#᛭   —   [HEADCANON]  this  graveyard  of  memories  [YUKARI MISHAKUJI]
deathfavor · 1 year
@ofsavior​ said: Headcanon prompt: How does Yukari express that he cares about someone? Is he usually honest with how he presents himself to people? Or does he change what mask he wears around individuals?
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   By not being easy on them. Yukari wants people at their best. He wants to see them shine at their brightest and reach their full potential, and going easy on people isn’t going to allow for that. They need to be challenged, they need to push forward. If he doesn’t care about you, then he won’t bother with trying to see you do your best or to see them dazzle the way he knows polished jewels can. Sometimes it comes off as aggressive or simply brutal. It can be. He was knocking Sukuna around before later saying he sees himself in Sukuna and thatn he wants to see him flourish.
   Yukari’s also very good at reading people. He has an emotional intelligence (though care is a separate matter). He recognizes and keeps an eye on the moods of those around him who he cares about and will adjust things as need be. No one can be happy all the time, even he isn’t. Sometimes its cheering them up, other times its just cooking a favorite meal for them. Whatever might help. If he invests his time, it means that he cares.
   As for presenting himself....Yukari is pretty honest about how he presents himself and doesn’t do much to change it. He knows theres a time and a place for his dramatics ; he doesn’t use them when JUNGLE is acting as a company and hosting that meeting for the elite for example. And he doesn’t like letting others see when he’s melancholic. But overall, he is true to himself. Brutally so at times, like his approach to fighting Ichigen or showing his bloodlust at certain panels. ( First meeting Nagare for example when the wise thing would have been to conceal. ) He might not say his goal per se or let people assume something wrong, bu he’s not hiding truth. Yukari doesn’t find it very beautiful to hide oneself. Aspects at times, perhaps, but even then it isn’t his preference. Beautiful things should be seen - Yukari is true to himself almost all the time and showcases that to the world. Whether they like it or not is up to them, it is not his problem. 
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deathfavor · 2 years
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Honestly there’s an inherent sadness in Yukari’s mission of pursuing of ‘vivid beauty’. It is quite literally the saying these violent delights have violent ends. Now, Yukari isn’t necessarily LOOKING for violence. He loves a good fight, but he could give or take violence. As he says, what Yukari is looking for is vibrancy of extreme emotion. Whether it’s an extremely passionate actor or musician or writer or world-changer, anyone who BURNS with a passion. But there’s very few people who are truly like this, much less consistently. Nagare does because he’s focused on his goal. But the average person does not.
It’s only when their lives or something of value to them is threatened that people suddenly become DESPERATE and burn with the fire to LIVE, a desperate want to SURVIVE and to ACHIEVE something. (the sudden what ifs and dreams never achieved coming to mind.)  He even says this in his intro video that is shown to Sukana in Side:GREEN. 
But at the same time, Yukari is always searching and seeking for that. He can’t get enough of being able to witness it. His own searching is a vivid beauty of his own definition, but it’s so reliant on others, and the possibility of maintaining that is so slim, and near nothing when Nagare dies, that its sad because he’ll always be chasing after it.
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deathfavor · 2 years
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