#᛭   —   [AESTHETICS]  balance  the  scales  of  chaos  and  order  [THOTH]
deathfavor · 1 year
Muse Aesthetic Feelings
bold what applies, italicize what sometimes applies, and strike out what never applies.
Tagged by: @ofdraiocht ( thank you ! ) Tagging: whoever hasn't yet !
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Being unable to stop smiling. Laughter. Bear hugs. Happy tears. Waving arms around. Dancing. Contently sighing. Eyes twinkling. Laugh lines. Childlike Playfulness. Skipping. Talking more. Affection. Cracking more jokes than usual. Gesturing more when talking. Higher pitched voice. Squealing. Jumping around. Clapping.
Tearing up. Self-hugging. One-arm cross. An aching chest. Scratchy throat. A runny nose. Turning away. Deep breaths. Quivery smiles. Crying. Infantile sobbing. Hands gripping each other or an object. Covering mouth. Puffy eyes. Eyes appear red. Running makeup. Voice breaking. A distant or empty stare. Monotone voice. Asking for comfort. Faking a smile. Crumbling. Shaking. Whimpering. Depression. Abusing an unhealthy habit. Withdrawing from others. Big teary eyes. Doing something even if it could hurt them.
Furrowed brows. Baring teeth. Passive-aggressive comments. Avoiding eye contact. Sarcasm. Headache. Sore muscles. Hiding clenched fists. Irritability. Jumping to conclusions. Raising voice. Going silent. Demanding immediate action. Keeping it all in until exploding. Body tensing. Making rash decisions. Flipping the bird.
Wanting to flee or hide. What-ifs. Images of what-could-be flashing in mind. Uncontrollable trembling. Rapid breathing. Screaming. A skewed sense of time. Irritability. Keeping silent. Denying fear. Turning away from the cause. Pretending to be brave. Nail-biting. Lip-biting. Scratching skin. A joking tone but a voice that cracks. Fainting. Insomnia. Panic attacks. Exhaustion. Substance abuse. Tics. Rushing adrenaline. Face draining of color. Hair lifting on the back of the neck. Feeling rooted to the spot. Making body as small as possible. Staring but not seeing. Crying. A shrill voice. Whispering. Gripping something or someone. Stuttering. Flinching at noises. Pleading.
Constantly yawning. Blurring words together. Dark circles or lines under eyes. Mood swings. Hallucinations. Calling people by the wrong name. Dizziness. Denying they're tired. Slow blinking. Trouble concentrating. Stumbling. Leaning on a doorframe for support. Sluggish movements. Falling asleep someplace that isn't a bed. Becoming irritated by the smallest thing. “I’m awake, I’m fine.”. Shaking so bad they spill their drink. Fall asleep in their clothes. Lay their head on the table because they're so tired. Passing out.
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deathfavor · 2 years
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