#ΰΌ„β”Šπ¬πžπ›'𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭
w-wolfhard Β· 2 years
THE OTHER WOMAN by lana del rey.
pt 1 here.
pairing ; mike wheeler x f!reader
warning(s) ; strong language (?) , angst & fluff
wrds frm seb! ; no comment.
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ever since that night, it clouded mike's mind. it was all he could think about.
he basically locked himself in his room, with a blank expression, hugging his pillow. he was either in that position, or he layed flat on his back, staring at the ceiling, replaying that night over and over, wondering why he didn't never told you his feelings towards you.
you wanted to ignore mike so badly but it was so hard, having to sit next to him in every class you had with him. mike couldn't take it either. he wanted to fix thing with you so badly.
2:41 AM.
you were tired but you could never fell asleep. what happened that night constantly replaying in your mind over and over. you just wanted to brainwash that moment from your mind.
as soon as you were about to drift to sleep, you heard constant tapping on your window. you ignored it for a minute, but soon got annoyed when it continued. you groaned as you dragged yourself out of bed, to go check what it was at your window.
you grabbed one of your blankets, draping it around your shoulders. you opened your curtains, revealing the wheeler boy nearly shivering outside your window. you quickly opened your window, letting mike inside your room.
"hey." mike stuttered, due to the coldness. you tossed him one of your other blankets on your bed. he wrapped himself around the blanket, sitting himself in the chair next to your desk. while you took a seat on the edge of your bed.
"mike, what are you doing here?" you raised your eyebrows at him.
"i'm here to fix things. i can't handle being apart from you." he frowned.
your heart fluttered at his words. he missed you? that touched you.
"fix what?" you acted as if you didn't know what he were talking about 'cause you didn't know to reply, other than say that.
"you know what i wanna fix. i don't wanna spend another moment in life without you, y/n." he sighed. "i had been in love with you ever since i knew what love even meant. i love you. i really do." he spoke all in one breath. your eyes widened in shock, as your mouth opened to say something, but he cut you off. "and one, no i didn't cheat on el. i would never. i broke up with her last week. two, she doesn't mind. she said she knew i loved you. she said she saw the way i looked at you. she also wasn't hurt by it because she has a crush on max. three, i'm so super fucking sorry for everything; for how i've been treating you ever since el. i've been treating you like shit, and i'm sincerely sorry." he finished.
you were in utter shock. you didn't know how to reply. your heart was indeed melted, and your face was indeed looking identical to a tomato. "wow, mike." was all you muttered out.
"i get it if you don't forgive me- i mean you don't have to, but–" you cut off his nonsense blabbering with a hug. a tight hug, full of affection.
"shut up, mike. i do forgive you. thank you." you shoved your face into the crook of his neck.
though you couldn't see, he had a silly stupid grin plastered across his face. he felt as if his legs were jelly, and he could just fall of the chair. he wrapped his arms around you, rubbing circles on your back. "no, thank you. i'd be a weaping idiot, if you didn't forgive me. i missed you, you know." he let out a chuckle.
"i missed you too, idiot." you giggled, releasing from the hug. "so what are we?"
"well, i'm all yours." he joked. "but, i wanna hear your feelings for me." mike teased. you rolled your eyes, and scoffed.
"really, michael? you wanna hear about how much i love you?" you softly smacked his shoulder.
"yes, y/n. i wanna hear all about it." he said, enthusiastically, waving his hands in the air.
"okay, well. i've had a crush on you since we were like 9, and you had no idea how much i fucking missed you. i missed you like a dog misses their owner. i love you beyond the words love." you told him.
he looked at you with a goofy smirk on his face. "i'm all yours."
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tags; @cottoncandybabe @cola-bombs
dm me or comment if u wanna b added to the taglist 4 mike wheeler <33
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w-wolfhard Β· 2 years
THE OTHER WOMAN by lana del rey.
mike wheeler x f!reader
warning(s) ; strong language & angst
a/n ; this is rlly shitty im super sorry. it's 4am and i've gotten like zero sleep so pls let this slide. i've been having huge brainrot for the past hour sooooo ya lol
pt. 2 here
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y/n l/n, aka mike wheeler's best friend, ever since kindergarten.
you'd both had feelings for each other, but never told each other. you were both oblivious to the other's feelings, so no relationship ever sparked. neither of you told each other, because you were both scared of the friendship messing up, or the other would hate the other.
you two were technically attatched at the hip, being nearly impossible to separate. wherever you went, he tagged along. wherever he went, you came too. you were the definition of inseparable.
that was until eleven came.
that one rainy night, you, mike, lucas, and dustin, were out looking for will in the woods, only to run into a girl with a buzz cut.
ever since that night, your bond technically broke. he's been spending a shit ton of time with her, barely spending any time with you. whenever you did spend time together, eleven tagged along. and so while they were doing their cute shit, you were on mike's opposite side, awkwardly standing there.
you didn't hate el at all. you were just a bit upset that your bestfriend was choosing some girl he just met in the woods, over his bestfriend that he's known for– heaven knows how many years? but you didn't tell him, lucas or dustin about being upset. you continued hanging with them throughout the years.
when eleven went missing, you were there to comfort mike. you were there to tell him that she was safe. that she was okay. that he had nothing to worry about. when she were gone, max got added to the party. you were pretty glad about it. you and el weren't the only girls anymore. plus, she was super cool. but her and mike didn't get along.
the fact that she got "added" to the party without his permission, was only one of the problems. one of the bigger problems was that he thought that max was hogging you. which she wasn't.
your friendship with mike was nearly fixed. but of course, el came back.
not that you had a problem with her! you thought el was super cool. with her powers and all. you weren't shocked mike loved her.
you would hang out with them often. most of the time you'd be sitting on the floor, while her and mike made out on the bed. you were all hanging out at your place, in the guess room.
"heyyyy," you chirped, while the couple continued making out, paying no attention to you. "think we could play some cyndi lauper? or madonna? tears for fears? the smiths? fleetwood mac?" you looked up at the couple, who were basically eating each other's faces off, ignoring you completely. you let out a sigh, as you got up from your seat. you walked to your door, but a voice stopped you.
"where are you going, y/n?" mike asked.
you looked back, and saw that mike has his hands cupped on eleven's face, while they both looked at you.
"no where. just continue eating each other's faces." you quietly scoffed, before exiting your room. you went outside to your front porch, your elbows rested against the fense, while the rest of your arms were dangling off the fense. you stared at the night stars, the moon, the very faint clouds which weren't very visible, and the sky. how they all just looked gorgeous.
it was quiet and peaceful. until you heard the door behind you open then close. "hey."
you heard a familiar voice behind you. you heard him approach you, standing by your side.
"hi." you said back, not bothering to look at the boy. you didn't want him there with you, because you just wanted to yell at him.
it was silent. both of you weren't talking. you tried to hard to keep your gaze and thoughts on the night sky, but it was hard while the boy you were upset with was right next to you.
all of a sudden, you felt your eyes watering.
why the fuck are my eyes watering? am i about to fucking cry? why am i even crying? shitshitshit.
you tried holding back your tears. your vision becoming blurry from all the held back tears and sniffles, as you felt your nose get stuffy. you felt a thick teardrop run down your cheek, lessening the blurryness in your eyes. you sniffled, due to your nose being to stuffy.
mike glanced at you. his blank expression, turning into a concerned one, once he saw your glassy eyes. "holy shit, y/n. what's wrong?"
"nothing, mike." you mumbled, not facing him.
"nono, something is definitely wrong. don't hit me with that 'nothing's wrong, stop asking' bullshit, because i'm not letting you be stubborn. you don't cry often, so for you to cry, i want to help." he stated.
you didn't answer, but continued crying. you wanted to stop crying, yet the tears wouldn't stop. you felt like you were going mad.
"mike?" you sniffled again, aggressively wiping the tears off your face. he hummed in response, the same concerned look plastered on his face. "you wanna know what's wrong?"
he nodded in response.
"well, what's fucking wrong is that i think i'm in love with you. and i have been since i was 9 years old. i fucking hate it so much. 'cause ever since el, you've treated me like utter shit. everytime i asked to hang out you always bring el." you spat. he opened his mouth to say something but you cut him off before he could say anything. "and before you say any pathetic bullshit about how i hate el or something, don't even say it. because matter of fact, i don't hate her. i admire her. she stole your heart, and nothing can change that. and you. don't even try anything. don't fucking kiss me, don't hug me, and don't tell me about any feelings you had or have for me. because none of it would matter at all. wanna know why? it's because, you have a lovely girlfriend who loves you. so don't go breaking her heart like you did to me. 'kay?"
he didn't know how to reply. he was stunned. it's like his words were stuck in his throat. he wanted to say something but he couldn't even open his mouth.
"i'm gonna go back inside. bye michael." you sighed, opening the door to go back inside.
you went to your room, and layed on your bed like a starfish. you flipped over, grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. "fuck i hate this stupid bullshit so much!" it came out muffled, as your face was burried into your pillow.
you sobbed into your pillow, muffling your soft sobs.
oh, how you wished you weren't the other woman.
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