#᛭ — [VERSE: PIRATE] hoist the colors high for your freedom [KAZUTORA HANEMIYA]
deathfavor · 9 months
@requiemofrebellion said: Hanma hummed as he leaned against his desk. The seas were gentle today so there wasn’t much rocking in his own quarters. When his eyes flicked up to watch Kazutora come into the room, a smirk appeared on Hanma’s lips. Kazutora was always good at not keeping him waiting when he called for him. Yet, the Captain of the ship stayed silent until the door was closed. 
“ Mm, it’s about time, Kitten. ” Hanma mused, acting as if he had been waiting long when in reality he hadn’t been nor really cared how long it took Kazutora to arrive. 
He pushed himself off of his desk and strolled closer to Kazutora, not stopping as he got closer, moving a hand to Kazutora’s chest and pushed him up against the door. His free hand moved to slam against the door, right by Kazutora’s ear and he leaned down to him. Golden eyes locked with Kazutora’s. 
“ You wanna tell me about what I overheard from some crewmates? Something about how a little tiger cub lost his temper? ” He wasn’t at all angry or upset with Kazutora, he was merely doing this to watch his reactions. “ Did they deserve it? ”
(pirate au ! )
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Boots thud against the solid wood of the ship as Kazutora approaches the captain's quarters. He raps his knuckles against the door to announce his presence before he steps inside, shutting the door behind him. There'd only been a few minutes delay between the request and his appearance - but the silence is something unsettling.
A frown tugs as the corner of his lips, watching the sunlight that spilled through the ship's windows cast Hanma in a bright light while he stayed in the dark. It hadn't been that long. And the use of kitten has a slight huff leaving his lungs in this moment. He bites his tongue for now, especially as Hanma approaches.
And keeps approaching. His gaze immediately drops to the hand that presses against the necklaces and bare skin of his chest from the v-neck shirt before he finds his back against the door, eyes darting towards the hand that slams against the door. And fuck, if that wasn't attractive. Probably not the point of the moment, but really, Kazutora thinks Hanma only has himself to blame for it. If he didn't want that sort of reaction, he should have thought of that before hand. Kazutora's pupils are blown wide with interest and attention, his breath hitching for a moment in his throat when he stares at his captain. He'd beat the shit out of anyone else who tried such a thing, the tiger was not one to be caged without his instigating. But this? .....He lets slide for Hanma. Can he feel the spike in his pulse? Hopefuly not.
Right. The reason he was here.
Kazutora's eyes narrow, turning from relaxed to something more dangerous and lethal. He's pretty sure there's still a few flecks of blood on his shirt from the incident a little while ago. " Fuck yeah that bastard deserved it. " Kazutora retorts immediately, scowling though it clearly wasn't directed at Hanma but at the memory. " That rat bastard should be thankful I didn't knock his fucking teeth out and only broke his nose. " He adds, lifting his gaze back up to meet Hanma's eyes with a more wild, ruthless gleam to them now. " They were talking shit about you, Captain. I thought it best to teach them a lesson. " He gives a little hmph as he leans back against the door he's effectively pinned against. " I was being nice about it too. "
He lowers his lashes a fraction, peering up at his captain from under dark lashes. " Don't you think they'd deserve it for that, Captain ~ ? "
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deathfavor · 9 months
@requiemofrebellion said: ‘RELAX’ (hanma to kazutora)
soft hair touches ‘RELAX’ for your muse (sender) to run their fingers through my muse’s (receiver) hair
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The second-in-command stretches out languidly on the couch in the captain's quarters. As fun as being in the ports could be, there wasn't anything quite like being out on the untamable ocean as far as Kazutora was concerned. The creaking of the ship, the flickering lanterns, the soothing rock of the ship over the ocean waves. It made moments like these all the more enjoyable.
His hair was freed from the usual fishtail braid he kept it in, letting the long locks of hair spill out freely. A low hum comes from deep in Kazutora's chest as he feels Hanma's hand glide through his hair, tension easing from his shoulders. Taking that as a sign of welcoming, Kazutora scoots over so he can lay his head on Hanma's thigh like a cat coming to rest on someone's lap for pets.
" Chonbo says it looks like it'll be a smooth sailing for tonight. " Kazutora reports, one finger tapping against the bottle of rum he had in his hand, ring clicking against the glass. " Looks like our stroke of luck continues ~ Those last two ships we pillaged were loaded. " He laughs, peering up at Hanma.
Kazutora watches the light from the lantern flicker in Hanma's eyes, sometimes making them as brilliant as new coins or as dark as the unforgiving sea. He rather likes that about Hanma. About Valhalla in general actually, how fun it can be but how dangerous as well. It was fresh air compared to that shitty excuse of a crew he'd been with before. ( And those fuckers had abandoned him on top of it all ! ) But here ferocity was rewarded and risks were often encouraged. Here it was FUN. He felt alive.
" Want a sip ? " He offers as he lifts the bottle he'd been indulging in towards the captain, content for now in the fingers that ease tension from his scalp. It was nice to have someone combing through it, relaxing it. It was getting rather long, an idle notice, but it was something he took pride in, always making sure it was presentable. " It's pretty good. " He remarks, stifling a yawn. " You're going to make me sleepy if you keep this up. " A chuckle leaves Kazutora's lips as he stays lounged against his captains lap.
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deathfavor · 8 months
@requiemofrebellion said: " i'm not going anywhere. i'm right here, cub. " (hanma to kazutora, pirate verse)
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A deafening clap of thunder is enough to wake the sleeping tiger from his peaceful sleep. He squints, lifting his head up from the bed just in time to see a bolt of lightning flash in the window and illuminate the cozy inn room. It's also enough time for Kazutora to notice (beside the sudden cold) that the space beside him in the bed is unexpectedly empty.
A piercing surge of ice cold panic shoots though him as he bolts upright, letting the blanket slide down his body and pool around his waist. Where the fuck was Hanma? The rain was pouring outside, he doubted that Hanma would go outside in this sort of weather. ( Then again, Valhalla's ships were known to take risks others wouldn't. ) But what if he did? Or what if he left to go back to the ship before the storm started? They weren't supposed to leave until the following afternoon. Had Hanma gone back to check something for some reason and got stuck there? He hadn't left, had he? No- But what if-? It's hard to not consider it when he has been left behind before, abandoned when aid was needed most. On the bright side, that had led to him finding Valhalla in the first place. Maybe he had just gone for a snack or extra blankets from downstairs. But the anxiety festers and grows as dozens of questions flood his mind.
His spiraling thoughts come to an abrupt stop when Kazutora watches the wodden door open and Hanma duck back inside into their space. Tense shoulders instantly lower as he relaxes, a calmness that sinks into his bones when he hears Hanma's voice, still deep with sleep, offering reassurance. It does, admittedly, make him feel a bit silly for the conclusion he'd jumped to — or rather, the several conclusions that had rushed to his brain like the seagulls at a fish haul at sea.
The bed creaks as Hanma climbs back in, and Kazutora pulls the blanket over them when he nestles against his Captain's side. " Mm, good. " Kazutora finally finds his voice as he basks in their shared warmth. He smiles a the mention of cub that always draws out a fuzzy feeling in his chest, but exhaustion has yet to return as he slowly comes down from the adrenaline rush. He's not tired enough to close his eyes, and instead favors simply gazing up at Hanma in the dark illuminated only by the occasional flash of lightning and the faint flicker of a lantern back by the door.
Should they rest? Probably. It's still so late and dark with the storm that the skies outside are black. It doesn't stop the tiger from shifting in his spot to lean upwards, slowly pressing soft, open mouthed kisses along Hanma's neck and up to his jaw. Kazutora pushes himself upwards so he can lean over Hanma's face, the blanket clinging to bare shoulders. His multicolored hair is free from its signature braid, long hair spilling around them like a veil as he smiles down at Hanma.
" If this storm keeps up, we might have to delay leaving, cap-tain ~ " Kazutora murmurs, lips ghosting across Hanma's playfully. Dark as the room might be, the firelight from the lantern makes Kazutora's eyes glow in the darkness as he gazes down at Hanma with a smile. Mercifully, he doesn't leave the playful tease long because he bends down and presses their lips together in a slow, unhurried kiss. When he does lay back down, it's to drape himself over Hanma's chest. Despite how loud the storm is, the reassurance and reappearance of Hanma has Kazutora melted in his arms with a fond smile.
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deathfavor · 9 months
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Some Pirate Kazutora Headcanons
Kazutora prefers blades over guns, although he does have one gun on him most of the time. He’s known to be especially vicious with his word. But it isn’t his sword that people need to fear the most. Rather, they should fear the dagger he keeps on him. He’ll often strike lethal blows while others are preoccupied with his sword, leaving them exposed and open. 
He enjoys taking care of the exotic animals and often will do so – Valhalla’s survival rate for exotic animals whenever they trade them has dramatically increased since he started to do this 
Particularly enjoys fruits, especially oranges
Enjoys taking naps in a hammock if he's not seated on the bow of the ship or crows nest
Typically has several gold rings and necklaces on, he has a love for beautiful jewelry
Almost always has his hair in a fishtail braid or up in a bun except for the two front pieces
Often scouts out potential victims to target on the seas or rumors of treasure or riches at taverns when at port
His agility is the best on the Headless Angel ship, and in the whole Valhalla crew
Unlike a lot of the crew, he's not particularly superstitious but there are a few he's cautious on
If something needs smuggling in, it's often given to Kazutora due to his background in smuggling even before joining Valhalla
Tends to be a bit extreme on punishments if something is serious enough to evoke his intervention
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deathfavor · 11 months
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We're just a little late it's fine. pirate & siren tag drop for multiple muses. time to go tag the verse description posts-.
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deathfavor · 11 months
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A fearsome galleon ship that prowls the seas under the pirate group known as Valhalla. Painted a bluish-grey to blend into the scenery more, it often appears out of nowhere to those unsuspecting of its potential presence in the area. It boasts an impressive 50 canons and can outrun most ships even with the heavy artillery. It's maneuverability also makes it ideal for combat when combined with its fire power. But the most distinguishing feature is the headless mermaid on the front - as if a challenge to the ocean itself and a warning to all who see her approach.
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A ruthless pirate, Hanma is known to be a danger to anyone he sets his sights on, or anyone unfortunate to cross paths with him. Other pirates included. Parlay means nothing to him - you'd be better accepting whatever fate the other crew members decide. Hanma is known to for his calculated recklessness, a man who will dare to do what others do not and pulls of insane feats because of it. If there's something dangerous that no one else will do, Hanma is likely to accept if the deal is right and exciting enough.
That said, he's often a visitor to taverns to enjoy some heavy drinking when the Valhalla makes dock somewhere and generally enjoy himself. It's one of the safest times to risk approaching him. He is there for a fun time after all before they're back out on the open seas again.
( And if he snitches or aids the Officer of the Royal Fleet, Kisaki, from time to time to take out other pirates? Well, it's all for the fun of it. )
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Valhalla's own good luck cat. Kazutora Hanemiya serves as Shuji Hanma's second in command as the Quartermaster as is easily identifiable by the tattoo on his throat. Though he once was part of a crew of smugglers that helped get goods in and out of places where nations refused to allow colonies access to goods like spices and sugar or exports of linen, paper, and other goods as punishments, he was caught and thrown into jail. It was when Hanma's crew raided one of the navy's ports and set loose the prisoners that Kazutora found himself a spot on the Valhalla beside Hanma where he's been ever since being abandoned.
Kazutora is often with Hanma, or either in the crow's nest or bow of the ship. He's known to be extremely dangerous with a penchant for torture to those who are unlucky enough to be live prey to the Valhalla. To the crew however he's often quite relaxed around them and frequently participates in games and songs and drinks. He is not afraid to put them in their places or to ensure they obey Hanma's will, though such times are few and far between. Typically he merely serves as the observe if conflicting crew members want to try to settle a disagreement or dispute. He does not tolerate traitors however.
He helps with the daily running of the ship and crew or with boarding an enemy ship. In port, he's often to get chatty in taverns or explore the city and doesn't often make a scene unless someone else starts the fight first or provokes him.
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deathfavor · 7 months
@requiemofrebellion said: " i haven’t kissed you yet , today ." (hanma to kazutora pirate verse ! )
dusty toybox sentence starters
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Kazutora knows even without looking whose hands slide to rest on his waist. And despite the smile that threatens to break onto his face, he manages to keep a straight face while he surveys the resources on board the ship. He playfully waves a hand as if trying to shoo Hanma away, despite the fact there's no force behind his actions.
" If you have time to bother me while I'm checking supplies, you have time to be doing other things like actual work, Captain. " Kazutora remarks, grinning to himself while his back remains facing Hanma. He doesn't actually mind this little morning interruption. But sometimes it's fun to play hard to get with Hanma and make him work for what he wanted.
The almost pouting statement catches him by surprise, gold eyes widening before he laughs. That is true. Kazutora had woken up early and gotten to work before Hanma had so much as stirred, making this their first meeting of the new morning. He grins, lifting the papers to playfully create a shield before Hanma can sneak in a kiss.
" I don't know, maybe you shouldn't get a kiss till you actually do some work? Like a treat. " Kazutora ponders thoughtfully. But after a few seconds, he gives in with a giggle and lowers the papers back down. " I'm kidding. Last thing we need is a grumpy captain. So I suppose we should fix that problem, hm? "
He giggles before he tilts his head upwards, letting Hanma have his sought after kiss with a smile. He wraps an arm around Shuji's neck as his partner has to practically double over to reach him, fingers toying with the ends of his hair. He manages for a few moments before he laughs again against Hanma's lips. " Morning, Shuji. All better now? No pouting? " He grins, offering a playful wink. " But really, you should get to work you know. "
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deathfavor · 7 months
@requiemofrebellion said: ❛ aw, did you miss me? ❜ ( hanma to kazutora pirate verse)
soft & sweet sentence starters
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Often captain and quartermaster are together - but not always. There are times Kazutora's on a different ships in their fleet, or one goes out to sea and the other stays behind for one reason or another. This time it is the latter. Deals were being made, trades, an there were still some exotic animals from last time to care for while their owners sailed to retrieve them for a handsome fee. All in all, Kazutora was often busy most of the time or had company with some of the other crew members who stayed behind.
That didn't mean there weren't times though he didn't miss the other. Kazutora leans against the wall, golden gaze focused outside the window towards the ocean. The house is a small but cozy place. It'd been Kazutora's purchase ; the ship docked here often enough that he found it worth it. He'd prefer his own space rather than paying for a room for however long they stayed. Hanma had said two weeks. It's three days past that. Which isn't abnormal, there could have been no wind or a storm or several reasons for the ship to be slowed down. Still, a worried sigh leaves Kazutora's lips.
His head snaps towards the front door, a hand on one of his daggers at the unexpected voice. But it's not an enemy. It's Hanma, standing right there and waiting. Kazutora doesn't even have a moment to be embarrassed over being caught staring wistfully out the window. His expression changes to one of pure joy and he takes a running leap, legs wrapping around Hanma's hips and arms around his neck.
" Shuji !! " He beams, his grip tight as if he was afraid to let go. Hanma still smells like the salt spray of the ocean and his skin warmed from the sun. But Kazutora pulls his head back to stare at Hanma. " Yeah, of course I did. " He retorts, pressing their lips together and tasting the salt. He doesn't mind. He's just glad the Hanma is back
. " When did you get back? I've been checking the docks. " He pouts, though it doesn't last long when he's still admiring Hanma's face. " Must've been only an hour or two ago when I was dealing with a pennypincher. " He clicks his tongue but continues to smile, pressing their foreheads together.
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deathfavor · 8 months
@requiemofrebellion said: "i’m not usually like this , i’m sorry ." (hanma to kazutora - pirate verse, hanma having a small breakdown from thinking he was actually gonna lose kazutora maybe? owo)
dusty toybox sentence starters
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   The explosion that rings out over the waves of the ocean is deafening. Black smoke billows up into the skies, burning pieces of wood and canvas raining down from the sky like fallen meteors. Normally such a display would elicit roars of victory and delight from those aboard the Headless Angel as she claimed another victim. But it is unnaturally silent as everyone clings to the side of the ship, like everyone is holding their breath while they eye the burning ship that was slowly being pulled beneath the waves.
   “ What? Did everyone lose their voice? “ Kazutora’s voice rings out from where he’s landed on the back of the stern deck of their ship, lips curved up into a grin when he watches everyone snap their heads towards him in disbelief. “ You didn’t really think I’d get stuck over there, did you lot? “  He asks with a laugh when relieved sighs and loud cheers erupt from the crew. He hops down onto the deck and grins when everyone surges forward to surround him, as if to make sure he was real. “ Felt like going for a swing on the ropes. “ He jokes, making light of the situation. Admittedly, it hadn’t been part of the plan to have to swing from the ship they were attacking and back to his, but he’d made it. ( Nor had the ship exploding been part of the plan. ) At least he’d looked pretty badass. But although Kazutora had briefly seen Hanma when he’d made it to safety and spoken, he doesn’t see him on the deck now. Kazutora shrugs through the crowd, clasping shoulders in the process as he maneuvers his way towards the captain’s quarters.
   Kazutora doesn’t expect the sight that he’s greeted by.
   “ Captain? “  Kazutora closes the door behind him to make sure no one else can see Hanma like this. Hanma always seems larger than life, unfazed by the world around him and whatever danger might lie ahead. But right now, slumped at the chair with his face buried in his hands, it paints a completely different picture of their captain. Kazutora’s heart clenches, his chest tight with worry. Then Hanma speaks, like he needs to apologize for this moment, and it breaks Kazutora’s heart.
   “  Shuji….  “  He crosses the room quickly to stand beside the desk and next to Hanma.  “  Shuji, darling, you don’t need to apologize. “  Kazutora croons softly as he bends to be eye level with him, fingers reaching out to cup Hanma’s cheeks in his hands.  “  Hey…Hey, look at me.  “  It’s a soft request that Kazutora makes while gently using his fingertips to urge Hanma to lift his head and look at him. “ It’s okay. I’m okay. “  He smiles softly even as worry tinges his smile in a shade of blue as he tries to offer soothing reassurances.
   His right hand trails down from Hanma’s cheek to grasp his hand. He lifts his hand up to press Hanma’s palm against his cheek as if to offer further assurance that he is here, he is real. Whether Hanma keeps it there or lets it fall away is Hanma’s choice. Kazutora’s hands go back to cradling Hanma’s face in his hands, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead.  “ You don’t need to apologize. A lot of that went off the rails from what we expected. It’s okay to not be your usual self. But you’re safe. I’m safe. We’re all safe. “ He murmurs, leaning closer to rest their foreheads together.  “ Is there something I can do, Shuji? What do you need? “ He asks quietly, one hand sliding back to cup the back of his head, fingers combing through his hair.
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deathfavor · 8 months
@requiemofrebellion said: (pirate verse! Hanma to Kazutora!)
The ocean had taken a turn for the worst, the clouds coming in dark, and thunder and lightning were soon to come with the dark gloomy clouds. The waves got bigger, crashing into the ship with no mercy to spare. Hollers were around the ship as crewmembers rushed to pull on ropes and maintain the ship. Hanma was up at the top of the ship, holding onto the wheel, looking down at his crew and hollering orders to them. They were all drenched at this point.
His golden eyes were searching for someone though, his tiger. He caught sight of him finally, helping with another area of the ship. This really was bad timing for all of them, they already had a long day prior to this event. A lot of them were tired but there was no sleep for them until the storm calmed down at least a little.
Finally, what seemed like hours, even though it hadn’t been that long, the waves crashed less hard, smaller but the ocean remained rocky. At least they could get off deck. Hanma gave the wheel to another night crew member as he moved down to the lower decks, moving amongst the crew to get to Kazutora. He knew his tiger had been working all day, surely, he was even more exhausted than anyone here. When he reached him, he offered a smile, about to greet his tiger when Kazutora fell.
Golden eyes widened as Hanma reacted as quickly as he could and bent down to catch Kazutora’s head before it could slam into the wood. His eyes on Kazutora’s face, he seemed pale, like all the blood drained from his face. He overworked himself, didn’t he? A click of the captain’s tongue was given, mostly pissed at himself for not realizing how much Kazutora pushed himself today and tonight.
He moved to lift up Kazutora’s body to carry him bridal style back to his own quarters. Both were soaked and Hanma knew if he wished for him or Kazutora to not catch a cold he’d have to change them both. Which was fine, it wasn’t like he hadn’t seen the other naked before and he was sure Kazutora wouldn’t care once he awoke. He carefully moved past others before getting to his private quarters and getting the door open. He kept Kazutora’s body close to his as he walked into his room, kicking the door shut behind him and laying Kazutora down on the couch. No way was he putting his soaked body in his bed.
He then moved to undress himself, eyes kept looking back at Kazutora, making sure to watch if he awoke while he dressed into dry clothes. Then he picked out a large shirt for Kazutora, walking back over and skillfully undressing the other as well. But his eyes didn’t linger like they would have if Kazutora was awake. He threw the wet clothes aside and lifted Kazutora’s upper body up to get the long sleeve shirt onto his cold body. He then picked him back up and took him to the bed, laying him down and pulling the blankets over Kazutora’s body. He then sat down by him, his hand moving to brush wet locks from Kazutora’s face.
“ Oh, cub… You need to tell me when you’re at your limit… ” He says in a quiet and much softer voice. “ What are we gonna do about you, hm? ” His fingers ran down Kazutora’s cheek gently.
Hanma was tired but he’d stay awake until Kazutora woke. He didn’t want the other too disoriented and freaked out. So, he stood moving to grab a bottle of rum and a book from his shelves. He then walked to the other side of the bed and got on it, staying above the blankets as he sat up and leaned his back against the headboard. He took a drink of the rum, then he put it onto the table next to him and opened his book to start reading.
my muse collapses in font of yours, how does yours react?
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Long days were exhausting, but they were satisfying in a way as well. Few things came close to the relief of collapsing into bed at the end knowing that the days struggles were over. Which was Kazutora's plan as he started to head below deck, right up until the mild storm suddenly turned vicious and relentless
The ocean was a fierce mistress, always reminding those who dared to brav e her waters that she was not something to be controlled or mastered. The ship plunges down over a large wave crest and into the trough, and Kazutora manages to catch himself on the railing before he falls. He could already hear Hanma yelling above deck and he echoes his captain's orders to those below deck till everyone's scrambling to the deck. Rain soaks him to the bone but the adrenaline gives his exhausted body an extra surge as lightning flashes and thunder deafens them with each clap. He snaps orders alongside Hanma from across the deck, ensuring all but the front sails were taken down,. He doesn't care about the sting of the rain and wind on his skin, gold eyes narrow with focus as he leaps down to help where he's needed and keep order in the chaos of the violent storm.
Kazutora even manages to catch one of their unlucky crew members caught in a wave that crashed over the deck from being swept out to sea. When the storm finally relents - rough but no longer demanding all hands on deck, he helps the others down below deck before he turns to see Hanma approaching. There's an exhausted smile on his lips and he goes to take a step when he feels his legs give out and his vision go blurry. Shit. It's the last thought he has before he passes out.
When he starts to come to, it's only for a moment. There's no mistaking the fact he's clearly not coherent. Only an confused silver of gold when he cracks open his eyes, instincts guiding him to lean into Hanma's touch. He can hear Hanma's voice but for the life of him cannot understand it before he's out cold again.
It's about fifteen minutes before the tiger's eyes snap open with a gasp. It's disorienting for a moment, finding himself staring at the wooden ceiling above him before he props himself up on his elbows. Bed...? Had he gone to bed? What time was it? Wait, this wasn't the wardroom. His hair was still wet too so it couldn't have been very long. ( As much as he loved his long hair, the drying time was tedious - but helpful in this moment to telling the time. ) His head turns to see Hanma beside him above the comforters. It takes a moment to recall the moments he does remember.
" Shit. " Kazutora croaks, wincing as his muscles protest any movement as he rolls onto his side so he can look at Hanma. He reaches out with his right hand, fingers loosely catching Hanma's shirt while the other was reading as a means of gaining his attention. " Sorry, Captain... " He murmurs the apology as he shifts a bit closer. It left an unpleasant feeling in his stomach - they were all exhausted, and Hanma had gone above and beyond to taking care of him on top of himself.
He shakes his head slightly. " I don't know what happened. I was fine. Well, exhausted - " ( Beyond exhausted, clearly. Adrenaline only lasted for so long. ) " - but otherwise fine and then my legs just, gave out. " Much like it felt like his eyes were about to do. He was so tired but this was important to him.
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deathfavor · 8 months
@requiemofrebellion said: " 'Tora, you little devil. you never told me you could dance like that. " ( Hanma to kazutora pirate verse ! )
jacob's ladder sentence starters
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  The tavern is crowded in the best way. The music and chatter is loud, the drinks flowing, and people are having a good time. Kazutora finishes his dance with a gasp, chest raising and falling with the effort and a bead of sweat trailing down the column of his neck, a few whisps of hair plastered to his forehead. He beams at the whoops and hollers that erupt from the eager crowd and goes so far as to spoil them with an aimless wink. ( If people argue over who he was winking at, that wasn’t his problem. ) Only then does he begin to saunter his way to his captain’s side. His hip rests against the backing of the chair, one arm slinging around the top of it while bends closer to Hanma’s ear. Mischief dances in his eyes as lively as the argument between the drunkards he’s left behind. 
   Kazutora bares his throat when he tilts his head back and laughs at Hanma’s shocked statement. His response comes in the form of a devious grin, sliding around the chair so he stands in front of Hanma, hands resting on both arms of the chair. Looks like he’d managed to surprise even Hanma.  
   “  See something you like, Captain?  “ He asks with feigned innocence in his voice, though the smoldering gaze said otherwise. He flashes his teeth in a smile, slowly straightening his back and casting an idle glance towards the crowd that were not-so-subtly sneaking looks at him. He turns his attention back towards Hanma, fingertips trailing over the arms of the chair before he leans back against the table.  “  You never asked. “ 
   He shrugs casually, arms loosely folded across his chest. He turns his head and plucks Hanma’s drink off of the table to take a gulp before he places it back down with a cheerful grin.  “ And we usually end up at different taverns at the beginning – or you do while I explore, depending when we make port. “ Which was true. They did typically have different initial reactions whenever they made it to port.  
   He adds almost as an afterthought, “ Honestly, I only recently learned that particular dance. Looks like it was quite the success though.  “  He adds, pride swelling in his chest at the response it had garnered.  
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deathfavor · 9 months
@requiemofrebellion said: (pirate au!)
Hanma sat down across the long wooden table, eyes glancing at Kazutora, who seemed to still be ignoring him. Well, he didn't have an orange this time to make up for whatever he did. So, instead he took out a ball of purple yarn and rolled it to the tiger, a smile on his face as if he thought he was oh so clever.
"Got you something, so you'll maybe talk to me." He says.
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Kazutora might be at the same table at Hanma, but that didn't mean he was giving Hanma any acknowledgement. He was still mad at him! His eyes narrow as he pointedly stares at the wall, legs swung over the arms of the chair so he was sat draped across its arms rather than properly at the table.
His eyes catch movement in the corner of his vision, and he turns his head in time to be able to catch the ball of yarn. For a minute he simply stares at it, too baffled to otherwise be stewing on his grudge. Purple.... That wasn't an easy color to get. Purple was an expensive dye to make, hence being favored by the rich and the elite.
Despite his claim he wasn't going to talk to Hanma, he can't help it. He turns his head to look at Hanma, holding up the yarn in one hand " What the fuck am I supposed to do with this? "
It isn't like he knew how to sew or do anything with it. He lowers the yarn into his lap with a scrutinizing eye while it remains trapped between his hands like it would between a cat's paws.
" This is what you came up with? " Kazutora shakes his head at Hanma. That said, Kazutora WAS in fact talking to him, so technically the gestured had achieved it's goal.
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