stepping through the stairwell door, she tightened her grip on the bouquet of flowers and counted the steps that brought her closer to either her joy or her pain.  And it was best to find out which.  
Rounding the corner of the hall, she found herself coming to a stop at the sight before her.  A sight that had her stomach dropping out and a couple text messages to flash through her mind.  Hanging out with the loml.  That text mocked her as she watched Katie and the rather familiar form of Bellamy getting cozy in the hall.  
Anya couldn’t even pretend they were anything but what they appeared to be as they kissed.  And her stomach just vanished as she watched.  
Eyes dropping down to the flowers in her hand, the prosecutor dropped them into the garbage as she decided to get herself to her bedroom and never leave it again.  She kept her eyes on the floor, pointedly ignoring the pair as she walked down to her door.  She hadn’t anticipated the pain that Katie could bring to her as she felt her heart breaking.  But she supposed it was just about her luck.  
Not even sparing them a glance, she quickly unlocked her apartment door, closing it with a casual movement before hustling to her room and firmly shutting the door behind her to lean against, all the while releasing a shaky sigh. 
Sliding down the door, she sat on the floor, just breathing.  Trying to center herself and put the pain into a compartment to ignore for the rest of forever.  But she couldn’t stop seeing what she saw, coupled with the text message flashing through her mind’s eye.  
Then the tears started, and she couldn’t stop them.  But at least no one is here to witness her shame.
Thank god for small favors.
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braverybuilt · 7 years
There is only so much one can bleed. There is only so high one’s test  scores can be. There is only so much money someone can make.  There is a measurement for fame, for wisdom,  for size.. 
But being better? 
It isn’t easy to measure being better than someone else, or better then  your past, because there is no objective goal.  There is no way to measure your progress. There’s no way to know when you need to stop trying to be better. 
That was why she never stopped. Charlotte wanted to have a better  future then what the past had given her, so she worked for it. Probably a little too hard.  She worked at the snack cart to earn money to keep herself afloat. She went to community college, full time, to try and get  a better job. She studied almost every waking hour, if the floor wasn’t crazy loud, and tried her best to help the others if she ever stumbled  upon someone who seemed in need. 
But why was she so empty? 
She was so tired.  Maybe it was the feeling of being perpetually burnt  out, but Charlotte felt like there was no other way. She needed to do  everything. It was the only way to stay in Arkadia. The only way to keep  moving forward and not fall back on the street. The girl refused to fall  through the cracks and become another lost soul. 
Why wasn’t that enough? 
Maybe she was just lonely. It was a bit crippling to come back to an empty apartment every day. Maia seemed to be out more frequently then usual, Charlotte hadn’t seen Calypso in a long while, and a lot of  the time Miller was on his way to work if not at work by the time Charlotte returned to the apartment. 
Maybe it wasn’t being too busy with nothing at all.  Charlotte knew the  stuff that she was doing meant that she would be better off, but that  didn’t mean it would make her happy in the moment. She longed  something different. Something exciting. Maybe someone to tell her  jump off that cliff and do something crazy. 
But who cared? 
Did one really fall at all if no one was around to watch?  Charlotte always moved onward, She looked happy, and she was kind, because that was  who she was supposed to be. That was who she was known to be. 
Her thought’s kept her moving forward, even though her heart wanted  to merely slow down. She had to put something on pause, before  everything went crazy.  
Beep. Beep. Beep. 
Her alarm clock blinked in her face. Not many people set an alarm for  midnight, but Charlotte did. It told her that she needed to wind herself  down. That she needed actually sleep. Though she wasn’t sure if she  needed to for the energy, or to escape the something missing in her chest.
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sheifevayuj · 7 years
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thclcstgirl · 7 years
@faultedleader encouraged this and I’m not sorry that this happened instead of drafts
[[ past drabble ]] 
She could tell when he was more stressed than usual. Dealing with several classes of college age kids in various states of caring and not-caring about his material was always a drain. His phone almost never silenced, constantly beeping with emails asking for everything from extensions to a new copy of the syllabus to a date ( they’d shared a private laugh over that one ) and it wasn’t just school that wore on him. The partying was fun… the night of, but made for sour morning-afters. And there were his roommates and Octavia’s pulling away and though he didn’t like admitting it, she knew his mother had to weigh heavier on his mind with Octavia so near.
He had a tell; it was in the way his jaw clenched and his hand raked rougher through his hair while he tried to focus on his grading and his tests. He tended to linger longer on the sheets, looking at but not really processing, when his thoughts or hangover were too distracting, and it pained her to see him stressed.
“Hey,” she reached out for his arm, tugging him up onto the couch with her despite his protests about having to work. “Work will still be there in ten minutes.” She pointed out, pulling out the puppy eyes and enticing him to lie on the couch, her at one end with her back to the armrest, his head in her lap and his feet hanging off the edge of the couch. “Just give me ten minutes?” She said softly, leaning over to give him an eskimo kiss and take his glasses off, leaning to set them on the coffee table. She settled on the couch, and ran her fingers through his perpetually messy hair, combing out the dark strands and massaging his scalp. His eyes drifted closed and her fingers leisurely ventured down the back of his head and stroked smooth lines down the back of his neck and back up to his temples, her fingers pressing lightly and rubbing soothing motions into his skin.
Ten minutes passed and she withdrew her hands, leaning back over to kiss him. “See? Wasn’t the worst break ever, right?” She teased, smiling when his hand came up around the back of her neck and pulled her back to him for another kiss. She wanted to offer to go get them some food- that would help his headache too- but she’d do that in a minute. For now, she’d simply enjoy the easy affection they only got in private.
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induratis · 7 years
alright so this is a permanent gv starter call for shit outside of event? i can tag you in random starters, texts, headcanons, instagram/snapchat social media junk. etc. or maybe you’re visiting clarke at work, at the gym, out dancing, grocery shopping, on a run, regular shopping. you name it. 
tldr; like this and you give me permission to bug the shit out of you all the time lol.
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